Is This Their Next Move? Dems Mulling Not Certifying Trump If He Wins


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
The ever erudite and sophisticated adults at the Atlantic show Democrats considering a new version of "DEFENDING DEMOCRACY!" (tm) in their latest superior and well credentialed rhetorical flourish.

Things could get ugly folks.

From the article:

As their victory in a House special election in New York last week demonstrated, Democrats have a serious chance of winning a majority in Congress in November, even if Trump recaptures the presidency on the same day. If that happens, they could have the votes to prevent him from taking office.

In interviews, senior House Democrats would not commit to certifying a Trump win, saying they would do so only if the Supreme Court affirms his eligibility. But during oral arguments, liberal and conservative justices alike seemed inclined to dodge the question of his eligibility altogether and throw the decision to Congress.

And it gets profoundly worse:

You wanna see blatant, even dangerous hypocrisy?

RATskin is the masterclass.

While Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) conceded that there could be violence, he said it wouldn’t necessarily stop them from trying to disqualify him. “We might just decide that’s something we need to prepare for.”

So much for "democracy" or any principles they claim to be adhering to on the question. They are truly shameless if they would go this route. And yes, that would result in a crisis of unimaginable proportions if they tried that. But I wouldn't put it past them. It's always and only about their own power.

With the jarring realization that their electoral goose may be cooked in November, the Dems are shockingly becoming even more unhinged and a threat to the very nation they purport to defend.

The ever erudite and sophisticated adults at the Atlantic show Democrats considering a new version of "DEFENDING DEMOCRACY!" (tm) in their latest superior and well credentialed rhetorical flourish.

Things could get ugly folks.

From the article:

And it gets profoundly worse:

You wanna see blatant, even dangerous hypocrisy?

RATskin is the masterclass.

With the jarring realization that their electoral goose may be cooked in November, the Dems are shockingly becoming even more unhinged and a threat to the very nation they purport to defend.

sounds like they may be planning an insurrection.
The ever erudite and sophisticated adults at the Atlantic show Democrats considering a new version of "DEFENDING DEMOCRACY!" (tm) in their latest superior and well credentialed rhetorical flourish.

Things could get ugly folks.

From the article:

And it gets profoundly worse:

You wanna see blatant, even dangerous hypocrisy?

RATskin is the masterclass.

With the jarring realization that their electoral goose may be cooked in November, the Dems are shockingly becoming even more unhinged and a threat to the very nation they purport to defend.

Here is the irony, they were promoting this in 2016 so it has nothing to do with any S.C decision. Media was even showing in real-time if the Electorate was going to certify.
The ever erudite and sophisticated adults at the Atlantic show Democrats considering a new version of "DEFENDING DEMOCRACY!" (tm) in their latest superior and well credentialed rhetorical flourish.

Things could get ugly folks.

From the article:

And it gets profoundly worse:

You wanna see blatant, even dangerous hypocrisy?

RATskin is the masterclass.

With the jarring realization that their electoral goose may be cooked in November, the Dems are shockingly becoming even more unhinged and a threat to the very nation they purport to defend.

tRump as a candidate is clearly against the Constitution. YOu believe in the Constitution, don't you?
The ever erudite and sophisticated adults at the Atlantic show Democrats considering a new version of "DEFENDING DEMOCRACY!" (tm) in their latest superior and well credentialed rhetorical flourish.

Things could get ugly folks.

From the article:

And it gets profoundly worse:

You wanna see blatant, even dangerous hypocrisy?

RATskin is the masterclass.

With the jarring realization that their electoral goose may be cooked in November, the Dems are shockingly becoming even more unhinged and a threat to the very nation they purport to defend.

Nothing like getting the excuses ready ahead of time, eh Henry? :auiqs.jpg:
S'matter worried?
The ever erudite and sophisticated adults at the Atlantic show Democrats considering a new version of "DEFENDING DEMOCRACY!" (tm) in their latest superior and well credentialed rhetorical flourish.

Things could get ugly folks.

From the article:

And it gets profoundly worse:

You wanna see blatant, even dangerous hypocrisy?

RATskin is the masterclass.

With the jarring realization that their electoral goose may be cooked in November, the Dems are shockingly becoming even more unhinged and a threat to the very nation they purport to defend.

Only a shit refuses to accept the will of the people.
The ever erudite and sophisticated adults at the Atlantic show Democrats considering a new version of "DEFENDING DEMOCRACY!" (tm) in their latest superior and well credentialed rhetorical flourish.

Things could get ugly folks.

From the article:

And it gets profoundly worse:

You wanna see blatant, even dangerous hypocrisy?

RATskin is the masterclass.

With the jarring realization that their electoral goose may be cooked in November, the Dems are shockingly becoming even more unhinged and a threat to the very nation they purport to defend.

Oh, puh-leeeeeze...

Nobody on the other side is seriously contemplating not certifying election results...

That's the domain of your ignorant, arrogant amoral piece-of-$hit un-American Orange Baboon-God...
The ever erudite and sophisticated adults at the Atlantic show Democrats considering a new version of "DEFENDING DEMOCRACY!" (tm) in their latest superior and well credentialed rhetorical flourish.

Things could get ugly folks.

From the article:

And it gets profoundly worse:

You wanna see blatant, even dangerous hypocrisy?

RATskin is the masterclass.

With the jarring realization that their electoral goose may be cooked in November, the Dems are shockingly becoming even more unhinged and a threat to the very nation they purport to defend.

You clearly didn't understand the article.

This is a scenario where Trump wins the electoral college, and then the Dems vote to decertify him based on some nebulous assertion of "unfitness".

Do try and keep up.
I am keeping up, Henry. No one would plan anything of the sort..not on the Democrat side anyway. It's already been tried on the Republican side of the aisle. :)
So why not put forth a full of shit article to whip the faithful up into a frenzy to pass off the excuses why Trump is going to lose in November.

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