Is this supposed to make me feel better about Obama?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
It seems that there were only two people who didn't know that more security was needed in Benghazi, and they both want you to vote for them. They keep up this level of incompetence and they just might convince me that it is actually better to vote against them than for someone I actually want to see in the Oval Office.

The Cable asked Deputy National Security Advisor for Communications Ben Rhodes whether Biden was speaking for the entire Obama administration, including the State Department, which acknowledged receiving multiple requests for more Libya security in the months before the attacks. Rhodes said that Biden speaks only for himself and the president and neither of them knew about the requests at the time.
The State Department security officials who testified before House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa's panel Wednesday never said they had made their requests to the president, Rhodes pointed out. That would be natural because the State Department is responsible for diplomatic security, not the White House, he said. Rhodes also pointed out that the officials were requesting more security in Tripoli, not Benghazi.
"All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources," the top regional security officer in Libya over the summer, Eric Nordstrom, testified. "In those conversations, I was specifically told [by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb] ‘You cannot request an SST [Site Security Team] extension.' I determined I was told that because there would be too much political cost. We went ahead and requested it anyway."

White House: Obama and Biden were never aware of requests for more Benghazi security | The Cable
It seems that there were only two people who didn't know that more security was needed in Benghazi, and they both want you to vote for them. They keep up this level of incompetence and they just might convince me that it is actually better to vote against them than for someone I actually want to see in the Oval Office.

The Cable asked Deputy National Security Advisor for Communications Ben Rhodes whether Biden was speaking for the entire Obama administration, including the State Department, which acknowledged receiving multiple requests for more Libya security in the months before the attacks. Rhodes said that Biden speaks only for himself and the president and neither of them knew about the requests at the time.
The State Department security officials who testified before House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa's panel Wednesday never said they had made their requests to the president, Rhodes pointed out. That would be natural because the State Department is responsible for diplomatic security, not the White House, he said. Rhodes also pointed out that the officials were requesting more security in Tripoli, not Benghazi.
"All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources," the top regional security officer in Libya over the summer, Eric Nordstrom, testified. "In those conversations, I was specifically told [by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb] ‘You cannot request an SST [Site Security Team] extension.' I determined I was told that because there would be too much political cost. We went ahead and requested it anyway."

White House: Obama and Biden were never aware of requests for more Benghazi security | The Cable
Well i say this as obama supporter but they have not handled libya thing well. They should have known about this and be clearer intitally about whether it was a terrioist attack or not.

this only helps romney and ryan attacks more and make their election even more of sure thing sadly without even needing to do to much.
It's silly. Who the hell needs the CIA or NSA to tell you that on the Anniversary of 9/11 in a country you just helped Topple the Leader of, with known Terrorist Groups in it, and Recent Attacks on our Allies and the UN in said country, that you need to tighten Security.

Yet our Ambassador had almost none, because this admin negotiated a deal with Libya that says we hire security from them.

That is what happens when Naive, Idealist lefties run things.
Ed Schultz from MSNBC calls the hearings into this a witch hunt.
Now trying to get the answers as to the how's and why's of what happened in the death of 4 Americans
is annoying the great Ed Schultz...

Why because it might shine the light on the incompetence of this administration right before an election.
It's silly. Who the hell needs the CIA or NSA to tell you that on the Anniversary of 9/11 in a country you just helped Topple the Leader of, with known Terrorist Groups in it, and Recent Attacks on our Allies and the UN in said country, that you need to tighten Security.

Yet our Ambassador had almost none, because this admin negotiated a deal with Libya that says we hire security from them.

That is what happens when Naive, Idealist lefties run things.
yes obama adminstration messed up here big time and will lead to probally romney victory. But don,t streotype people by left vs right. it does not help the debate.
Ed Schultz from MSNBC calls the hearings into this a witch hunt.
Now trying to get the answers as to the how's and why's of what happened in the death of 4 Americans
is annoying the great Ed Schultz...

Why because it might shine the light on the incompetence of this administration right before an election.
look he biased from msnbc so hard to listen without his bias coming through. but it be same with fox news if bush was every had gone through same thing if he was president.

admit messed up and in the end obama knows that deep down. In end sad thing if you look beyond partisan line is a good man lost his life. Whatever your belief that most important thing at the end of the day.
It's silly. Who the hell needs the CIA or NSA to tell you that on the Anniversary of 9/11 in a country you just helped Topple the Leader of, with known Terrorist Groups in it, and Recent Attacks on our Allies and the UN in said country, that you need to tighten Security.

Yet our Ambassador had almost none, because this admin negotiated a deal with Libya that says we hire security from them.

That is what happens when Naive, Idealist lefties run things.
yes obama adminstration messed up here big time and will lead to probally romney victory. But don,t streotype people by left vs right. it does not help the debate.

Why is it 'terrorist' attacks always seem to benefit republicans? Bush had an attack on his watch and he's a hero. Obama has an attack and he does not know what is going on.
It's silly. Who the hell needs the CIA or NSA to tell you that on the Anniversary of 9/11 in a country you just helped Topple the Leader of, with known Terrorist Groups in it, and Recent Attacks on our Allies and the UN in said country, that you need to tighten Security.

Yet our Ambassador had almost none, because this admin negotiated a deal with Libya that says we hire security from them.

That is what happens when Naive, Idealist lefties run things.
yes obama adminstration messed up here big time and will lead to probally romney victory. But don,t streotype people by left vs right. it does not help the debate.

Why is it 'terrorist' attacks always seem to benefit republicans? Bush had an attack on his watch and he's a hero. Obama has an attack and he does not know what is going on.
well it because of political bias really. other way round it different story.
conservatives did cut security ironically for extra security in librya . so their no angels .

This still does not excuse while obama admin were so slow to work out what happened and came up with different reasons.

Bush was just as bad though ih his post planning of iraq.
It's silly. Who the hell needs the CIA or NSA to tell you that on the Anniversary of 9/11 in a country you just helped Topple the Leader of, with known Terrorist Groups in it, and Recent Attacks on our Allies and the UN in said country, that you need to tighten Security.

Yet our Ambassador had almost none, because this admin negotiated a deal with Libya that says we hire security from them.

That is what happens when Naive, Idealist lefties run things.
yes obama adminstration messed up here big time and will lead to probally romney victory. But don,t streotype people by left vs right. it does not help the debate.

Why is it 'terrorist' attacks always seem to benefit republicans? Bush had an attack on his watch and he's a hero. Obama has an attack and he does not know what is going on.

You answered your own question, when terror attacks occurred with Bush in Office there was no lack of security and swift response. With Obama for 2 weeks after the attack he was still claiming the movie was the cause of the attack and his administration REFUSED multiple request for more security. Hell even the Libyans admitted they told them they needed more security.
yes obama adminstration messed up here big time and will lead to probally romney victory. But don,t streotype people by left vs right. it does not help the debate.

Why is it 'terrorist' attacks always seem to benefit republicans? Bush had an attack on his watch and he's a hero. Obama has an attack and he does not know what is going on.
well it because of political bias really. other way round it different story.
conservatives did cut security ironically for extra security in librya . so their no angels .

This still does not excuse while obama admin were so slow to work out what happened and came up with different reasons.

Bush was just as bad though ih his post planning of iraq.

You obviously are not a native speaker of English. Where you posting from? And are you a US citizen?
It's silly. Who the hell needs the CIA or NSA to tell you that on the Anniversary of 9/11 in a country you just helped Topple the Leader of, with known Terrorist Groups in it, and Recent Attacks on our Allies and the UN in said country, that you need to tighten Security.

Yet our Ambassador had almost none, because this admin negotiated a deal with Libya that says we hire security from them.

That is what happens when Naive, Idealist lefties run things.
yes obama adminstration messed up here big time and will lead to probally romney victory. But don,t streotype people by left vs right. it does not help the debate.

Why is it 'terrorist' attacks always seem to benefit republicans? Bush had an attack on his watch and he's a hero. Obama has an attack and he does not know what is going on.

No body benefited from this atack, Maobama may be hurt by the incompetence of his administration. It is untihinkable that a US Ambasador would have security concerns and it not be briefed to the White House. Some one has a really screwed up priorities when things like that slip through the cracks.
It's silly. Who the hell needs the CIA or NSA to tell you that on the Anniversary of 9/11 in a country you just helped Topple the Leader of, with known Terrorist Groups in it, and Recent Attacks on our Allies and the UN in said country, that you need to tighten Security.

Yet our Ambassador had almost none, because this admin negotiated a deal with Libya that says we hire security from them.

That is what happens when Naive, Idealist lefties run things.
yes obama adminstration messed up here big time and will lead to probally romney victory. But don,t streotype people by left vs right. it does not help the debate.

Why is it 'terrorist' attacks always seem to benefit republicans? Bush had an attack on his watch and he's a hero. Obama has an attack and he does not know what is going on.
Damn Libyans didnt take consideration it was an election year. You know the terrorist should have known better.. :eusa_shhh:
I am from the united kingdom. I am english. I have bad spelling because of dyslexia which is something i am trying to improve.

Their is no need to be personal sir. I respect your views and i hope you respect mine.
It's silly. Who the hell needs the CIA or NSA to tell you that on the Anniversary of 9/11 in a country you just helped Topple the Leader of, with known Terrorist Groups in it, and Recent Attacks on our Allies and the UN in said country, that you need to tighten Security.
Yet our Ambassador had almost none, because this admin negotiated a deal with Libya that says we hire security from them.

That is what happens when Naive, Idealist lefties run things.
yes obama adminstration messed up here big time and will lead to probally romney victory. But don,t streotype people by left vs right. it does not help the debate.

Why is it 'terrorist' attacks always seem to benefit republicans? Bush had an attack on his watch and he's a hero. Obama has an attack and he does not know what is going on.

WTF? You think 9/11 benefited the Republicans?
9/11 was pure terroist attack and bush had nothng to do with that. think talking more about more post iraq war lack of planning with lack of troop numbers over their.

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