Is There Scientific Evidence Supporting the Floor of Noah?

Are secular scientists prone to exaggeration in support of accepted theories?

  • Yes, at least on occasion.

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • No, never. They are highly respected and above tweaking data... They are above suspicion.

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
It is very telling that you take the word of someone known to have committed fraud, but dismiss scientific research.
so because you disagree they are a fraud,,,

and its the evidence I accept not their word,,,

No, not at all. He is a fraud because of numerous frauds he has perpetrated.

You accept that the evidence is not manufactured. I do not.

I accept the published conclusions of scientific experts who studied the K-T Mass Extinction though.

not sure how you manufacture something this size,,,

View attachment 264573

BTW, are those actually human footprints? Or are they just something that resembles them? Like on the Paxley River? Those were reported to be human footprints too. Turned out they weren't.

how do you know they werent???

so random guy on the internet???
It is very telling that you take the word of someone known to have committed fraud, but dismiss scientific research.
so because you disagree they are a fraud,,,

and its the evidence I accept not their word,,,

No, not at all. He is a fraud because of numerous frauds he has perpetrated.

You accept that the evidence is not manufactured. I do not.

I accept the published conclusions of scientific experts who studied the K-T Mass Extinction though.

not sure how you manufacture something this size,,,

View attachment 264573

BTW, are those actually human footprints? Or are they just something that resembles them? Like on the Paxley River? Those were reported to be human footprints too. Turned out they weren't.

how do you know they werent???

so random guy on the internet???

Because it was widely publicized and documented.
so because you disagree they are a fraud,,,

and its the evidence I accept not their word,,,

No, not at all. He is a fraud because of numerous frauds he has perpetrated.

You accept that the evidence is not manufactured. I do not.

I accept the published conclusions of scientific experts who studied the K-T Mass Extinction though.

not sure how you manufacture something this size,,,

View attachment 264573

BTW, are those actually human footprints? Or are they just something that resembles them? Like on the Paxley River? Those were reported to be human footprints too. Turned out they weren't.

how do you know they werent???

so random guy on the internet???

Because it was widely publicized and documented.
and yet you failed to provide proof of that,,,
No, not at all. He is a fraud because of numerous frauds he has perpetrated.

You accept that the evidence is not manufactured. I do not.

I accept the published conclusions of scientific experts who studied the K-T Mass Extinction though.

not sure how you manufacture something this size,,,

View attachment 264573

BTW, are those actually human footprints? Or are they just something that resembles them? Like on the Paxley River? Those were reported to be human footprints too. Turned out they weren't.

how do you know they werent???

so random guy on the internet???

Because it was widely publicized and documented.
and yet you failed to provide proof of that,,,

Do your own research. Google the Paxley River Tracks. Every time I offered proof, you said it was my opinion.
So...anyway...back to the topic.
Yes, scientists have been caught falsifying data.
They're human so there will always be some bad characters.
However, the scientific community has peer review and the requirement for falsifiability.
The religious community has a book and the Lord working in mysterious ways.
It is very telling that you take the word of someone known to have committed fraud, but dismiss scientific research.

You just been caught in your own humongous hypocritical lie WinterBorn.

From water to land

There is more deliberate fraud committed by secular/atheist scientists. For example, they lied about coelacanth. These so-called fish that lived 400 millions of years ago and developed legs to walk on land were shown to still be living in the ocean. No surprise there and no signs of legs.


Then we have Piltdown Man, social Darwinism, eugenics, Hitler, the Holocaust, black genocide, and more.

The Holocaust is a fraud?

It goes to show Darwin was a fraud and racist. He supported his cousin's, Francis Galton's, findings of eugenics. His work was put on a pedestal by Hitler and became pseudoscientific basis for the Holocaust.

Darwin was not a fraud. A racist, perhaps. And as despicable as that may be, it does not change or diminish his research and work on the diversity of species.

Francis Galton was man of many talents. His contributions were in many areas. His theories on eugenics are absolutely disgusting. But I don't see any fraud.

Hitler was a lunatic, but not a fraud.

In fact, the only fraud I see listed in your entire post is the Piltdown Man. And in that case, the paleontologists were not the frauds. In fact, they eventually exposed the fraud and theories of the time were adjusted accordingly.
The problem I see with the “chi” reference is that the planet is not 6,000 years old
Again, that depends on from where in the universe one is measuring. The planet is billions of years old from where we stand. Time does not flow at a constant rate everywhere. The age of the planet from elsewhere in the universe will not be the same as it is here.

so much of what constitutes biblical tales are directly in conflict with science evidence.
The Bible isn't science text or a history text. It's a religious text meant to teach about God and morality. Any conflict between science and the Bible is, ultimately, irrelevant to both religion and science. My point here is that using science to legitimize atheism or deny the truth of the Bible is a mistaken endeavor. The Biblical account of creation and the Biblical timeline, while mythological, don't conflict with modern, legitimate science. A person need not eschew science to accept the Bible as truth, nor vise versa.

A god created existence in only 6 days, but did so in such a way to make it look immensely old and left massive clues to support that belief... and this god put forth a test to only two humans without(at least in terms of the Judeo-Christian god) giving them either the ability to make a considered choice nor did he bother to tell them the consequences would extend to every person born after them... and this god then inspired a book but did not allow the original to last in case the condemned to damnation by definition humans worship those texts... and allowed copies of copies to multiply so that huge civilizations would clash with one another over interpretations... and this god then comes down to earth as a human to act as a mediator to experience human weakness and pain and sin that he created in the first place anyway, and he's letting billions upon billions of people suffer thusly and choose eternal damnation on an ongoing basis in order to satisfy this need to experience the aforementioned... and finally in a climactic battle wherein agony and suffering will spread over the globe this god will battle his nemesis that he himself created and could blink to make disappear if he really wanted to...
I don't believe that way and Christianity doesn't demand one believe that way. None of that is any basis for rejecting God or Christianity. We could go into how 6 days can conform to modern science, too, but it would, at this point, be only a distraction. If you or anyone chooses to reject belief in God or Biblical religion, that's your choice, but using science or the dogmatic belief system of Fundamentalist Christianity as the rationale for that choice isn't legitimate.

Existence is natural, patterns form out of the exchange of energy, life evolved in some places, competition for that life implemented social structures, sentience ignited that social structure to a more and more complicated degree
All good. Now add that all that was initiated and guided by a higher intelligence ... viola ... religious faith.

and allowed for technology to extend the perceptions of humans to further and further reaches, chipping away at old, perhaps poetic and elegant but nonetheless outdated beliefs created by a ruling class that knew the power of ignorance and fear in people made them vastly more controllable?
We'll disagree that the beliefs are outdated. The narrative portions of the Bible such as creation and the flood were never meant to be taken literally. The lessons they contain are eternal.

While Christian (specifically and initially, Catholic) dogma may have been created by a ruling elite, I don't believe that's true of the Bible text. If you want to say it was altered or such, I again would argue for a guiding intelligence.

Knowing the speed of light one can measure distances, showing billions of years is required to establish the size and distances we see.
Definitely so ... from our perspective. That time doesn't flow at the same speed everywhere is established science that's been thoroughly tested.

It is 4.54 billion years old
You've taken refuge in quibbling over millions among billions. Regardless...
any point in the universe appears to be the center of the universe to an observer at that point.
I'm familiar with that literature and might have been happy to discuss it with you if not that...
nor have you read any science saying there is.
You really cannot go a single post without lying, can you? persist in calling me a liar. Perhaps one day you'll learn the difference between being correct & being honest / being incorrect & being dishonest, and develop a modicum of civility. Then we might engage in conversation. As of now, we're done here.
(You are now free to tell yourself that I've run away from your blinding brilliance and congratulate yourself for a false victory, as bullies like you always do.)

So my question is is the rate of expansion constant?
Present cosmology says it is.

How do you measure the different rates of time in different locations
By measuring the wavelength & pulses of the background ratiation present throughout the known universe.

How do we find the universe's origin point?
Mathematical extrapolation based on the rate of expansion.

What defines a spiral? We use pi r squared to define circumference?
All circles can be described with pi. Some spirals can be described with chi. Look up "chi" and "golden ratio" -- it's some interesting stuff.

You lost me at Earth being 4.75 B yrs old while our clock says it is 6000 yrs old at the location of BB.
Solid science based on relativity theory has demonstrated that time doesn't flow at a constant rate everywhere, despite our perception that it does. If you're standing on Earth, the planet is billions of years old. If you were observing from elsewhere, time would be flowing at a faster or slower rate than it does here. It flows faster the further out from the Big Bang you go. So if the age of the earth is measured at the origin point of the universe, it would be younger. Using chi to establish the ratio, roughly 4 3/4 billion years on Earth would measure as roughly 6000 years at the theorized site of the Big Bang.
not sure how you manufacture something this size,,,

View attachment 264573

BTW, are those actually human footprints? Or are they just something that resembles them? Like on the Paxley River? Those were reported to be human footprints too. Turned out they weren't.

how do you know they werent???

so random guy on the internet???

Because it was widely publicized and documented.
and yet you failed to provide proof of that,,,

Do your own research. Google the Paxley River Tracks. Every time I offered proof, you said it was my opinion.

I have googled them and found them credible,,,and they are just one of hundred of tracks around the world

and you claiming theyre fakes puts into question every claim on the age of the earth by evos since they were tested by the same people that claim the earth is billions of yrs
BTW, are those actually human footprints? Or are they just something that resembles them? Like on the Paxley River? Those were reported to be human footprints too. Turned out they weren't.

how do you know they werent???

so random guy on the internet???

Because it was widely publicized and documented.
and yet you failed to provide proof of that,,,

Do your own research. Google the Paxley River Tracks. Every time I offered proof, you said it was my opinion.

I have googled them and found them credible,,,and they are just one of hundred of tracks around the world

and you claiming theyre fakes puts into question every claim on the age of the earth by evos since they were tested by the same people that claim the earth is billions of yrs

Then you are ignoring the actual evidence.

There are some of the "human" tracks in which you can make out the vague outline of a toe or claw along the side of the track. None of the track show toes or any other feature besides an irregular oblong track.
how do you know they werent???

so random guy on the internet???

Because it was widely publicized and documented.
and yet you failed to provide proof of that,,,

Do your own research. Google the Paxley River Tracks. Every time I offered proof, you said it was my opinion.

I have googled them and found them credible,,,and they are just one of hundred of tracks around the world

and you claiming theyre fakes puts into question every claim on the age of the earth by evos since they were tested by the same people that claim the earth is billions of yrs

Then you are ignoring the actual evidence.

There are some of the "human" tracks in which you can make out the vague outline of a toe or claw along the side of the track. None of the track show toes or any other feature besides an irregular oblong track.

opinion is not evidence,,,
Because it was widely publicized and documented.
and yet you failed to provide proof of that,,,

Do your own research. Google the Paxley River Tracks. Every time I offered proof, you said it was my opinion.

I have googled them and found them credible,,,and they are just one of hundred of tracks around the world

and you claiming theyre fakes puts into question every claim on the age of the earth by evos since they were tested by the same people that claim the earth is billions of yrs

Then you are ignoring the actual evidence.

There are some of the "human" tracks in which you can make out the vague outline of a toe or claw along the side of the track. None of the track show toes or any other feature besides an irregular oblong track.

opinion is not evidence,,,

Correct. Opinion is not evidence so your opinions, obviously derived from charlatans at Christian fundamentalist websites are not evidence.

Not surprising, your specious opinions come from the expected charlatans,

CC101: Paluxy River footprints
Because it was widely publicized and documented.
and yet you failed to provide proof of that,,,

Do your own research. Google the Paxley River Tracks. Every time I offered proof, you said it was my opinion.

I have googled them and found them credible,,,and they are just one of hundred of tracks around the world

and you claiming theyre fakes puts into question every claim on the age of the earth by evos since they were tested by the same people that claim the earth is billions of yrs

Then you are ignoring the actual evidence.

There are some of the "human" tracks in which you can make out the vague outline of a toe or claw along the side of the track. None of the track show toes or any other feature besides an irregular oblong track.

opinion is not evidence,,,

But the credibility of the evidence is opinion. Especially in this case. These have been debunked.
I am not surprised that you believe the tracks are real. You want them to be real. And any evidence that is contrary to your beliefs, you label as "opinion".
I am not surprised that you believe the tracks are real. You want them to be real. And any evidence that is contrary to your beliefs, you label as "opinion".
the tracks are physical evidence that have never been debunked no matter how many times you say they have,,,,

and the rock was tested by evos and confirmed authentic,,,
I am not surprised that you believe the tracks are real. You want them to be real. And any evidence that is contrary to your beliefs, you label as "opinion".
the tracks are physical evidence that have never been debunked no matter how many times you say they have,,,,

and the rock was tested by evos and confirmed authentic,,,

No one said the rock was fake. In fact, no one said any of this particular site is fake. Just that they are not human footprints. No toe marks. Some show a toe on the side, suggesting it is the track of a dinosaur.
I am not surprised that you believe the tracks are real. You want them to be real. And any evidence that is contrary to your beliefs, you label as "opinion".
the tracks are physical evidence that have never been debunked no matter how many times you say they have,,,,

and the rock was tested by evos and confirmed authentic,,,

No one said the rock was fake. In fact, no one said any of this particular site is fake. Just that they are not human footprints. No toe marks. Some show a toe on the side, suggesting it is the track of a dinosaur.

in comment 548 you implied the whole site was faked,,and what about the other hundreds of prints around the world???
I am not surprised that you believe the tracks are real. You want them to be real. And any evidence that is contrary to your beliefs, you label as "opinion".
the tracks are physical evidence that have never been debunked no matter how many times you say they have,,,,

and the rock was tested by evos and confirmed authentic,,,

No one said the rock was fake. In fact, no one said any of this particular site is fake. Just that they are not human footprints. No toe marks. Some show a toe on the side, suggesting it is the track of a dinosaur.

in comment 548 you implied the whole site was faked,,and what about the other hundreds of prints around the world???
What "hundreds of prints",,,,?????

You religo's are funny.
I am not surprised that you believe the tracks are real. You want them to be real. And any evidence that is contrary to your beliefs, you label as "opinion".

Such scientific hypocrisy. Your side believes that the Laetoli footprints meant chimps started walking bipedal. Those prints look like fully modern human footprints. They were found in a layer too old to be humans.
I am not surprised that you believe the tracks are real. You want them to be real. And any evidence that is contrary to your beliefs, you label as "opinion".

Such scientific hypocrisy. Your side believes that the Laetoli footprints meant chimps started walking bipedal. Those prints look like fully modern human footprints. They were found in a layer too old to be humans.

Maybe they were footprints of Noah and his immediate family disembarking from their pleasure cruise?

Lots of material here you can plagiarize:

Search | Answers in Genesis
the evidence is overwhelming, its just that evo's dont like the truth being told so they attack anyone who dares speak of it
I for one have never been overwhelmed. What does make me curious is that so much of Earth's history has been left out of the Bible. A good example is the fact that the Mediterranean Sea almost completely evaporated at one time so it would have been possible to walk from Egypt to Crete. Yet not a single mention in the Bible? The refilling must have been spectacular but again not a single mention.

Well, it's not a book about the history of the Earth. It's a book about the history of God's relationship with His people. There are a lot of important things that happened in the world around that time which weren't mentioned, because they weren't germane to the story being told.
I guess. It just seems God didn't think much of his early work: ignoring most events and people and not telling His people almost anything they didn't already know, only talking about himself and their relationship.
you are aware god didnt write it???
But he created pen and ink..Try and beat that !

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