Is the UN attempting to impose an anti anti-Islamic hate speech 'gag rule' on the USA?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Islamic Bloc Raises UN Anti-Religious Intolerance Measure Backed by Obama Administration CNS News

"( – In contrast to the widespread support for freedom of expression following the Charlie Hebdo terror attack, there are fresh calls for a United Nations measure, which critics say seeks to limit speech considered “blasphemous.”

A senior diplomat with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – the bloc of Islamic nations – tweeted Monday that the attack in Paris underlined the importance of “renewed commitment to resolution 16/18.”

The innocuous-sounding “resolution 16/18” was first passed by the U.N. Human Rights Council in April 2011 and by the U.N. General Assembly eight months later. The Obama administration sponsored it together with OIC member Egypt, and the Hillary Clinton State Department championed it as a triumph of diplomacy."

more at link
If Jews can have an anti-defamation league why can't Muslims?

Isn't this the same concept?
If Jews can have an anti-defamation league why can't Muslims?

Isn't this the same concept?

ADL's like the ACLU but for Jewish stuff. And the ADL isn't an international UN body imposing its' will in violation of the 1st Amendment. Can bash Jews all you like, ADL will complain but not propose arresting you for it.
If Jews can have an anti-defamation league why can't Muslims?

Isn't this the same concept?

ADL's like the ACLU but for Jewish stuff. And the ADL isn't an international UN body imposing its' will in violation of the 1st Amendment. Can bash Jews all you like, ADL will complain but not propose arresting you for it.

Who was "bashing Jews"?

I asked a simple question and suddenly I am a "Jew basher"?

Thanks for disqualifiying your own thread as being an attempt to deal with a serious issue that needs an open and honest discussion.

Have a nice day.
If Jews can have an anti-defamation league why can't Muslims?

Isn't this the same concept?

ADL's like the ACLU but for Jewish stuff. And the ADL isn't an international UN body imposing its' will in violation of the 1st Amendment. Can bash Jews all you like, ADL will complain but not propose arresting you for it.

Who was "bashing Jews"?

I asked a simple question and suddenly I am a "Jew basher"?

Thanks for disqualifiying your own thread as being an attempt to deal with a serious issue that needs an open and honest discussion.

Have a nice day.

Wasn't accusing you of bashing Jews. If you read it that way I apologise.
Wasn't accusing you of bashing Jews.


Because this is what you actually said about me;

Can bash Jews all you like, ADL will complain but not propose arresting you for it.

If you read it that way I apologise.

Apology accepted.

Was about to have put "we can bash Jews all we like" but then I rememebered I'm a Jew so made it "you." Just not you personally. "You" as in anyone else. :)
In the English language ----"YOU" can serve either as a singular
second person or as a plural second person------- "YOU" can address millions
Wasn't accusing you of bashing Jews.


Because this is what you actually said about me;

Can bash Jews all you like, ADL will complain but not propose arresting you for it.

If you read it that way I apologise.

Apology accepted.

Was about to have put "we can bash Jews all we like" but then I rememebered I'm a Jew so made it "you." Just not you personally. "You" as in anyone else. :)


So to get back on topic. This UN resolution is really no different to the ADL.

It is like everything else the UN does. Just a "feel good" proposal that will have zero impact on anyone here in the USA or anywhere else for that matter IMO.
Wasn't accusing you of bashing Jews.


Because this is what you actually said about me;

Can bash Jews all you like, ADL will complain but not propose arresting you for it.

If you read it that way I apologise.

Apology accepted.

Was about to have put "we can bash Jews all we like" but then I rememebered I'm a Jew so made it "you." Just not you personally. "You" as in anyone else. :)


So to get back on topic. This UN resolution is really no different to the ADL.

It is like everything else the UN does. Just a "feel good" proposal that will have zero impact on anyone here in the USA or anywhere else for that matter IMO.

I think you are right-----I cannot see how such a "proposal" can ever create an effect on anyone
Wasn't accusing you of bashing Jews.


Because this is what you actually said about me;

Can bash Jews all you like, ADL will complain but not propose arresting you for it.

If you read it that way I apologise.

Apology accepted.

Was about to have put "we can bash Jews all we like" but then I rememebered I'm a Jew so made it "you." Just not you personally. "You" as in anyone else. :)


So to get back on topic. This UN resolution is really no different to the ADL.

It is like everything else the UN does. Just a "feel good" proposal that will have zero impact on anyone here in the USA or anywhere else for that matter IMO.

No, the ADL's a strictly US 'feel good' thing. Has no force or impact of law. The UN thing though would. It would, they say, restrict US free speech just like some of the European countries already do where you can't say anything hateful about Islam. In effect bypassing our 1st Amendment and making something the UN says superceed it.
An analagous thing is the UN ban on landmines most but the US agreed with. If the US had ratified the ban on landmines we'd have to remove the ones we have between North and South Korea for example.

Another's the International War Crime Tribunals. US doesn't wanna put itself at the mercy of an international war crimes tribunal because we commit lots of war crimes.

This 'no dissing Islam' thing is the latest in a series of such measures we don't wanna put ourselves under the authority of the UN over.
What is it about Islam that has the world bowing to them? ISIS is burning Christian chruchs and murdering Christians, non Muslims, and the UN is worried about someone saying something bad about Muhammad (PBUH)? Really?
What is it about Islam that has the world bowing to them? ISIS is burning Christian chruchs and murdering Christians, non Muslims, and the UN is worried about someone saying something bad about Muhammad (PBUH)? Really?

Christians never murdered other Christians? So if non-Christians do what Christians themselves have done that's unacceptable?
I don't oppose this UN measure because I wont be able to dis Islam any more. I oppose it because I like our 1st Amendment more than I like the redundant UN. The whole point of the UN was member nations would be able to arbitrate and use diplomacy to avoid wars. Yet most all the member nations routinely wage war with other members.

The UN is redundant and should be dissolved.
What is it about Islam that has the world bowing to them? ISIS is burning Christian chruchs and murdering Christians, non Muslims, and the UN is worried about someone saying something bad about Muhammad (PBUH)? Really?

Christians never murdered other Christians? So if non-Christians do what Christians themselves have done that's unacceptable?

WTF does that have to do with what is going on in the ME? Pathetic.

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