Is the Republican's "scorched earth" policy a "good bet"?

CONSIDER the possibility that much PROTEST by the other team is a smokescreen to get people to support a basically BAD policy.

GOOD COP/BAD cops works as well as a technique on the general public as it does on a person sitting in a police interegation room.

As yourself, as one example, why the GOP so hates the American Care Act when that law is basically what the GOP{ demanded for a long time before OBAMA was a household name.

Consider the fact that BILL CLINTON's WELFARE reform was the GOP's WELFARE REFORM PLAN long before the DEMs would even consider reforming welfare.

Are you getting the picture?

The BEST endorsement for a crappy law for the DEMS is if the REPS claim to hate it.

The BEST endorsement for a crappy law for the GOP is if the REPS claim to hate it.

Partisans are fucking idiots.

To a degree, sure. But consider Obama's quip about having a drink with Mitch McConnell. Mitch's done the best he can to counter, but seriously the notion of sitting down with a beer and McConnell is so painful to be absurd. I'd rather attend a bris with Bloomberg, and that is about 9 billion on the bucket list. LOL

The most serious of those problems was that Romney was not able to connect with white voters who were so turned off by the campaign that they abandoned the GOP and in many cases stayed away from the polls altogether. Recent reports suggest as many as 5 million white voters simply stayed home on Election Day. If they had voted at the same rate they did in 2004, even with the demographic changes since then, Romney would have won

Byron York: Winning Hispanic vote would not be enough for GOP |

the good news for the gop is that younger voters may not be so enamoured with the Obama but similarly just turned off by Norquist and the Tea Party. And, if the gop actually went back and adopted Reagan positions as they existed in 1980, rather than how the RW blowhards imagine them today, we might do ok.
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