Is the Muslim problem this bad in England?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Born L.A.-NYC is 2nd home-Rustbelt is home base
Read this on another forum. They wont let me post there.



October 29, 2020 at 2:10 pm

I’m from the UK. The Muslims have gained huge power in my country in the black market, government, law and business. There fertility rate is twice that of the average white British female.

The south of england is completely gone and they’ve took over the prison systems. If you go into prison and end up on certain wings and don’t convert to Islam they will butcher you. Its happened many times. They also control illegal money sending because they seem to have businesses which are cash rich. You Americans need to stop his cancer before it takes over your country. Its happened here. The more powerful they get the more it accelerates and the less you are able to speak out.


Is the Muslim problem this bad in England?
Well, let's see. In Rotherham, alone, over 1500 children were raped by Muslim men and this in a metropolitan area of just 300,000.

Do the math.

The problem, however, isn't so must a Muslim prooblem as a British problem, as they import millions of Muslims and then allow them to do whatever they want, including the rape of children. If a person dares to oppose the rape of children, they are verbally abused with an onslaught of accusations that they are racist. This is so pervasive in British society that people are too intimidated by all the leftist abuse they face, so justt allow it to happen.

It's a situation very similar to that here in the states regarding BLM thuggery.
Obviously, this is a hot potato.

So I can understand why some websites would prefer not to touch it.

I will try to screw up enough guts to say one thing and then stop: In my opinion, the situation in England regarding ladies & gentlemen of that religion is neither so good nor so bad as we hear.

Oh, and I will bravely add: I wish the people of England the best of luck.
Read this on another forum. They wont let me post there.



October 29, 2020 at 2:10 pm

I’m from the UK. The Muslims have gained huge power in my country in the black market, government, law and business. There fertility rate is twice that of the average white British female.

The south of england is completely gone and they’ve took over the prison systems. If you go into prison and end up on certain wings and don’t convert to Islam they will butcher you. Its happened many times. They also control illegal money sending because they seem to have businesses which are cash rich. You Americans need to stop his cancer before it takes over your country. Its happened here. The more powerful they get the more it accelerates and the less you are able to speak out.


Is the Muslim problem this bad in England?
I live in the UK and I can confirm that it is a lot worse than that. Where I live they have complete control and the police will not enter the area unless the sharia patrol allows them to enter. The chapels have been closed down and there is public prayer on the village green on friday.
My daughter needs a travel pass to go to school and she has to be accompanied by her brother at all times.
Every now and then somebody "disappears" but we never find out what has happened to them. The shops no longer sell bacon or pork and all of the local pubs have closed.
Its a living nightmare but the msm is silent on all of this. I wonder why ?
Read this on another forum. They wont let me post there.



October 29, 2020 at 2:10 pm

I’m from the UK. The Muslims have gained huge power in my country in the black market, government, law and business. There fertility rate is twice that of the average white British female.

The south of england is completely gone and they’ve took over the prison systems. If you go into prison and end up on certain wings and don’t convert to Islam they will butcher you. Its happened many times. They also control illegal money sending because they seem to have businesses which are cash rich. You Americans need to stop his cancer before it takes over your country. Its happened here. The more powerful they get the more it accelerates and the less you are able to speak out.


Is the Muslim problem this bad in England?
I live in the UK and I can confirm that it is a lot worse than that. Where I live they have complete control and the police will not enter the area unless the sharia patrol allows them to enter. The chapels have been closed down and there is public prayer on the village green on friday.
My daughter needs a travel pass to go to school and she has to be accompanied by her brother at all times.
Every now and then somebody "disappears" but we never find out what has happened to them. The shops no longer sell bacon or pork and all of the local pubs have closed.
Its a living nightmare but the msm is silent on all of this. I wonder why ?

That's nothing Tommy, up here in the lakes it's a regular occurrence every Friday after morning prayers they arrive and hold their training sessions, They are always in black with their AK 47's and the black flags with squiggly writing. There is a ledge about 300 ft up where locals come up to watch and have picnics. Men being tossed over the edge. You can tell they are gay cos they are all crying.

Locals call it “faggot throwin' Friday!”.

Make your way over to the remote end of Lake Conniston and another bunch of mussies will be busy tossing young women – (all head to toe in black and trussed up in ropes) from the boats into the lake. Apparently all the women are 'first cousin marriage refusers' - splashing goes on for hours.

Though locals tell me that the main events are Friday evening before sunset. Apparently, it draws crowds like a race meeting. Locals usually make Jihadi Jack favorite. Using a huge butcher's knife that guy can hack off heads faster than you can say Allahu Akbar or Mustafa Leek - He's their local leader.

I asked a local if he was not scared but he said no cos we pay into the 'Religion of Peace' fund and we often donate the odd fly-tipper, rubbish litterer and local gay to keep the numbers down.
Cultural Suicide for Political Correctness is cult behavior.
One of the indications that the Left is a crazy cult is their admiration of Islam which all of the things that they are opposed to.
Read this on another forum. They wont let me post there.



October 29, 2020 at 2:10 pm

I’m from the UK. The Muslims have gained huge power in my country in the black market, government, law and business. There fertility rate is twice that of the average white British female.

The south of england is completely gone and they’ve took over the prison systems. If you go into prison and end up on certain wings and don’t convert to Islam they will butcher you. Its happened many times. They also control illegal money sending because they seem to have businesses which are cash rich. You Americans need to stop his cancer before it takes over your country. Its happened here. The more powerful they get the more it accelerates and the less you are able to speak out.


Is the Muslim problem this bad in England?
I live in the UK and I can confirm that it is a lot worse than that. Where I live they have complete control and the police will not enter the area unless the sharia patrol allows them to enter. The chapels have been closed down and there is public prayer on the village green on friday.
My daughter needs a travel pass to go to school and she has to be accompanied by her brother at all times.
Every now and then somebody "disappears" but we never find out what has happened to them. The shops no longer sell bacon or pork and all of the local pubs have closed.
Its a living nightmare but the msm is silent on all of this. I wonder why ?

That's nothing Tommy, up here in the lakes it's a regular occurrence every Friday after morning prayers they arrive and hold their training sessions, They are always in black with their AK 47's and the black flags with squiggly writing. There is a ledge about 300 ft up where locals come up to watch and have picnics. Men being tossed over the edge. You can tell they are gay cos they are all crying.

Locals call it “faggot throwin' Friday!”.

Make your way over to the remote end of Lake Conniston and another bunch of mussies will be busy tossing young women – (all head to toe in black and trussed up in ropes) from the boats into the lake. Apparently all the women are 'first cousin marriage refusers' - splashing goes on for hours.

Though locals tell me that the main events are Friday evening before sunset. Apparently, it draws crowds like a race meeting. Locals usually make Jihadi Jack favorite. Using a huge butcher's knife that guy can hack off heads faster than you can say Allahu Akbar or Mustafa Leek - He's their local leader.

I asked a local if he was not scared but he said no cos we pay into the 'Religion of Peace' fund and we often donate the odd fly-tipper, rubbish litterer and local gay to keep the numbers down.
Yes I have heard these stories by word of mouth. Obviously the MSM is not reporting any of it but they wont do anything to stop the soros agenda on this.
The only thing that might save us is if true patriots like Tommy Robinson and Nigel "Nige" Farage join forces and lead an uprising of real christian football hooligans in revolt. Blood will flow as the sainted Enoch predicted.

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