Is the Federal government the enemy of the American People?


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
I think that has been evident since the War Between the States...a war that could have been and should have been avoided...unfortunately Mr. Lincoln wanted war.

Irregardless it has become more and more evident that the Feds whether intentionaly or not are doing great harm to America.

It appears that the Feds are controlled by those who believe in order to save America it must first be destroyed...not realizing if they are sucessful...there will be no come back.

The Framers of the Constitution understood that the federal government would pose a threat to the American Republic unless its powers were tightly constrained. Unscrupulous politicians have used wars to trash those constraints in order to give themselves more power. And still do.
The Framers of the Constitution understood that the federal government would pose a threat to the American Republic unless its powers were tightly constrained. Unscrupulous politicians have used wars to trash those constraints in order to give themselves more power. And still do.
Very true.

dimocrap FILTH never cite the Constitution unless it's to attack a Patriot or to defend their own criminality.

The Bill of Rights is all about limiting the power government. Every one of them.

THE biggest difference between dimocrap FILTH and normal Human Beings is -- We know, from experience, that government is inherently dishonest and corrupt. No matter its intentions, no matter the people in it, government is corrupt. ALL of it.

Even when it's occupied/controlled by Republicans. Just a fact. ALL government is corrupt. Can't help it. It just is. Like all assholes stink, all government is corrupt. Period.

dimocrap FILTH, OTOH, believe that only government can be trusted. Only government can be fair and honest. People are who/what can't be trusted. Government can............ When it's in the right hands. Theirs.

That, right there, is the difference between Scum of The Earth dimocrap FILTH and normal humans. They put ALL their faith in goobermint, we put none in government.

Just like our Founding Fathers Intended. They knew, even back then that government was the Root of All Evil.

That Governments start and fight Wars, governments murder their own people, governments suppress minorities, governments force people into submission, governments steal money, governments falsely accuse and prosecute, goverments --


But, like the asshole, they are necesary. Gotta have one. But you don't have to put it in charge of everything like dimocrap scum want to do.

Which says something about them, wouldn't you say??
I think that has been evident since the War Between the States...a war that could have been and should have been avoided...unfortunately Mr. Lincoln wanted war.

Irregardless it has become more and more evident that the Feds whether intentionaly or not are doing great harm to America.

It appears that the Feds are controlled by those who believe in order to save America it must first be destroyed...not realizing if they are sucessful...there will be no come back.

Paranoid much?
I think that has been evident since the War Between the States...a war that could have been and should have been avoided...unfortunately Mr. Lincoln wanted war.

Irregardless it has become more and more evident that the Feds whether intentionaly or not are doing great harm to America.

It appears that the Feds are controlled by those who believe in order to save America it must first be destroyed...not realizing if they are sucessful...there will be no come back.

“The Crazy” just keeps rolling along in the POT (Party of Trump)
Math says future generations have been royally screwed by federal, state and local government. The richest person in the US is worth 250 billion and government is borrowing, spending and burning through $10,000 billion a year.
“The Crazy” just keeps rolling along on the POT (Party of Trump)
You slept through history class didn't you, idiot?

Even Marx hated government. He's your hero and everybody knows it. If you're a dimocrap, you're a neo-marxist.

But Karl Marx hated government. Didn't trust it. At all. In fact in his March to communism the three steps were, 1) Capitalism, 2) Socialism, 3) Communism. And if you were literate, I'd refer you to his works..... Communism is when ALL Government just "Withers Away". Look it up, bitch

The only people in this world that want big government are the totalitarians. Fascists, are like... ALL POWER TO THE GOVERMENT!!! Is what Fascism is. Look it up. You won't. You're too stupid and you're not a serious person anyway. All you do in here every day, EVERY FUCKING DAY, is come in here and spew your hatred of America and everything we stand for.
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You slept through history class didn't you, idiot?

Even Marx hated government. He's your hero and everybody knows it. If you're a dimocrap, you're a neo-marxist.

But Karl Marx hated government. Didn't trust it. At all. In fact in his March to communism the three steps were, 1) Capitalism, 2) Socialism, 3) Communism. And if you were literate, I'd refer you to his works..... Communism is when ALL Government just "Withers Away". Look it up, bitch

The only people in this world that want big government are the totalitarians. Fascists, are like... ALL POWER TO THE GOVERMENT!!! Is what Fascism is. Look it up. You won't. You're too stupid and you're not a serious person anyway. All you do in here every day, EVERY FUCKING DAY, is come in here and spew your hatred of America and everything we stand for.
Marx is anything BUT “my hero”

He hated government? That puts you a lot closer to him than me
There just doesn't seem to be any progress on the south's racism. Trump capitalized on that and now it's brewing at the violence level.

Another civil war? It depends on the way the government needs to act to take Trump down. That will be the big change that could bring America back to the real world, when government becomes the friend of the people.

Trump simply can't be permitted to work his extremist agenda. Not only because of domestic policy but also because he would interfere in US foreign policy as regards China and Russia.

Of course, federal government is and always has been the enemy of the people. At least some of the people are waking up to the fact.
Marx is anything BUT “my hero”

He hated government? That puts you a lot closer to him than me
So, I take it you're a proponent of a 'Third Way'? Not Capitalism, not 'communism'?

That leaves National Socialism and Fascism, or offshoots of one of those two. Of course, you may believe in State-Directed Capitalism like the Chines have.... With One-Party rule.

You're in good company. Hitler, Mussolini and Mao? Yep, suits you.
It certainly isn't an ally.
Federal government action, not on behalf of either of the political party, is likely the only way to bring America back to normal and some degree of calmness.

Not to suggest that there's a way out of the racism issue that will be present in the south for decades more.
The Democratic Party is the enemy of the American people which is why they cannot be trusted with the power of the Federal government. The agencies they've taken over DOJ, FBI, IRS, Homeland Security, CDC etc all work against the best interests of the people.
The federal government has broken its compact with the states and has lost its claim to legitimacy.
So, I take it you're a proponent of a 'Third Way'? Not Capitalism, not 'communism'?

That leaves National Socialism and Fascism, or offshoots of one of those two. Of course, you may believe in State-Directed Capitalism like the Chines have.... With One-Party rule.

You're in good company. Hitler, Mussolini and Mao? Yep, suits you.
It's hard to imagine any form of government being able to work in a predominantly racist society.

Sadly, the next phase for America will have to be an attempt to eliminate the blacks. (and possibly the browns too) Trump's agenda quite openly hints of that solution.
I think that has been evident since the War Between the States...a war that could have been and should have been avoided...unfortunately Mr. Lincoln wanted war.

Irregardless it has become more and more evident that the Feds whether intentionaly or not are doing great harm to America.

It appears that the Feds are controlled by those who believe in order to save America it must first be destroyed...not realizing if they are sucessful...there will be no come back.

I expect more unhinged posts like this as we get closer and closer to trump not being elected. It's going to get even crazier.

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