Is T going to hire Erik Prince to figh in Afghansitan


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
is that the announcement tonight. Pay him billions of dollars. I read a couple articles on it and seen mention of it on the news. I remember recently T mentioned why should China get the copper mines. Well China is planning on building a new Silk Road to aid in exports along the road of the old silk road to Europe. As far as I know a deal has been made with the Afghan gov.

So are we sending more troops in (I hope not) , pulling out and letting Prince use his mercenaries there to fight (I also hope not), or doesn't the POTUS of the US let us know when they are hiring mercenaries, contract fighters.

Well guess we will have to wait, but then again he probably will say , "we will see".
is that the announcement tonight. Pay him billions of dollars. I read a couple articles on it and seen mention of it on the news. I remember recently T mentioned why should China get the copper mines. Well China is planning on building a new Silk Road to aid in exports along the road of the old silk road to Europe. As far as I know a deal has been made with the Afghan gov.

So are we sending more troops in (I hope not) , pulling out and letting Prince use his mercenaries there to fight (I also hope not), or doesn't the POTUS of the US let us know when they are hiring mercenaries, contract fighters.

Well guess we will have to wait, but then again he probably will say , "we will see".

I know his generals made him shut down that meeting. so I think he won't be pouring any more money into the DeVos family fortune.
Does the Howard Johnson's chain know that a big new high way is being built?. I wonder how many
franchises it will engender
It that case the war will end on time and under budget. The hell with sending a couple soldiers at a time to be killed by the Pakistanis and/or Afghans. That didn't work in Vietnam and it is not working now.

He made billions from Iraq and killed civilians. Look how that turned out and now he wants to :

“There’s a trillion dollars in value in the ground: mining, minerals, and another trillion in oil and gas,” Prince says of Afghanistan. This would provide the revenue stream to replace government contracts. Prince’s firm would be self-funded, self-reliant, and thus autonomous to a degree more similar to a nation-state than a military contractor like Blackwater serving under a defense department.

The corporate rulers, Prince suggests, would even reorganize objectives away from the original mission — i.e., destroy the safe harbor for al Qaeda and other terror groups — and toward the prerogatives of profit. Prince critiques U.S. strategic aims in Afghanistan to Carlson: “Even the whole approach of placing bases U.S. bases was all done to control land and territory but not the arteries that make money.”

Prince’s plan to fund occupations by pillage

Erik Prince’s dark plan for Afghanistan: Military occupation for profit, not security

then again T thought we should of kept Iraq oil.
'A couple of soldiers at a time'?
Vietnam troop numbers:
31 December 1964 23,300
31 December 1965 184,300
31 December 1966 425,300
31 December 1967 485,600

1968 in the Vietnam War
1968 in the Vietnam War
← 1967 1969 →

Casualties and losses
US: 16,592 killed 87,388 wounded South Vietnam: 27,915 killed 172,512 wounded Unknown (US estimates: 191,000 - 208,254 killed)

Clearly, half a MILLION troops wasn't enough for the incompetent US Military to defeat a bunch of determined peasants with minimal infrastructure.
What makes you think they can win at anything?
You have it wrong. The problem was the micro management in Washington. Johnson said that he knew every bomb that was dropped or something along those lines. The Air Force had to fly the exact same route over North Vietnam. No deviation. Then they could only hit designated targets and the Sam Sites and AAA weren't on that list.

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