Zone1 Is socialism dying abroad?....

Ignoring the facts shown in those videos doesn't debunk them. Republicans claim Democrats are Socialists/Commies for being in favor of policies that are taken for granted and completely mainstream in practically all modern, industrialized countries. So based on the Republican conservative metric of what constitutes socialism/communism, the world is now full of successful socialist economies. Republicans shoot themselves in the foot with their silly hyperbolic, bogus labels and accusations.

Your flippant dismissal of the facts doesn't debunk anything.
You do not post facts

You post extrenmist opinion and propoganda NOGTHJING MORE

The demcorats claim republicans arer fascists both are wrong

The republican metric is meaningless there are NO succesful socialist economies. Citing the republicans as though they are a falid source is a failure for you

The so called mixed economies you laud are merely capitalist nations with a maasive wealfre state which is not socialism as you claim
So what is your solution for advanced, intelligent automation, when it comes to wage-labor?

How do you resolve the problem of advanced, intelligent automation replacing wage-labor?

It's not a "tea leaf prophecy" but rather a present-day reality. Advanced automation is replacing wage labor:

That's what you're creating, techno-feudalism/fascism. You want the billionaires to own everything rather than the working class. That's corporate fascism and tyranny.

How do you deal with the fact that advanced automation is right now replacing wage-labor? Pro-capitalism economists, including the billionaires themselves, are saying that the government is going to need to give everyone a UBI (Universal Basic Income). Do you disagree with that opinion? If you do, what's your solution?

Advanced automation is increasing the need for wage labor

Your claim is not a fact

The billionaires are not valid soiurces to back up your claim

The billionaires do not own everything nor do they wish to

Your claim of the future is NOT a reality it is strictly a crystal ball fantasy
Advanced automation is increasing the need for wage labor

Your claim is not a fact

The billionaires are not valid soiurces to back up your claim

The billionaires do not own everything nor do they wish to

Your claim of the future is NOT a reality it is strictly a crystal ball fantasy


LOL! You're the one fantasizing. What a joke.
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You do not post facts

You post extrenmist opinion and propoganda NOGTHJING MORE

The demcorats claim republicans arer fascists both are wrong

The republican metric is meaningless there are NO succesful socialist economies. Citing the republicans as though they are a falid source is a failure for you

The so called mixed economies you laud are merely capitalist nations with a maasive wealfre state which is not socialism as you claim

So you're now confessing here before everyone that the Republicans are wrong when they assert universal healthcare (Medicare For All) is "socialism", unionizing labor is "socialism" and guaranteeing everyone has a right to at least basic housing is "socialism", and high taxation for the rich is "socialism" and nationalizing big oil, gas, and utility companies is "communism" ..on and policy after another. You're admitting now that these government policies aren't socialism and if we enact them here in America you personally wouldn't identify them as socialism and other Republicans shouldn't either. Right?
That video essentially shows nothing, because it ignores the fact that most successful economies are mixed and also fails to mention the need for government intervention in modern economies, due to advanced, intelligent automation. Why do you think so many billionaires are talking about "UBI" (i.e. Universal Basic Income)? Without a massive government bailout program that hands a free monthly income to everyone, capitalism is unsustainable in the 21st century. We're not exiting socialism, we're entering it. This is clearly the age of socialism.
Look around the world socialism is dying... even in China....
When did I insult you? I made several points that you continue to ignore. Even if I did insult you, I can still make a point. When did I ever insult you?
You insult me with your ignorance and your endless defense of global socialism.... get over it socialism is dying just accept it....
Look around the world socialism is dying... even in China....
We must live in two different worlds. Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru (The US ousted the socialist president but Peruvians are now re-electing socialists, hence American capitalist elites aren't going to have their way with Peru), Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Mexico is moving to the left as well...etc. The Zoomers (our youth) are mostly leftists, and Western Europe is full of leftist governments with socialist parties in their parliaments. Socialism is growing and that's without even factoring in advanced automation and artificial intelligence. That's the nail in the coffin for capitalism.

You insult me with your ignorance and your endless defense of global socialism.... get over it socialism is dying just accept it....
Nice try, but you're failing. You have your head in the sand like an ostrich. You're suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance.
You insult me with your ignorance and your endless defense of global socialism.... get over it socialism is dying just accept it....

Say ramb, where in this world is the capitalism of Adam smith practiced?
So, Adam Smith is full of shit with his view of capitalism?
Outdated.... he was a pre modern era economist and would undoubtedly think differently today about many aspects of his position... that's why we can't look back is history without taking in the facts and circumstances of the age we are looking at....
A lot of people do that to try and make a point about issues today and its wrong to do that....

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