Zone1 Is socialism dying abroad?....

otto105 I also own an 8 unit apartment building and every time a leak is found or a furnace needs work I create work for the plumber... he then pays taxes on what I pay him and that allows me to write off of my taxes what I paid him...
That's what makes America work....
When I sold it there were 23 employees and 12 sub contractors working for me... I crated jobs and work for them so they could keep their jobs... you are not making any sense....
Damn, you’re a contractor who drives a truck like your dick.
otto105 I also own an 8 unit apartment building and every time a leak is found or a furnace needs work I create work for the plumber... he then pays taxes on what I pay him and that allows me to write off of my taxes what I paid him...
That's what makes America work....
Dude, you need a check.

Has that activity created a new job?
We give tax incentives to people that create good public outcomes. Like building a business in disadvantaged areas. Or investing in green infrastructure.

Not to a dude who is inflates value to get loans and decreases those values to pay taxes.
Damn, you’re a contractor who drives a truck like your dick.
I'm not nor was not a contractor... My company provided logistics and equipment acquisitions for construction companies who contracted to do large commercial jobs like malls and multi story buildings... its what I did in the Marine Corp..... we did estimates for materials and equipment...
But look at your dumb post... you can't insult me so you may as well stop trying... no one who is not intelligent can insult me... I just laugh and shake my head... try and grow up okay?...
The you dodged and weaved and failed to meet any challenge
I'm asking you for the evidence. What "evidence" are you referring to? Present it in your next post. This is my claim:

1. Republican right-wingers are constantly accusing Democrats of being socialists, even "communists", because they support government programs like food stamps, cash assistance, Medicaid, housing for the poor, rental controls, rent assistance, pro-labor unions, and worker rights, pro-choice for abortion, LGBT+ rights, higher taxes for the rich, nationalizing certain industries like utilities (electricity, water sanitation)..etc. Due to many Democrats supporting such policies, conservative right-wing Republicans are constantly throwing the "socialist", even the COMMUNIST label around, asserting Dems are COMMIES.

Because of this practically ALL of Western Europe, including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and several other well-developed countries are COMMIE. These countries also have these policies and are top-heavy regarding government programs. Soupnazi's claim that socialism never works is absurd because socialism is EVERYWHERE.

Most modern, industrialized nations have mixed economies, which from an American right-wing perspective amount to COMMIE economies. These American conservatives are always raving about how Dems are socialists, well Bubba if that's the case then the whole modern industrialized world is COMMIE. You can't have your cake and eat it too. What's good for the goose is good for the gender. If American Dems are commies for supporting the aforementioned government policies then there are many successful commie economies throughout the world.

2. Every nation that openly identifies itself as having a Marxist, Socialist economy is brutally sanctioned by the United States and threatened with war. If a country applies Marxist socialist principles to its economy and doesn't identify its economy as socialist, they're fine. Why is this? It's because the American ruling elite doesn't want nations that are modern and industrialized to identify any aspect of their economy and government as socialist. To do so is an affront to the wealthy capitalist class of the United States (Of the Empire) that wants its peasants (employees) to stay dumbed down (ignorant, oblivious) and exploited, without powerful labor unions or ever demanding higher wages and more rights and benefits.

The American capitalist class wants to OWN EVERYTHING. The last thing they want is for a democratic government to make an industry that is vital to the nation's infrastructure, like the energy-sector (big oil, nuclear electric plants, electric companies) public (owned collectively by the people). They hate democracy and the public ownership (nationalization) of any industry because they want to own it to profit from it. They refuse to socialize and democratize any sector of the economy, no matter how vital it is to our national security and survival.

It enrages the capitalists (the American ruling elites), when the people (the "peasants", the working-class), through their democratic government, collectively own and benefit directly from those heavy, vital industries that are major centers of economic power. The revenue that is generated by those publicly owned companies is often used to fund social programs and the development and maintenance of national infrastructure. This undermines the privatization of every nook and cranny of the economy, which is what the rich want. They want to profit off of every single product and service, hence their intense rancor, and venom, for democracy and any government involvement in the economy (until they need a government bailout).

The American working class is brainwashed by their capitalist masters hence their odd ambivalence for democracy and socialism. American, working-class, right-wing Republicans are essentially masochists, voting against their own class interests.


The American Republican Working Class

Adam Smith the father of capitalism wrote:


" What are the common wages of labor, depends everywhere upon the contract usually made between those two parties, whose interests are by no means the same. The workmen (employees - working class) desire to get as much, the masters (the capitalist employers, the wealthy elites) to give as little as possible. The former are disposed to combine (organize labor unions) in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the wages of labor.

It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters, being fewer in number, can combine
(Create their own "unions", in the form of chambers of commerce, industry associations, guilds, super-PACs, think tanks, NGOs, armies of lobbyists legally bribing politicians in the halls of government), much more easily; and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen (the law is friendly towards the "unionizing" of the rich and powerful and frowns upon, if not makes it impossible, for the working-class to effectively unionize to defend their class interests)." (Book I, Chapter VIII - Wealth Of Nations)

Socialism is assaulted economically and militarily throughout the world when it identifies itself in the open. The "masters" (Capitalists), in the United States use the US government to destroy countries economically and otherwise that openly identify themselves as socialists.

The US controls the world's reserve currency and international banking system. The world is essentially under the heel of the American capitalist-run empire, economically and otherwise, hence nations that openly identify as socialist, are brutally sanctioned, if not bombed and invaded.

Soupnazi doesn't have the ideological luxury of saying "socialism doesn't work and always fails" when the US capitalist-run government is imposing economic embargoes on countries that openly identify as socialist. Lift the economic sanctions and then maybe you'll have a better argument, but until then, you have nothing.

As pointed out in my first point, soupnazi fails from the very beginning, with his claim that socialism doesn't work anywhere and always fails, because according to the standard of what constitutes socialism to the American conservative right, there are many successful socialist, mixed economies throughout the world, that are even more to the left than the American Democratic Party. Soupnazis anti-socialist rhetoric is a complete failure from the very beginning.

3. It takes time, sometimes centuries for a system of production to replace another. Capitalism didn't replace feudalism overnight, it took centuries. The royal aristocracy of Europe for centuries, laughed at the notion of merchants becoming the new ruling class. Only when material conditions (technology) allowed the mercantile class to industrialize their businesses, did they become the powerful, wealthy industrialists of the 19th century. Modern republicanism which is the daughter of capitalism, didn't defeat the monarchists until conditions were ripe, permitting Republicans to replace the royals of Europe.

4. Material and social conditions (advanced technology, mass unemployment, gross inequality), determine the necessity and success of socialism. In the 21st century advanced, intelligent automation replaces wage-labor and when that occurs to a significant degree, it creates the need for society to adopt a non-profit, publicly owned system of production, a.k.a. socialism. Soupnazi is suffering from cognitive dissonance and is unable to accept that fact. Advanced automation = Socialism.

There are other points I could make but this post is long enough so I will conclude here.

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I'm not nor was not a contractor... My company provided logistics and equipment acquisitions for construction companies who contracted to do large commercial jobs like malls and multi story buildings... its what I did in the Marine Corp..... we did estimates for materials and equipment...
But look at your dumb post... you can't insult me so you may as well stop trying... no one who is not intelligent can insult me... I just laugh and shake my head... try and grow up okay?...
So, you just drive a truck like it's your dick.
He has an account set up for that... the man is a billionaire... you realize that don't you?... do you know what his jet costs per month to just sit at the airport?.... its near $30,000 per month to maintain the jet keep it fueled and pay the staff and cockpit crew....
If you think he is a poor man because the media said he was you are wrong....
Lol 😂 he's paying millions of dollars out of political donations.
I'm asking you for the evidence. What "evidence" are you referring to? Present it in your next post. This is my claim:

1. Republican right-wingers are constantly accusing Democrats of being socialists, even "communists", because they support government programs like food stamps, cash assistance, Medicaid, housing for the poor, rental controls, rent assistance, pro-labor unions, and worker rights, pro-choice for abortion, LGBT+ rights, higher taxes for the rich, nationalizing certain industries like utilities (electricity, water sanitation)..etc. Due to many Democrats supporting such policies, conservative right-wing Republicans are constantly throwing the "socialist", even the COMMUNIST label around, asserting Dems are COMMIES.

Because of this practically ALL of Western Europe, including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and several other well-developed countries are COMMIE. These countries also have these policies and are top-heavy regarding government programs. Soupnazi's claim that socialism never works is absurd because socialism is EVERYWHERE.

Most modern, industrialized nations have mixed economies, which from an American right-wing perspective amount to COMMIE economies. These American conservatives are always raving about how Dems are socialists, well Bubba if that's the case then the whole modern industrialized world is COMMIE. You can't have your cake and eat it too. What's good for the goose is good for the gender. If American Dems are commies for supporting the aforementioned government policies then there are many successful commie economies throughout the world.

2. Every nation that openly identifies itself as having a Marxist, Socialist economy is brutally sanctioned by the United States and threatened with war. If a country applies Marxist socialist principles to its economy and doesn't identify its economy as socialist, they're fine. Why is this? It's because the American ruling elite doesn't want nations that are modern and industrialized to identify any aspect of their economy and government as socialist. To do so is an affront to the wealthy capitalist class of the United States (Of the Empire) that wants its peasants (employees) to stay dumbed down (ignorant, oblivious) and exploited, without powerful labor unions or ever demanding higher wages and more rights and benefits.

The American capitalist class wants to OWN EVERYTHING. The last thing they want is for a democratic government to make an industry that is vital to the nation's infrastructure, like the energy-sector (big oil, nuclear electric plants, electric companies) public (owned collectively by the people). They hate democracy and the public ownership (nationalization) of any industry because they want to own it to profit from it. They refuse to socialize and democratize any sector of the economy, no matter how vital it is to our national security and survival.

It enrages the capitalists (the American ruling elites), when the people (the "peasants", the working-class), through their democratic government, collectively own and benefit directly from those heavy, vital industries that are major centers of economic power. The revenue that is generated by those publicly owned companies is often used to fund social programs and the development and maintenance of national infrastructure. This undermines the privatization of every nook and cranny of the economy, which is what the rich want. They want to profit off of every single product and service, hence their intense rancor, and venom, for democracy and any government involvement in the economy (until they need a government bailout).

The American working class is brainwashed by their capitalist masters hence their odd ambivalence for democracy and socialism. American, working-class, right-wing Republicans are essentially masochists, voting against their own class interests.

View attachment 866786
The American Republican Working Class

Adam Smith the father of capitalism wrote:


" What are the common wages of labor, depends everywhere upon the contract usually made between those two parties, whose interests are by no means the same. The workmen (employees - working class) desire to get as much, the masters (the capitalist employers, the wealthy elites) to give as little as possible. The former are disposed to combine (organize labor unions) in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the wages of labor.

It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters, being fewer in number, can combine
(Create their own "unions", in the form of chambers of commerce, industry associations, guilds, super-PACs, think tanks, NGOs, armies of lobbyists legally bribing politicians in the halls of government), much more easily; and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen (the law is friendly towards the "unionizing" of the rich and powerful and frowns upon, if not makes it impossible, for the working-class to effectively unionize to defend their class interests)." (Book I, Chapter VIII - Wealth Of Nations)

Socialism is assaulted economically and militarily throughout the world when it identifies itself in the open. The "masters" (Capitalists), in the United States use the US government to destroy countries economically and otherwise that openly identify themselves as socialists.

The US controls the world's reserve currency and international banking system. The world is essentially under the heel of the American capitalist-run empire, economically and otherwise, hence nations that openly identify as socialist, are brutally sanctioned, if not bombed and invaded.

Soupnazi doesn't have the ideological luxury of saying "socialism doesn't work and always fails" when the US capitalist-run government is imposing economic embargoes on countries that openly identify as socialist. Lift the economic sanctions and then maybe you'll have a better argument, but until then, you have nothing.

As pointed out in my first point, soupnazi fails from the very beginning, with his claim that socialism doesn't work anywhere and always fails, because according to the standard of what constitutes socialism to the American conservative right, there are many successful socialist, mixed economies throughout the world, that are even more to the left than the American Democratic Party. Soupnazis anti-socialist rhetoric is a complete failure from the very beginning.

3. It takes time, sometimes centuries for a system of production to replace another. Capitalism didn't replace feudalism overnight, it took centuries. The royal aristocracy of Europe for centuries, laughed at the notion of merchants becoming the new ruling class. Only when material conditions (technology) allowed the mercantile class to industrialize their businesses, did they become the powerful, wealthy industrialists of the 19th century. Modern republicanism which is the daughter of capitalism, didn't defeat the monarchists until conditions were ripe, permitting Republicans to replace the royals of Europe.

4. Material and social conditions (advanced technology, mass unemployment, gross inequality), determine the necessity and success of socialism. In the 21st century advanced, intelligent automation replaces wage-labor and when that occurs to a significant degree, it creates the need for society to adopt a non-profit, publicly owned system of production, a.k.a. socialism. Soupnazi is suffering from cognitive dissonance and is unable to accept that fact. Advanced automation = Socialism.

There are other points I could make but this post is long enough so I will conclude here.

I presented massive evidence alreadya nd you knjow it stop the lies and stop the repitition

It is irrelevant what Republicans do or say democrats are no better

Stopping marxism world wide is a moral good

The average American worker is not brai9inwashed they are SMARTER than you or any marxist hence their rejection of the worst ideology in historty,

Your claim is nonsensical and not supported by evidence or experts

Your videos are STRICTLY fictional entertainment

You have made NO point
I'm asking you for the evidence. What "evidence" are you referring to? Present it in your next post. This is my claim:

1. Republican right-wingers are constantly accusing Democrats of being socialists, even "communists", because they support government programs like food stamps, cash assistance, Medicaid, housing for the poor, rental controls, rent assistance, pro-labor unions, and worker rights, pro-choice for abortion, LGBT+ rights, higher taxes for the rich, nationalizing certain industries like utilities (electricity, water sanitation)..etc. Due to many Democrats supporting such policies, conservative right-wing Republicans are constantly throwing the "socialist", even the COMMUNIST label around, asserting Dems are COMMIES.

Because of this practically ALL of Western Europe, including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and several other well-developed countries are COMMIE. These countries also have these policies and are top-heavy regarding government programs. Soupnazi's claim that socialism never works is absurd because socialism is EVERYWHERE.

Most modern, industrialized nations have mixed economies, which from an American right-wing perspective amount to COMMIE economies. These American conservatives are always raving about how Dems are socialists, well Bubba if that's the case then the whole modern industrialized world is COMMIE. You can't have your cake and eat it too. What's good for the goose is good for the gender. If American Dems are commies for supporting the aforementioned government policies then there are many successful commie economies throughout the world.

2. Every nation that openly identifies itself as having a Marxist, Socialist economy is brutally sanctioned by the United States and threatened with war. If a country applies Marxist socialist principles to its economy and doesn't identify its economy as socialist, they're fine. Why is this? It's because the American ruling elite doesn't want nations that are modern and industrialized to identify any aspect of their economy and government as socialist. To do so is an affront to the wealthy capitalist class of the United States (Of the Empire) that wants its peasants (employees) to stay dumbed down (ignorant, oblivious) and exploited, without powerful labor unions or ever demanding higher wages and more rights and benefits.

The American capitalist class wants to OWN EVERYTHING. The last thing they want is for a democratic government to make an industry that is vital to the nation's infrastructure, like the energy-sector (big oil, nuclear electric plants, electric companies) public (owned collectively by the people). They hate democracy and the public ownership (nationalization) of any industry because they want to own it to profit from it. They refuse to socialize and democratize any sector of the economy, no matter how vital it is to our national security and survival.

It enrages the capitalists (the American ruling elites), when the people (the "peasants", the working-class), through their democratic government, collectively own and benefit directly from those heavy, vital industries that are major centers of economic power. The revenue that is generated by those publicly owned companies is often used to fund social programs and the development and maintenance of national infrastructure. This undermines the privatization of every nook and cranny of the economy, which is what the rich want. They want to profit off of every single product and service, hence their intense rancor, and venom, for democracy and any government involvement in the economy (until they need a government bailout).

The American working class is brainwashed by their capitalist masters hence their odd ambivalence for democracy and socialism. American, working-class, right-wing Republicans are essentially masochists, voting against their own class interests.

View attachment 866786
The American Republican Working Class

Adam Smith the father of capitalism wrote:


" What are the common wages of labor, depends everywhere upon the contract usually made between those two parties, whose interests are by no means the same. The workmen (employees - working class) desire to get as much, the masters (the capitalist employers, the wealthy elites) to give as little as possible. The former are disposed to combine (organize labor unions) in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the wages of labor.

It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters, being fewer in number, can combine
(Create their own "unions", in the form of chambers of commerce, industry associations, guilds, super-PACs, think tanks, NGOs, armies of lobbyists legally bribing politicians in the halls of government), much more easily; and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen (the law is friendly towards the "unionizing" of the rich and powerful and frowns upon, if not makes it impossible, for the working-class to effectively unionize to defend their class interests)." (Book I, Chapter VIII - Wealth Of Nations)

Socialism is assaulted economically and militarily throughout the world when it identifies itself in the open. The "masters" (Capitalists), in the United States use the US government to destroy countries economically and otherwise that openly identify themselves as socialists.

The US controls the world's reserve currency and international banking system. The world is essentially under the heel of the American capitalist-run empire, economically and otherwise, hence nations that openly identify as socialist, are brutally sanctioned, if not bombed and invaded.

Soupnazi doesn't have the ideological luxury of saying "socialism doesn't work and always fails" when the US capitalist-run government is imposing economic embargoes on countries that openly identify as socialist. Lift the economic sanctions and then maybe you'll have a better argument, but until then, you have nothing.

As pointed out in my first point, soupnazi fails from the very beginning, with his claim that socialism doesn't work anywhere and always fails, because according to the standard of what constitutes socialism to the American conservative right, there are many successful socialist, mixed economies throughout the world, that are even more to the left than the American Democratic Party. Soupnazis anti-socialist rhetoric is a complete failure from the very beginning.

3. It takes time, sometimes centuries for a system of production to replace another. Capitalism didn't replace feudalism overnight, it took centuries. The royal aristocracy of Europe for centuries, laughed at the notion of merchants becoming the new ruling class. Only when material conditions (technology) allowed the mercantile class to industrialize their businesses, did they become the powerful, wealthy industrialists of the 19th century. Modern republicanism which is the daughter of capitalism, didn't defeat the monarchists until conditions were ripe, permitting Republicans to replace the royals of Europe.

4. Material and social conditions (advanced technology, mass unemployment, gross inequality), determine the necessity and success of socialism. In the 21st century advanced, intelligent automation replaces wage-labor and when that occurs to a significant degree, it creates the need for society to adopt a non-profit, publicly owned system of production, a.k.a. socialism. Soupnazi is suffering from cognitive dissonance and is unable to accept that fact. Advanced automation = Socialism.

There are other points I could make but this post is long enough so I will conclude here.


lolol...............omfg..............socialism means you cannot own your own biz naturally or own your own property......but you probably never owned anything of significance anyway
I'm still on wait and see mode on this. Too often the campaign slogans come up empty once all the sound and fury dies down and the people find out their 'savior' is just a different tyrant.

Peron ran on a populist platform that won the hearts of the people. He did manage to do some good but most of his promises to Argentina didn't quite get there. A better dictator than some maybe, but a dictator.

I do hope this guy is the real deal.
Agree, to many disappointments in the quality of world leaders. The power of money and BS by 24 hour media.
When capitalism crushes the middle class... When the middle class shrinks.. socialism becomes more attractive.. Or, you can temper capitalism with a bit of socialism and avoid the wild swings.
Pretty close call on the reality of the negative values put on labels.
Balance is the nectar needed.

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