Is Putin Still Using Trump?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Even Trump's despotic intimates have finally come around.

China's Xi Jinping and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan have belatedly joined democratic leaders in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific in congratulating President-elect Joe Biden.

The conspicuous exception on the international scene is Vlady Putin. (Kim Jung Un may be excused for personal reasons - his amorous relationship with the departing impeachee - Opinion | Kurt Bardella: Trump says he and North Korea's Kim Jong Un "fell in love." Here's how the GOP responded.)

Does Pooty Poot's refusal to acknowledge the democratic choice of the American electorate to lead the nation suggest that the KGB thug is aligned with Trump in his evidence-free, crackpot claims that the election was rigged in a vast conspiracy by Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries-of-state, county election supervisors, tabulators, and auditors, with the complicity of judges across the land?

The FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-led Senate investigative committees all confirmed that Putin interfered in the 2016 U.S. election to sew discord and help Trump.

His silence is effusive.

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Even Trump's despotic intimates have finally come around.

China's Xi Jinping and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan have belatedly joined democratic leaders in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific in congratulating President-elect Joe Biden.

The conspicuous exception on the international scene is Vlady Putin. (Kim Jung Un may be excused for personal reasons - his amorous relationship with the departing impeachee - Opinion | Kurt Bardella: Trump says he and North Korea's Kim Jong Un "fell in love." Here's how the GOP responded.)

Does Pooty Poot's refusal to acknowledge the democratic choice of the American electorate to lead the nation suggest that the KGB thug is aligned with Trump in his evidence-free, crackpot claims that the election was rigged in a vast conspiracy by Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries-of-state, county election supervisors, tabulators, and auditors, with the complicity of judges across the land?

The FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-led Senate investigative committees all confirmed that Putin interfered in the 2016 U.S. election to sew discord and help Trump.

His silence is effusive.

LOL...Xi Jinping is elated that we may have allowed a fraudulent election to get Beijing Joe elected.
Even Trump's despotic intimates have finally come around.

China's Xi Jinping and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan have belatedly joined democratic leaders in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific in congratulating President-elect Joe Biden.

The conspicuous exception on the international scene is Vlady Putin. (Kim Jung Un may be excused for personal reasons - his amorous relationship with the departing impeachee - Opinion | Kurt Bardella: Trump says he and North Korea's Kim Jong Un "fell in love." Here's how the GOP responded.)

Does Pooty Poot's refusal to acknowledge the democratic choice of the American electorate to lead the nation suggest that the KGB thug is aligned with Trump in his evidence-free, crackpot claims that the election was rigged in a vast conspiracy by Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries-of-state, county election supervisors, tabulators, and auditors, with the complicity of judges across the land?

The FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-led Senate investigative committees all confirmed that Putin interfered in the 2016 U.S. election to sew discord and help Trump.

His silence is effusive.

Yes. Russia spent $100k on facebook ads And that defeated Hillary’s $1.4 billion campaign.

The CIA interferes in foreign elections constantly. Does that concern you?
So much drama in the phrase, 'We fell in love.'

I fell in love with pumpkin pie yesterday.

The OP is based on an OPINION piece, not factual, and is a perfect example of how Trump haters continue to extrapolate anything in order to hate.
Even Trump's despotic intimates have finally come around.

China's Xi Jinping and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan have belatedly joined democratic leaders in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific in congratulating President-elect Joe Biden.

The conspicuous exception on the international scene is Vlady Putin. (Kim Jung Un may be excused for personal reasons - his amorous relationship with the departing impeachee - Opinion | Kurt Bardella: Trump says he and North Korea's Kim Jong Un "fell in love." Here's how the GOP responded.)

Does Pooty Poot's refusal to acknowledge the democratic choice of the American electorate to lead the nation suggest that the KGB thug is aligned with Trump in his evidence-free, crackpot claims that the election was rigged in a vast conspiracy by Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries-of-state, county election supervisors, tabulators, and auditors, with the complicity of judges across the land?

The FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-led Senate investigative committees all confirmed that Putin interfered in the 2016 U.S. election to sew discord and help Trump.

His silence is effusive.

Please explain how Donald Trump benefited Russia one way or another during the last four years?
Even Xi, who appears to have thought him a real hoot, has moved on.

Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 10.45.25 AM.png
Even Trump's despotic intimates have finally come around.

China's Xi Jinping and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan have belatedly joined democratic leaders in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific in congratulating President-elect Joe Biden.

The conspicuous exception on the international scene is Vlady Putin. (Kim Jung Un may be excused for personal reasons - his amorous relationship with the departing impeachee - Opinion | Kurt Bardella: Trump says he and North Korea's Kim Jong Un "fell in love." Here's how the GOP responded.)

Does Pooty Poot's refusal to acknowledge the democratic choice of the American electorate to lead the nation suggest that the KGB thug is aligned with Trump in his evidence-free, crackpot claims that the election was rigged in a vast conspiracy by Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries-of-state, county election supervisors, tabulators, and auditors, with the complicity of judges across the land?

The FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-led Senate investigative committees all confirmed that Putin interfered in the 2016 U.S. election to sew discord and help Trump.

His silence is effusive.

“Is Putin Still Using Trump?”
He never was...remember, you fucked in the head whackos spent tens of millions in taxpayer cash with the worlds greatest investigator (Robert Mueller) to prove he wasn’ dumbmotherfuckers!
Even Trump's despotic intimates have finally come around.

China's Xi Jinping and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan have belatedly joined democratic leaders in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific in congratulating President-elect Joe Biden.

The conspicuous exception on the international scene is Vlady Putin. (Kim Jung Un may be excused for personal reasons - his amorous relationship with the departing impeachee - Opinion | Kurt Bardella: Trump says he and North Korea's Kim Jong Un "fell in love." Here's how the GOP responded.)

Does Pooty Poot's refusal to acknowledge the democratic choice of the American electorate to lead the nation suggest that the KGB thug is aligned with Trump in his evidence-free, crackpot claims that the election was rigged in a vast conspiracy by Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries-of-state, county election supervisors, tabulators, and auditors, with the complicity of judges across the land?

The FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-led Senate investigative committees all confirmed that Putin interfered in the 2016 U.S. election to sew discord and help Trump.

His silence is effusive.

Yes, yes he is. Putin is actually leading Trumps legal team and is overseeing the Supreme Court so Trump will be elected again. It's all over the media and stuff.
Putin owns tramp, and I mean money wise in my opinion.

He even might sell our secrets.
This is almost as stupid as the 9/11 truthtard movement. This country has never had a worse fascist nationalist in any office. It's amazing he didn't start a 3rd world war. Trump was no more subservient to Putin than Paris Hilton is a talented actress and productive business woman.

What trump got away with was undermining the UN and actually making the europeans more independent militarily. That was devastating to progressive endeavors to unify the world but for some reason democrats want to pretend trump was working for someone else's interests.
President Trump gets along tremendously with foreign leaders, even those he has a lot of disagreement, like Uncle Pooty.
He gets along great with despots. The democratically elected leaders can’t stand him.
Please explain how Donald Trump benefited Russia one way or another during the last four years?
No need to harken back to Putin's successes though Trumpery. For the KGB thug, Trump is the gift keeps on giving, beyond his having realized his goal of promoting divisiveness in America.

Putin said the "problems in the US electoral system" mean the US doesn't have the right to criticize how other countries run their elections.

The remarks are a clear indication of how Trump's fake claims of voter fraud and election-rigging enable Putin to undermine US principles concerning free and fair elections.

Trump's attempt to paint the US election as rigged plays directly into Putin's primary objective, to sow discord and demean democracy - Putin's message to Russians and folks around the world.
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Please explain how Donald Trump benefited Russia one way or another during the last four years?
No need to harken back to Putin's successes though Trumpery. For the KGB thug, Trump is the gift keeps on giving, beyond his having achieved his goal of promoting divisiveness in America.

Putin said the "problems in the US electoral system" mean the US doesn't have the right to criticize how other countries run their elections.

The remarks are a clear indication of how Trump's fake claims of voter fraud and election-rigging enable Putin to undermine US principles concerning free and fair elections.

Trump's attempt to paint the US election as rigged plays directly into Putin's primary objective, to sow discord and demean democracy - from the perspective of Russians and around the world.

So in other words, Putin had absolutely no influence on President Trump's agenda or decisions.

Thank you.
Even Trump's despotic intimates have finally come around.

China's Xi Jinping and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan have belatedly joined democratic leaders in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific in congratulating President-elect Joe Biden.

The conspicuous exception on the international scene is Vlady Putin. (Kim Jung Un may be excused for personal reasons - his amorous relationship with the departing impeachee - Opinion | Kurt Bardella: Trump says he and North Korea's Kim Jong Un "fell in love." Here's how the GOP responded.)

Does Pooty Poot's refusal to acknowledge the democratic choice of the American electorate to lead the nation suggest that the KGB thug is aligned with Trump in his evidence-free, crackpot claims that the election was rigged in a vast conspiracy by Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries-of-state, county election supervisors, tabulators, and auditors, with the complicity of judges across the land?

The FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-led Senate investigative committees all confirmed that Putin interfered in the 2016 U.S. election to sew discord and help Trump.

His silence is effusive.

There is no silence, you moron.

Putin, like all the world's dictators and bad actors, seems eager to work with Brain Damaged Joe.
I hope Vlad isn't too disappointed when Biden is denied the presidency due to epic voter fraud.
President Trump gets along tremendously with foreign leaders, even those he has a lot of disagreement, like Uncle Pooty.
He gets along great with despots. The democratically elected leaders can’t stand him.

Not at all. Trump gets along tremendously with the leaders of Democratic nations like India, Brazil, Israel and Japan just fine. And has a real problem with despots like those in Iran
He should be tried for treason and those republicans with him. We will never forget how they stood mute.
So much drama in the phrase, 'We fell in love.'

I fell in love with pumpkin pie yesterday.

The OP is based on an OPINION piece, not factual, and is a perfect example of how Trump haters continue to extrapolate anything in order to hate.
They really do more to undermine progressive endeavors looking like complete idiots when they post stuff like this. Instead of pursuing economic equality, they're making asses of themselves and marginalizing the efforts to regulate individual income and spread the wealth around properly.
Is Putin Still Using Trump?

You pathetic lying boneflap, show us where Putin was EVER using Trump? You have any real idea how tough we've been on Russia? I guess it really SUCKS to be YOU-- -- to have a president achieving peace and good relations with his chief adversaries, and where not possible like with Iran and ISIS, either control or utter decimation.

That really makes Obumma's massive utter foreign disasters look like real CRAP, huh?

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