Is Pence setting up President Trump for a DeSantis coup?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
“I don’t know that the president and I differ on issues. But we may differ on focus,” Pence told a conference of young conservatives in Washington, D.C.

“I truly do believe that elections are about the future, and that it’s absolutely essential at a time when so many Americans are hurting, so many families are struggling, that we don’t give way to the temptation to look back,” Pence said during a brief question-and-answer session.

The former vice president spoke to the Young America’s Foundation, a conservative youth organization, just hours before Trump was set to speak in the nation’s capital for the first time since leaving office. "

Pence has to know voters will NEVER reward his Jan 6 cowardice. Is Pence trying to take our focus from the Establishment Stealing Trump's Victory? IF voters stop demanding Trump's return, why not DeSantis? What else can be Pence's motivation?
I don’t know that the president and I differ on issues. But we may differ on focus,” Pence told a conference of young conservatives in Washington, D.C.
He, or his handlers likely worked on those two sentence for hours. He understands something that Dems do not: People who support Trump, support him for his pro-American policies, not because his mean tweets are so funny. So Pence is trying to signal a complete agreement with all of Trump's policies, while hoping that the sentence on "focus" will be interpreted as whatever any individual would hope that it would mean.

IOW, if I'm a voter who thinks that Trump's ideas about cutting regulation and securing the border are the right ones, but I don't like all of his name calling and other meanness, I can interpret those sentences to mean that Pence will be a kinder, gentler president who will stop Biden's border insanity. If I love Trump's policies, but hate what he did on Jan 6, I can project that onto Pence.

Won't work, though. Not with DeSantis ready to say that he not only believes in closing the border, he will actually build the wall, unlike Trump.
“I truly do believe that elections are about the future, and that it’s absolutely essential at a time when so many Americans are hurting, so many families are struggling, that we don’t give way to the temptation to look back,” Pence said during a brief question-and-answer session.
Translation: please don't make me take a stand on Jan 6th.
The former vice president spoke to the Young America’s Foundation, a conservative youth organization, just hours before Trump was set to speak in the nation’s capital for the first time since leaving office. "

Pence has to know voters will NEVER reward his Jan 6 cowardice. Is Pence trying to take our focus from the Establishment Stealing Trump's Victory? IF voters stop demanding Trump's return, why not DeSantis? What else can be Pence's motivation?
Exactly. He cannot tar DeSantis with Trump. But the Dems can easily tar Pence with Trump. They would do that in a blue minute if Pence somehow got the nom, no matter how much the media is lionizing Pence now.
Leave DeSantis alone.

We need him for another four years here in Florida. There is a lot more Liberal crap for him to do away with in Florida before we will release him to be President so he can fix the US.
After the midterm elections, in 2023, there will be many "throwing their hats in the ring" to run for president. Politics is a dirty business and it often pays off. There will be lots of mud slinging and Trump is one of the best at slinging it. For the others that enter the republican primaries, Trump will be target no 1.

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