Is Paulism the future?


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
The majority of this article is in reference to the death of the Tea Party, but that's mundane, so let's look at the far more interesting conclusion of the piece.

It’s interesting to note that House candidates supported by Ron Paul – who peddles a less culturally toxic brand of libertarianism – did rather well. Is Paulism the future?

Is the Tea Party over? Radical social conservatism may have brought it to an end – Telegraph Blogs

The obvious answer is yes. Generally, the youth shun the Republican Party, but Ron Paul was able to appeal to this demographic strongly. As the Republican Party becomes older it needs to start trying to appeal to younger voters, and the only way to do that is to adopt the Ron Paul platform.
Legalize pot, "paulism"(LOL) mission accomplished as far as youth is concerned.
I may agree.

1. Paulism: One who suffers from delusions of extreme self-worth and superhuman abilities. A legend in his own mind. Similar to Narcissism, but worse.

This describes so many people who for whatever reason are under the wrong impression. Not just from those in power, but from those seeking it.
No. Its not.

Care to elaborate?


Globalism is real.

Ron Pauls ideas would not work.

Not endorsing or attacking them. Just reality.

The scope of this topic is narrower than that. Whether or not his ideas would work is irrelevant. The topic is: Would "Paulism" help the Republican Party? Now obviously the Republicans would rather shoot themselves in the foot than adopt any real libertarian ideas, but if they're going to remain relevant is it necessary for them to do so? Whether the ideas work or not they're popular among young people.
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I may agree.

1. Paulism: One who suffers from delusions of extreme self-worth and superhuman abilities. A legend in his own mind. Similar to Narcissism, but worse.

This describes so many people who for whatever reason are under the wrong impression. Not just from those in power, but from those seeking it.

So stay the course then?
I may agree.

1. Paulism: One who suffers from delusions of extreme self-worth and superhuman abilities. A legend in his own mind. Similar to Narcissism, but worse.

This describes so many people who for whatever reason are under the wrong impression. Not just from those in power, but from those seeking it.

Uh .... huh. I got nothing.

Anybody else wanna take a crack at it?
I may agree.

1. Paulism: One who suffers from delusions of extreme self-worth and superhuman abilities. A legend in his own mind. Similar to Narcissism, but worse.

This describes so many people who for whatever reason are under the wrong impression. Not just from those in power, but from those seeking it.

Uh .... huh. I got nothing.

Anybody else wanna take a crack at it?

Let's ignore the nonsense and try to focus on the core.
You gain some younger voters --- you lose the entire Repub right. Not a good trade.

Let the Repubs worry about their PR problems.. We need to concentrate on better explanations for economic choice and what it means to people on ALL sides of the spectrum..

If you can't interest Blacks (for instance) with school choice and REAL education reform, retirement funds that can be handed down to your kin and with an end to incarcerating MILLIONS in a failed drug war and LESS international military interventionism -- then they are not really LOOKING for alternatives are they? Why screw that up by trying to "moderate" those views to help the Republicans who don't have ANY OF THAT on their agenda.
The majority of this article is in reference to the death of the Tea Party, but that's mundane, so let's look at the far more interesting conclusion of the piece.

It’s interesting to note that House candidates supported by Ron Paul – who peddles a less culturally toxic brand of libertarianism – did rather well. Is Paulism the future?

Is the Tea Party over? Radical social conservatism may have brought it to an end – Telegraph Blogs

The obvious answer is yes. Generally, the youth shun the Republican Party, but Ron Paul was able to appeal to this demographic strongly. As the Republican Party becomes older it needs to start trying to appeal to younger voters, and the only way to do that is to adopt the Ron Paul platform.

This seems antithetical to a demographic who have embraced socialistic tendencies. Could you elaborate on how individualism would appeal to this group? I've lived it my entire life so far.
The majority of this article is in reference to the death of the Tea Party, but that's mundane, so let's look at the far more interesting conclusion of the piece.

It’s interesting to note that House candidates supported by Ron Paul – who peddles a less culturally toxic brand of libertarianism – did rather well. Is Paulism the future?

Is the Tea Party over? Radical social conservatism may have brought it to an end – Telegraph Blogs

The obvious answer is yes. Generally, the youth shun the Republican Party, but Ron Paul was able to appeal to this demographic strongly. As the Republican Party becomes older it needs to start trying to appeal to younger voters, and the only way to do that is to adopt the Ron Paul platform.

This seems antithetical to a demographic who have embraced socialistic tendencies. Could you elaborate on how individualism would appeal to this group? I've lived it my entire life so far.

Well, exactly. The tipping point was reached... more takers than makers, more ignorant than politically or economically educated. Barack Obama has made sure of that over the last four years. And the Paulbots have spent the last two of them smearing the only guy who might have stopped him. The U.S.S. Liberty has sailed off into the sunset. The gravy train can't be stopped 'til it crashes and burns. Which, incidentally, shouldn't be long now.
Alex Castellanos seems to think so.

[ame=]Attracting younger voters to the republican party - YouTube[/ame]
You gain some younger voters --- you lose the entire Repub right. Not a good trade.

Let the Repubs worry about their PR problems.. We need to concentrate on better explanations for economic choice and what it means to people on ALL sides of the spectrum..

If you can't interest Blacks (for instance) with school choice and REAL education reform, retirement funds that can be handed down to your kin and with an end to incarcerating MILLIONS in a failed drug war and LESS international military interventionism -- then they are not really LOOKING for alternatives are they? Why screw that up by trying to "moderate" those views to help the Republicans who don't have ANY OF THAT on their agenda.

Is the "Republican right" relevant anymore? They've just been soundly defeated twice, and this last time they should've won. Maybe the reports of their death have been exaggerated, but it's a fact that the Republican Party as we know it is getting older and sooner or later they'll have no choice but appeal to the youth. I'd say the sooner they do it the better for them.

Also, I'm not trying to "moderate" the Republican Party. They've tried that, and it fails every time.
The majority of this article is in reference to the death of the Tea Party, but that's mundane, so let's look at the far more interesting conclusion of the piece.

It’s interesting to note that House candidates supported by Ron Paul – who peddles a less culturally toxic brand of libertarianism – did rather well. Is Paulism the future?

Is the Tea Party over? Radical social conservatism may have brought it to an end – Telegraph Blogs

The obvious answer is yes. Generally, the youth shun the Republican Party, but Ron Paul was able to appeal to this demographic strongly. As the Republican Party becomes older it needs to start trying to appeal to younger voters, and the only way to do that is to adopt the Ron Paul platform.

This seems antithetical to a demographic who have embraced socialistic tendencies. Could you elaborate on how individualism would appeal to this group? I've lived it my entire life so far.

You're saying that individualism doesn't appeal to the youth? Then why did they vote for Ron Paul?
You gain some younger voters --- you lose the entire Repub right. Not a good trade.

Let the Repubs worry about their PR problems.. We need to concentrate on better explanations for economic choice and what it means to people on ALL sides of the spectrum..

If you can't interest Blacks (for instance) with school choice and REAL education reform, retirement funds that can be handed down to your kin and with an end to incarcerating MILLIONS in a failed drug war and LESS international military interventionism -- then they are not really LOOKING for alternatives are they? Why screw that up by trying to "moderate" those views to help the Republicans who don't have ANY OF THAT on their agenda.

Is the "Republican right" relevant anymore? They've just been soundly defeated twice, and this last time they should've won. Maybe the reports of their death have been exaggerated, but it's a fact that the Republican Party as we know it is getting older and sooner or later they'll have no choice but appeal to the youth. I'd say the sooner they do it the better for them.

Also, I'm not trying to "moderate" the Republican Party. They've tried that, and it fails every time.

I still think that a large portion of our national delusion politically is founded on the defunct left/right paradigm. It doesn't accurately capture what voters are concerned with.
The majority of this article is in reference to the death of the Tea Party, but that's mundane, so let's look at the far more interesting conclusion of the piece.

Is the Tea Party over? Radical social conservatism may have brought it to an end – Telegraph Blogs

The obvious answer is yes. Generally, the youth shun the Republican Party, but Ron Paul was able to appeal to this demographic strongly. As the Republican Party becomes older it needs to start trying to appeal to younger voters, and the only way to do that is to adopt the Ron Paul platform.

This seems antithetical to a demographic who have embraced socialistic tendencies. Could you elaborate on how individualism would appeal to this group? I've lived it my entire life so far.

You're saying that individualism doesn't appeal to the youth? Then why did they vote for Ron Paul?

He wants to legalize pot.

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