Is Pain And Suffering The Only Way To Convince Atheists That God Exists?

Is Pain And Suffering The Only Way To Convince Atheists That God Exists?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • I Don't Know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

The Bible says otherwise. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists:

"Jesus performed countless miracles, yet the vast majority of people did not believe in Him. If God performed miracles today as He did in the past, the result would be the same. People would be amazed and would believe in God for a short time. That faith would be shallow and would disappear the moment something unexpected or frightening occurred. A faith based on miracles is not a mature faith. God performed the greatest “God miracle” of all time in coming to earth as the Man Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8) so that we could be saved (John 3:16). God does still perform miracles—many of them simply go unnoticed or are denied. However, we do not need more miracles. What we need is to believe in the miracle of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ."

Does God still perform miracles?

Lawrence Krauss is a professor of physics at Arizona State University. He said evidence for God would be as follows.

"Now, it would be easy to have evidence for God. If the stars rearrange themselves tonight and I looked up tonight—well not here, but in a place where you could see the stars, in Arizona, say,—and I looked up tonight and I saw the stars rearrange themselves say, “I am here.”

The Craig - Krauss Debate at North Carolina State University | Reasonable Faith

Later, another atheist responded that he would not accept the stars rearranging themselves because people south of the equator would not be able to see this.

Thus, the only way I see to convince every single atheist is pain and suffering. If they knew God brought this upon them, then they would have to believe. It's like they brought it upon themselves. You asked for it. You got it. Of course, this is what I think happens in the afterlife. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved in this life.

I have a video on pain and suffering. Maybe this is one of the methods.

Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

The Bible says otherwise. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists:

"Jesus performed countless miracles, yet the vast majority of people did not believe in Him. If God performed miracles today as He did in the past, the result would be the same. People would be amazed and would believe in God for a short time. That faith would be shallow and would disappear the moment something unexpected or frightening occurred. A faith based on miracles is not a mature faith. God performed the greatest “God miracle” of all time in coming to earth as the Man Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8) so that we could be saved (John 3:16). God does still perform miracles—many of them simply go unnoticed or are denied. However, we do not need more miracles. What we need is to believe in the miracle of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ."

Does God still perform miracles?

Lawrence Krauss is a professor of physics at Arizona State University. He said evidence for God would be as follows.

"Now, it would be easy to have evidence for God. If the stars rearrange themselves tonight and I looked up tonight—well not here, but in a place where you could see the stars, in Arizona, say,—and I looked up tonight and I saw the stars rearrange themselves say, “I am here.”

The Craig - Krauss Debate at North Carolina State University | Reasonable Faith

Later, another atheist responded that he would not accept the stars rearranging themselves because people south of the equator would not be able to see this.

Thus, the only way I see to convince every single atheist is pain and suffering. If they knew God brought this upon them, then they would have to believe. It's like they brought it upon themselves. You asked for it. You got it. Of course, this is what I think happens in the afterlife. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved in this life.

I have a video on pain and suffering. Maybe this is one of the methods.

Odin would completely whoop the ass of your sorry little god in a fight
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

If you rubes had actually provided evidence, you might have a point, but you haven't.
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

The Bible says otherwise. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists:

"Jesus performed countless miracles, yet the vast majority of people did not believe in Him. If God performed miracles today as He did in the past, the result would be the same. People would be amazed and would believe in God for a short time. That faith would be shallow and would disappear the moment something unexpected or frightening occurred. A faith based on miracles is not a mature faith. God performed the greatest “God miracle” of all time in coming to earth as the Man Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8) so that we could be saved (John 3:16). God does still perform miracles—many of them simply go unnoticed or are denied. However, we do not need more miracles. What we need is to believe in the miracle of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ."

Does God still perform miracles?

Lawrence Krauss is a professor of physics at Arizona State University. He said evidence for God would be as follows.

"Now, it would be easy to have evidence for God. If the stars rearrange themselves tonight and I looked up tonight—well not here, but in a place where you could see the stars, in Arizona, say,—and I looked up tonight and I saw the stars rearrange themselves say, “I am here.”

The Craig - Krauss Debate at North Carolina State University | Reasonable Faith

Later, another atheist responded that he would not accept the stars rearranging themselves because people south of the equator would not be able to see this.

Thus, the only way I see to convince every single atheist is pain and suffering. If they knew God brought this upon them, then they would have to believe. It's like they brought it upon themselves. You asked for it. You got it. Of course, this is what I think happens in the afterlife. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved in this life.

I have a video on pain and suffering. Maybe this is one of the methods.

Oh, so your God of Love will inflict pain and suffering to prove he exists? Wow, that kind of compassion is astounding.

Are you wishing for atheists to have God inflict all this pain & suffering on them?
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

The Bible says otherwise. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists:

"Jesus performed countless miracles, yet the vast majority of people did not believe in Him. If God performed miracles today as He did in the past, the result would be the same. People would be amazed and would believe in God for a short time. That faith would be shallow and would disappear the moment something unexpected or frightening occurred. A faith based on miracles is not a mature faith. God performed the greatest “God miracle” of all time in coming to earth as the Man Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8) so that we could be saved (John 3:16). God does still perform miracles—many of them simply go unnoticed or are denied. However, we do not need more miracles. What we need is to believe in the miracle of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ."

Does God still perform miracles?

Lawrence Krauss is a professor of physics at Arizona State University. He said evidence for God would be as follows.

"Now, it would be easy to have evidence for God. If the stars rearrange themselves tonight and I looked up tonight—well not here, but in a place where you could see the stars, in Arizona, say,—and I looked up tonight and I saw the stars rearrange themselves say, “I am here.”

The Craig - Krauss Debate at North Carolina State University | Reasonable Faith

Later, another atheist responded that he would not accept the stars rearranging themselves because people south of the equator would not be able to see this.

Thus, the only way I see to convince every single atheist is pain and suffering. If they knew God brought this upon them, then they would have to believe. It's like they brought it upon themselves. You asked for it. You got it. Of course, this is what I think happens in the afterlife. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved in this life.

I have a video on pain and suffering. Maybe this is one of the methods.

What I find most telling is that you watch a video about a guy (a lunatic in my opinion) having 2 different species of scorpion sting him to see which hurts the most. And rather than marvel at the insanity of the guy, or wonder about the limits of what people will do for TV ratings, of be amazed/creeped out by the scorpion, you come up with the idea that God should inflict such pain & suffering on nonbelievers to make them believe.

Can you not see the sadistic insanity of such thinking?
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

The Bible says otherwise. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists:

"Jesus performed countless miracles, yet the vast majority of people did not believe in Him. If God performed miracles today as He did in the past, the result would be the same. People would be amazed and would believe in God for a short time. That faith would be shallow and would disappear the moment something unexpected or frightening occurred. A faith based on miracles is not a mature faith. God performed the greatest “God miracle” of all time in coming to earth as the Man Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8) so that we could be saved (John 3:16). God does still perform miracles—many of them simply go unnoticed or are denied. However, we do not need more miracles. What we need is to believe in the miracle of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ."

Does God still perform miracles?

Lawrence Krauss is a professor of physics at Arizona State University. He said evidence for God would be as follows.

"Now, it would be easy to have evidence for God. If the stars rearrange themselves tonight and I looked up tonight—well not here, but in a place where you could see the stars, in Arizona, say,—and I looked up tonight and I saw the stars rearrange themselves say, “I am here.”

The Craig - Krauss Debate at North Carolina State University | Reasonable Faith

Later, another atheist responded that he would not accept the stars rearranging themselves because people south of the equator would not be able to see this.

Thus, the only way I see to convince every single atheist is pain and suffering. If they knew God brought this upon them, then they would have to believe. It's like they brought it upon themselves. You asked for it. You got it. Of course, this is what I think happens in the afterlife. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved in this life.

I have a video on pain and suffering. Maybe this is one of the methods.

I let people live their life and face their own consequences. Why try and convince others to believe? I was an Atheist at one time, nobody brought God to me, I found him myself. It was the only way it would ever happen. Pain and suffering such as Job experienced certainly can humble people, but it's their fate to face, it's not my soul to save.

I'll pray for the odd one in private to change, but ultimately, it's their own fate. I don't believe a 12th hour repentance on their Death Bed is a substitute for a lifetime body of work. I've assessed this tactic as being more of an insult to God than an honest gesture. I told a friend who believed this, "you think you can game God?" Treat him like the neighbourhood sucker who you can beat at three card monte? Good luck with that.

Regardless of ones Faith, the Universe has a way of balancing the ledger when it's all said and done. Be that a Universe with a God or without...
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

The Bible says otherwise. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists:

"Jesus performed countless miracles, yet the vast majority of people did not believe in Him. If God performed miracles today as He did in the past, the result would be the same. People would be amazed and would believe in God for a short time. That faith would be shallow and would disappear the moment something unexpected or frightening occurred. A faith based on miracles is not a mature faith. God performed the greatest “God miracle” of all time in coming to earth as the Man Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8) so that we could be saved (John 3:16). God does still perform miracles—many of them simply go unnoticed or are denied. However, we do not need more miracles. What we need is to believe in the miracle of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ."

Does God still perform miracles?

Lawrence Krauss is a professor of physics at Arizona State University. He said evidence for God would be as follows.

"Now, it would be easy to have evidence for God. If the stars rearrange themselves tonight and I looked up tonight—well not here, but in a place where you could see the stars, in Arizona, say,—and I looked up tonight and I saw the stars rearrange themselves say, “I am here.”

The Craig - Krauss Debate at North Carolina State University | Reasonable Faith

Later, another atheist responded that he would not accept the stars rearranging themselves because people south of the equator would not be able to see this.

Thus, the only way I see to convince every single atheist is pain and suffering. If they knew God brought this upon them, then they would have to believe. It's like they brought it upon themselves. You asked for it. You got it. Of course, this is what I think happens in the afterlife. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved in this life.

I have a video on pain and suffering. Maybe this is one of the methods.

The first mistake the atheist-in-name only, fallen Christian makes is believing he or she knows more than the Father: Logos. Logos, or the word of God, is a voice and truth within us, and the face of something incomprehensible outside our bodies and minds; we are born with it; it's in our DNA--in the most bantam biological bit and byte of our genetic material. Without it, neither good nor evil, right nor wrong, can exist.

Second mistake is failure to understand we are gateways of flesh and bone for entry of both good and evil into the mundane. God created us with the power and force of His own idea, will, free thought, free speech, logic (Logos), dialogue (logic), held with the face of the deep at the beginning, to be the embodiment of positive and negative forces. He did not create us with a disposition toward right or wrong; free will, personal responsibility, compassion, truth, and forgiveness are the determinate factors for benevolent survival, along with wrath when threatened. Determinate factors for lives led in darkness, for anti-humanness, are self-evident.

Third mistake: blaming God for consequence of individual or species action. The not-atheist wannabes prime directive for farming doubt in the believer is to dangle test cases for God and beg the listener to explain why God has failed them if He is omnipotent, eternal. God is obligated to prove nothing; just as Christian believers must never feel compelled or allow coercion into proving anything to the idiot pretender. After all, the self-proclaimed atheist seeks but one of two goals:either reaffirmation of their own faith out of fear, or planting the seed of doubt in the believer. Loss of faith is a terrifying and lonely place to be. Reassurance makes their lives less meaningless and gives them permission to return to Christ, while lessening of a believer's faith makes their lives a bit less lonely.

In end, we need not prove a Truth the doubter has known since birth. The best we can do, when asked by the non-believer wannabe in their attack on our faith, is to tell them what we know, Truth, without fear of the consequence of their imminent ridicule. Beyond that, should they continue to deny or attack God or Christianity, just walk away. There's no need to prove what the Son on their face and working in their lives daily has shown them--on countless days.

I like your pain idea; as a man who gets frustrated over their endless irreverence, it sounds highly satisfying. However, all our lives encompass enough pain already; the disbeliever's pain has proven truth of the Logos over and over to them in highly intimate and personal ways. They either return to it or burn--in the end. Live and let Live--until they will no longer allow us to live as believers. That's what I believe.
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Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

The Bible says otherwise. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists:

"Jesus performed countless miracles, yet the vast majority of people did not believe in Him. If God performed miracles today as He did in the past, the result would be the same. People would be amazed and would believe in God for a short time. That faith would be shallow and would disappear the moment something unexpected or frightening occurred. A faith based on miracles is not a mature faith. God performed the greatest “God miracle” of all time in coming to earth as the Man Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8) so that we could be saved (John 3:16). God does still perform miracles—many of them simply go unnoticed or are denied. However, we do not need more miracles. What we need is to believe in the miracle of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ."

Does God still perform miracles?

Lawrence Krauss is a professor of physics at Arizona State University. He said evidence for God would be as follows.

"Now, it would be easy to have evidence for God. If the stars rearrange themselves tonight and I looked up tonight—well not here, but in a place where you could see the stars, in Arizona, say,—and I looked up tonight and I saw the stars rearrange themselves say, “I am here.”

The Craig - Krauss Debate at North Carolina State University | Reasonable Faith

Later, another atheist responded that he would not accept the stars rearranging themselves because people south of the equator would not be able to see this.

Thus, the only way I see to convince every single atheist is pain and suffering. If they knew God brought this upon them, then they would have to believe. It's like they brought it upon themselves. You asked for it. You got it. Of course, this is what I think happens in the afterlife. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved in this life.

I have a video on pain and suffering. Maybe this is one of the methods.

Is pain and suffering the only way to shut you irrational sanctimonious hypocrites up?

If you ever produced a rational thought rational people would listen...
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

If you rubes had actually provided evidence, you might have a point, but you haven't.

Christians have thumbs to give out the two-punch. Actually, we all do. That's because God gave us thumbs. There you go.
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

If you rubes had actually provided evidence, you might have a point, but you haven't.

Christians have thumbs to give out the two-punch. Actually, we all do. That's because God gave us thumbs. There you go.

Alright then..

God has given all rational people the green light to pay you back in your own coin..

How do you like them apples?
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

The Bible says otherwise. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists:

"Jesus performed countless miracles, yet the vast majority of people did not believe in Him. If God performed miracles today as He did in the past, the result would be the same. People would be amazed and would believe in God for a short time. That faith would be shallow and would disappear the moment something unexpected or frightening occurred. A faith based on miracles is not a mature faith. God performed the greatest “God miracle” of all time in coming to earth as the Man Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8) so that we could be saved (John 3:16). God does still perform miracles—many of them simply go unnoticed or are denied. However, we do not need more miracles. What we need is to believe in the miracle of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ."

Does God still perform miracles?

Lawrence Krauss is a professor of physics at Arizona State University. He said evidence for God would be as follows.

"Now, it would be easy to have evidence for God. If the stars rearrange themselves tonight and I looked up tonight—well not here, but in a place where you could see the stars, in Arizona, say,—and I looked up tonight and I saw the stars rearrange themselves say, “I am here.”

The Craig - Krauss Debate at North Carolina State University | Reasonable Faith

Later, another atheist responded that he would not accept the stars rearranging themselves because people south of the equator would not be able to see this.

Thus, the only way I see to convince every single atheist is pain and suffering. If they knew God brought this upon them, then they would have to believe. It's like they brought it upon themselves. You asked for it. You got it. Of course, this is what I think happens in the afterlife. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved in this life.

I have a video on pain and suffering. Maybe this is one of the methods.

Is pain and suffering the only way to shut you irrational sanctimonious hypocrites up?

If you ever produced a rational thought rational people would listen...

If someone wouldn't believe a miracle such as stars rearranging themselves because others didn't see it, then what would convince every single atheist? Jesus performed miracles with witnesses, both followers and non-believers, but his detractors ended up forgetting and didn't think he was God.
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

If you rubes had actually provided evidence, you might have a point, but you haven't.

Christians have thumbs to give out the two-punch. Actually, we all do. That's because God gave us thumbs. There you go.

Alright then..

God has given all rational people the green light to pay you back in your own coin..

How do you like them apples?

Fine with me. I know how to fight. Also, use my thumbs to grab a gun and shoot accurately..
Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

The Bible says otherwise. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. The Bible says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists:

"Jesus performed countless miracles, yet the vast majority of people did not believe in Him. If God performed miracles today as He did in the past, the result would be the same. People would be amazed and would believe in God for a short time. That faith would be shallow and would disappear the moment something unexpected or frightening occurred. A faith based on miracles is not a mature faith. God performed the greatest “God miracle” of all time in coming to earth as the Man Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8) so that we could be saved (John 3:16). God does still perform miracles—many of them simply go unnoticed or are denied. However, we do not need more miracles. What we need is to believe in the miracle of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ."

Does God still perform miracles?

Lawrence Krauss is a professor of physics at Arizona State University. He said evidence for God would be as follows.

"Now, it would be easy to have evidence for God. If the stars rearrange themselves tonight and I looked up tonight—well not here, but in a place where you could see the stars, in Arizona, say,—and I looked up tonight and I saw the stars rearrange themselves say, “I am here.”

The Craig - Krauss Debate at North Carolina State University | Reasonable Faith

Later, another atheist responded that he would not accept the stars rearranging themselves because people south of the equator would not be able to see this.

Thus, the only way I see to convince every single atheist is pain and suffering. If they knew God brought this upon them, then they would have to believe. It's like they brought it upon themselves. You asked for it. You got it. Of course, this is what I think happens in the afterlife. The existence of God cannot be proved or disproved in this life.

I have a video on pain and suffering. Maybe this is one of the methods.

Is pain and suffering the only way to shut you irrational sanctimonious hypocrites up?

If you ever produced a rational thought rational people would listen...

If someone wouldn't believe a miracle such as stars rearranging themselves because others didn't see it, then what would convince every single atheist? Jesus performed miracles with witnesses, both followers and non-believers, but his detractors ended up forgetting and didn't think he was God.

No, sorry, you have the whole damn story all wrong.

Stars don't rearranged themselves period.

Every single miracle of Jesus can be interpreted in a rational way that conforms to reality.

Since you have been trained to squash every rational thought that might arise in your own head believing it is a demonic attack, you will never comprehend what actually happened.
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Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

If you rubes had actually provided evidence, you might have a point, but you haven't.

Christians have thumbs to give out the two-punch. Actually, we all do. That's because God gave us thumbs. There you go.

Alright then..

God has given all rational people the green light to pay you back in your own coin..

How do you like them apples?

Fine with me. I know how to fight. Also, use my thumbs to grab a gun and shoot accurately..

Well goody for you.

I have a gun that has no bullets and doesn't make any noise but will set your soul on fire.

You cannot defend yourself against what you cannot see or comprehend, the truth.

Just watch. You all have been struck with blindness and cursed to stick your foot in your own mouths and openly reveal the dark secrets and corruption that you imagine are hidden in your soul..
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Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

If you rubes had actually provided evidence, you might have a point, but you haven't.

Christians have thumbs to give out the two-punch. Actually, we all do. That's because God gave us thumbs. There you go.

Alright then..

God has given all rational people the green light to pay you back in your own coin..

How do you like them apples?

Fine with me. I know how to fight. Also, use my thumbs to grab a gun and shoot accurately..

Well goody for you.

I have a gun that has no bullets and doesn't make any noise but will set your soul on fire.

You cannot defend yourself against what you cannot see or comprehend, the truth.

Goody for you, too, and your rounds with no bullets.

Have no idea what you are arguing? Which God do you refer to? Christian? Deist?
If you rubes had actually provided evidence, you might have a point, but you haven't.

Christians have thumbs to give out the two-punch. Actually, we all do. That's because God gave us thumbs. There you go.

Alright then..

God has given all rational people the green light to pay you back in your own coin..

How do you like them apples?

Fine with me. I know how to fight. Also, use my thumbs to grab a gun and shoot accurately..

Well goody for you.

I have a gun that has no bullets and doesn't make any noise but will set your soul on fire.

You cannot defend yourself against what you cannot see or comprehend, the truth.

Goody for you, too, and your rounds with no bullets.

Have no idea what you are arguing? Which God do you refer to? Christian? Deist?

No idea? Thats a shame. And its only just begun...

Its going to be very humiliating and embarrassing for ya'll. But the people on whom your focus your hatred are going to laugh...

If you weren't such despicable spineless cowards full of corruption and a long history of doing evil on your permanent record, I would feel sorry for you.
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Atheists always claim they have to have evidence that God exists, but history shows us different. Once you provide the evidence, then they end up forgetting like that which happened to Jesus Christ or they want even more evidence such that every atheist must be convinced.

If you rubes had actually provided evidence, you might have a point, but you haven't.
What evidence would you accept for something outside of space and time? And why is it other people's job to provide it to you? Are you waiting for something magical to happen?
If you rubes had actually provided evidence, you might have a point, but you haven't.

Christians have thumbs to give out the two-punch. Actually, we all do. That's because God gave us thumbs. There you go.

Alright then..

God has given all rational people the green light to pay you back in your own coin..

How do you like them apples?

Fine with me. I know how to fight. Also, use my thumbs to grab a gun and shoot accurately..

Well goody for you.

I have a gun that has no bullets and doesn't make any noise but will set your soul on fire.

You cannot defend yourself against what you cannot see or comprehend, the truth.

Goody for you, too, and your rounds with no bullets.

Have no idea what you are arguing? Which God do you refer to? Christian? Deist?
He's not very forthcoming about his theology. As nears as I can tell he's not Christian but he uses the NT and sees Jesus as a great man; a rebel, but nothing more. He's more closely aligned with the JW's, I think.

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