IS our system of government open for certain collapse?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
IS our system of government open for certain collapse? We have a deficit that is unsustainable, our workforce is a) looking for disability , b) stopped looking for jobs, or c) eagerly awaiting a perfect job that just isn’t available.

We have a president who works around congress, either edicts through Executive Orders or by merely stating his new law ( Health Care’s new date for signing up will be…). Our congress is the least productive in history, without any better performance in sight.

Our SCOTUS just last year ruled on Health care not on what the briefs and law said, but what the attorneys changed to oral arguments to be, that instead of a penalty the penalty would be a tax/ Justice Roberts, the deciding vote, then ruled in favor of the oral argument!

Yes, we were once an exceptional country with an exceptional form of government. The Great Experiment was working well until greed and yes, Obama said it first, laziness took hold. We enabled that laziness with entitlements. Just what did we think would happen?

The Democrats have been favored by those who want the entitlements and those who want the seats in Ciongress the easy way, by giving to gimme crowd. But Republicans may not be far off that mark, for I am wondering if we do need to tax the wealthy more, but at the SAME TIME tax everyone who has been blessed to live in the free country of the US. IOW, tax those entitlements.

We are open to collapse if we don’t do two things which may be impossible at this late state.

Cut those entitlements by 50%.

We must make laws that would make it counterproductive for US manufacturers to manufacture overseas.

Tax everyone and increase the tax on the 1% .

Take every federal program on the books and review them. Congress must be in session everyday with all Representatives and Senators present when Congress is in session.

Balance budgets with no discretionary spending and no earmarks.

Just my thoughts. How about yours?

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