Is Obama Really Brilliant?

Piss Bucket

Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2014
There has been this running narrative that Obama is some kind of social/political Einstein, a brilliant intellect. Is this really justified? Sure, he is intelligent. But "brilliant"? This is what we know:

Law Professor: A lot is made of this. However, was he a law professor? Technically, he was an adjunct professor. In other words, he was not a full time professor. Every adjunct I have ever encountered has had a job and only taught part time in the area of his/her expertise. We know that Obama had no expertise. As far as I can tell he never practiced law. Constitutional law is generally taught to first year law students. So, basically, OBAMA taught a general introductory class to first year law students. Big deal. Most lawyers could teach this class. As far as I can tell he never authored any scholarly works, either during his time as an adjunct or when he was on law review. Who in the hell would go to law school and then hang around to teach a first year law class. It sounds to me like OBAMA was just pretty fucking lazy and/or could not find a job. Or, was this part of his "grooming"?

The ACA, aka "Obamacare": Was this really an act of brilliance? First, it will only work if enough young, employed people enroll. It sounds like a pyramid scheme to me. Next, it obviously hurts the working class and employers. Why do such a thing in a troubled economy. Let's also not forget the under-handed manner in which it was enacted by a Lame-duck Congress dismissed in the 2010 midterms. Was that smart? To shove a huge piece of legislation through and then sign it without bi-partisan support, thereby harming its legitimacy? Then there was the idiotic clusterfuck of the roll-out. Was it smart to put incompetent people in charge of the roll-out with little or no oversight of the process? I have seen nothing of the ACA that evidences brilliance on Obama's part. Any Chicago street corner politician could have constructed this colossal fuck-up.

International Affairs: Obama has pretty much alienated our allies and empowered out enemies and would-be adversaries. When France is your most staunch ally you are in pretty bad fucking shape. His attempt to attain credibility with MUSLIMS by being tough on Israel early on was a failure. What he let happen to Hosni Mubarak was nothing less than criminal in light of his decades long friendship with America. Obama empowered the rise of the Brotherhood, and thereby radical Islam, which has turned out bad for the west. He has repeatedly made us look weak with things like the Syrian red line, killing off our missile defense plans with Poland, being an apologist, doing nothing in the face of Russian aggression against Ukraine, negotiating with Iran, and cutting and running from Afghanistan and Iraq. Speaking of Iran, their nuclear weapons program is still going full steam ahead. Peaceful nuclear development? Bullshit. They do not need centrifuges for nuclear power. Yet, they have them. Obama has made us look weak and has directly harmed our national security. Is that a smart thing? It seems like incompetence to me.

Executive Power Overreach: Obama was a constitutional professor? Oh yeah? For what country, because it is not ours. What can his overreaching do other than undermine support for our constitutional system of separation of powers and checks and balances? Is that a smart thing for a president to do? Would a smart President want to run over Congress, I.e,. The People?

Gridlock: Republicans catch a lot of flack for this. However, it cuts both ways. It is accepted that no president in history has ever failed to engage Congress to the degree that Obama has. To get things done the president has to call and meet with Congressional members. Obama does not do this. Is that a smart thing for the chief executive to do?

Military: Obama has fostered a fundamental distrust of our military. He had purged the military of top brass and has repeatedly inserted his ignorant judgment for theirs. Is it smart for a president to encourage distrust of our military and to ignore their advice on matters involving the use of military force?

I can go on and on with this. But why bother? We all know this. Obama has repeatedly failed to execute good judgment ever since he took office. He may be an intelligent man, but he is not a smart leader. Further, I have seen nothing to indicate brilliance on his part on any matter. All I have seen is typical leftist ideological bullshit. However, ideology does not lead. A man has to lead. Obama has failed in his leadership role again and again. Would a smart president do this?

So, is Obama really a brilliant man who has blessed us with his uncanny intellect? Of course not. He is another shitty Chicago politician who lacks character and succeeds due to his opportunist nature. In short, he is merely a bullshit artist who got lucky because the powers that be financed and pushed his presidency. If the truth be known, OBAMA is unfit to serve as an elected member of a school board. But at least there he would not have fucked up some many things, some of which involve the fundamental components of our nation. What a disgrace.
One thing that should cause him to think is firing approx 147 military leaders - top leaders - or retiring them - however they were let go - it was a serious mistake imo. The same goes for Secret Service. Now it has come to the point that the incompetent are given high level jobs in Secret Service and are not able to even keep the WH secure - the recent incident at WH which proves the point. As for the FBI - I do not know how many are gone - but the bottom line is you have to have highly qualified people in those positions and there was a time when this was not even a question but today? I've never seen America more vulnerable. It was not using wisdom - not at all.
No. He knew he was going to be president back when he was living at the family home of Bill Ayers. His parents payed for Obama's education - Bill Ayers father was a communist just as he is. The mailman for the Ayers family remembers meeting him and Obama telling him that he was going to be the president. In a very matter of fact way. There is much more to the story because you see, Obama's history has been completely erased. School records, family history details - numerous social security numbers, grandmother worked in a gov. job / dept in Hawaii that gave her access to social security numbers of the deceased. There is much evidence that leads to this having been carefully planned. I don't believe Obama will leave in 2016. I believe he has no intention of leaving. Whatever crisis that would warrant such a stay I'm sure he can manage to arrange it. He's been arranging quite a lot that isn't acceptable. Czars, ruling by EO, etc. It wouldn't surprise me, nevertheless, I still believe God is in full control. He has permitted all of this to take place for His own purposes and plans.
No it is just that 80% of the media in this country will not call him out!

Now if someone with an (R) next to their name did the exact same things, it would be reported on.

So if you want to truly know what is happen in Washington elect a (R) president.
no...but he knows how to get elected to office...well...and he has no fear about passing his agenda...he just rammed it through....that's about it... is designed to wreck private will force people into government controlled healthcare...which was the plan from the start....
I think he likes being POTUS just not the work involved in being POTUS.

The guys never held a real job in his entire life and has spent that life being told how brilliant he is. He probably began to believe it.

He's no dummy but Eistein he ain't.
Valerie Jarrett is in awe of him...
She was on the morning Joe show on MSNBC one time and was going on and on about
how smart the guy is....

But she might be biased....
I think she is in love with him.
Intelligence isn't one-size-fits-all. Obama is clearly very intelligent, he just has zero executive experience or temperament and it shows.

As much as many people either don't know or won't admit, being an effective executive with managerial functions is a very difficult job that requires a specific and significantly advanced skill set.

Of course, many think that anyone who advanced beyond them into managerial positions don't deserve that and didn't earn that and cheated someone to get that 'n stuff, but they're not interested in what happens in the real world.
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Intelligence isn't one-size-fits-all. Obama is clearly very intelligent, he just has zero executive experience or temperament and it shows.

As much as many people either don't know or won't admit, being an effective executive with managerial functions is a very difficult job that requires a specific and significantly advanced skill set.

Of course, many think that anyone who advanced beyond them into managerial positions don't deserve that and didn't earn that and cheated someone to get that 'n stuff, but they're not interested in what happens in the real world.

What's "very intelligent" though?

He's not in the ranks of professors. He's not in the ranks of physicians. He's not in the ranks of engineers.

At 130 IQ a person is in the top 2.3% of the population and Obama's not at that level, he admitted that he received affirmative action in university. I'd put in about 120+ or so. A number of his University of Chicago colleagues have observed that he mimics the affectations of an intellectual but doesn't actually say much of anything that is original, so he appears more intelligent than he actually is.
Intelligence isn't one-size-fits-all. Obama is clearly very intelligent, he just has zero executive experience or temperament and it shows.

As much as many people either don't know or won't admit, being an effective executive with managerial functions is a very difficult job that requires a specific and significantly advanced skill set.

Of course, many think that anyone who advanced beyond them into managerial positions don't deserve that and didn't earn that and cheated someone to get that 'n stuff, but they're not interested in what happens in the real world.

What's "very intelligent" though?

He's not in the ranks of professors. He's not in the ranks of physicians. He's not in the ranks of engineers.

At 130 IQ a person is in the top 2.3% of the population and Obama's not at that level, he admitted that he received affirmative action in university. I'd put in about 120+ or so. A number of his University of Chicago colleagues have observed that he mimics the affectations of an intellectual but doesn't actually say much of anything that is original, so he appears more intelligent than he actually is.

Yeah, "very intelligent" is subjective, and definitely the good voice and articulate manner help in that direction in terms of image.
I would say that the president is of greater intelligence than anyone who has posted in this thread.

I know what you mean. The guy (Obama) was only able to get himself elected President of the United State.
Compared to the people posting on this thread who have accomplished......................the ability to post their personal opinions on a message board. WOW eh?

Why I even bet that Obama doesn't have any personal opinions about these posters. What's that tell ya?
How brilliant does one have to be to be a community agitator in life?

the man is as dumb as a box of rocks. he tries to sound all "brilliant" with these stupid speeches he reads that other people writes for him.

Like, I'm going to stop the seas rising and heal thy planet.

He'll do all that as soon as he gets his niffy magic wand or soak all of you peasants out of your money, ruin your standards of living, and destroy your livelihoods to boot

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