Is Most Of The Hatred We See Coming From Obama's Administration Because Of Valerie Jarrett?


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Perhaps the source of all of the bile and vitriol we see every day is coming from one person, Valerie Jarrett:

March 21, 2015
Valerie Jarrett Must Go
By Jared Feldschreiber

DC political insiders believe that if President Barack Obama truly seeks compromise with Republicans, he should begin by ditching White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett. It goes without saying that Jarrett, the president's longtime trusted confidante, political ally, and family friend, is a divisive figure inside the beltway. Calls for her dismissal have been rampant since the president began his second term -- and even before then. It is a demand still ignored by the White House.

"The only chance the Obama administration has to make a mark would be to work close with Congress," Mark W. Davis, former speechwriter and senior director of The White House Writers Group (and venerable DC insider) tells me. "But this is a president who is insular... [And] surrounded by people who reflect back to him what he wants to hear... For a man with an Ivy League education, he seems remarkably ignorant of the ways in which past presidents -- Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton -- have worked with Congress." Davis also underscores that President Obama has not received the memo put forth by American voters last November with the GOP seizing control of the Senate, giving them full command of Congress. President Obama believed the elections were a referendum on his policies, even as Republicans gained seven seats in the Senate and maintained a solid majority in the House of Representatives. The schism between Republicans and Democrats has only widened in recent months.....

To her detractors, Valerie Jarrett is akin to the evil queen in Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, who ofttimes clouds the president's smarter instincts for pragmatic governance.

In response to criticism leveled against her, Jarrett recently told the New York Times Magazine: "Oh, my goodness, I intend to stay until the lights go off. Why would I miss a single second of this?" Jarrett also downplays reports that her close friendship with the president and first lady Michelle Obama stemming from their Chicago days makes White House aides often uncomfortable, Jarrett responded: "In a town where access is so important, initially it probably made people a little uncomfortable. I think that has faded. I just want to do my job, and part of my job for the president is to be his friend."

Obama's aides have reportedly long resented Jarrett's selfish and haughty demeanor within and near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Recent revelations made by Edward Klein, author of Blood Feud: The Clintons and the Obamas have suggested Jarrett had been personally responsible for generating the leaks involving the current scandal engulfing Hillary Clinton who used her private email account while at the State Department. White House spokesman Josh Earnest refuted this charge as“utter baloney”. That has done little to quell the speculation that Jarrett remains a divisive political operative. Simmering tensions remain between the Clinton and Obama camps ever since the neck-and-neck 2008 Democratic race which ultimately selected Obama as the Democratic nominee.

Obama aides remain flummoxed and annoyed. Jarrett continually dines with the Obamas, as if she is part of the First Family. More importantly, Jarrett may have generated as much influence with policy as vetted officials, according to Klein, who reported in 2012 that the president had long delayed the mission that killed Osama Bin Laden. “At the urging of the Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission,” as reported in the Daily Caller, which cited Richard Minter’s bestseller: Leading From Behind. Minter wrote that Obama canceled the “kill” mission in January 2011, again in February, and a third time in March, largely due to Jarrett’s persuasion. The cancellations reportedly irked the president’s military officials.


Articles Valerie Jarrett Must Go

Blood Feud The Clintons vs. the Obamas Edward Klein 8601406595552 Books

she's a big part of it. but Obama has enough to spread on us all by himself. and every radical person he could find he stuck in his administration throughout our government. so we all being hit, steamrolled over and stepped on from every Agency under his reign of terror

she is the reason for his policies towards Israel though. she is Iranian. that should scare the hell out of us
I find it an interesting, although untestable, proposition; What would the Obama administration, and Obama himself, be like if Valerie Jarrett were not his closest advisor?

Probably the same. His formative years are long behind him. A used car salesman can never quite leave the polyester leisure suit behind.

"Is Most Of The Hatred We See Coming From Obama's Administration Because Of Valerie Jarrett?"

One cannot expect a 'clean debate' when the premise of the thread fails as both a straw man and loaded question fallacy.
Cut the straw man crap. It is a line used when you want to dispute what is said, but can't.
Obama is an event planner, with nothing to draw on in an effort to make decisions. So he has surrounded himself with people that have the same desires as he does. And it has become dangerous. Having the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood as advisors, lead to the catastrophe we caused in Egypt.
Having terrorist Iran as advisors is what is best for Iran, and no one else. Not America, not Israel.
Obama wants to step out onto the world stage as soon as we set Hillary in place to promote the global agenda. He is setting his stage.
If there was ever a time for Democrats and Republicans to come together and have a mutual interest it should be now, and it should be to stop the damage that Obama is creating world wide.
Is Most Of The Hatred We See Coming From Obama's Administration Because Of Valerie Jarrett?

could be

But since Papa Obama is such a narcissistic boob
one has to suspect that in this case....

the "fish rots from the head"
"Is Most Of The Hatred We See Coming From Obama's Administration Because Of Valerie Jarrett?"

One cannot expect a 'clean debate' when the premise of the thread fails as both a straw man and loaded question fallacy.
A clean debate means no name-calling or insults.

Are you saying you can't do that?

Lucky for you it's not an honest debate zone.
"Is Most Of The Hatred We See Coming From Obama's Administration Because Of Valerie Jarrett?"

One cannot expect a 'clean debate' when the premise of the thread fails as both a straw man and loaded question fallacy.
A clean debate means no name-calling or insults.

Are you saying you can't do that?

Lucky for you it's not an honest debate zone.
Well, it's up to you to prove I'm a liar.
Just name-calling doesn't cut it.
Thread moved to Politics. If an OP is inflammatory, that sets the tone for debate, and it won't work in the CDZ. If you want - you can repost this in the Structured Debate forum, where you can set your own rules for debate.
Thread moved to Politics. If an OP is inflammatory, that sets the tone for debate, and it won't work in the CDZ. If you want - you can repost this in the Structured Debate forum, where you can set your own rules for debate.
That's a matter of opinion.

I wanted to cut down on the constant name-called masquerading as political discussion we see here on a regular basis.

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