Is Kari Lake inciting another insurrection ?

“If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to go through me and you’re going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me,” Lake exclaimed to roaring cheers and a standing ovation. “Most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA,” the National Rifle Association gun lobby. “That’s not a threat, that’s a public service announcement.”

Her remarks are pretty incendiary. Will the commitee that will investigate the Miami riots take action against her ? Will they take action against trump himself ? He seems to be gung ho for a ruck.
It is no way to do business. The moderat GOP (?) should speak out. This is just fascist behaviour.
Lake is not just inciting another insurrection, she’s advocating for ongoing lawlessness and violence as the right’s war on democracy continues.
No, as long as I can differentiate between the folks rioting and the cause of the protest, I will never let those up to no good cancel out the cause of the protest....

And just like the same tired bullshit was tried with those who protested for justice thru-out the history of the country -- the cause of the protest still prevailed....

50 years after the era of your Trump sycophancy is you think you will be remembered with the same reverence?

For reference, just tell me how many folks look fondly on Nixon...or look fondly on Bush??
BTW equating the MLK protests to those that happened after George Floyd is gross. MLK REQUIRED people to be peaceful. MLK would never have backed the protests we saw that summer. Even had he agreed with their reasoning for protesting he would have never agreed with their methods. He understood that change has to brought about peacefully not through violence and destruction.
The Nazis also constantly faked stories of violent Jews/liberals to justify their treasonous brownshirt violence.

Fascist tactics never change. You're following in the footsteps of your Nazi predecessors, and you're so proud to be doing so.
What do you think J6 was?
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I only deal in facts.The subject of the threead is kari lake. A candidate for high office acting like a traitor. Why are you deflecting from that ?
Kari Lake is a Patriot. The traitors are the ones pushing globalism and America Last policies, and jailing political opponents for imagined crimes. You’re an idiotic Brit who cheers the demise of his own country and culture, so you are in no place to call anyone a “traitor”.
Kari Lake is a Patriot. The traitors are the ones pushing globalism and America Last policies, and jailing political opponents for imagined crimes. You’re an idiotic Brit who cheers the demise of his own country and culture, so you are in no place to call anyone a “traitor”.
Kari seems to be a bit unbalanced.
The Nazis also constantly faked stories of violent Jews/liberals to justify their treasonous brownshirt violence.

Fascist tactics never change. You're following in the footsteps of your Nazi predecessors, and you're so proud to be doing so.
Scalise getting shot by a leftist loom didn't happen? How about Madonna desiring to blow up the White House? How about Biden and Pelosi saying they wanted to punch President Trump? Didn't happen?
Same thing that every other normal person thinks.

It was a violent coup attempt by Nazi-emulating Trump cult fascists.

Was that supposed to be a difficult question?
It was a protest just like the blm protests of 2020.
I only deal in facts.The subject of the threead is kari lake. A candidate for high office acting like a traitor. Why are you deflecting from that ?
George Washington and the other Founding Fathers would have been hung as traitors if they lost the Revolutionary War.
Scalise getting shot by a leftist loom didn't happen?
Yep. But he was one loon. Since the left always condemns violence, we're not responsible for one crazy guy who did the opposite of what we recommend.

In contrast, your side always encourages violence, so you are responsible for the people that you try to set off on a violent rampage.

How about Madonna desiring to blow up the White House?
If you're pretending that Madonna saying how she once felt was a call for violence, you're more dishonest than anyone imagined.

How about Biden and Pelosi saying they wanted to punch President Trump? Didn't happen?
Nope. I checked. Biden didn't say such a thing. He said he would have punched him if he caught him sexually assaulting women. You're apparently fine with Trump doing such a thing.

Pelosi said it right after Trump encouraged his thugs to invade the Capitol and kill her. And you're fine with Trump doing that. The hypocrisy, it staggers.

Now, if we've got a hundred pages to spare here, we can start listing Trump's calls for violence. Again, how do you justify your hypocrisy?
Yep. But he was one loon. Since the left always condemns violence, we're not responsible for one crazy guy who did the opposite of what we recommend.

In contrast, your side always encourages violence, so you are responsible for the people that you try to set off on a violent rampage.

If you're pretending that Madonna saying how she once felt was a call for violence, you're more dishonest than anyone imagined.

Nope. I checked. Biden didn't say such a thing. He said he would have punched him if he caught him sexually assaulting women. You're apparently fine with Trump doing such a thing.

Pelosi said it right after Trump encouraged his thugs to invade the Capitol and kill her. And you're fine with Trump doing that. The hypocrisy, it staggers.

Now, if we've got a hundred pages to spare here, we can start listing Trump's calls for violence. Again, how do you justify your hypocrisy?
Democrats love violence. In 2020 Democrats cheered blm violence. You have a short memory.
Democrats love violence. In 2020 Democrats cheered blm violence.
Try to remember that your gaslighting doesn't work on normal people. Only your fellow cult liars fall for it, and even they only pretend to fall for it.

You have a short memory.
Trump: Go forth and kill Congress, my legions!
Pelosi: I'd like to punch Trump for that.

And to think you wonder why you're considered a fascist cult shill and promoter of violence.
Yep. But he was one loon. Since the left always condemns violence, we're not responsible for one crazy guy who did the opposite of what we recommend.

In contrast, your side always encourages violence, so you are responsible for the people that you try to set off on a violent rampage.

If you're pretending that Madonna saying how she once felt was a call for violence, you're more dishonest than anyone imagined.

Nope. I checked. Biden didn't say such a thing. He said he would have punched him if he caught him sexually assaulting women. You're apparently fine with Trump doing such a thing.

Pelosi said it right after Trump encouraged his thugs to invade the Capitol and kill her. And you're fine with Trump doing that. The hypocrisy, it staggers.

Now, if we've got a hundred pages to spare here, we can start listing Trump's calls for violence. Again, how do you justify your hypocrisy?
And you're okay with violence that you always justify. Oh, you're so much better, huh. Tell us, how did you become so much more righteous than everyone else?

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