Is Joe Biden a Russian Agent?

Yet Biden has made those claims if we look at biden's plagerism
Have you always been susceptible to brainwashing or have you gone soft? To claim to be intelligent while buying into a scoundrel's madness and trying to further that madness by becoming an agent of his lunacy is an embarrassment to yourself and to America.
Have you always been susceptible to brainwashing or have you gone soft? To claim to be intelligent while buying into a scoundrel's madness and trying to further that madness by becoming an agent of his lunacy is an embarrassment to yourself and to America.
Yet, long before Trump became president or became a political figure, at all, we have Democrat Biden admitting he plagiarized a paper or two or three in law school.

Now how is that brainwashing, going soft, not being intelligent, being duped, and embarrassing myself when Democrat Biden admits he is a plagiarist?

The fact is, you are fool, and idiot, who is guilty of all you have accused others of.
By Paul Taylor
September 18, 1987

An emotional Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) yesterday acknowledged he had plagiarized in a paper he submitted while a first-year law student in 1965, but defended his integrity and vowed to remain a candidate for his party's presidential nomination.
I put words or thoughts into your head? How? Through the many holes? Face it, you're a rightie shill and your days are numbered in America.
everyone's days are numbered, and yes, like the blacks that became slaves, or the jews of europe, or the peasants of Lenin/Stalin's russia, my days very well could be numbered.

Either way, history has a way of being told accurately, even decades after, and everyone will remember that the democrats, who fought for slavery, then became the KKK who murdered the african americans, and then when that failed the democrats killed martin luther king, opposed the civil rights acts, and now that all that has failed, the democrats are attacking the Republicans, who were the people how defeated the Democrats fighting for slavery, who became the kkk, who opposed civil rights.

my days are numbered, not by piss ant cowards such as yourself
Yet, long before Trump became president or became a political figure, at all, we have Democrat Biden admitting he plagiarized a paper or two or three in law school.

Now how is that brainwashing, going soft, not being intelligent, being duped, and embarrassing myself when Democrat Biden admits he is a plagiarist?

The fact is, you are fool, and idiot, who is guilty of all you have accused others of.
By Paul Taylor
September 18, 1987

An emotional Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) yesterday acknowledged he had plagiarized in a paper he submitted while a first-year law student in 1965, but defended his integrity and vowed to remain a candidate for his party's presidential nomination.
That's what you've got? 57 years ago? LOL Let's see....How long ago did Trump pay off a hooker with campaign money? Or scam people with a fake University? Or reveal classified informatin to Russian spies in the fuckin' oval office? And the list goes on. This just solidifies the fact that you are a moron and a cult member.
Biden commits plagiarism and you want to talk about trump. Biden admitted his crime and got away with it. All you got on Trump is fake news, all you can say about Biden is, "but, uh, duh, uh, but what about, duh"
Now you are showing what an indoctrinated fool you are. You Trump zombies can't handle it when we sane people reverse the script on you. That's all we ever get from you Cult clowns. BTW Plagiarism 57 years ago is hardly equivalent to treason. Your guy should be hung from one of your 900 foot wind turbines.
everyone's days are numbered, and yes, like the blacks that became slaves, or the jews of europe, or the peasants of Lenin/Stalin's russia, my days very well could be numbered.

Either way, history has a way of being told accurately, even decades after, and everyone will remember that the democrats, who fought for slavery, then became the KKK who murdered the african americans, and then when that failed the democrats killed martin luther king, opposed the civil rights acts, and now that all that has failed, the democrats are attacking the Republicans, who were the people how defeated the Democrats fighting for slavery, who became the kkk, who opposed civil rights.

my days are numbered, not by piss ant cowards such as yourself
In the days of Lincoln, the Republican party was the liberal party and the democrats were the so-called conservatives. You didn't know that? You couldn't figure that out simply by the Emancipation Proclamation? If you ever learn to read, look it up.
Now you are showing what an indoctrinated fool you are. You Trump zombies can't handle it when we sane people reverse the script on you. That's all we ever get from you Cult clowns. BTW Plagiarism 57 years ago is hardly equivalent to treason. Your guy should be hung from one of your 900 foot wind turbines.
yes, the 900 ft turbine you said did not exist, and Biden's plagiarism is also, much more recent. So now you admit, that you were wrong when you claimed 900 ft turbines was simply a scare tactic, and now you are wrong again about only one incident of plagiarism committed by Biden? Now you say we should hang, Trump?

You are psycho who most likely should be locked up, if we are to believe that you want to hang people who have never ever been found guilty of any crime yet have suffered years of investigations.

Trump does not come close to hating people like you do, and at that you have just proved how you jump to conclusions and end up being wrong, twice in a row in less than 30 minutes. You life must be full of wrong conclusions.

I can site each case if I like, how about I share the latest case of Biden Plagiarism.

  1. Biden’s “Buy American” focus of his campaign, which was unveiled last week, clearly pulls from President Trump’s “America First” economic proposals. As Politico reports:
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway claimed Biden’s “Buy American” focus was copied from Trump’s 2016 campaign.
“And now yesterday, for all to see, [Biden] was plagiarizing Donald Trump, ‘Buy American,’” Conway told reporters outside the White House. “He recognizes that ‘Buy American’ is very popular. I hope they didn’t spend a dollar on focus-grouping that since we already know it’s how this president got elected.”
yes, the 900 ft turbine you said did not exist, and Biden's plagiarism is also, much more recent. So now you admit, that you were wrong when you claimed 900 ft turbines was simply a scare tactic, and now you are wrong again about only one incident of plagiarism committed by Biden? Now you say we should hang, Trump?

You are psycho who most likely should be locked up, if we are to believe that you want to hang people who have never ever been found guilty of any crime yet have suffered years of investigations.

Trump does not come close to hating people like you do, and at that you have just proved how you jump to conclusions and end up being wrong, twice in a row in less than 30 minutes. You life must be full of wrong conclusions.

I can site each case if I like, how about I share the latest case of Biden Plagiarism.

  1. Biden’s “Buy American” focus of his campaign, which was unveiled last week, clearly pulls from President Trump’s “America First” economic proposals. As Politico reports:
Me life? Are you getting so upset that you can't write? Suffered years of investigations? You mean like All the BS "Benghazi" probes? Trump didn't get investigated because he and his swamp creatures ignored subpoenas and appointed an Attorney General who wrote a total Bullshit summary of the Mueller report and idiots like you bought it. More evidence of your obsequiousness and your intellectual weakness.
Me life? Are you getting so upset that you can't write? Suffered years of investigations? You mean like All the BS "Benghazi" probes? Trump didn't get investigated because he and his swamp creatures ignored subpoenas and appointed an Attorney General who wrote a total Bullshit summary of the Mueller report and idiots like you bought it. More evidence of your obsequiousness and your intellectual weakness.
yes, the 900 ft turbine you said did not exist, and Biden's plagiarism is also, much more recent. So now you admit, that you were wrong when you claimed 900 ft turbines was simply a scare tactic, and now you are wrong again about only one incident of plagiarism committed by Biden? Now you say we should hang, Trump?

You are psycho who most likely should be locked up, if we are to believe that you want to hang people who have never ever been found guilty of any crime yet have suffered years of investigations.

Trump does not come close to hating people like you do, and at that you have just proved how you jump to conclusions and end up being wrong, twice in a row in less than 30 minutes. You life must be full of wrong conclusions.

I can site each case if I like, how about I share the latest case of Biden Plagiarism.

Biden’s troubling history of plagiarism - American Herald

Joe Biden has a long history of stealing other politician’s and academics thoughts, words, even expressions and personal stories. Although he’s running his campaign on “authenticity” it’s clear…

  1. Biden’s “Buy American” focus of his campaign, which was unveiled last week, clearly pulls from President Trump’s “America First” economic proposals. As Politico reports:
yes, the 900 ft turbine you said did not exist, and Biden's plagiarism is also, much more recent. So now you admit, that you were wrong when you claimed 900 ft turbines was simply a scare tactic, and now you are wrong again about only one incident of plagiarism committed by Biden? Now you say we should hang, Trump?

You are psycho who most likely should be locked up, if we are to believe that you want to hang people who have never ever been found guilty of any crime yet have suffered years of investigations.

Trump does not come close to hating people like you do, and at that you have just proved how you jump to conclusions and end up being wrong, twice in a row in less than 30 minutes. You life must be full of wrong conclusions.

I can site each case if I like, how about I share the latest case of Biden Plagiarism.

Biden’s troubling history of plagiarism - American Herald

Joe Biden has a long history of stealing other politician’s and academics thoughts, words, even expressions and personal stories. Although he’s running his campaign on “authenticity” it’s clear…

  1. Biden’s “Buy American” focus of his campaign, which was unveiled last week, clearly pulls from President Trump’s “America First” economic proposals. As Politico reports:
I get it. You don't like Biden. So what? I'm not crazy about any politician. But the way you genuflect to your idiot orange thief is embarrassing to say the least. Did you look up which party was the Liberal party in the Civil War era? Then maybe you won't come off as such a tool.
Did you look up which party was the Liberal party in the Civil War era? Then maybe you won't come off as such a tool.
Look up? Oh, if I do not use the Democrat Liberally biased propaganda machine called Google, I am a tool.

If my education comes from partially, living and seeing what I share on these boards, as well as educated myself with books, instead of, "google searches". I am a tool?

If it is allowed in a google search, it is acceptable? This is the problem with the democrats, they are lazy uneducated ignorant people who have do a google search to replace thinking and knowing

No, I did not look up what liberal meant in the Civil war era, but I do have a definition in that ancient form of knowledge called, book


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Look up? Oh, if I do not use the Democrat Liberally biased propaganda machine called Google, I am a tool.

If my education comes from partially, living and seeing what I share on these boards, as well as educated myself with books, instead of, "google searches". I am a tool?

If it is allowed in a google search, it is acceptable? This is the problem with the democrats, they are lazy uneducated ignorant people who have do a google search to replace thinking and knowing

No, I did not look up what liberal meant in the Civil war era, but I do have a definition in that ancient form of knowledge called, book
First of all, the more educated one is, the more likely they are to be a Democrat. Look that one up in a book. Your being a tool has little or nothing to do with where you get info from. It's just who you are. Anyone who believes in the current GOP cannot claim to be intelligent. You're either just plain stupid or you're a shill and a tool. And the bad news is that you will realize that very soon as all is told about what they have become. Then you'll have a decision to make. "Do you continue being an easy mark or do you learn from it and get your nose out of books and look around you at reality?" With what I've seen so far, you could go either way, and that's a compliment.
First of all, the more educated one is, the more likely they are to be a Democrat. Look that one up in a book. Your being a tool has little or nothing to do with where you get info from. It's just who you are. Anyone who believes in the current GOP cannot claim to be intelligent. You're either just plain stupid or you're a shill and a tool. And the bad news is that you will realize that very soon as all is told about what they have become. Then you'll have a decision to make. "Do you continue being an easy mark or do you learn from it and get your nose out of books and look around you at reality?" With what I've seen so far, you could go either way, and that's a compliment.
Yes, let's vote for Biden, highest price for fuel on history, that is brilliant.

War in Europe, yes let's vote for Biden

Taliban seems to weak, let's vote for Biden and give them billions in weapons and get more Americans killed

Yes vote for Biden so we can have Russia negotiate an arms deal with Iran on our behalf

And let's not forget millions of illegal aliens

And men claiming to be girls competing in women's sports

The Democrat world sucks
Yes, let's vote for Biden, highest price for fuel on history, that is brilliant.

War in Europe, yes let's vote for Biden

Taliban seems to weak, let's vote for Biden and give them billions in weapons and get more Americans killed

Yes vote for Biden so we can have Russia negotiate an arms deal with Iran on our behalf

And let's not forget millions of illegal aliens

And men claiming to be girls competing in women's sports

The Democrat world sucks
Trump stooge. You support the most corrupt party and the most corrupt Administration in history. Just think about the cast of characters in his swamp. I'll take anybody over Trump even Bonzo the Chimp.
Trump stooge. You support the most corrupt party and the most corrupt Administration in history. Just think about the cast of characters in his swamp. I'll take anybody over Trump even Bonzo the Chimp.
Corrupt, Biden and the Democrats get rich in office.

Biden makes millions through his son Hunter and his brother.

Pelosi, her son is rich, how?

Democrat John Kerry, a partner with Hunter Biden.

The Clintons make $200 million on speeches? That is not a payoffp
Corrupt, Biden and the Democrats get rich in office.

Biden makes millions through his son Hunter and his brother.

Pelosi, her son is rich, how?

Democrat John Kerry, a partner with Hunter Biden.

The Clintons make $200 million on speeches? That is not a payoffp
Are you really that much of a PollyAnna that you think it's only Dems who go into politics to get rich on the citizenry? So what else is new? LOL That's why I don't care for any of them. Let me ask you something and let's see if you can be honest for once. Do you think Trump and company aren't raking in the graft? Haven't you noticed the multiple Emolument breeches? The whole family has been profiteering on their positions and only one of them was ever voted into any office. And The Don has been chief among the pirates. Unlike you, I'm not enamored with any of them. Only a fool puts any stock in the honesty of a politico. But I've never seen so many ties to our enemies in any other administration. And I've never seen a President that is so guarded with his actions. No transparency at all. Claims of all kinds of how wonderful and rich and smart he is and how he has no conflicts of interest with Russia etc but when anyone dares to look at that relationship, his entire group circles the wagons and closes ranks and ignores subpoenas. I've never seen a campaign manager who "works for free" LOL With direct ties to Putin and his former puppet regime in Ukraine. Meetings between Putin and Trump with no record of what was discussed and no steno from our side allowed. Classified information passed to the Russian ambassador and Foreign minister right in the Oval Office. Lies galore about connections to Russia from a host of Trump's inner circle an Trump himself. A national security advisor who took money and acted as a foreign agent without registering as such. Money from Turkey and then the withdrawal of troops from Syria allowing Turkey and Russia to slaughter our allies in the fight against Isis Then, the pardons for everyone who could give evidence of Presidential involvement. A campaign from the beginning of discrediting the free press, the FBI and CIA and NSA and any other entity that could stand in the way of that corruption or hold him accountable. The spreading of hate for people of color, Mexicans, Muslims, Orientals etc. Caging of innocent and desperate people and the demonization of all of the above. Stoking fear, hatred, and violence. These are the actions of every despot and autocrat in history. It's the perfect playbook for tyranny. And the claims that "Only I can fix it!" "I am the chosen one!" This guy is an obvious madman and a cruel dictator in the making. And morons of weak character have bought into the madness completely. People like YOU! You will realize all of this one day I hope. But that is no guarantee when you are so thoroughly indoctrinated. Do you have no critical thinking skills at all? Shame on you and everyone who thinks like you do.
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Are you really that much of a PollyAnna that you think it's only Dems who go into politics to get rich on the citizenry? So what else is new? LOL That's why I don't care for any of them. Let me ask you something and let's see if you can be honest for once. Do you think Trump and company aren't raking in the graft? Haven't you noticed the multiple Emolument breeches? The whole family has been profiteering on their positions and only one of them was ever voted into any office. And The Don has been chief among the pirates. Unlike you, I'm not enamored with any of them. Only a fool puts any stock in the honesty of a politico. But I've never seen so many ties to our enemies in any other administration. And I've never seen a President that is so guarded with his actions. No transparency at all. Claims of all kinds of how wonderful and rich and smart he is and how he has no conflicts of interest with Russia etc but when anyone dares to look at that relationship, his entire group circles the wagons and closes ranks and ignores subpoenas. I've never seen a campaign manager who "works for free" LOL With direct ties to Putin and his former puppet regime in Ukraine. Meetings between Putin and Trump with no record of what was discussed and no steno from our side allowed. Classified information passed to the Russian ambassador and Foreign minister right in the Oval Office. Lies galore about connections to Russia from a host of Trump's inner circle an Trump himself. A national security advisor who took money and acted as a foreign agent without registering as such. Money from Turkey and then the withdrawal of troops from Syria allowing Turkey and Russia to slaughter our allies in the fight against Isis Then, the pardons for everyone who could give evidence of Presidential involvement. A campaign from the beginning of discrediting the free press, the FBI and CIA and NSA and any other entity that could stand in the way of that corruption or hold him accountable. The spreading of hate for people of color, Mexicans, Muslims, Orientals etc. Caging of innocent and desperate people and the demonization of all of the above. Stoking fear, hatred, and violence. These are the actions of every despot and autocrat in history. It's the perfect playbook for tyranny. And the claims that "Only I can fix it!" "I am the chosen one!" This guy is an obvious madman and a cruel dictator in the making. And morons of weak character have bought into the madness completely. People like YOU! You will realize all of this one day I hope. But that is no guarantee when you are so thoroughly indoctrinated. Do you have no critical thinking skills at all? Shame on you and everyone who thinks like you do.
Yet, with all your ranting, you have zero proof.

Trump was a billionaire before he came into office. The one person who did not profit from being president and you have a problem with Trump?

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