Is Jesus the Word of God?

Karma isn't a scientific effect. I don't believe that god has been proven yet because it hasn't, all you have is wishful thinking. If there's a god and it wanted me to see it, it would show itself to me, not leave me and everyone else dangling.

If there's a God and he wanted you to see it,it would show itself to you..

There you go.

Apparently, God has better things to do.

Maybe you can't entice him to visit you with a new perfume, and empty promises?

Did you ever consider wearing a mini skirt?
Nobody else has actually ever been in touch with an invisible superbeing in another dimension either. You're delusional.

Me delusional? It certainly agree that it must seem that way to you, lol...Is it any wonder? you are all hung up on kangaroos.

If no one else was ever in touch with an invisible superbeing from another dimension the bible would never have been written.

Maybe if you complain louder he will come down from his resting place to kiss your ass? Have you ever tried winking and waving? Can you twerk?
The bible was written to control people, accept your lot in this life because in the next you'll be rewarded. Most people fell/fall for that because they desperately want to be liked and in a group of like minded people. Simpletons really, gullible enough to swallow that nonsense. I see nothing supernatural in the bible, just a bunch of cartoonish stories that nobody believes.

You read the bible and see What can I say, Taz?

Congratulations? Goodie for you and whoop di doo?
Nobody here has shown me anything either, you all just make shit up as you go along and cherry-pick the things you'll believe and the things that you won't, it's ludicrous. I came here wondering if anyone might have something real in their beliefs, something that would make me see their god. I understand it, but I've yet to see anything to sink my teeth into, just a lot bs.
If there's a God and he wanted you to see it,it would show itself to you..

There you go.

Apparently, God has better things to do.

Maybe you can't entice him to visit you with a new perfume, and empty promises?

Did you ever consider wearing a mini skirt?
Nobody else has actually ever been in touch with an invisible superbeing in another dimension either. You're delusional.

Me delusional? It certainly agree that it must seem that way to you, lol...Is it any wonder? you are all hung up on kangaroos.

If no one else was ever in touch with an invisible superbeing from another dimension the bible would never have been written.

Maybe if you complain louder he will come down from his resting place to kiss your ass? Have you ever tried winking and waving? Can you twerk?
The bible was written to control people, accept your lot in this life because in the next you'll be rewarded. Most people fell/fall for that because they desperately want to be liked and in a group of like minded people. Simpletons really, gullible enough to swallow that nonsense. I see nothing supernatural in the bible, just a bunch of cartoonish stories that nobody believes.

You read the bible and see What can I say, Taz?

Congratulations? Goodie for you and whoop di doo?
Nobody here has shown me anything either, you all just make shit up as you go along and cherry-pick the things you'll believe and the things that you won't, it's ludicrous. I came here wondering if anyone might have something real in their beliefs, something that would make me see their god. I understand it, but I've yet to see anything to sink my teeth into, just a lot bs.

Ok Taz, Lets recap..You claim to have read the bible but found nothing but silly stories that only the gullible would swallow. Fine. I show you valuable things, highly advanced wisdom and an intimate knowledge and understanding of the inner workings of the human mind that surpasses even our own hidden in those silly stories but still you see nothing..fine.

You can't grasp the teachings of silly stories written for children by people that you deride as ignorant goat herders even when its handed to you all nicely gift wrapped with a pretty little bow on top.

I can live with that but apparently you remain in some sort of discomfit. Thats your problem.

You say that you want to read but are too lazy to learn your A, B, C's.

I am not trying to get you to see my God.

I'm a trying to get you to apply your own mind to understand deep and mysterious metaphors like talking snakes and donkeys, raising the dead, ascending into heaven, giving sight to the blind, etc.

First things first buckaroo..

You will never see my God if you can't see that...
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The law of self compensation never sleeps, Taz. It is always at work. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You are being pruned whether you believe it or not. Nothing is as it seems.
Got a link to your "law"?
I am afraid you will have to experience it for yourself.
So you've got no law, just as I thought.

You're kidding right? You've never even heard of the law of karma?

Karma - Wikipedia

Is that a good enough link? Want 50 more? I know it is a total waste of time talking to you and anything I say will utterly fall right off your back since you obviously are not looking for spiritual experience, but think God is something you must be able to sit on a table and examine. And you dare God to show himself, prove himself to you as you stand there eyes closed, hands in pocket, balancing on one foot with your pocket watch giving him conditions and a time limit. You don't believe in God because you don't WANT to believe in God, not that it's just a matter of faith, but it is a matter of being open and ready, its a matter of meeting him half way rather than as YOU think---- that you will believe in him after he shows himself to you, it is a matter of being far enough along the path to have the eyes to see him, a matter of your soul being ready. So you go right on being a skeptic, that is your right, because you will remain a skeptic all of your life, you'll never see God in your life because it is your very skepticism that forever bars you from having eyes that He might reveal his true wondrous nature to you.
Karma isn't a scientific effect. I don't believe that god has been proven yet because it hasn't, all you have is wishful thinking. If there's a god and it wanted me to see it, it would show itself to me, not leave me and everyone else dangling.

Karma isn't a scientific effect? Do you even understand that a "scientific effect" is a physical phenomena? For as much as karma can be related to a physical process, it DOES have a "scientific effect" called Newton's Third Law:

Newton's Third Law

So let's examine the last part of your nonsense, that if God wanted you to see him. How do you know that God DOESN'T want you to see him? It is YOU that is preventing it. It is called free choice of will. The whole point to the worldly creation is to live apart from God. Some people are here on their way up towards rejoining God, others are here on their way down from leaving God. Your arguments are laughable that "God hasn't been proven" because he cannot be weighed, measured or some other means like so much rock is laughable. God isn't matter nor energy, he is beyond the material creation.
I am afraid you will have to experience it for yourself.
So you've got no law, just as I thought.

You're kidding right? You've never even heard of the law of karma?

Karma - Wikipedia

Is that a good enough link? Want 50 more? I know it is a total waste of time talking to you and anything I say will utterly fall right off your back since you obviously are not looking for spiritual experience, but think God is something you must be able to sit on a table and examine. And you dare God to show himself, prove himself to you as you stand there eyes closed, hands in pocket, balancing on one foot with your pocket watch giving him conditions and a time limit. You don't believe in God because you don't WANT to believe in God, not that it's just a matter of faith, but it is a matter of being open and ready, its a matter of meeting him half way rather than as YOU think---- that you will believe in him after he shows himself to you, it is a matter of being far enough along the path to have the eyes to see him, a matter of your soul being ready. So you go right on being a skeptic, that is your right, because you will remain a skeptic all of your life, you'll never see God in your life because it is your very skepticism that forever bars you from having eyes that He might reveal his true wondrous nature to you.
Karma isn't a scientific effect. I don't believe that god has been proven yet because it hasn't, all you have is wishful thinking. If there's a god and it wanted me to see it, it would show itself to me, not leave me and everyone else dangling.

If there's a God and he wanted you to see it,it would show itself to you..

There you go.

Apparently, God has better things to do.

Maybe you can't entice him to visit you with a new perfume, and empty promises?

Did you ever consider wearing a mini skirt?
Nobody else has actually ever been in touch with an invisible superbeing in another dimension either. You're delusional.

Odd that on the one hand, you even deny God's very existence, then you turn around and define him as if you actually know him, then call others delusional.
Nobody else has actually ever been in touch with an invisible superbeing in another dimension either. You're delusional.

Me delusional? It certainly agree that it must seem that way to you, lol...Is it any wonder? you are all hung up on kangaroos.

If no one else was ever in touch with an invisible superbeing from another dimension the bible would never have been written.

Maybe if you complain louder he will come down from his resting place to kiss your ass? Have you ever tried winking and waving? Can you twerk?
The bible was written to control people, accept your lot in this life because in the next you'll be rewarded. Most people fell/fall for that because they desperately want to be liked and in a group of like minded people. Simpletons really, gullible enough to swallow that nonsense. I see nothing supernatural in the bible, just a bunch of cartoonish stories that nobody believes.

You read the bible and see What can I say, Taz?

Congratulations? Goodie for you and whoop di doo?
Nobody here has shown me anything either, you all just make shit up as you go along and cherry-pick the things you'll believe and the things that you won't, it's ludicrous. I came here wondering if anyone might have something real in their beliefs, something that would make me see their god. I understand it, but I've yet to see anything to sink my teeth into, just a lot bs.

Ok Taz, Lets recap..You claim to have read the bible but found nothing but silly stories that only the gullible would swallow. Fine. I show you valuable things, highly advanced wisdom and an intimate knowledge and understanding of the inner workings of the human mind that surpasses even our own hidden in those silly stories but still you see nothing..fine.

You can't grasp the teachings of silly stories written for children by people that you deride as ignorant goat herders even when its handed to you all nicely gift wrapped with a pretty little bow on top.

I can live with that but apparently you remain in some sort of discomfit. Thats your problem.

You say that you want to read but are too lazy to learn your A, B, C's.

I am not trying to get you to see my God.

I'm a trying to get you to apply your own mind to understand deep and mysterious metaphors like talking snakes and donkeys, raising the dead, ascending into heaven, giving sight to the blind, etc.

First things first buckaroo..

You will never see my God if you can't see that...
But when the stories were written, people thought that they were true, some still do. You now have to apply alternate meanings to the stories because on their face, they're quite retarded. So you move the goalposts. Seems kinda weak to me.
Got a link to your "law"?
I am afraid you will have to experience it for yourself.
So you've got no law, just as I thought.

You're kidding right? You've never even heard of the law of karma?

Karma - Wikipedia

Is that a good enough link? Want 50 more? I know it is a total waste of time talking to you and anything I say will utterly fall right off your back since you obviously are not looking for spiritual experience, but think God is something you must be able to sit on a table and examine. And you dare God to show himself, prove himself to you as you stand there eyes closed, hands in pocket, balancing on one foot with your pocket watch giving him conditions and a time limit. You don't believe in God because you don't WANT to believe in God, not that it's just a matter of faith, but it is a matter of being open and ready, its a matter of meeting him half way rather than as YOU think---- that you will believe in him after he shows himself to you, it is a matter of being far enough along the path to have the eyes to see him, a matter of your soul being ready. So you go right on being a skeptic, that is your right, because you will remain a skeptic all of your life, you'll never see God in your life because it is your very skepticism that forever bars you from having eyes that He might reveal his true wondrous nature to you.
Karma isn't a scientific effect. I don't believe that god has been proven yet because it hasn't, all you have is wishful thinking. If there's a god and it wanted me to see it, it would show itself to me, not leave me and everyone else dangling.

Karma isn't a scientific effect? Do you even understand that a "scientific effect" is a physical phenomena? For as much as karma can be related to a physical process, it DOES have a "scientific effect" called Newton's Third Law:

Newton's Third Law

So let's examine the last part of your nonsense, that if God wanted you to see him. How do you know that God DOESN'T want you to see him? It is YOU that is preventing it. It is called free choice of will. The whole point to the worldly creation is to live apart from God. Some people are here on their way up towards rejoining God, others are here on their way down from leaving God. Your arguments are laughable that "God hasn't been proven" because he cannot be weighed, measured or some other means like so much rock is laughable. God isn't matter nor energy, he is beyond the material creation.
So what proof do you have that your god exists? A book?
So you've got no law, just as I thought.

You're kidding right? You've never even heard of the law of karma?

Karma - Wikipedia

Is that a good enough link? Want 50 more? I know it is a total waste of time talking to you and anything I say will utterly fall right off your back since you obviously are not looking for spiritual experience, but think God is something you must be able to sit on a table and examine. And you dare God to show himself, prove himself to you as you stand there eyes closed, hands in pocket, balancing on one foot with your pocket watch giving him conditions and a time limit. You don't believe in God because you don't WANT to believe in God, not that it's just a matter of faith, but it is a matter of being open and ready, its a matter of meeting him half way rather than as YOU think---- that you will believe in him after he shows himself to you, it is a matter of being far enough along the path to have the eyes to see him, a matter of your soul being ready. So you go right on being a skeptic, that is your right, because you will remain a skeptic all of your life, you'll never see God in your life because it is your very skepticism that forever bars you from having eyes that He might reveal his true wondrous nature to you.
Karma isn't a scientific effect. I don't believe that god has been proven yet because it hasn't, all you have is wishful thinking. If there's a god and it wanted me to see it, it would show itself to me, not leave me and everyone else dangling.

If there's a God and he wanted you to see it,it would show itself to you..

There you go.

Apparently, God has better things to do.

Maybe you can't entice him to visit you with a new perfume, and empty promises?

Did you ever consider wearing a mini skirt?
Nobody else has actually ever been in touch with an invisible superbeing in another dimension either. You're delusional.

Odd that on the one hand, you even deny God's very existence, then you turn around and define him as if you actually know him, then call others delusional.
I'm saying that however you define your god, it has not been proven yet. I'm agnostic, I don't see any proof for a god not being able to exist either.
The bible was written to control people. Most people fall for that because they desperately want to be liked and in a group of like minded people. Simpletons really, gullible enough to swallow that nonsense.

So, in other words, a lot like Democrats, you say? It is very easy to tell yourself that religion is all primitive and superstition and that you have progressed and are far superior. I was an atheist too when young under something bloomed in me as a teen, I started seeing connections, started asking the right questions, began to want more in life until one day I had my first spiritual experience. Once you do, all doubt is gone.

The funny thing is that as more and more people reject religion for atheism, society grows more and more savage, not less. Atheists tell themselves they don't need a "God," but that is not true. Just that their "god" is themselves. Good luck with that.
I am afraid you will have to experience it for yourself.
So you've got no law, just as I thought.

You're kidding right? You've never even heard of the law of karma?

Karma - Wikipedia

Is that a good enough link? Want 50 more? I know it is a total waste of time talking to you and anything I say will utterly fall right off your back since you obviously are not looking for spiritual experience, but think God is something you must be able to sit on a table and examine. And you dare God to show himself, prove himself to you as you stand there eyes closed, hands in pocket, balancing on one foot with your pocket watch giving him conditions and a time limit. You don't believe in God because you don't WANT to believe in God, not that it's just a matter of faith, but it is a matter of being open and ready, its a matter of meeting him half way rather than as YOU think---- that you will believe in him after he shows himself to you, it is a matter of being far enough along the path to have the eyes to see him, a matter of your soul being ready. So you go right on being a skeptic, that is your right, because you will remain a skeptic all of your life, you'll never see God in your life because it is your very skepticism that forever bars you from having eyes that He might reveal his true wondrous nature to you.
Karma isn't a scientific effect. I don't believe that god has been proven yet because it hasn't, all you have is wishful thinking. If there's a god and it wanted me to see it, it would show itself to me, not leave me and everyone else dangling.

Karma isn't a scientific effect? Do you even understand that a "scientific effect" is a physical phenomena? For as much as karma can be related to a physical process, it DOES have a "scientific effect" called Newton's Third Law:

Newton's Third Law

So let's examine the last part of your nonsense, that if God wanted you to see him. How do you know that God DOESN'T want you to see him? It is YOU that is preventing it. It is called free choice of will. The whole point to the worldly creation is to live apart from God. Some people are here on their way up towards rejoining God, others are here on their way down from leaving God. Your arguments are laughable that "God hasn't been proven" because he cannot be weighed, measured or some other means like so much rock is laughable. God isn't matter nor energy, he is beyond the material creation.
So what proof do you have that your god exists? A book?

I have many books on the subject but there is no "proof" that one may hold out for another to see. The only real proof comes from direct, inner experience. Until you have it, you will never have the "proof" you seek, and it is not a one way street. It isn't enough to merely seek it, some people seek it their entire lives on faith alone. Ultimately, God must decide to reveal himself to you. Until and unless that happens, all you have is your faith. Many people don't even have that. Many people ask why that is and use that to claim God doesn't exist because they think he would just make it easy and reveal himself to everyone. I don't have an easy answer for you. I'm not smart enough to know why God does things in a certain way. I only wish more people had the faith and desire to want to know Him.
The bible was written to control people, accept your lot in this life because in the next you'll be rewarded

I was an atheist too

The only real proof comes from direct, inner experience. Until you have it, you will never have the "proof" you seek, and it is not a one way street.

just curious tb-freak does your "experience" endorse the desert religions ... from once being an atheist.
Karma isn't a scientific effect? Do you even understand that a "scientific effect" is a physical phenomena? For as much as karma can be related to a physical process, it DOES have a "scientific effect" called Newton's Third Law:

Newton's Third Law

So let's examine the last part of your nonsense, that if God wanted you to see him. How do you know that God DOESN'T want you to see him? It is YOU that is preventing it. It is called free choice of will. The whole point to the worldly creation is to live apart from God. Some people are here on their way up towards rejoining God, others are here on their way down from leaving God. Your arguments are laughable that "God hasn't been proven" because he cannot be weighed, measured or some other means like so much rock is laughable. God isn't matter nor energy, he is beyond the material creation.

Well said.
The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
I am an adult, been around the block a few times. Agnostic since I was 13. Mockery seems by now so cheap and meaningless and hurtful. Perhaps in an alternate part of the multiverse, Jesus is the son of god, granted. Maybe this is that universe. But...still, what kind of god just can't fix the broken world without believers believing and all that hoodoo?

He will fix the world. Unfortunately, when that time comes, if you have rejected him, you won't be allowed to enjoy it.
The bible was written to control people, accept your lot in this life because in the next you'll be rewarded

I was an atheist too

The only real proof comes from direct, inner experience. Until you have it, you will never have the "proof" you seek, and it is not a one way street.

just curious tb-freak does your "experience" endorse the desert religions ... from once being an atheist.

I don't endorse any particular religion, that is totally a personal choice based on your own experiences, but I have the greatest affinity for the older eastern religions most, western Christianity less (though I was raised that way), I find a lot of contradictions there (as well as many inexcusably bad actions by the Church in the Middle Ages), and least of all Islam because Islam is more a social system, and the Muslim faith is far too marred these days by extremism and violence.
The bible was written to control people, accept your lot in this life because in the next you'll be rewarded

I was an atheist too

The only real proof comes from direct, inner experience. Until you have it, you will never have the "proof" you seek, and it is not a one way street.

just curious tb-freak does your "experience" endorse the desert religions ... from once being an atheist.

I don't endorse any particular religion, that is totally a personal choice based on your own experiences, but I have the greatest affinity for the older eastern religions most, western Christianity less (though I was raised that way), I find a lot of contradictions there (as well as many inexcusably bad actions by the Church in the Middle Ages), and least of all Islam because Islam is more a social system, and the Muslim faith is far too marred these days by extremism and violence.

What older eastern religions?
Orthodox Christianity?
What others are there?
The bible was written to control people, accept your lot in this life because in the next you'll be rewarded

I was an atheist too

The only real proof comes from direct, inner experience. Until you have it, you will never have the "proof" you seek, and it is not a one way street.

just curious tb-freak does your "experience" endorse the desert religions ... from once being an atheist.

I don't endorse any particular religion, that is totally a personal choice based on your own experiences, but I have the greatest affinity for the older eastern religions most, western Christianity less (though I was raised that way), I find a lot of contradictions there (as well as many inexcusably bad actions by the Church in the Middle Ages), and least of all Islam because Islam is more a social system, and the Muslim faith is far too marred these days by extremism and violence.

What older eastern religions?
Orthodox Christianity?
What others are there?

Seriously? You are totally unfamiliar with:

Vedic Science?
The bible was written to control people, accept your lot in this life because in the next you'll be rewarded

I was an atheist too

The only real proof comes from direct, inner experience. Until you have it, you will never have the "proof" you seek, and it is not a one way street.

just curious tb-freak does your "experience" endorse the desert religions ... from once being an atheist.

I don't endorse any particular religion, that is totally a personal choice based on your own experiences, but I have the greatest affinity for the older eastern religions most, western Christianity less (though I was raised that way), I find a lot of contradictions there (as well as many inexcusably bad actions by the Church in the Middle Ages), and least of all Islam because Islam is more a social system, and the Muslim faith is far too marred these days by extremism and violence.

What older eastern religions?
Orthodox Christianity?
What others are there?

Seriously? You are totally unfamiliar with:

Vedic Science?
Oh for some reason I thought you were referencing Christianity.

Maybe because that's what this thread is about.
For those out there maybe interested in this. This is a chart of the Christmas Holiday based on 2016-2017. Some of the dates vary from year to year. A lot of people don't realize that the actual Christmas Holiday actually sort of begins after Thanksgiving with Advent (the 4th Sunday before Christmas) and the "Holiday" is actually sort of a contiguous event all the way to Easter. Here is a chart I made:

Christmas Map.jpg

Originally, "Christmas" ran from Christmas Eve all the way to Plough Monday when folks went back to work (back to their plows) and you were supposed to not work in observance that whole time. So employers are ripping you off. :D
The bible was written to control people, accept your lot in this life because in the next you'll be rewarded

I was an atheist too

The only real proof comes from direct, inner experience. Until you have it, you will never have the "proof" you seek, and it is not a one way street.

just curious tb-freak does your "experience" endorse the desert religions ... from once being an atheist.

I don't endorse any particular religion, that is totally a personal choice based on your own experiences, but I have the greatest affinity for the older eastern religions most, western Christianity less (though I was raised that way), I find a lot of contradictions there (as well as many inexcusably bad actions by the Church in the Middle Ages), and least of all Islam because Islam is more a social system, and the Muslim faith is far too marred these days by extremism and violence.

What older eastern religions?
Orthodox Christianity?
What others are there?

Seriously? You are totally unfamiliar with:

Vedic Science?
Oh for some reason I thought you were referencing Christianity.

Maybe because that's what this thread is about.

The thread is about Jesus, who was the son of God. Part of the Trinity, he was both separate from (a trinitarian plenary aspect of) as well as part of the whole. Often referred to as Homoousion, one of the three aspects of God.

Trinity - Wikipedia

The Holy Spirit was the source of all, the Father was the Creator, and the Son (Jesus) was God's way of linking to man, that man may know him. Not entirely indifferent from a fundamental Vedic precept of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, the first being the maintainer of all, the second bringing about the cosmic manifestation, and the third returning all back into oblivion.

The modern atheistic scientific concepts are not wholly without their parallels: in their view, Mahavishnu or the Holy Spirit becomes the Physical Laws, Brahma or the Father Creator becomes our Big Bang, and Shiva becomes the eventual entropy and dissolution of the universe when it all finally falls back upon itself at the end of time. Science really hasn't forsaken religion, they have merely changed some of the terminology and concepts from the original Rgveda put down over 3500 years ago and denied any sentient super-deities in control of or overseeing the universe to be replaced with random physical events. Science is merely the religion of an impersonal (non-person) god (cause).

Whether you believe in "God" or not, what I think is most interesting and important is that today's most advanced theories of the universe essentially are not too different in their fundamental ideas from concepts originally put down 5000 years ago and eventually put into written form 35 centuries ago. Modern science has merely given these old ideas new interpretations.
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For those out there maybe interested in this. This is a chart of the Christmas Holiday based on 2016-2017. Some of the dates vary from year to year. A lot of people don't realize that the actual Christmas Holiday actually sort of begins after Thanksgiving with Advent (the 4th Sunday before Christmas) and the "Holiday" is actually sort of a contiguous event all the way to Easter. Here is a chart I made:

View attachment 184802

Originally, "Christmas" ran from Christmas Eve all the way to Plough Monday when folks went back to work (back to their plows) and you were supposed to not work in observance that whole time. So employers are ripping you off. :D

That was back when we were serfs..and our employers were landed gentry who had the legal right to screw female serfs as soon as they hit puberty. There is always a trade off.
The bible was written to control people. Most people fall for that because they desperately want to be liked and in a group of like minded people. Simpletons really, gullible enough to swallow that nonsense.

So, in other words, a lot like Democrats, you say? It is very easy to tell yourself that religion is all primitive and superstition and that you have progressed and are far superior. I was an atheist too when young under something bloomed in me as a teen, I started seeing connections, started asking the right questions, began to want more in life until one day I had my first spiritual experience. Once you do, all doubt is gone.

The funny thing is that as more and more people reject religion for atheism, society grows more and more savage, not less. Atheists tell themselves they don't need a "God," but that is not true. Just that their "god" is themselves. Good luck with that.
Most people believe in a god so if the world is getting more violent look at Muslims, Christians and Jews for a start.

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