Is it time for President Trump to declare WAR against Mexico, Central and South America?

I'm sure our qualified military can handle this. I don't need to enlist to help out. much easier to call on others to do your dirty work, right?
Were you too fat to serve?
Ah...look at you! :71: I did my 21 years. And no, I won't re-up because I don't believe in shooting down unarmed men, women, and children. That's not what I volunteered to serve my country for.

Looks like maybe he ran away.
Let's be fair here, maybe he waddled away. Those who start fat talk usually are along the lines of "he who smelt it, dealt it"....if you catch my drift. ;)
just like those calling others racist.
Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?
Do you think the President can declare war?

For the Trumpublicans, there is no distinction between Congress and the President when they hold the reigns of power in both Houses of Congress. A simple majority vote is all it would take. Like the SC justices........

They're all fine with whatever the immoral president wants.
obammy didn't know the difference.
let's hope trump sends the military, I can't wait for that confrontation truly special indeed.

Are you gonna be one of the people that volunteers for the military to defend the border?

Me? I've already did my service to the military. 20 years and 4 war zones.
I'm sure our qualified military can handle this. I don't need to enlist to help out. much easier to call on others to do your dirty work, right?
Were you too fat to serve?
Ah...look at you! :71: I did my 21 years. And no, I won't re-up because I don't believe in shooting down unarmed men, women, and children. That's not what I volunteered to serve my country for.


Actually Bodecea, if you get out after having served over 20 years, you cannot come back in because of your RE code on your 214. If you retire after over 20 years of service, they give you an RE-2 code, which means you are retired and cannot come back in except in cases of national emergency.

Worst time of my career was the month after 9/11. In the Navy, you can submit your retirement paperwork at the 18 month mark. When I got to recruiting in 1999, I was looking at it as my last tour, and so put in my paperwork about 6 months before 9/11. For the next month after 9/11 happened, I fought like hell to stop my retirement, but it had gone too far along the process to pull.

(Sorry................just the PN in me......................)
Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?
Do you think the President can declare war?

For the Trumpublicans, there is no distinction between Congress and the President when they hold the reigns of power in both Houses of Congress. A simple majority vote is all it would take. Like the SC justices........

They're all fine with whatever the immoral president wants.
And yet...and yet...they are all powerless victims in the face of the all-powerful Democrat Deep State don't you know?
Oh really? You "understand", eh? What a fascinating thing to say. DO go on. I'm enjoying the projection.
Hey, I'm not making this up. Your corpulence is all over USMB.
Oh.....sure. Do tell. "all over USMB" you say. :71: This is very interesting. Got some more of your stories for us?
OK, would you prefer "horizonatally challenged"?
"horizonatally" challenged. As opposed to intellectually challenged? :71:
They are not mutually exclusive, certainly. You are a case in point. Having said that, some stupid porkers can be nice people, I'm sure.
Do go on.....enlighten us as to the 'world of porkers' as you know it. :eusa_think:
Not a fan, just build the wall. We exert pressure on Mexico pretty easily. they will protest, but they'll do what we say........
let's hope trump sends the military, I can't wait for that confrontation truly special indeed.

Are you gonna be one of the people that volunteers for the military to defend the border?

Me? I've already did my service to the military. 20 years and 4 war zones.
I'm sure our qualified military can handle this. I don't need to enlist to help out. much easier to call on others to do your dirty work, right?
well I believe in using trained and skilled personnel when using the military since it is their job. I have a job.
Of course you do......of course you do......:71:
Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?
Not a fan, just build the wall. We exert pressure on Mexico pretty easily. they will protest, but they'll do what we say........
let's hope trump sends the military, I can't wait for that confrontation truly special indeed.

Are you gonna be one of the people that volunteers for the military to defend the border?

Me? I've already did my service to the military. 20 years and 4 war zones.

Hell I'm an old man of 53 who's had back surgery,soon to go back for a second,hip replacement and cancer and I'll volunteer to do it for free since our position is static.
In other words my targets will come to me.
Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?
Not a fan, just build the wall. We exert pressure on Mexico pretty easily. they will protest, but they'll do what we say........
let's hope trump sends the military, I can't wait for that confrontation truly special indeed.

Are you gonna be one of the people that volunteers for the military to defend the border?

Me? I've already did my service to the military. 20 years and 4 war zones.
what battles were you in?

Beruit Lebanon in '83, when the Marine barracks was hit.

Desert Storm, parts I and II.

Was in the Adriatic up around Kosovo in the late 90's.

All of them qualified as war zones. We got combat pay and tax free money while we were there.

But were you ever under fire?
No. Just secure our Border and significantly reform our broken Immigration System. No more insane shit like Schumer's 'Visa Lottery.' Secure our Border and end Illegal Immigration. It's what most Americans want.

I agree with securing the border but these nations need to get their comeuppance for sending us their undesirable cast offs for the last half century.
Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?
Do you think the President can declare war?

Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?
Do you think the President can declare war?
Shhhhhhhh! Don't tell him about the Constitution.

Haha..thanks for yet another opportunity to enlighten the ignorant and confused.
This president knows our Congress is made up of nutless pussies who won’t do shit about shit...he can in fact declare war, send troops in and ask for congressional approval and a declaration at a later date. Come on homos...know your shit and stop making fools of yourselves in public.
Most of us learned this shit by 6th grade.

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