Is It Moral for Married Couples to do Oral/Anal?

You just completely contradicted yourself. How the heck is it arrogant to assume your opinion is correct if we all do it? Why would we have an opinion on the matter if we didnt think it was correct? You dont really think about what you say very well do you?

Why is it always the complete off-the-charts extremists who insult everyone else's intelligence? (Particularly considering you clearly misunderstood the post).

The fact is you dont like my opinions because they are correct and you dont want to admit it.

I can assure you I can't remember reading an opinion of yours which I think is correct.

If i am wrong who the heck cares?

You, apparently.... and the people who you want to force to abide by your opinions.

But you cant stand the idea that someone actually disagrees with your point of views and would advocate for them.

Again...seems you're the one who can't abide disagreement. I'm not the one trying to force you to live by my rules.

So since you cant argue for the merits of the argument you have to argue that I dont have a right to speak them.

Again... go back and are entitled to your opinions. You are NOT entitled to shove them down the throats of others'. Whether someone agrees with your opinion or not is pretty much up to them.

About the arrogance. stop projecting your own defects onto others. We arent the one forcing their views on others. You are.

And how would that be? You're the one claiming a guy getting a blowjob or a couple having consensual anal sex will cause the downfall of society. Me? I could care less if you get them or not. :huh:
The activities in your bedroom are not my business, whether you play Tarzan & Jane or that you perfer your wife on top, because this is normal behavior and you continue to be a productive, responsible adult.

But when you engage in a deviant behavior such as another person or animal joining you, that behavior cannot help but spill over into your everyday life; your decisions & behavior. You become deviant in your thinking & in your heart; it takes over & your skewed outlook is therefore revealed in the things you say, the way you conduct yourself, how you view society. You then have made your bedroom my business. I then have to fight you on certain principles that I know to be healthy & true for me & my children in this community.

Ok Joz I am following your argument here and the premiss that certain sexual behavior in your view is deviant. And that deviancy will carry over into other areas of a persons life and effect the people and community that the person is in.

That is an interesting argument. Is it possible that other behaviors that a person choices to conduct his or herself be deemed deviant by others? For example alcohol consumption. It is likely that some people have the view that alcohol consumption is deviant and damaging to people and communities. Alcoholism, drinking and driving, and some abusiveness can be attributed to the consumption of alcohol. So some may have the view that not only people consuming alcohol but also other people promoting the atmosphere, such as bars and clubs, to be engaged in deviant behavior. Yet society is excepting of alcohol consumption despite the fact that social problems can be attributed to alcohol. Why is this? I cannot fully answer why, but my guess is that there are several more responsible people who can enjoy in a responsible manner the consumption of alcohol. (and the fact that there is a huge industry that generates profit from alcohol). Don't get me wrong, I enjoy adult beverages and am happy to have the ability to do so in a responsible manner.

So is it possible that a consenting married couple engage in sexual behavior they view as responsible for them?
How does my question refer to Sodom and Gomarrah?
It doesn't, which is my point. You analogy is therefore moot, as God's wrath has not been visited on villages full of social drinkers, or even alchoholics.

Nive avatar, BTW. My last trip to Oregon my son and I hiked to Three Fingered Jack, and it looked just like that. Maybe I've told you that before?
It doesn't, which is my point. You analogy is therefore moot, as God's wrath has not been visited on villages full of social drinkers, or even alchoholics.

Nive avatar, BTW. My last trip to Oregon my son and I hiked to Three Fingered Jack, and it looked just like that. Maybe I've told you that before?

Thanks for the cudous on the avatar, those are the part of the Sawtooth mountians.

I wasn't trying to make a point based on God's wrath, rather how we as a society view deviant behavior and how excepting of that we our. We all have different levels of exceptence on behavior.
Ok Joz I am following your argument here and the premiss that certain sexual behavior in your view is deviant. And that deviancy will carry over into other areas of a persons life and effect the people and community that the person is in.

That is an interesting argument. Is it possible that other behaviors that a person choices to conduct his or herself be deemed deviant by others? For example alcohol consumption. It is likely that some people have the view that alcohol consumption is deviant and damaging to people and communities. Alcoholism, drinking and driving, and some abusiveness can be attributed to the consumption of alcohol. So some may have the view that not only people consuming alcohol but also other people promoting the atmosphere, such as bars and clubs, to be engaged in deviant behavior. Yet society is excepting of alcohol consumption despite the fact that social problems can be attributed to alcohol. Why is this? I cannot fully answer why, but my guess is that there are several more responsible people who can enjoy in a responsible manner the consumption of alcohol. (and the fact that there is a huge industry that generates profit from alcohol). Don't get me wrong, I enjoy adult beverages and am happy to have the ability to do so in a responsible manner.

So is it possible that a consenting married couple engage in sexual behavior they view as responsible for them?

The consumption of alcohol is not considered deviant any more than sex is. However, excess use of alcohol is. That choice of behavior spills over into society. That is why there are laws preventing drinking & driving. And if you want to get down to brass tacks, bar are responsible for who leaves their establishments intoxicated.
What happens in the bedroom between two consenting adults (not minors, not animals, and not anyone who is intimidated into the behavior), if it is truly kept private, is arguably no one else's business but the participants and God. The problem is that in recent years we have seen the public airing of behavior that once was considered private. Casual TV viewing will show all sorts of things that were once considered taboo and embarassing. Consider the school assembly with the "I Have Two Dads" indoctrination, uh, song. And then there are the gay parades featuring a sea of asses and crotches that would make urologist wince.

The perhaps unspoken fear is that the condoning of such behaviors, whether outright or through lack of condemnation, eventually leads the behaviors down the proverbial slippery slope into the very public gutter where everyone can see.

I think the argument shouldn't be whether these activities are anyone else's business, but whether we want to live with their eventual inevitable public airing.
It doesn't, which is my point. You analogy is therefore moot, as God's wrath has not been visited on villages full of social drinkers, or even alchoholics.

Talk about moot... when was the last married couple struck down by God's wrath in the privacy of their own bedroom for having oral or anal sex?
And so does deviant sexual behavior.

I think the root of the question is "Who gets to define what is or isnt 'deviant'?

Something a couple ALWAYS does is not, by definition, deviant - for them, it's 'normal'.

Keep in mind, everyone, S&G weren't destroyed because of anal sex between men - it was because of their homosexuality and OTHER sins - specific acts notwithstanding.
Not only are people effected, but potentially billions of people are effected by it.

You have to be one selfish person if you think your sexual activities dont effect others. They effect everything.

Where did you acquire this over-inflated sense of self-importance? What you and your spouse do in your bedroom has no effect on my life. What my wife and I do in ours has no effect on yours either. You have to be one really naive person to think otherwise.
I'm not really filled with guilt. The question has always perplexed me though ..... is the promise of forgiveness a "get out of jail free card?"

How can we be "truly sorry in our hearts" if we make a conscious effort to defy? Are we sorry for committing a crime against God, or just sorry for ourselves knowing there are consequences for our actions?

No, the promise of forgiveness is not a GOOJF card. Fact is, if you are truly saved, then you will have an ever growing desire to please and glorify God.

Your second paragraph is a perplexing problem that all through the ages men and women have asked. Saint Augustine pondered these also, quite heavily.

What our most common mistake is, we think these issues are in a vacuum by themselves. But if we truly seek to get closer to God, and to glorify him, then the answers present themselves. If we dont, then the answers remain as mysterious as the day we first asked them.
No, we are not. We are sinful by our very nature; inhabitants of this world. Without the atoning blood of Christ, man is doomed to destroying himself.

THeologically, I agree, we are a very darkened of the heart species. But emotionally, I do find a lot of people are very good in nature.

One of the things about morality is ,,,there are some things that can be done between consenting adults, but are still immoral.
ALso, we, as a county, no longer believe that just because something is immoral, we should make it illegal.
Speaking as a Christian, a Christian answers that question by HONESTLY asking themselves, does it glorify God.
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