Is Donald Trump a Right-Wing plant?


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
I mean, think about it.

Everyone is saying he's a Left-Wing plant, yadayadayada.

But what if he's a Right-Wing plant?!?!?

What if the sacred blueblood rino kabal decided, upon looking at the polling values, "ah, fuck it, let's go out with a bang", they then called up The Don and begged him to say as much ridiculous shit as possible so that when they lose, they can blame it all on him?

Or maybe it's the signals from the mothership in orbit, but they are having a hard time getting through his nasty toupee....


Discuss. Is this possible, folks?!?!?!?

And don't forget: spelling counts.

I wonder if Hillary told him that?

you know like there is a Right wing Conspiracy too:muahaha:
We pay attention to Donald the Chump for the same reason we paid attention to the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil.....................

They keep saying stupid shit and when called out on it, double down.
We pay attention to Donald the Chump for the same reason we paid attention to the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil.....................

They keep saying stupid shit and when called out on it, double down.
People pay attention to Trump because he has TEN BILLION dollars and shit like you can't stop him.
Trump gives the Democrats somebody to attack....other than Republicans.

Trump isn't a Republican.

yep, when have ever run a campaign when they didn't ATTACK the other candidates/? and then whine because there isn't any Civility
What does money have to do with anything?

Last I checked you can be poor or rich and still be an asshole.

Donald the Chump is proof that money is no substitute for class.
Ross Clinton elected...................

Perhaps this will be a case of history repeating itself with Trump...

Dont' know...................but I love he's stirring the pot..........maybe politicians will have to take a real stand on an issue instead of dancing because of him...................Should be interesting...........spice the boring never ending BS for a year that is normal.............By the time the election shows up.........people are going I WISH THESE DAMNED POLITICIANS WOULD JUST STFU.
The Trump presidential reality show won't be renewed for a second season. He'll be out of the race before the first primary.
Hey............Dark Fury......................I've got a pension and managed to retire fully by the time I was 42.

I'm now 51 and consider the past 9 years or so pretty successful.

Never blamed Donald the Chump for anything in my life, however, I will hold him accountable for what he says.

See? That's how free speech works................Donald the Chump can say something that I find offensive, and I can openly state that I find it offensive, as well as state why.

As a matter of fact, your postings on these boards are more examples of free speech, where people can say whatever stupid thing crosses their small minds.
The Trump presidential reality show won't be renewed for a second season. He'll be out of the race before the first primary.
You and your fellow moron's predicted he would be out BEFORE filing his worth. You and your fellow moron's ALSO predicted he was not worth as much as he said.
BOTH claims he he PROVED you are LIARS.
Hey............Dark Fury......................I've got a pension and managed to retire fully by the time I was 42.

I'm now 51 and consider the past 9 years or so pretty successful.

Never blamed Donald the Chump for anything in my life, however, I will hold him accountable for what he says.

See? That's how free speech works................Donald the Chump can say something that I find offensive, and I can openly state that I find it offensive, as well as state why.

As a matter of fact, your postings on these boards are more examples of free speech, where people can say whatever stupid thing crosses their small minds.
I retired at 45 and I am doing just fine. You on the other hand are a bum living on rewards earned by other people.
I mean, think about it.

Everyone is saying he's a Left-Wing plant, yadayadayada.

But what if he's a Right-Wing plant?!?!?

What if the sacred blueblood rino kabal decided, upon looking at the polling values, "ah, fuck it, let's go out with a bang", they then called up The Don and begged him to say as much ridiculous shit as possible so that when they lose, they can blame it all on him?

Or maybe it's the signals from the mothership in orbit, but they are having a hard time getting through his nasty toupee....


Discuss. Is this possible, folks?!?!?!?

And don't forget: spelling counts.

considering politicians

Yo..............Dark is serving honorably in the U.S. Navy for over 20 years and in 4 active war zones, and earning a pension make me a bum living off of the rewards of other people?

You're just jealous that I retired before you did.
The Trump presidential reality show won't be renewed for a second season. He'll be out of the race before the first primary.
You and your fellow moron's predicted he would be out BEFORE filing his worth. You and your fellow moron's ALSO predicted he was not worth as much as he said.
BOTH claims he he PROVED you are LIARS.

Exactly who here in USMB made that claim? I saw no one on the Left make either of those claims.

Are you mentally retarded?
I threw the thread out there because I'm seeing a lot of "Trump is a Leftwing Plant" stories sprouting like mushrooms.

Hey, I have a novel idea:

What if super-rich business Mogul Donald Trump simply woke up and decided he was running for President and no one ever influenced him at all?


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