Is Criticizing Joe Biden a Danger to Democracy?

Name one positive accomplishment of the Biden Error. From an American perspective, not a Taliban terrorist perspective.

If Biden would have just moved into WH basement, got into his pajamas and binged on a Matlock marathon, things would have been a lot better now.

But signing all of his XO's on the first day, cancelling anything that the Trumpster was involved with was an atrocity. I remember when inflation wasn't out of control, the border was orderly, gasoline was reasonably priced, we were self sufficient on fuel and our enemies in Europe and Red China respected us. Way back in January.
Where's the debate? The left is so dishonest and incredibly dimwitted.
Joe Biden must be criticized when he endangers the nation with his bumbling moronic policies.

Good to know the left is wetting themselves when they whine about poor Joe like this.
As the OP article says "Blind fealty to heads of state is the hallmark of dictatorships, not democracies."

That's what the scum sucking left authoritarian dictatorship!

They are right however to worry about poor mentally disturbed Joe Biden. But who is to blame for that?
Next time you steal an election, lizard brained leftists, make sure the man you install in the White House
isn't a doddering disaster.
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If Biden would have just moved into WH basement, got into his pajamas and binged on a Matlock marathon, things would have been a lot better now.

But signing all of his XO's on the first day, cancelling anything that the Trumpster was involved with was an atrocity. I remember when inflation wasn't out of control, the border was orderly, gasoline was reasonably priced, we were self sufficient on fuel and our enemies in Europe and Red China respected us. Way back in January.
His handlers just put a pen in his hand and tell him a little girl wants his autograph.
Shit no it isn't. Biden and his administration are a danger to democracy and to America and to Americans. He should be criticized for the bullshit the current administration does.

Hiding criticisms is dangerous because you're hiding things going on that are damaging which means you encourage it, and accept it. If you cover his anit American schenanigans then you're part of the problem.
We are protected by the first amendment to speak our minds on what we beleive is right and good for AMERICA!
Everyone should stop the fixating on the Sniffer..... He's a puppet. He's a very poor puppet with Dementia. Nonetheless, he does exactly what his Handlers tell him to do. There are ZERO independent/leadership thoughts that go through that shrunken brain....

Who's running the show? Who's behind the curtain? What are their goals and what's their end-game?

To Destroy what Remains of Free America?

Imagine the absolute FREAK OUT by the left if CANDACE OWENS did this to the head of Biden.

They are morally bankrupt ghouls. They are racists and liars.

Fuck every last one of those hypocritical pieces of shit.

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