Is criminal behavior determined by genetics


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
For as long as official statistics have been kept, blacks in white societies have been overrepresented in all indices of social pathology: crime, illegitimacy, poverty, school failure, and long-term unemployment. The conventional liberal explanation for this is white “racism,” past and present, which has forced blacks into self-destructive choices. More clear-headed observers, however, have sought a partial explanation in the low average IQ of blacks.

And of course we know....intelligence is determined by genes.

Intelligence genes discovered by scientists
Anyone that does much research on crime and race will quickly see that.............
the FBI Uniform Crime Report list Hispanics as whites when committing murder but? lists Hispanics Only as murder victims?
I am no statistics major but isn't this a flawed system meant to make whites look More violent and Hispanics as victims?
If a Hispanic guy shoots the 5 members of his family it's recorded by FBI stats as a white killing Hispanics?
How can you make Hispanics white when committing crime but list them separate as victims?
That totally skews ALL stats involving murders and Hispanics/whites right?
How does the FBI justify this? This is ludicrous!!

In a nutshell it simply demonstrates the dominance of political correctness in a society that has huge racial problems but no one trying to solve them.

Political correctness is a poison to our security and defenses. It imposes a willful blindness,
Read more at: Political Correctness Quotes - BrainyQuote
For as long as official statistics have been kept, blacks in white societies have been overrepresented in all indices of social pathology: crime, illegitimacy, poverty, school failure, and long-term unemployment. The conventional liberal explanation for this is white “racism,” past and present, which has forced blacks into self-destructive choices. More clear-headed observers, however, have sought a partial explanation in the low average IQ of blacks.

And of course we know....intelligence is determined by genes.

Intelligence genes discovered by scientists

Dear MacTheKnife
the article posted mostly focused on "intelligence" and
correlating that with coordination between genes in the brain:

Dr Johnson added: “Traits such intelligence are governed by large groups of genes working together – like a football team made up of players in different positions.

“We used computer analysis to identify the genes in the human brain that work together to influence our cognitive ability to make new memories or sensible decisions when faced with lots of complex information.

“We found that some of these genes overlap with those that cause severe childhood onset epilepsy or intellectual disability.

“This study shows how we can use large genomic datasets to uncover new pathways for human brain function in both health and disease. Eventually, we hope that this sort of analysis will provide new insights into better treatments for neurodevelopmental diseases such as epilepsy, and ameliorate or treat the cognitive impairments associated with these devastating diseases.”

For studies on criminal behavior, I heard a speaker at Rice discuss the statistical connection between the
XYY genetic marking and increase risk or rate of "criminal behavior". Here is Wikipedia's summary on that approach:

XYY syndrome - Wikipedia

In August 1976, Science published a retrospective cohort study by Educational Testing Service psychologist Herman Witkin and colleagues that screened the tallest 16% of men (over 184 cm (6'0") in height) born in Copenhagen from 1944–1947 for XXY and XYY karyotypes, and found an increased rate of minor criminal convictions for property crimes among sixteen XXY and twelve XYY men may be related to the lower intelligence of those with criminal convictions, but found no evidence that XXY or XYY men were inclined to be aggressive or violent.[63]

In July 1999, Psychological Medicine published a case-control study by Royal Edinburgh Hospital psychiatrist Michael Götz and colleagues that found an increased rate of criminal convictions among seventeen XYY men identified in the Edinburgh newborn screening study compared to an above-average-IQ control group of sixty XY men, which multiple logistic regression analysis indicated was mediated mainly through lowered intelligence.[67]

What I thought was important:
When I asked this researcher - what about the Rates of REHABILITATING criminal behavior,
was that ALSO found to correlate with this XYY genetic marking? His answer was that there were no studies on adults.
But with juveniles, the success rate in rehabilitation correlated with "higher intelligence."

I believe that is only fair: If you are going to promote the idea that "criminality" is linked to genetic factors or markings,
then also look at the response rate in rehab and recovery.

What if that also correlates as well?

I also found out after that the biggest factor in resolving issues with criminal attitudes, abuse and even addictions and disorders
is FORGIVENESS and therapy based on that approach to healing the mind, body and spirit. Not just of traumas and causal
factors in THIS lifetime, but possibly addressing unconscious patterns carried from PREVIOUS GENERATIONS.

GENETICS alone cannot explain how people's inborn traits and tendencies can be healed, cured and changed.
SPIRITUALLY there is a greater holistic process going on that needs to be taken into account.

For more resources on researching spiritual healing of the mind, including mental, criminal and even physical diseases and disorders,
I recommend these sites:
HEALING (edition 1999 or later) Dr. Francis MacNutt Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, Neurosurgeon

For personal testimonies of people who have observed or experienced the process
of spiritual healing and its effectiveness on schizophrenia or other dangerous criminal disorders:
Son of Hope: Testimony of David Berkowitz
The Official Website of David Berkowitz - Welcome
"Glimpses of the Devil" by Dr. Scott Peck, Psychiatrist (deceased)
The whole topic has been declared verboten to even discuss. A professor had his tenure revoked.
The whole topic has been declared verboten to even discuss. A professor had his tenure revoked.

Political correctness has interfered with genetic studies in most if not all of our major universities...that is why China is leaving us behind in the field of genetics...not even to mention they have less scruples than western scientists aka...injecting human dna into animals etc

Big Science Driven by Political Correctness | CEH
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Certainly not every individual possesses the same intelligence or capacity to learn.

In my algebra class when the teacher posed a question the girl sitting in front of me could solve equations off the top of her head, while I was mired down with pencil and paper trying to figure out solutions, often not finding the correct answer.

I'm "white", she is "white", obviously her mind is wired or developed differently from mine.

Even though my folks hired an algebra tutor, I had the darnedest time figuring out algebra and as a result did not graduate HS with a NYS Regent's Diploma. I was awarded a general diploma for being average. Which I'm sure is evident from my long standing inability to consistently write grammatically correct stuff. Though I rarely need the spell checker.

As I've matured gaining more knowledge, I've learned individuals with superior thinking minds can be identified, in part, by their 'above average' or 'well above average' math skills, which I know for sure I do not have, yet the girl sitting in front of me was a math wiz.

Several years ago a young "black" student who attended a Long Island public school guided by the same or similar NYS education curriculum that educated me, was accepted to all eight of the Ivy League schools he applied to. I'm sure causing his parents to prematurely form lines on their faces from smiling so much after learning their love and hard work paid off in raising a mature, motivated, responsible child.

I have to believe Kwasi Enin, a "black" teen who made international news for his academic achievements, is no different from the "white" teen who sat in front of me. A fellow student who at times caused me to feel inferior to her because it was evident she was more intelligent and possessed skills that were superior to mine.

Since my HS days I've learned about a potentially life scarring medical disease called Childhood Trauma (ACEs).

I've learned how many children exposed to traumatic events during a critical period of childhood development experience developmental and learning issues, as well as experience difficulty coping with life in general.

Unfortunately, I spent twelve years of my life as a Brooklyn, NY cop, robbery and homicide investigator regularly witnessing dysfunctional human and child rearing behaviors responsible for IMPEDING the HEALTHY development of perfectly healthy newborns.

Newborns like admitted depressed, suicidal thinking, Childhood Trauma victim Tupac Shakur who apparently was so angry witnessing the same behaviors I witnessed, he choose to tattoo in bold letters across his once NEGLECTED, hungry "hurting" belly, his T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. Child Abuse AWARENESS PREVENTION Public Service Announcement.

Think about it. Of all the social issues affecting Tupac's life, he choose to address CHILD ABUSE in a pretty dramatic way when permanently scarring his body so EVERYONE could see his PAIN.

Sadly very few folks recognized, or were WILLING to recognize Tupac was SNITCHING on a population of mostly SELFISH, apathetic, incompetent, immature, possible emotionally or mentally ill SINGLE MOTHERS failing to place ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of the children they CHOSE to create.

I'm not talking through my hat, I offer plenty of medical evidence, as well as scientific research conducted by Early Brain and Childhood Development (EBCD) researchers declaring Childhood Trauma is GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS!


"Bruce D. Perry: Social & Emotional Development in Early Childhood"

During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

"Oprah Winfrey Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


I've chatted with, interviewed or interrogated countless traumatized American teens and young adults no different from Tupac or admitted Child Abuse victim Kendrick Lamar, composer of a music collection he called, "good kid, mAAd City."

Frankly, I have NO DOUBTS Tupac's T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. PSA offers a reasonable explanation for why black or American citizens of African descent are being impeded from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

I also believe Tupac recognized OUR NATION is being deprived of enjoying the potential achievements offered to ALL Americans by fairly or wonderfully happy kids maturing into reasonably responsible teen and adult citizens caring about the future of OUR Nation, and the welfare of their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors.

Bottom line, treating a kid with some love, kindness, affection and respect goes a long way toward helping that kid mature into a reasonably well adjusted teen and adult wanting to respect his or her parents by staying out of trouble, as well as wanting to do well in life.

_THUGLIFE Public Service Announcement.jpg

Jazelle Hunt, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris.png

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
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Dear AveryJarhman
Your post also brings to mind what Craig Scott said about the Columbine students who shot and killed his sister, among
other students. He pointed out these two students had high IQs, had top grades in math, and excelled academically.
But none of that made up for what was missing in strength of moral character.

The later videos of outreach he and his family provide at schools around the country,
teach about the power of Forgiveness, Compassion and Kindness to transform
people, relations and community. This outreach has wiped out bullying at schools,
and even ended vandalism between rival schools by changing their entire culture.

You are right that loving kindness and compassion totally changes things.

Columbine Survivor Craig Scott Opens Up About Finding Forgiveness | TODAY

Craig said, after the shootings, the hatred he felt for the two killers was tearing him apart.

"It made me into a person I didn't want to be," he said. "It made me more like them."

He fantasized about revenge and felt he "had a right to hate them."

One day, he said, he snapped. He attacked his little brother, putting a knife to his throat and asking him, "Do you want to know what it's like to almost lose your life?"

The moment made him realize the consequences of harboring that anger. Now, he said, if the two boys walked into the room, he wouldn't want revenge; he would want to reach out to them. This is the legacy left to him by his sister.

Craig asked his audience to take the challenge and make a commitment to kill hatred with kindness. He asked them to tell five people that they love how they truly feel, because you never know when it will be your last day with them.

The last words Craig said to his sister were in anger. He asked others not to make the same mistake. At this, mothers hugged their children, husbands took their wives' hands and men wiped their eyes.

A banner outside the high school auditorium with the words "I accept Rachel's Challenge" had been signed by hundreds of students earlier that day. Students had written messages such as "This changed my life," "Love each other," and "Thank you for opening my eyes."

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Certainly not every individual possesses the same intelligence or capacity to learn.

In my algebra class when the teacher posed a question the girl sitting in front of me could solve equations off the top of her head, while I was mired down with pencil and paper trying to figure out solutions, often not finding the correct answer.

I'm "white", she is "white", obviously her mind is wired or developed differently from mine.

Even though my folks hired an algebra tutor, I had the darnedest time figuring out algebra and as a result did not graduate HS with a NYS Regent's Diploma. I was awarded a general diploma for being average. Which I'm sure is evident from my long standing inability to consistently write grammatically correct stuff. Though I rarely need the spell checker.

As I've matured gaining more knowledge, I've learned individuals with superior thinking minds can be identified, in part, by their 'above average' or 'well above average' math skills, which I know for sure I do not have, yet the girl sitting in front of me was a math wiz.

Several years ago a young "black" student who attended a Long Island public school guided by the same or similar NYS education curriculum that educated me, was accepted to all eight of the Ivy League schools he applied to. I'm sure causing his parents to prematurely form lines on their faces from smiling so much after learning their love and hard work paid off in raising a mature, motivated, responsible child.

I have to believe Kwasi Enin, a "black" teen who made international news for his academic achievements, is no different from the "white" teen who sat in front of me. A fellow student who at times caused me to feel inferior to her because it was evident she was more intelligent and possessed skills that were superior to mine.

Since my HS days I've learned about a potentially life scarring medical disease called Childhood Trauma (ACEs).

I've learned how many children exposed to traumatic events during a critical period of childhood development experience developmental and learning issues, as well as experience difficulty coping with life in general.

Unfortunately, I spent twelve years of my life as a Brooklyn, NY cop, robbery and homicide investigator regularly witnessing dysfunctional human and child rearing behaviors responsible for IMPEDING the HEALTHY development of perfectly healthy newborns.

Newborns like admitted depressed, suicidal thinking, Childhood Trauma victim Tupac Shakur who apparent was so angry witnessing the same behaviors I witnessed, he choose to tattoo in bold letters across his once NEGLECTED, hungry "hurting" belly, his T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. Child Abuse AWARENESS PREVENTION Public Service Announcement.

Think about it. Of all the social issues affecting Tupac's life, he choose to address CHILD ABUSE in a pretty dramatic way when permanently scarring his body so EVERYONE could see his PAIN.

Sadly very few folks recognized, or were WILLING to recognize Tupac was SNITCHING on a population of mostly SELFISH, apathetic, incompetent, immature, possible emotionally or mentally ill SINGLE MOTHERS failing to place ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of the children they CHOSE to create.

I'm not talking through my hat, I offer plenty of medical evidence, as well as scientific research conducted by Early Brain and Childhood Development (EBCD) researchers declaring Childhood Trauma is GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS!


"Bruce D. Perry: Social & Emotional Development in Early Childhood"

During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly declares is a "game changer."

"Oprah Winfrey Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


I've chatted with, interviewed or interrogated countless traumatized American teens and young adults no different from Tupac or admitted Child Abuse victim Kendrick Lamar, composer of a music collection he called, "good kid, mAAd City."

Frankly, I have NO DOUBTS Tupac T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. PSA offers a reasonable explanation for why black or American citizens of African descent are being impeded from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

I also believe Tupac recognized OUR NATION is being deprived of enjoying the potential achievements offered to ALL Americans by fairly or wonderfully happy kids maturing into reasonably responsible teen and adult citizens caring about the future of OUR Nation, and the welfare of their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors.

Bottom line, treating a kid with some love, kindness, affection and respect goes a long way toward helping that kid mature into a reasonably well adjusted teen and adult wanting to respect his or her parents by staying out of trouble, as well as wanting to do well in life.

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
The single most significant factor in criminal behavior is intelligence. Ask any cop, criminals are the dumbest creatures on the planet.
The single most significant factor in criminal behavior is intelligence. Ask any cop, criminals are the dumbest creatures on the planet.

Dear fncceo
The most common correlating factor
is inability or unwillingness to forgive.

See above post about how the Columbine shooters
were both intelligent students who excelled academically.

Even if you blame mental illness, as with
Andrea Yates (who also was an honor student in school)
and James Holmes (the Colorado shooter whose above
average IQ has reportedly dropped due to mental illness),
the therapy that has been able to cure other such
cases of mental and even criminal illness is

The Official Website of David Berkowitz - Welcome

That's how David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam
serial killer, was able to regain his natural mindset back
after suffering from extremely dangerous mental
illness caused by occult activity and obsession.
Hello, Emily. In a prior discussion I shared my belief that healing does not PREVENT Child Abuse.

If I recall our discussion ended when you declined to offer cogent, responsive replies to my questions, therefore, respectfully, I'm gone after this writing.

Emily, it's impossible for me to FORGIVE people unwilling to address and correct dysfunctional human behaviors.

And frankly, I cannot forgive the OBAMAS for all the damage they've done to our society by normalizing dysfunctional family, people and community harming behaviors.

EVIL woman Michelle Obama_02.jpg

'Michelle Obama - Normalizing, Promoting HATE, VIOLENCE & Human Dysfunction'

In this Tommy Sotomayor broadcast, a conservative female caller speaks about American citizens being harassed and threatened with VIOLENCE for sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent.

The female caller also speaks about FEAR she experiences when sharing her thoughts, concerns and opinions about 'people and community harming human dysfunction' affecting far too many American communities.

Tommy, an admitted victim of potentially life scarring Child Abuse, and the caller address Michelle Obama and large numbers of black American women normalizing family and community dysfunction.

Also discussed are contentious, shameless white liberals who they believe are doing great harm to our black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent.

Speaking with Mafia hit-man and victim of Early Criminal Childhood Trauma/Abuse Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski, Dr. Park Dietz, MD, MPH, Ph.D, explains why Richard most likely developed into a emotionally disturbed, paranoid, cruel, heartless teen and man largely incapable of embracing the human capacity for compassion, empathy or respect for his peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

"My mother was cancer, she would destroy *EVERYBODY"* ~'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim and now-deceased convicted serial murderer, Richard 'The Iceman' Kuklinsky

Emily, I'm out. Have a great summer.

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
Hello, Emily. In a prior discussion I shared my belief that healing does not PREVENT Child Abuse.

If I recall our discussion ended when you declined to offer cogent, responsive replies to my questions, therefore, respectfully, I'm gone after this writing.

Dear AveryJarhman
Do you agree forgiveness BREAKS the cycle of abuse and violence.
So it prevents it in the FUTURE.
No, we cannot prevent it in the past, I agree.

PS Here's a nonprofit that has transformed inmates into
training facilitators to stop violence in prisons.
The men who no longer emotionally abuse themselves,
others or their own children they now understand
as being traumatized, doesn't that count as preventing
FUTURE OR FURTHER child abuse (even if it doesn't
change the problems that already occurred in the past)
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I say it is to a certain extent. I would say that certain extent is defined by the Bible and 3-4 generations. On the common sense level: If you're taught bad, you're going to do bad. Maybe 3-4 generations down the road, somebody rebels and the mold is broken.

"visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation."

Bible Gateway passage: Exodus 34:7 - King James Version
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Affirmative Action is the worst thing that Liberals ever did to Blacks. Affirmative action raises blacks to their level of Incompetence.
The single most significant factor in criminal behavior is intelligence. Ask any cop, criminals are the dumbest creatures on the planet.

Bullshit. There are genius criminals trying to enslave us all.

Those criminals never go to jail.

There's a problem there..

A problem as old as civilization itself.

The question needs to be ask. Can we ever trust those who lead us? Or, do we even need to be led at all?
The single most significant factor in criminal behavior is intelligence. Ask any cop, criminals are the dumbest creatures on the planet.

Bullshit. There are genius criminals trying to enslave us all.

Those criminals never go to jail.

There's a problem there..

A problem as old as civilization itself.

The question needs to be ask. Can we ever trust those who lead us? Or, do we even need to be led at all?

Sometimes we can. Yet power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The single most significant factor in criminal behavior is intelligence. Ask any cop, criminals are the dumbest creatures on the planet.

Bullshit. There are genius criminals trying to enslave us all.

Those criminals never go to jail.

There's a problem there..

A problem as old as civilization itself.

The question needs to be ask. Can we ever trust those who lead us? Or, do we even need to be led at all?

Sometimes we can. Yet power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


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