Is Covering Vision, Hearing & Dental Care For Seniors Evil??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Democrats are haggling over whether to drop two of the most popular elements of their social spending bill as negotiations reach the zero hour, according to a half-dozen sources close to the discussions -- a plan to expand Medicare with dental, vision and hearing benefits for tens of millions of seniors — as well as a pitch to guarantee paid family and medical leave to all U.S. workers — is now in danger of getting cut from the bill entirely.

Manchin and the White House still don’t see eye to eye on a topline number for the bill; Manchin has consistently said he supports $1.5 trillion. Paid leave and Medicare expansion may not fit in a package that conforms to Manchin's preferred price tag. Sanders insisted to POLITICO on Saturday that the benefits are not coming out.
“The expansion of Medicare to cover dental, hearing and vision is one of the most popular and important provisions in the entire bill,” he said. “It’s what the American people want.”

Just because a policy has consistently over 80% support from the American people doesn't mean it is something the American people want....I mean, let's look at the intentions of expanding Medicare...they are trying to give seniors vision, hearing and dental coverage -- isn't that essentially Satanic communism?

Furthermore, why isn't the media talking more about what could be one of the most evil pieces of legislation in human history?? I mean, how can you sleep at night while advocating for things like child tax credits or mandatory paid family leave?? Mandatory paid family leave? Are you serious....You want broads who got knocked up to have more than 4 weeks of paid family leave just because they spit out a kid??

This is almost as evil as abortion; probably more so when you consider abortions bare no expense to the employer, but actually having the kid could potentially cost the employer hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is why policies that cater to so-called working class people are so dangerous -- and thank God we have conservatives willing to stand up to it... When you say you want to help the middle and working class, that is just happy talk to get aren't supposed to actually do something about it..that's way too expensive and dangerous....
I don't know if its "evil", but its certainly Short Sighted.

I am an old timer on Medicare, but I see the tremendous pit falls.

Throwing hundreds of billions of dollars at the dentistry, ophthalmology and audiology will create a crisis of biblical proportions as demand by medicare recipients would skyrocket? What do you think that would do to the price of those services for everyone? Those who passed Econ 101 can tell you.

And it take years to get anyone trained in those fields- not only would there be a demand problem but also a real problem in the supply chain.
I don't know if its "evil", but its certainly Short Sighted.

I am an old timer on Medicare, but I see the tremendous pit falls.

Throwing hundreds of billions of dollars at the dentistry, ophthalmology and audiology will create a crisis of biblical proportions as demand by medicare recipients would skyrocket? What do you think that would do to the price of those services for everyone? Those who passed Econ 101 can tell you.

And it take years to get anyone trained in those fields- not only would there be a demand problem but also a real problem in the supply chain.
Remember when Medicare was first introduced and folks like you back then ran out all types of doom and gloom fearmongering about how it will destroy the country??

And now some 50 years later.....Medicare is among the 2 most popular government programs in US history?

How come Conservatives have not offered a better alternative in all of that time??
Well that sucks and I'm not surprised the Dems would pull that shit.

I have Medicare. I've never used it but I have it all.

Nice to have if I ever need it and since I've paid into Medicare my whole working life you can bet I will use it.
I support family leave if it applies to properly married families in the biblical sense. Man,woman and baby. Sorted !
Unmarried sluts can beg for change at the roadside. Its what Jesus wanted.
Well that sucks and I'm not surprised the Dems would pull that shit.

I have Medicare. I've never used it but I have it all.

Nice to have if I ever need it and since I've paid into Medicare my whole working life you can bet I will use it.
If a couple of kids from your party would jump in the wagon we could kick machin and sinema to the curb and keep those things.
Remember when Medicare was first introduced and folks like you back then ran out all types of doom and gloom fearmongering about how it will destroy the country??

And now some 50 years later.....Medicare is among the 2 most popular government programs in US history?

How come Conservatives have not offered a better alternative in all of that time??

Why do you think its the conservatives' duty somehow to invent new liberal social welfare programs? That's the job of the left, no? Aren't they up to it?
Remember when Medicare was first introduced and folks like you back then ran out all types of doom and gloom fearmongering about how it will destroy the country??

And now some 50 years later.....Medicare is among the 2 most popular government programs in US history?

How come Conservatives have not offered a better alternative in all of that time??
Medicare isn't popular with doctors....because it guarantees they only get paid 75% of their charges.
Why do you think its the conservatives' duty somehow to invent new liberal social welfare programs? That's the job of the left, no? Aren't they up to it?
In other words, you have no idea what lead to the creation of Medicare and Social, cool...

If so, explaining these policies to you would be like explaining Quantum Physics to a fetus....

Since when do you folks give a fuck about what is popular with most doctors??

Guess what else is popular with most doctors...the vaccine
I seriously doubt that.

Read this article if you dare:

In other words, you have no idea what lead to the creation of Medicare and Social, cool...

If so, explaining these policies to you would be like explaining Quantum Physics to a fetus....

Sure, I understand the process completely. Libs dream up and devise new social welfare programs. Their motivation is to stir up envy and greed for the rich man's gold.

But there are always pit falls, like the ones I pointed out in the Free Dental / Opthamology / Audiology Scheme that is being pushed now.

Instead of solving the problems with your own programs, you libs expect conservatives to figure it out.
Sure, I understand the process completely. Libs dream up and devise new social welfare programs. Their motivation is to stir up envy and greed for the rich man's gold.

But there are always pit falls, like the ones I pointed out in the Free Dental / Opthamology / Audiology Scheme that is being pushed now.

Instead of solving the problems with your own programs, you libs expect conservatives to figure it out.
No, not the process...the DEMAND for it by those who elected you know why that happened? Do you think Teddy Roosevelt just for shits and giggles started pushing for national healthcare 100 years ago?

Do you think healthcare was great for seniors back then?? Medicare along with Social Security saved plenty of people from poverty.....

And if Medicare is so bad for the country....why is it that nobody is able to get elected by campaigning to do away with it??
I seriously doubt that.

Read this article if you dare:

Care to show me any of the tons of peer-reviewed studies that back up your bullshit?

I'll wait....

By the way, peer-review is just another way to say "most doctors agree"
No, not the process...the DEMAND for it by those who elected you know why that happened? Do you think Teddy Roosevelt just for shits and giggles started pushing for national healthcare 100 years ago?

Do you think healthcare was great for seniors back then?? Medicare along with Social Security saved plenty of people from poverty.....

And if Medicare is so bad for the country....why is it that nobody is able to get elected by campaigning to do away with it??

Focus, Biff.

I'm talking specifically about EXPANDED Medicare into the fields that you listed, optometry, dentistry, audiology.

And I'm only asking what the increase in demand for those services will be, and how you plan to meet that demand.

A retort that "its up to conservatives to figure that out and implement the program" doesn't resolve the problem.
Focus, Biff.

I'm talking specifically about EXPANDED Medicare into the fields that you listed, optometry, dentistry, audiology.

And I'm only asking what the increase in demand for those services will be, and how you plan to meet that demand.

A retort that "its up to conservatives to figure that out and implement the program" doesn't resolve the problem.
And I am telling you that the same goofy shit you are saying about expanded Medicare is the same goofy shit your conservative elders were saying about the existence of Medicare in general.....none of the fearmongering they spouted out came to pass....

So why the fuck should we pay you morons any mind now....80% of the American people want it for a reason.....the fact Conservatives only care about doing shit "to people" instead of "for people" is not my problem...
Most doctors are under the thumb of the ACA.
So if they want to keep practicing they'd better say what the government wants them to say.
Sure bro....

Then if I were time you get sick...don't go to a doctor...since they are just under the thumb of the ACA...matter of fact, just skip hospitals altogether...they are also part of the evil cabal....

Just go to your local church....and let thoughts and prayers heal you

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