
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015


The following is one of several “Guiding Principle(s)” published on the #BlackLivesMatter website: “We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, and especially “our” children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable.”

Hello, I am curious to learn how many of my American neighbors are aware one of the BLM’s goals is to create a significant population of #Fatherless American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens?

I am curious to learn if my American neighbors believe the BLM is acting in the best interest of our Nation’s most precious and cherished assets by promoting a Culture of #Fatherless American kids who will be deprived from experiencing and witnessing what #Fatherhood and manhood is all about?

Do my American neighbors believe as I, that intentionally introducing American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens to a #Fatherless childhood during a critical period of human/childhood development is a form of #ChildMaltreatment?

Do my American neighbors believe that some or many #Fatherless American kids will mature into angry, frustrated teens and adults full or half full of resentment (or rage) for intentionally being forced to experience a #Fatherless childhood, teen and adult life?

It is a FACT during the 50s, 60s, 70s virtually all American musicians of African descent were showing off their skills and talent composing and performing beautiful, classic, timeless American music art adoring, praising, adulating, wooing, lamenting, loving and respecting the MATERNAL HALF of America’s population.

It is also a FACT that in the 80s and beyond significant numbers of popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers, as well as music recording artists of African descent born after well-intentioned though flawed social assistance policies of the 60s opened the door to single motherhood…

…BEGAN composing American music art hating, demeaning and disrespecting American teen girls and women as less than human *itches and ‘hoes’ unworthy of basic human respect!

Is this a cultural phenomenon as well as human HEALTH issue NOT worthy of discussion? I am referring to social and health issues I believe are *largely* responsible for hampering my responsible American neighbors of African descent from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

Finally, I am curious to learn if my caring, reasonably responsible American neighbors believe children raised, nurtured and socialized by caring, loving, reasonably responsible MOMS who place the emotional well-being of their children ABOVE ALL ELSE, will mature into apparently angry frustrated teens and adults composing or admiring American music art hatefully demeaning teen girls and women as less than human creatures undeserving of basic human respect?

I look forward to reading your reply.
Witness the pain of a young American boy lamenting, "I have no daddy."

Witness the pain shared by #Fatherless American Men:

‘I Truly Desire To Be A Man My Wife Can Brag About’

Fatherless Dad Describes His Joys and Pain


#MATERNALRESPONSIBILITY, #FatherlessAmericanChildren, #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E >>>REMEDY>>> #A_F_R_E_C_A_N

"America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse and Neglect”

Tupac's Keep Ya Head Up
Little something for my godson Elijah
And a little girl named Corin

[Verse 1]
Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice
I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots
I give a holla to my sisters on welfare
2Pac cares if don't nobody else care

And I know they like to beat you down a lot
When you come around the block, brothers clown a lot
But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up
Forgive, but don't forget, girl, keep your head up

And when he tells you you ain't nothing, don't believe him
And if he can't learn to love you, you should leave him
‘Cause, sister, you don't need him

And I ain't trying to gas ya up, I just call 'em how I see 'em
You know what makes me unhappy? When brothers make babies and leave a young mother to be a pappy
And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?

I think it's time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don't we'll have a race of babies
That will hate the ladies that make the babies

And since a man can't make one
He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one

So will the real men get up?
I know you're fed up, ladies, but keep your head up

Keep ya head up, ooh, child
Things are gonna get easier
Keep ya head up, ooh, child
Things'll get brighter
Keep ya head up, ooh, child
Things are gonna get easier
Keep ya head up, ooh, child
Things'll get brighter
Avery likes to go after actual causes. I love that.
I particularly like the fact that I have no idea if I agree with him or not.

Hello, Ms. Old Lady.

I'm not interested in motivating people to agree with me. I am focused on sharing credible evidence alerting my responsible, caring, concerned American neighbors about America's current National HEALTH CRISIS, aka America's Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment that evolved from America's multi-generational, ignorant Culture of Racism!

I am referring to a Culture of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment responsible for popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers the late Tupac Shakur (born 1971) and repeat Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama White House guest Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) vividly describing in their American art and interviews the "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." and "m.A.A.d. City" Child Abuse Cultures that through no fault of their own, deprived these American men, their childhood friends, as well as many of their elementary and JHS classmates from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood.


Sadly the Criminal Child Abuse and Emotional Abandonment each of these men speaks about experiencing during a critical period of human/childhood development resulted with them maturing into emotionally ill adults revealing in public they’ve been experiencing acute depression as well as Suicidal Thoughts for most of their lives.

The same Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Maltreatment responsible for inspiring significant numbers of popular American music performers and urban story-truth-tellers, for more than 30 years, to compose and perform popular American music art informing American society as well as our neighbors worldwide that American teen girls and women, aka the MATERNAL HALF of our population, should be viewed and treated as less than human *itches & *hores or 'hoes' unworthy of basic human respect.


Unfortunately, it's plainly evident Kendrick, Tupac as well as untold numbers of American children are being raised, nurtured and socialized by moms experiencing some type of illness preventing and impeding them from embracing and following their innate, natural maternal instinct to protect their child or children from harm.

Perhaps I'm wrong but *something* is preventing significant numbers of American moms from embracing a mother's natural instinct and urge to place theirs, or any child's emotional well-being Above All Else!!!
Does the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur offer a reasonable explanation for why significant numbers of American children are being impeded, hampered or prevented from maturing into reasonably responsible, well-adjusted American teens and adults who become doctors, scientists, engineers, educators, business owners or leaders?

Does Tupac offer a reasonable explanation for why Americans of African descent are being impeded from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy?

How many of my American neighbors are familiar with the late American urban story-truth-teller Tupac Shakur's (often misinterpreted) #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS* concept:

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks Everyone" ~Tupac Shakur

"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

Tupac, an admitted emotionally ill adult who loudly spoke about experiencing childhood abuse and maltreatment during a critical period of human/childhood development, intelligently recognized not only are American kids being UNJUSTLY OPPRESSED, IMPEDED and DEPRIVED from experiencing their full human potential, as well as a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood...

...Tupac realized OUR NATION is being deprived of enjoying the potential achievements offered to ALL Americans by fairly or wonderfully happy kids maturing into reasonably responsible teens and adults caring about the future of OUR Nation, and the welfare of their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors.

I believe Tupac correctly recognized Americans need to change the name of our “War On Poverty”, to “America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment.”

Unlike Mr. Barack “My Brother’s Keeper” Obama and his presidential predecessors, I am hopeful our new president Renegade Republican Donald Trump will take meaningful ACTION to protect from harm our Nation's most precious and cherished assets by placing an emphasis on EDUCATION about proper child care, as well as stepping up enforcement of Child Safety & Protection laws which will eventually lead to fewer depressed, unhappy, emotionally neglected/abandoned American kids...

...maturing into angry, frustrated teens and young adults full or half full of rage and resentment for irresponsibly being introduced to an emotionally and/or physically abusive childhood fraught with pain, struggles, torment, uncertainty, frustration, FEAR, demeaning government handouts, resentment, depression, sorrow, sadness, disappointment and hardships. :Childhood Trauma!:

Unfortunately, before he discovered how to properly promote his #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E Child Abuse *AWARENESS* concept, Tupac was brutally murdered by OTHER emotionally or mentally ill victims of America's Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Emotional Maltreatment.

Not only I am asking Mr. Trump to take meaningful ACTION protecting and preventing American kids from experiencing a potentially life-scarring, traumatic childhood...

...I am asking my American neighbors to RECOGNIZE and embrace the fact our imperfect human species will continue evolving, learning day by day about our human condition and physical world, slowly shedding our human ignorance and adapting as we continue plodding along trying to improve the Quality of Life for all human beings!
My friends, during the 80s-90s I spent the first twelve years of my police career as a Brooklyn, NY cop, robbery and death investigator regularly witnessing significant numbers of newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens, through no fault of their own experiencing a potentially life-scarring medical Disease/Condition known to medical doctors and researchers as "Childhood Trauma."

"Childhood Trauma" is a REAL Disease/Condition affecting far too many American kids and teens who far too often develop into emotionally damaged teens and adults lacking empathy, compassion and respect for their peaceful neighbors because they believe their lives suck so why shouldn't other people's lives suck too!!!


Tagged: #JamylaBolden, #TyshawnLee, #JulieDombo, #LaylahPetersen, #NovaMarieGallman, #LavontayWhite, #AyannaAllen, #AutumnPasquale, #TrinityGay, #ChildhoodTrauma, #PTSD, #FatherlessAmericanChildren, #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E >>>REMEDY>>> #A_F_R_E_C_A_N

"America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse and Neglect”

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

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