Is anyone surprised that the country hates MAGA

Everyone has chimed in, so I do not need to "pile on!"

Maybe it is just this site, and you and your ilk better hope so, because not only are you are breaking!

Here is the reality--------------->you are either going to win.........or........if you lose, you are going to get hosed! And when I say hosed, I MEAN HOSED!

So let us see what the American people think about what has been going on.

You can spin until the cows come home. You realize, no matter how you spin it, you are going to have to convince enough Americans, that SOCIALISM is better than Capitalism. And your only reason/excuse? Is because Trump is Orange, lol. And your whole life up until now has been spent on diversity.

Guess when you are orange, lol.........according to you, you are now a screwed individual!

Let me tell ya............should your side lose, you are DONE!
Trump followers vandalized the Capitol and got punished for it. Show US where Trump followers burned and looted livelihoods or pulled drivers out of cars to beat and maim them when all the driver(s) wanted to do was turn away and get out of the way of the protest?
Love it , comparing a protest over police killing blacks with a attempted overthrow of our constitution , democracy and country .Ya you bet ace.
Everyone has chimed in, so I do not need to "pile on!"

Maybe it is just this site, and you and your ilk better hope so, because not only are you are breaking!

Here is the reality--------------->you are either going to win.........or........if you lose, you are going to get hosed! And when I say hosed, I MEAN HOSED!

So let us see what the American people think about what has been going on.

You can spin until the cows come home. You realize, no matter how you spin it, you are going to have to convince enough Americans, that SOCIALISM is better than Capitalism. And your only reason/excuse? Is because Trump is Orange, lol. And your whole life up until now has been spent on diversity.

Guess when you are orange, lol.........according to you, you are now a screwed individual!

Let me tell ya............should your side lose, you are DONE!
point of interest worm, there isn't enough socialist in this country to fill a thimble. the rest was stupid nonsense.
winning Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania will put Biden in for 4 more years. and that is something that will happen.

Is anyone surprised that the country hates MAGA​

"Surprised"? Americans have not been willing to Make America Great for decades. With mass shootings and serial murderers running amok on a daily basis ... and their only remedy is to buy even more guns. So am I "surprised"? No, not really.
One more time Forbes opinion pieces are shit , I'll clear up my point for you with crayon. underline the word Opinion pieces. Trick of the hate party ,fill in some story's with facts and instead of being to the right of Genghis Khan which your opinion makes you, you end up with a bogus rating of right center bias adding in factual reporting. Maybe one step above your pay grade but others will get the point.
MAGA means hate based and stupid. They can be either and get there or both to get there, most are both.
Love it , comparing a protest over police killing blacks with an attempted overthrow of our constitution , democracy and country .Ya you bet ace.
You are minimizing the terrorism that plagued our cities and innocent lives over an isolated death of a Black suspect at the hands of a White police officer. At the same time, you think January 6 was a legitimate attempt at overthrowing our government and democracy when factually speaking, it was a disruption whereby order was restored and the election was certified within hours. Plus, where were the armed rebellion taking over Capitol Hill? The only death was that of a protester killed by police.
You are minimizing the terrorism that plagued our cities and innocent lives over an isolated death of a Black suspect at the hands of a White police officer. At the same time, you think January 6 was a legitimate attempt at overthrowing our government and democracy when factually speaking, it was a disruption whereby order was restored and the election was certified within hours. Plus, where were the armed rebellion taking over Capitol Hill? The only death was that of a protester killed by police.
Idiot, if shitpants Trump would have stopped the election what do you think was going to happen, You so full of shit that your eyes are brown. No one minimized anything but one sure the hell has nothing to do with the other. It's just stupidity draining out of your one brain cell that MAGA shares. among each other.
Idiot, if shitpants Trump would have stopped the election what do you think was going to happen, You so full of shit that your eyes are brown. No one minimized anything but one sure the hell has nothing to do with the other. It's just stupidity draining out of your one brain cell that MAGA shares. among each other.
You are the one who cannot properly assess what is a true and real threat to democracy. You people keep putting January 6 as a legitimate attempt at overthrow of our government. If you truly believe that then you are aligned with the worst attempt at insurrection in the history of the world. Otherwise, you perpetuate this fallacy in hopes of spreading unnecessary fear, uncertainty, and doubt while cheering on livelihoods going up in flames as “peaceful protest” for social justice
Maga is fascism, loserterianism and stone aged bs all boxed up into one package. It literally wants to transform America into a mixture of saudi arabia, iran and the islamic state.

It fucking sucks dick
Poor Jessica-shitmuncher still flailing around trying to find clue one. And failing miserably.
You are the one who cannot properly assess what is a true and real threat to democracy. You people keep putting January 6 as a legitimate attempt at overthrow of our government. If you truly believe that then you are aligned with the worst attempt at insurrection in the history of the world. Otherwise, you perpetuate this fallacy in hopes of spreading unnecessary fear, uncertainty, and doubt while cheering on livelihoods going up in flames as “peaceful protest” for social justice
Idiot, if shitpants Trump would have stopped the election what do you think was going to happen, You so full of shit that your eyes are brown.
MAGA is looked at positively by only a small percentage of People in this country and the rest look down on them like they are trash. Gee I wonder why, they are totally anti American, they support our enemy's and attack our allies. They love cruel dictatorships and look down on democracy around the world. They are anti Ukraine and Pro Russian. There is no speaker in this country that speaks with such hatred and ugliness as Donald Trump . There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Editorial: Trump’s dangerous ‘vermin’ speech would have been at home in Nazi Germany​

I feel sorry for MAGA Americans. They are being duped by Trump and Republicans with lies and social wedge issues like gays and abortion.

Most of the manufacturing jobs were shed between 1998 and 2007. Bush years.

manufacturing job losses continued in the wake of the BUSH Great Recession (2007–2019).

Meanwhile, jobs increased in construction and service sectors that don't pay as well as manufacturing jobs.
I feel sorry for MAGA Americans. They are being duped by Trump and Republicans with lies and social wedge issues like gays and abortion.

Most of the manufacturing jobs were shed between 1998 and 2007. Bush years.

manufacturing job losses continued in the wake of the BUSH Great Recession (2007–2019).

Meanwhile, jobs increased in construction and service sectors that don't pay as well as manufacturing jobs.
My opinion of MAGA is harsher then that, They are driven by two forces hate and stupidity, They are not the other side of the isle, or just a group with a different opinion , or are they the noble opposition , They are by far the biggest threat this country and it's democracy has seen in centuries. They are literally the country's biggest enemy. and it is my opinion that they should be treated as such. If Trump wins this election it is the end to our democracy, and that will be With the total support of his hate group they call a party. We can't forget what this group attempted, we can't never forget , they are to be watched from this day forward because if they get a chance they will try to bring down our democracy with lies again. Never forget.
MAGA is looked at positively by only a small percentage of People in this country and the rest look down on them like they are trash. Gee I wonder why, they are totally anti American, they support our enemy's and attack our allies. They love cruel dictatorships and look down on democracy around the world. They are anti Ukraine and Pro Russian. There is no speaker in this country that speaks with such hatred and ugliness as Donald Trump . There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Editorial: Trump’s dangerous ‘vermin’ speech would have been at home in Nazi Germany​

Where do you live? Perhaps in a big blue city?

Where I live at (panhandle of Florida) only a few people like Biden, his open border and Bidenomics.

Check out the map of the 2020 election. More than just a few people supported Trump and MAGA. After four years of Biden sitting in the Oval Office I‘ll bet a lot more people in our country support MAGA now.


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