Is America being black-mailed by the Democratic Party?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
The democrats have been trying as hard as they can to blame Trump for the rioting, violence, and destruction that has been on for 3 months in most of America's big cities. Which are controlled by democrat mayors, governors, city councils, DAs, and judges, who could put have put a stop to this crap but have refused to do so. Instead, they have consistently tried to fault Trump. “This is happening in Donald Trump’s America,” they declare, as though it is he and and not they who actually have the authority and indeed the responsibility to provide public safety and security for their local citizens.

Rather, through the constant drumbeating of their farcical “this is happening in Trump’s America” talking point, the Democrats — the puppet masters of our present anarchy — are offering a quid pro quo to the American people: This violence is happening because Trump is president, so vote for us and we will stop the violence. The unstated but remarkably clear implication is that the looting, rioting and violence will go on if Trump is reelected. If Trump is reelected, the puppet masters will permit the antifa and BLM puppets to continue their free rein, driving a riven nation ever closer to a lethal abyss.

This is a hostage situation. The Democrats are taking the American people hostage, holding a proverbial gun to their heads and issuing a thinly veiled threat to vote for them to make the bloodletting stop — or else the carnage will continue apace.

The implication is quite clear: vote for us and the violence will cease, but if you vote for Trump it won't and will probably get worse. That is akin to blackmail, do as we say or else. Are we cowards to let them get away with that? Furthermore, if they can stop the violence if Biden gets elected, then they can stop the violence right now, true? There's no reason to allow the rioting and destruction to go on, except for the political advantage to the democrats. Truth be told, if you're okay with this then you might as well go for a communist-run country; IMHO, you don't deserve the freedoms and rights you have now if you won't fight for them when threatened. And make no mistake, the democrats are threatening all of us right now.

In recent days, Biden has condemned the rioting and violence and called for it to stop. But he has not called for the democrat mayors, governors, etc., to do their duty to put an end to it by whatever means necessary. He has not called for those arrested to be detained rather than released the next day. Members of his own campaign have donated money to bail rioters out of jail. Question: what is Biden going to do if elected to stop the madness? Will he call out the military? Isn't that the same as what Trump wants to do but is getting vilified by the dems for it?
I mean Trump says the same thing tho

He says this is all Biden's fault and if we re elect him he'll fix what he can't right now? lol

This line works better when Trump isn't giving out the same line
The democrats have been trying as hard as they can to blame Trump for the rioting, violence, and destruction that has been on for 3 months in most of America's big cities. Which are controlled by democrat mayors, governors, city councils, DAs, and judges, who could put have put a stop to this crap but have refused to do so. Instead, they have consistently tried to fault Trump. “This is happening in Donald Trump’s America,” they declare, as though it is he and and not they who actually have the authority and indeed the responsibility to provide public safety and security for their local citizens.

Rather, through the constant drumbeating of their farcical “this is happening in Trump’s America” talking point, the Democrats — the puppet masters of our present anarchy — are offering a quid pro quo to the American people: This violence is happening because Trump is president, so vote for us and we will stop the violence. The unstated but remarkably clear implication is that the looting, rioting and violence will go on if Trump is reelected. If Trump is reelected, the puppet masters will permit the antifa and BLM puppets to continue their free rein, driving a riven nation ever closer to a lethal abyss.

This is a hostage situation. The Democrats are taking the American people hostage, holding a proverbial gun to their heads and issuing a thinly veiled threat to vote for them to make the bloodletting stop — or else the carnage will continue apace.

The implication is quite clear: vote for us and the violence will cease, but if you vote for Trump it won't and will probably get worse. That is akin to blackmail, do as we say or else. Are we cowards to let them get away with that? Furthermore, if they can stop the violence if Biden gets elected, then they can stop the violence right now, true? There's no reason to allow the rioting and destruction to go on, except for the political advantage to the democrats. Truth be told, if you're okay with this then you might as well go for a communist-run country; IMHO, you don't deserve the freedoms and rights you have now if you won't fight for them when threatened. And make no mistake, the democrats are threatening all of us right now.

In recent days, Biden has condemned the rioting and violence and called for it to stop. But he has not called for the democrat mayors, governors, etc., to do their duty to put an end to it by whatever means necessary. He has not called for those arrested to be detained rather than released the next day. Members of his own campaign have donated money to bail rioters out of jail. Question: what is Biden going to do if elected to stop the madness? Will he call out the military? Isn't that the same as what Trump wants to do but is getting vilified by the dems for it?

A blog by some internet-loper doesn't count as fact, so thanks for HIS opinion.
But this shit isn't happening on Obama or Biden or Hillary's watch, now is it?
Why won't you TrumpTards hold him accountable for ANYTHING?
I mean Trump says the same thing tho

He says this is all Biden's fault and if we re elect him he'll fix what he can't right now? lol

This line works better when Trump isn't giving out the same line

Yeah so Trump starts the fire, throws gasoline on it and then tell his cult groupies that he'll grab a firehose and put it out if they re-elect him.
And they're dumb enough to go along with this.
Absolutely. This goes back beyond Trump. Arguably 50 years ago and all points in between. Remember the Waterboarding/Guantanamo Bay protests under Bush-Cheney? Waterboarding and other methods became outsourced when Obama arrived and Guantanamo Bay Prison exists today. Remember Occupy Wall Street? All funded by Democrats as a threat if they did not get their way. Then came Trump. They did not get their way and on Election Day, Democrats told the American People they were going to impeach Trump. On Inauguration Day, the same people smashing store windows, lighting cars on fire are the same ones tearing down our cities.
Americans aren't stupid.

We don't buy that trump is responsible for the Democrat bio weapon.

We don't buy that trump is responsible for the Democrat terror attacks.
You are buying the bio weapon bull$hit (or selling it), so you will buy anything, comrade.
Absolutely. This goes back beyond Trump. Arguably 50 years ago and all points in between. Remember the Waterboarding/Guantanamo Bay protests under Bush-Cheney? Waterboarding and other methods became outsourced when Obama arrived and Guantanamo Bay Prison exists today. Remember Occupy Wall Street? All funded by Democrats as a threat if they did not get their way. Then came Trump. They did not get their way and on Election Day, Democrats told the American People they were going to impeach Trump. On Inauguration Day, the same people smashing store windows, lighting cars on fire are the same ones tearing down our cities.

"they became outsourced" aka we stopped doing it directly lol

"our agent watched a guy get tortured by another organization" doesn't have quite the same ring hahahahaha

Occupy wallstreet had no negative effects and pushed Trump to act like he's a democrat so I don't know what the fuck you're smoking. They basically flipped the republican party from a pro market party to a nationalist and much more progressive party.

The fucking CDC is trying to prevent evictions over a cold lol.

"i don't like occupy wall street but i love our new nationalist anti market republican party"

Go fuck yourself retard

The policies Trump implements that you like are almost all "left wing"
The democrats have been trying as hard as they can to blame Trump for the rioting, violence, and destruction that has been on for 3 months in most of America's big cities. Which are controlled by democrat mayors, governors, city councils, DAs, and judges, who could put have put a stop to this crap but have refused to do so. Instead, they have consistently tried to fault Trump. “This is happening in Donald Trump’s America,” they declare, as though it is he and and not they who actually have the authority and indeed the responsibility to provide public safety and security for their local citizens.

Rather, through the constant drumbeating of their farcical “this is happening in Trump’s America” talking point, the Democrats — the puppet masters of our present anarchy — are offering a quid pro quo to the American people: This violence is happening because Trump is president, so vote for us and we will stop the violence. The unstated but remarkably clear implication is that the looting, rioting and violence will go on if Trump is reelected. If Trump is reelected, the puppet masters will permit the antifa and BLM puppets to continue their free rein, driving a riven nation ever closer to a lethal abyss.

This is a hostage situation. The Democrats are taking the American people hostage, holding a proverbial gun to their heads and issuing a thinly veiled threat to vote for them to make the bloodletting stop — or else the carnage will continue apace.

The implication is quite clear: vote for us and the violence will cease, but if you vote for Trump it won't and will probably get worse. That is akin to blackmail, do as we say or else. Are we cowards to let them get away with that? Furthermore, if they can stop the violence if Biden gets elected, then they can stop the violence right now, true? There's no reason to allow the rioting and destruction to go on, except for the political advantage to the democrats. Truth be told, if you're okay with this then you might as well go for a communist-run country; IMHO, you don't deserve the freedoms and rights you have now if you won't fight for them when threatened. And make no mistake, the democrats are threatening all of us right now.

In recent days, Biden has condemned the rioting and violence and called for it to stop. But he has not called for the democrat mayors, governors, etc., to do their duty to put an end to it by whatever means necessary. He has not called for those arrested to be detained rather than released the next day. Members of his own campaign have donated money to bail rioters out of jail. Question: what is Biden going to do if elected to stop the madness? Will he call out the military? Isn't that the same as what Trump wants to do but is getting vilified by the dems for it?
The Democrats' main problem is that they have created a monster that they can't control...

Just look at what is happening to some of them (like the mayor of Portland, who was driven from his home, in spite of the fact that he actually joined the rioters)...

And the longer the Democrats refuse to put a stop to the violence, the worse it will get....

Polls show that support for the Democrats is dropping due to the violence, and it will only get worse for over the next 2 months....

It's over for the Democrats....
The democrats have been trying as hard as they can to blame Trump for the rioting, violence, and destruction that has been on for 3 months in most of America's big cities. Which are controlled by democrat mayors, governors, city councils, DAs, and judges, who could put have put a stop to this crap but have refused to do so. Instead, they have consistently tried to fault Trump. “This is happening in Donald Trump’s America,” they declare, as though it is he and and not they who actually have the authority and indeed the responsibility to provide public safety and security for their local citizens.

Rather, through the constant drumbeating of their farcical “this is happening in Trump’s America” talking point, the Democrats — the puppet masters of our present anarchy — are offering a quid pro quo to the American people: This violence is happening because Trump is president, so vote for us and we will stop the violence. The unstated but remarkably clear implication is that the looting, rioting and violence will go on if Trump is reelected. If Trump is reelected, the puppet masters will permit the antifa and BLM puppets to continue their free rein, driving a riven nation ever closer to a lethal abyss.

This is a hostage situation. The Democrats are taking the American people hostage, holding a proverbial gun to their heads and issuing a thinly veiled threat to vote for them to make the bloodletting stop — or else the carnage will continue apace.

The implication is quite clear: vote for us and the violence will cease, but if you vote for Trump it won't and will probably get worse. That is akin to blackmail, do as we say or else. Are we cowards to let them get away with that? Furthermore, if they can stop the violence if Biden gets elected, then they can stop the violence right now, true? There's no reason to allow the rioting and destruction to go on, except for the political advantage to the democrats. Truth be told, if you're okay with this then you might as well go for a communist-run country; IMHO, you don't deserve the freedoms and rights you have now if you won't fight for them when threatened. And make no mistake, the democrats are threatening all of us right now.

In recent days, Biden has condemned the rioting and violence and called for it to stop. But he has not called for the democrat mayors, governors, etc., to do their duty to put an end to it by whatever means necessary. He has not called for those arrested to be detained rather than released the next day. Members of his own campaign have donated money to bail rioters out of jail. Question: what is Biden going to do if elected to stop the madness? Will he call out the military? Isn't that the same as what Trump wants to do but is getting vilified by the dems for it?
The Democrats' main problem is that they have created a monster that they can't control...

Just look at what is happening to some of them (like the mayor of Portland, who was driven from his home, in spite of the fact that he actually joined the rioters)...

And the longer the Democrats refuse to put a stop to the violence, the worse it will get....

Polls show that support for the Democrats is dropping due to the violence, and it will only get worse for over the next 2 months....

It's over for the Democrats....

So you think the people in portland are gonna start voting republican? ? ?
I mean Trump says the same thing tho

He says this is all Biden's fault and if we re elect him he'll fix what he can't right now? lol

This line works better when Trump isn't giving out the same line

Because if Trump stops the violence invoking the Insurrection Act, Democrats will use the images and videos against him and claim Trump is "literally Hitler" which will induce a sufficient amount of autistic fence sitters (swing voters???) to vote for Biden.

Trump will drop the hammer on the communists after election day, and only if he wins. Every Trump supporter knows this, which is why they are extra motivated to vote for Trump this fall.

Also we know the great corona hoax ends on election day too.

Imagine that?

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