IRS Makes the Case for a Government “Shutdown”


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I put shutdown in quotes because nobody notices a thing when the swamp creatures stay home.

IRS will have to furlough an estimated 60,000 of its 90,000 employees just three days from now.

Now we’re talking my language. Now tell me how many of the following departments (each with a staff and facilities) would you miss?

If 4/5 of the Federal government ceased to exist today I bet 14 people outside of government would notice.

I have a good friend who is a respected psychologist. He works with the VA and with veterans. Some of whom are in bad shape. If the gov't shuts down, his patients are shit out of luck.
I put shutdown in quotes because nobody notices a thing when the swamp creatures stay home.

IRS will have to furlough an estimated 60,000 of its 90,000 employees just three days from now.

Now we’re talking my language. Now tell me how many of the following departments (each with a staff and facilities) would you miss?

If 4/5 of the Federal government ceased to exist today I bet 14 people outside of government would notice.

Gee, if that list was cut in half would anyone miss them?

The world wonders.....
I volunteer about 100 hours a month for free.
Obviously your good friend doesn’t give a shit about his patients.

He does plenty of Pro Bono work. But he has to make a living. He has to pay his employees, rent on the office, utilities etc.

He cares very much. But the counselling center will be closed.
The reality of a shutdown on furloughed workers is this: They get a vacation from work while living off their savings or credit cards for a few weeks. After the furlough is over they get a lump sum for all the back pay and benefits that they missed while on vacation.

It's basically a paid vacation.
So you’re saying the government shutdown is a massive waste of taxpayer money.

Thanks Republicans!
Some Americans are beginning to see through the smokescreen.

The only issue that needs to be dealt with is the funding of the Ukraine that is fighting America's war against Russia.

And fwiw and for those who aren't aware, Nato troops are actively fighting in the Ukraine in order to replace the Ukraine's dead army..
Right...The State broke your leg, then put you in the wheelchair and condescendingly told you how lucky you are for them to be around "helping" you.

They volunteered for military service. Then they were sent to war. Now they have psych problems.
I put shutdown in quotes because nobody notices a thing when the swamp creatures stay home.

IRS will have to furlough an estimated 60,000 of its 90,000 employees just three days from now.

Now we’re talking my language. Now tell me how many of the following departments (each with a staff and facilities) would you miss?

If 4/5 of the Federal government ceased to exist today I bet 14 people outside of government would notice.

How many of those are redundant?

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