Gee. And the squad type people rell us they just "resist" so called "occupation "

Iran's Khamenei on Gaza: Islam will overcome 'crooked' Western civilization.
By Jerusalem Post Staff. February 25, 2024
The Iranian regime is a well known state sponsor of terrorist organizations across the Middle East, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

Just different Gods, Muslims worship Allah and the the West worships Dollah.
West worships Dollah???
Cowards Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran just sent via its Houthis drone into a house in Tel Aviv and murdered.
Cowards Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran just sent via its Houthis drone into a house in Tel Aviv and murdered.
You're a real jester aren't you!

Israel kills wantonly and with impunity yet a single drone stroke in Tel-Aviv and you jump up and down like shock horror!

Israel has chosen expansion over security, that's a fundamental observation about the Israeli state. It has such arrogance that it stunned when someone punches back, like Oct 7th and more recently this drone strike, the fact they are surprised reveals their inherent weakness, they are dingbats.
You're a real jester aren't you!

Israel kills wantonly and with impunity yet a single drone stroke in Tel-Aviv and you jump up and down like shock horror!

Israel has chosen expansion over security, that's a fundamental observation about the Israeli state. It has such arrogance that it stunned when someone punches back, like Oct 7th and more recently this drone strike, the fact they are surprised reveals their inherent weakness, they are dingbats.
I missed the jest----you know nothing about the history of the
Middle east. Feel free to ask questions
it's called the art of propaganda, and i see on TV that it's quite popular among youths.
for real "ART" read the islamo-nazi propaganda----from the
1930s to the present time AND COUNTING (category---pornography)
In todays The Guardian


and shamefully "leaving the US as the only country not to have restored funding."

The US knows Israel is a lying sack of **** but has committed itself "unconditionally" to the craphole state that it's now stuck, either look like a pillock to every other nation or upset the dingabts in the Knesset, and the US claims to be powerful? its a toy to be used by the Zionists. The Zionists are abusing the United States and making it look weak and emasculated.
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by calling people clueless at first sight, you only display stupidity on your own part.
no----most americans are clueless on the topic just as most
americans are clueless on CALCULUS. I am clueless on
"how to fix a car engine" ---very likely MORE CLUELESS than
most Americans
Sherlock Holmes said:
You're a real jester aren't you!

Israel kills wantonly ...
Of course you are against Israel going after your favorite Gaza government butchers. And just what would have happened had Israel not be so careful? How many would even survive in densely populated Gaza?

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