
Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Iran: Islamic  Fascist empire includes:

  • Hamas.
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  • Houthis.
  • Bases in Syria.
  • Militias in Iraq.


...The Israeli ceasefire with Hezbollah (Iran's proxy army) is a huge victory for Iran. If an Islamic fascist force can fire hundreds of missiles ...
Casali, D. (2007). New Empires. United Kingdom:, p.98 New Empires

Islamic Fascist Regime.

Berzinjy, D. (2013). The Silent Escape Through the Nights of the Kurdish Regions: Based on a True Story. United Kingdom: Xlibris AU, P. 131 The Silent Escape Through the Nights of the Kurdish Regions

Islamic-fascist ideology

Taheri, A. (2010). The Persian Night: Iran Under the Khomeinist Revolution. United Kingdom: Encounter Books, p. 342. The Persian Night

Islamic fascist dictatorship of Iran

The Intellectual Activist. (2005). United States: Intellectual Activist, p. 8 The Intellectual Activist

The Islamic fascist republic!

Qāniʻīʹfard, ʻ. (2021). The Gruesome Mullah: Iran, Terrorism, MOIS, IRGC and Khomeinism. United States: Ketab Corporation, p. 100


Hezbollah, Hamas, and More: Iran's Terror Network Around the Globe Hezbollah, Hamas, and More: Iran's Terror Network Around the Globe

Iranâs Islamist Proxies in the Middle East Iran's Islamist Proxies in the Middle East

An Heir and a Spare? How How Yemen’s “Southern Hezbollah” Could Change Iran’s Deterrent Calculus An Heir and a Spare? How Yemen's "Southern Hezbollah" Could Change Iran’s Deterrent Calculus

Iran seeks 'single front' against US, Israel from Syria-Iraq - analysis Iran seeks 'single front' against US and Israel from Syria-Iraq - analysis
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But what is your point?

Or is it just more of your Racist clap- trap ?
White UseLess man Good , coloured chappies Not Good .

How many thousands of bases has USeLess got dotted round the globe ?For What ? Terorism or a proxy version ?

Just accept that the short lived American Empire is in its death spiral and that as BRICS grows and further expands, an alternative will develop , hopefully better than what it replaces .
Can anyone reply to attention-hungry pathetic racist troll luiza?
Can anyone reply to attention-hungry pathetic racist troll luiza?
I am highlighting Racists like you who support Ethnic Cleansing and Child Murder .
You are a sad and ignorant little bunch of likely old and lonely men coming from under privileged and poorly educated backgrounds .
But that does not excuse your ignorance .
The Forum Outcasts .
" How To Gain Control Of Public Narrative "

* How To Pull The Under Pin Of Sectarian Supremacy Hubris *

Iran: Islamic  Fascist empire includes:
  • Hamas.
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  • Houthis.
  • Bases in Syria.
  • Militias in Iraq.
First mistake is providing validation that there is a religion otherwise described as islam or an adherent known as a muslim .

The term islam is an infinitive meaning to submit , while the term muslim is a noun meaning one who submits , and both are pretentious and debase allusions to a universalism of qurayshism as an absurd divine mandate to control the masses .

If the palestinians were raving against the israeli government with secular intentions of equality , that would be acceptable , however that they are raving for inclusion and sectarian supremacy for fictional ishmaelism , that is debase .

* Submission Includes Blind Troll Abdication Of Independence And Individualism to Collectivists Authoritarian Ass Clowns *

Muslim socialist leaders believe in the derivation of legitimacy from the public, and wish to implement a government based on social welfare and the concept of zakat. In practice, this has been seen through guaranteed incomes, pensions, and welfare. These practical applications of the idea of Islamic socialism have a history going back to Muhammad and the first few Caliphates, to modern political parties founded in the 1970s.

The classical doctrine of hisba, associated with the Quranic injunction of enjoining good and forbidding wrong, refers to the duty of Muslims to promote moral rectitude and intervene when another Muslim is acting wrongly.[4][5] Historically, its legal implementation was entrusted to a public official called muhtasib (market inspector), who was charged with preventing fraud, disturbance of public order and infractions against public morality.
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Iran: Islamic  Fascist empire includes:

  • Hamas.
  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  • Houthis.
  • Bases in Syria.
  • Militias in Iraq.

...The Israeli ceasefire with Hezbollah (Iran's proxy army) is a huge victory for Iran. If an Islamic fascist force can fire hundreds of missiles ...
Casali, D. (2007). New Empires. United Kingdom:, p.98 New Empires

Islamic Fascist Regime.

Berzinjy, D. (2013). The Silent Escape Through the Nights of the Kurdish Regions: Based on a True Story. United Kingdom: Xlibris AU, P. 131 The Silent Escape Through the Nights of the Kurdish Regions

Islamic-fascist ideology

Taheri, A. (2010). The Persian Night: Iran Under the Khomeinist Revolution. United Kingdom: Encounter Books, p. 342. The Persian Night

Islamic fascist dictatorship of Iran

The Intellectual Activist. (2005). United States: Intellectual Activist, p. 8 The Intellectual Activist

The Islamic fascist republic!

Qāniʻīʹfard, ʻ. (2021). The Gruesome Mullah: Iran, Terrorism, MOIS, IRGC and Khomeinism. United States: Ketab Corporation, p. 100

View attachment 876656

Hezbollah, Hamas, and More: Iran's Terror Network Around the Globe Hezbollah, Hamas, and More: Iran's Terror Network Around the Globe

Iranâs Islamist Proxies in the Middle East Iran's Islamist Proxies in the Middle East

An Heir and a Spare? How How Yemen’s “Southern Hezbollah” Could Change Iran’s Deterrent Calculus An Heir and a Spare? How Yemen's "Southern Hezbollah" Could Change Iran’s Deterrent Calculus

Iran seeks 'single front' against US, Israel from Syria-Iraq - analysis Iran seeks 'single front' against US and Israel from Syria-Iraq - analysis
Zechariah Shar'abi | זכריה | زكريا
The #Houthis on the coast of #Yemen performing the Nazi salute as they yell "curse the #Jews" They attacked a US owned container ship with ballistic missiles earlier today in the Red Sea.

Watch on X​
Jan 15, 2024

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