Irans Quds foce General Soleimani just killed in rocket attack !

The US did not do it, the Iraqis did.

Good kill for them.
I hope that’s true.. I don’t want any more war in the Middle East

From your link....Iraq’s Security Media Cell, which released information regarding Iraqi security, said the three Katyusha rockets landed near the cargo hall.

Katyusha rockets are not used by the US troops.
And I clicked it........where is it............
Buttigieg statement...

FoxNews actually. It was a link that was given.
There is no link in the Ops first post.............The first links in this thread said air strikes not rockets.

This thread is the result of 4 merged threads. If you look at the post I made 7:49pm last night you will see the quote from the story. Sorry I do not have a post number but they do not show up in the mobile version.
I went to the Fox news site...........airstrikes killed him............Not Iraqi's...Only error I see is rocket attacks in the title.

FoxNews like all sites update the stories as they are happening. The quote from FoxNews is in the post I spoke of.

Not sure what more you need.
I went back and it's not there.....only one shows airstrike.........

Post #19 has the copied and pasted quote.
In reading some of the posts here. I wonder who the enemy really is? The vaporized dude now F 72 goats, or our lovely posters
There are many miserable posters here who are failures in life and they know it. They hate themselves because they are worthless individuals living unfulfilling lives. They hate their own society because they hate themselves, and so they side with the enemies of our country as a form of nihilistic and very juvenile process of acting out. None of them actually stand for anything, as all they know is what they hate.

People who are contributing to society simply don't go there. They do not support America's enemies because they ARE contributing to society and so doing so would be stupid. It is only those who contribute nothing at all who do this.
These idiots don't even know what they hate. Just bobbing heads with an IV of CNN dripping in their brain
Contrary to the cheering from war-loving Republicans like Sassy Ben Sasse, there is nothing “brave” about President Trump having ordered the death strike on Soleimani.

Military action abroad is the least brave thing a president can do, because both Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and much of the national media, tend to like it. Recall that in April 2017, NBC’s Brian Williams wouldn't shut up about the “beautiful” rockets we were raining on Syria.

There’s nothing more widely lauded among the establishment than the use of military force overseas. So no, it’s not “brave.”
False, but thanks for lying Goofball Goosestepper.

I did not lie dumb fuck, the initial reports indicated it was done by them. Do try and keep up
More FAKE NEWS.......Imagine that............was it the NY Times.

FoxNews actually. It was a link that was given.
Find that link. I was following it from before anyone else here and never saw that from Fox.
See post # 19
Your post proves nothing. The original reporting by all outlets stated that rockets had hit the road by the airport by Iranians. They never said Iraqis.
Unfortunately, my thread. which was first was merged with the embassy thread. I was reporting on it 2 hours before anyone else here. I was refreshing madly and listening, as well as following twitter. Fox did report on air a blip about their being a rocket attack at the airport. No other info was given. Just once, admit you might have gotten something wrong. I admit when I do.
Last edited:
my friends, this is a region of the world that knows no way to live other than in constant killing and destruction
Howlin Saddam Hussein and Murderous Moammar Qadhafi were murderous, oppressive dictators, but when the United States used force to oust them, leading to their deaths, we didn’t make the world better off.

There’s a conservative principle that should inform us here: Any large, sudden change to a complex system is likely to induce large, unpredictable, and sudden effects, and in general, large, sudden effects are more bad than good.
I did not lie dumb fuck, the initial reports indicated it was done by them. Do try and keep up
More FAKE NEWS.......Imagine that............was it the NY Times.

FoxNews actually. It was a link that was given.
Find that link. I was following it from before anyone else here and never saw that from Fox.
See post # 19
Your post proves nothing. The original reporting by all outlets stated that rockets had hit the road by the airport by Iranians. They never said Iraqis.
Unfortunately, my thread. which was first was merged with the embassy thread. I was reporting on it 2 hours before anyone else here. I was refreshing madly and listening, as well as following twitter. Fox did report on air a blip about their being a rocket attack at the airport. No other info was given. Just once, admit you might have gotten something wrong. I admit when ai do.

The rockets mentioned in the quote in post 19 are not used by the US military thus I assumed it was the Iraqis. Yes I was wrong because the information I had was wrong. I have said that like 10 times now. Do I really need to say it to each of you individually?
"A flag is not a strategy. Trump is surrounded by sycophants (having fired those who’ve dissented). He has purged Iran specialists. He has abolished NSC processes to review contingencies. He is seen as a liar around the world. This is likely to get very ugly very quickly." - Sassy Samantha Power
I reverse traced that quote back to the Washington Compost...........LOL

both sites quoted the same Iraqi official, what is so funny about that?
I back traced that quote to the Wahsington Compost...............and thought that was funny as hell..........Fake News Pravda sight........

Yeah........I'm still laughing at the Fake News ...............they always get it wrong.
Howlin Saddam Hussein and Murderous Moammar Qadhafi were murderous, oppressive dictators, but when the United States used force to oust them, leading to their deaths, we didn’t make the world better off.

There’s a conservative principle that should inform us here: Any large, sudden change to a complex system is likely to induce large, unpredictable, and sudden effects, and in general, large, sudden effects are more bad than good.

Moammar Gadhafi was cooperating with America in combating terrorism by ISIS, so Obama killed him. The Bush administration had "flipped" Gadhafi, Obama wanted to send a loud and clear message to others in the middle east.
Contrary to the cheering from war-loving Republicans like Sassy Ben Sasse, there is nothing “brave” about President Trump having ordered the death strike on Soleimani.

Military action abroad is the least brave thing a president can do, because both Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and much of the national media, tend to like it. Recall that in April 2017, NBC’s Brian Williams wouldn't shut up about the “beautiful” rockets we were raining on Syria.

There’s nothing more widely lauded among the establishment than the use of military force overseas. So no, it’s not “brave.”
You have to be 20 yrs old with a diaper on your A.
Your avatar. Have you ever made love with another man?. I have a thread Buttigieg dancing with his husband at the Inaugural Balls I'm sure you'd erotically post on it.

Sounds like dancing with men is your expertise
More FAKE NEWS.......Imagine that............was it the NY Times.

FoxNews actually. It was a link that was given.
Find that link. I was following it from before anyone else here and never saw that from Fox.
See post # 19
Your post proves nothing. The original reporting by all outlets stated that rockets had hit the road by the airport by Iranians. They never said Iraqis.
Unfortunately, my thread. which was first was merged with the embassy thread. I was reporting on it 2 hours before anyone else here. I was refreshing madly and listening, as well as following twitter. Fox did report on air a blip about their being a rocket attack at the airport. No other info was given. Just once, admit you might have gotten something wrong. I admit when ai do.

The rockets mentioned in the quote in post 19 are not used by the US military thus I assumed it was the Iraqis. Yes I was wrong because the information I had was wrong. I have said that like 10 times now. Do I really need to say it to each of you individually?
You had me until you went back to your other claim. But thank you for at least admitting to part of your 2 different claims.
FoxNews actually. It was a link that was given.
Find that link. I was following it from before anyone else here and never saw that from Fox.
See post # 19
Your post proves nothing. The original reporting by all outlets stated that rockets had hit the road by the airport by Iranians. They never said Iraqis.
Unfortunately, my thread. which was first was merged with the embassy thread. I was reporting on it 2 hours before anyone else here. I was refreshing madly and listening, as well as following twitter. Fox did report on air a blip about their being a rocket attack at the airport. No other info was given. Just once, admit you might have gotten something wrong. I admit when ai do.

The rockets mentioned in the quote in post 19 are not used by the US military thus I assumed it was the Iraqis. Yes I was wrong because the information I had was wrong. I have said that like 10 times now. Do I really need to say it to each of you individually?
You had me until you went back to your other claim. But thank you for at least admitting to part of your 2 different claims.

What the fuck are you talking about? What 2 claims?
"A flag is not a strategy. Trump is surrounded by sycophants (having fired those who’ve dissented). He has purged Iran specialists. He has abolished NSC processes to review contingencies. He is seen as a liar around the world. This is likely to get very ugly very quickly." - Sassy Samantha Power
She needs to just shut up. She is another John Kerry.
Contrary to the cheering from war-loving Republicans like Sassy Ben Sasse, there is nothing “brave” about President Trump having ordered the death strike on Soleimani.

Military action abroad is the least brave thing a president can do, because both Republicans and Democrats in Washington, and much of the national media, tend to like it. Recall that in April 2017, NBC’s Brian Williams wouldn't shut up about the “beautiful” rockets we were raining on Syria.

There’s nothing more widely lauded among the establishment than the use of military force overseas. So no, it’s not “brave.”
You have to be 20 yrs old with a diaper on your A.
Your avatar. Have you ever made love with another man?. I have a thread Buttigieg dancing with his husband at the Inaugural Balls I'm sure you'd erotically post on it.

Sounds like dancing with men is your expertise
you do realize gays find what straight people do to be disgusting as well?

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