Iran...Uhhh yeah...right


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
With the rhetoric against Iran from the Bush administration growing ever more bellicose, it would behoove him and his handlers to pay close attention to the realpolitik of any actio against Iran.

China is about to ink a <a href=>$70 billion deal</a> to develope oil fields in Iran. Since China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, any attempt to garner support for sanctions against Iran will fail. Venezuela is already in the process of diverting some of its production away from US markets and to <a href=>Chinese markets</a>. THis has the effect of limiting US leverage with oil producers as there now exist large, hungry oil markets elsewhere in the world

Europe is unlikely to provide any support for military action against Iran, and the US will be left pretty much to it's own devices. Unless, of course, you count whatever third world banana republics Dubbyuh's administration blackmails into supporting the venture.

Pursuing military action in Iran will effectively isolate America from the rest of the world and risk destabilizing not only the US economy, but also economies the world over, making the Great Depression look like a Sunday school picnic. Accompanying such an event would be a wave of terrorists activity before which all others pale in comparison. But Dubbyuh doesn't think in such terms. He only thinks in terms of his own infallibility and self-appointed mission for God. So, he will foolishly go where angels fear to tread.
Bullypulpit said:
With the rhetoric against Iran from the Bush administration growing ever more bellicose, it would behoove him and his handlers to pay close attention to the realpolitik of any actio against Iran.

China is about to ink a <a href=>$70 billion deal</a> to develope oil fields in Iran. Since China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, any attempt to garner support for sanctions against Iran will fail. Venezuela is already in the process of diverting some of its production away from US markets and to <a href=>Chinese markets</a>. THis has the effect of limiting US leverage with oil producers as there now exist large, hungry oil markets elsewhere in the world

Europe is unlikely to provide any support for military action against Iran, and the US will be left pretty much to it's own devices. Unless, of course, you count whatever third world banana republics Dubbyuh's administration blackmails into supporting the venture.

Pursuing military action in Iran will effectively isolate America from the rest of the world and risk destabilizing not only the US economy, but also economies the world over, making the Great Depression look like a Sunday school picnic. Accompanying such an event would be a wave of terrorists activity before which all others pale in comparison. But Dubbyuh doesn't think in such terms. He only thinks in terms of his own infallibility and self-appointed mission for God. So, he will foolishly go where angels fear to tread.
While the military option is always on the table, I have yet to see anywhere that the current administration is pushing for it.
musicman said:
What - the one where anyone, anywhere, gives a shit what he has to say?

Well, if you don't give a shit why do you bother to read what I post? Take your meds and go back to bed...we'll all be better off for it.
Bullypulpit said:
Well, if you don't give a shit why do you bother to read what I post?

I don't. Just seeing your name on a post tells me everything I need to know. It's almost got a "Hallmark" ring to it:

If it's posted by Bullypulpit

Retardation is the culprit!
musicman said:
I don't. Just seeing your name on a post tells me everything I need to know. It's almost got a "Hallmark" ring to it:

If it's posted by Bullypulpit

Retardation is the culprit!
CSM said:
While the military option is always on the table, I have yet to see anywhere that the current administration is pushing for it.

The fact is the Administration is suggesting that we would provide help for people that would wish to overthrow the current Iranian Administration for Western style democracy rather than ourselves going into Iran. Bush made this clear in several of his speeches, he necessarily couched it in diplomatic terms but it is clear what his intentions are.

This is one of the reasons that I believe that Iraq wasn't about WMD ever, it was always about surrounding Iran with what are seen as Democracies on all sides and thus hoping to influence Civil unrest with the Majority of those who have been calling for just such Government in Iran.
Its always support for anybody else but America, he Bully?

More proof of the fact that you are an enemy of the constitution and terrorist sympathizer. Hopefully the FBI will interrogate you.
Bullypulpit said:
With the rhetoric against Iran from the Bush administration growing ever more bellicose, it would behoove him and his handlers to pay close attention to the realpolitik of any actio against Iran.

China is about to ink a <a href=>$70 billion deal</a> to develope oil fields in Iran. Since China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, any attempt to garner support for sanctions against Iran will fail. Venezuela is already in the process of diverting some of its production away from US markets and to <a href=>Chinese markets</a>. THis has the effect of limiting US leverage with oil producers as there now exist large, hungry oil markets elsewhere in the world

Europe is unlikely to provide any support for military action against Iran, and the US will be left pretty much to it's own devices. Unless, of course, you count whatever third world banana republics Dubbyuh's administration blackmails into supporting the venture.

Pursuing military action in Iran will effectively isolate America from the rest of the world and risk destabilizing not only the US economy, but also economies the world over, making the Great Depression look like a Sunday school picnic. Accompanying such an event would be a wave of terrorists activity before which all others pale in comparison. But Dubbyuh doesn't think in such terms. He only thinks in terms of his own infallibility and self-appointed mission for God. So, he will foolishly go where angels fear to tread.

So we shouldn't attack Iran because

a) The Cinese will get mad at us for interrupting their oil deal
b) Venezuela won't like us
c) It will be expensive

Never mind of course all the people living in Iran. Stupid people. Just shut up and die. You don't need Democracy. Freedom is for us, not you. You...well, you can just keep in living in that dictatorship. Now if you don't mind, we have money to make.

Great message there.
theim said:
So we shouldn't attack Iran because

a) The Cinese will get mad at us for interrupting their oil deal
b) Venezuela won't like us
c) It will be expensive

Never mind of course all the people living in Iran. Stupid people. Just shut up and die. You don't need Democracy. Freedom is for us, not you. You...well, you can just keep in living in that dictatorship. Now if you don't mind, we have money to make.

Great message there.

Amazingly it is the exact message that "Roosting of Chickens" was trying to get accross using extreme analogy and directly insulting language but that was the point. We cannot simply keep doing the same old thing we used to and assume that we will be free from terrorism.

One sign of insanity is when you keep doing the same thing over and over but you expect a different result each time. If they resent us for propping up dictatorships we cannot just keep doing so and expect them to stop bombing us.
When GWB gave his State of the Union speech last week, it seemed like he was saying that if the Democratic experiment in Iraq works, then there should be a trickle-down or domino affect on surrounding countries, that still have repressive governments.

There's a large, and younger population of folks in Iran that have been "bucking" the Theocratic government, and have voiced a desire to adopt Western culture for their country. They don't want to go back to the days of the Shah, but must be observing what happens in the new Iraq.

The same might happen in Syria, if the Iranians start to envy the liberties and freedom that Iraqis are experiencing.

I don't believe at any time that the GWB administration has indicated that they want to invade Iran, but I'm sure that option is on the "table" if their Nuke program, or State sponsored terrorism becomes more troublesome.

North Korea is the country that I have the most concern about........I hope that we can pressure China to put some leverage on N. Korea, to stop the saber rattling.

I also hope that we can get a reliable defensive missle shield up and running to protect us from any rogue state ICBM's.
theim said:
So we shouldn't attack Iran because

a) The Cinese will get mad at us for interrupting their oil deal
b) Venezuela won't like us
c) It will be expensive

Never mind of course all the people living in Iran. Stupid people. Just shut up and die. You don't need Democracy. Freedom is for us, not you. You...well, you can just keep in living in that dictatorship. Now if you don't mind, we have money to make.

Great message there.

hey that sounds like a plan to me!

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