Iran Threatens 'Lightning' Response


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Clinton draws no conclusions on Iranian warning | US National Headlines | Comcast

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said Sunday that any Israeli attack against Tehran would be answered with a "lightning" response. He also suggested that Western penalties against Iran cannot curtail Iran's nuclear program.

There can be only one answer...........:eusa_shhh:

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Clinton draws no conclusions on Iranian warning | US National Headlines | Comcast

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said Sunday that any Israeli attack against Tehran would be answered with a "lightning" response. He also suggested that Western penalties against Iran cannot curtail Iran's nuclear program.

There can be only answer...........:eusa_shhh:

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The fake, illegitimate regime of thugs and murderers that is iran will be soon wiped from the map.
Skumbags like you, are the biggest parasites on the planet.

Bastard, illegitimate sons of trash like you would gravitate towards fake, cancerous dictatorships like iran. Like Cuba, the biggest supporters of these diseased, illegal dictatorships never seem to live there - but they always pretend to be "human rights supporters" - even though no one in these shithole regimes except the top leadership experiences any.

Hey twat, how come you don't live in iran since you spend so much time sucking the balls off of ahmadinejihadist?
skumbags like you, are the biggest parasites on the planet.

bastard, illegitimate sons of trash like you would gravitate towards fake, cancerous dictatorships like iran. Like cuba, the biggest supporters of these diseased, illegal dictatorships never seem to live there - but they always pretend to be "human rights supporters" - even though no one in these shithole regimes except the top leadership experiences any.

Hey twat, how come you don't live in iran since you spend so much time sucking the balls off of ahmadinejihadist?

Bastard, illegitimate sons of trash like you would gravitate towards fake, cancerous dictatorships like iran. Like Cuba, the biggest supporters of these diseased, illegal dictatorships never seem to live there - but they always pretend to be "human rights supporters" - even though no one in these shithole regimes except the top leadership experiences any.

Hey twat, how come you don't live in iran since you spend so much time sucking the balls off of ahmadinejihadist?
Well, at least you spelled his name right!

Most righties (and I myself), refer to him as "that Iran guy!"
Iran's mad mullahs were hanging by a thread in 2009. They were ready to be blown over by the Iranians, who asked for American help, BUT the Americans were too busy helping Al Quaeda take over Libya to be bothered with Iranian dissidents.

America under democrats will always make the wrong decision, pick the wrong side, support the wrong leaders and be on the wrong side of history every time.
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Iran's mad mullahs were hanging by a thread in 2009. They were ready to be blown over by the Iranians, who asked for American help, BUT the Americans were too busy helping Al Quaeda take over Libya to be bothered with Iranian dissidents.

America under democrats will always make the wrong decision, pick the wrong side, support the wrong leaders and be on the wrong side of history every time.
So Iran-Contra was actually the Democrats deal?
Granny says Obama gonna kick Ahmadinejad's butt...
The Enmity Conspiracy, or How War with Iran Became ‘Inevitable’
July 21, 2012 - Trita Parsi argues that a running series of miscalculations, escalations, and assumptions are driving the West and Iran towards open conflict.
The U.S.-Iran conflict has acquired an air of inevitability. The last ten years appear as a slow-motion prequel to a pre-destined outcome: War. While structural factors have helped push the two actors towards confrontation, there has never been anything inevitable about this conflict. Rather, a long series of miscalculated escalations have brought the two states to the current deadlock.

Iran and the United States are entrapped in a paradigm of enmity. Within the mindset of this paradigm, both assume the worst about the other's intentions. The “other” embodies almost pure evil, and everything it does is aimed at making life more difficult for you. The gradual adoption of this mindset has created a self-fulfilling prophecy—acting on those assumptions has further entrenched the two sides and rendered a solution to their tensions more difficult. All actions of the other have been interpreted from a lens of absolute, unwavering suspicion. Information that appears to vindicate the mistrust has been seized upon, while data that contradict it have been dismissed, neglected or disbelieved. Moreover, according to the conspiracy-like understanding that has emerged from this mindset, the other side is believed to have a magnificent grand strategy. All its actions “fit” into this grand strategy and push the country closer and closer to its assumed goal.

What Iran Sees

In the case of Iran’s view of the U.S., the assumed goal is the destruction of the country and replacement of the current regime. All America’s actions are believed to serve this ultimate objective. America is systematic, precise and callous in its pursuit of regime change and the defeat of Iran, the Iranians believe. Thus, when the U.S. rejected a negotiation offer in 2003 in which the Iranians put everything from their support of Hezbollah, to opposition to Israel to their nuclear program on the table, Tehran viewed that as a vindication of its paranoia regarding American intentions.

When President Obama rejected the fuel swap proposal brokered by Turkey and Brazil in May 2010, even though he in a letter to the leaders of Brazil and Turkey three weeks earlier had endorsed the exact deal they managed to secure, Tehran read that as evidence that Obama’s true intent was to sanction Iran regardless of what compromises Iran would agree to. A broader understanding of Obama’s domestic political constraints didn’t register in Tehran.

Even the occasional U.S. offers to negotiate have been viewed by Tehran as an attempt by Washington to win time and international support for even more crippling sanctions. Talks designed to fail will increase pressure on Tehran and open the door for more sanctions and even military action, the reasoning goes. “Whatever positive Iran did, the response was always more and more isolation,” an Iranian diplomat told me in Tehran in 2004. The conclusion, he hinted, was that the U.S.’s real objective was to prolong the conflict until it could bring the regime to its knees.

What America and the West See
Iran's mad mullahs were hanging by a thread in 2009. They were ready to be blown over by the Iranians, who asked for American help,

In other words, US orchestrated coloured revolution in Iran failed to much annoyance of the "civilised community".

Well done, Iranians!
"America under democrats will always make the wrong decision, pick the wrong side, support the wrong leaders and be on the wrong side of history every time."

Though no defender of 'Democrats', are you saying America was on the wrong side in WWII?

As for Iran, don't you think that American and Western interference in its politics in 1953 might justify some of Iran's reactions?
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Iran nuclear threat givin' Israel the willies...
Netanyahu: Iran's Nukes 'Dwarf' Other Threats
Sun Aug 12, 2012 - Experts divided whether Netanyahu posturing
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that most threats to Israel's security were "dwarfed" by the prospect of Iran obtaining nuclear weaponry, which local media reports charged Tehran had stepped up its efforts to achieve. The comments at a weekly cabinet meeting and the front-page reports in the liberal Haaretz, a frequent Netanyahu critic, and in the conservative, pro-government Israel Hayom came as Israeli debate intensified about whether to go to war against Iran - and soon - over its disputed atomic projects.

The debate seemed to defy appeals by U.S. President Barack Obama, seeking re-election in November, to allow more time for international diplomacy. Tehran says its nuclear ambitions are peaceful and has threatened wide-ranging reprisals if attacked. In comments also broadcast live by Israeli media, Netanyahu said that "all the threats currently being directed against the Israeli home front are dwarfed by another threat, different in scope, different in substance." "Therefore I say again, that Iran must not be permitted to obtain nuclear weapons," Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu also said Israel was "investing billions in home-front defense," and holding emergency drills, alluding to a military exercise being held this week in cities across Israel to test a text message warning system against missile strikes. Israel's central bank has also drilled "big crisis" scenarios such as war with Iran, the bank's governor, Stanley Fischer, told an Israeli television station at the weekend.

The cabinet adopted rules on Sunday intended to streamline decision-making, such as by setting deadlines for permitting ministers to change their minds about votes, though Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser insisted these changes were not expressly meant for "any particular type of decision."

If a country were a supporter of 'Palestine' and had the nukes to destroy Israel, what the heck would happen to the 'Palestinians' who are right there? Wouldn't that be somewhat counter-productive or something?
Clinton draws no conclusions on Iranian warning | US National Headlines | Comcast

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said Sunday that any Israeli attack against Tehran would be answered with a "lightning" response. He also suggested that Western penalties against Iran cannot curtail Iran's nuclear program.

There can be only one answer...........:eusa_shhh:

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Iran says it would respond to being attacked and you propose a nuclear attack.

In that case, Cuba is free to attack the US and, according that your stupidity, any US response would be wrong.
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So let us see if I have this correct. Iran is building Nuclear power stations, which it is allowed to do because they signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and Iran is also manufacturing nuclear isotopes for medical use because they signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran is not building nuclear weapons and we know this because Iran allows full IAEA inspections, as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

So here comes Israel, which has nuclear weapons, was caught trying to sell one to South Africa, is NOT a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and does not allow IAEA inspections, screaming that the world must force Iran to scrap all peaceful uses of nuclear technology they are legally entitled to.

And Israel wonders why the world thinks it is Israel that is being unreasonable.
WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!
US/EU brainless geopolitical pranks led every leader of every country to realise: unless they have WMD of any kind and are prepared to use it against the aggressors, their country is going to be destroyed by the "great democracies" -- US and its EU lackeys.

Yugoslavia did not defend itself with WMD -- it was taken down by the "civilised community"
Afghanistan did not defend itself with WMD -- it was taken down by the "civilised community"
Iraq did not defend itself with WMD -- it was taken down by the "civilised community"
Libya did not defend itself with WMD -- it was taken down by the "civilised community"

On the other hand: N.Korea has WMD and is serious enough to use it -- "civilised community" is not actively going after it
As soon as Syria warned UN it will defend itself using WMD against aggressors, "civilised" backed off their plan of direct invasion

And even if prior to US going berzerk around the world Iran did not want nuclear weapon, NOW it will speed up the process of its development... So will any other state if it wants to have a chance of being left alone.
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$300 million anti-aircraft missile base in Iran will be home to 6,000 personnel, host 7 battalions...
Iran begins construction of $300 million anti-aircraft missile base
August 21, 2012, New facility near the city of Abadeh will host 7 battalions, says senior commander
Amid increasing talk of a possible Israeli strike on its nuclear facilities, Iran has begun construction of a new, state-of-the-art, anti-aircraft missile base. The new base, located near the city of Abadeh, in southern Iran, will cost $300 million, be home to 6,000 personnel, and host seven battalions, Iran’s Fars news agency reported Tuesday. The Deputy Commander of the Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base, Mohammad Hosseini, said the base, the largest of its kind in Iran, will also include one of the most important military training centers in the country. Last month, a senior Iranian air defense commander asserted that all Iranian air defense units and systems are fully prepared to repel possible enemy air raids.

Also on Tuesday, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad unveiled an upgraded version of a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile just weeks after it was test-fired, Iranian state media reported. At the ceremony unveiling the Fateh-110, or Conqueror, Ahmadinejad told a group of defense officials that Iran wants to advance its defense technology “not in an aggressive context, but as a deterrence.” “We do not seek it for conquest, domination of neighboring countries and the world. We do not want it because of defiance,” said Ahmadinejad, according to state TV.

Iran considers both the United States and Israel as potential adversaries. Neither country has ruled out a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program, which they claim is aimed at developing nuclear weapons. Iran says its program is for peaceful purposes. The official IRNA news agency reported Tuesday that the new version of Fateh-110 has a quicker launch capability, a longer life and can be used in adverse weather conditions, but gave no other details. The missile has been in service in Iran over the past decade. Iran claimed earlier in August that it successfully test-fired the missile, saying at the time that Fateh-110 has an improved accuracy to strike land and naval targets within a 300 kilometer (185 mile) range.

Since 1992, Iran has tried to set up a self-sufficient military program. The country’s military leaders have said they believe future wars will take place in the air and on sea, and Tehran has sought to upgrade its air defense systems and naval power in anticipation of such a possibility. Iran has also been pushing to upgrade its missiles, which already can target Israel and US bases in the Middle East. The Pentagon released a report in June noting significant advances in Iranian missile technology, acknowledging that the Islamic Republic has improved the accuracy and firing capabilities of its missiles.


See also:

Now Iran warns secret U.S. bases will be hit
Six American military bases in Israel will be destroyed by Iranian missiles should Israel attack Iranian nuclear facilities, the Islamic regime is warning the United States.
“America has several secret military bases in different areas of the occupied Palestinian territory (Israel) at which it houses ammunition, smart bombs, missiles and other military armaments,” Basij News, the official outlet of the Iranian Basij forces, reported Tuesday, quoting an Iranian diplomat in an interview with the Arabian media outlet Al Moheet. “Also, a 500-bed hospital is located in one of these bases. … Should Israel attack Iran, then surely those bases will become the targets for Iranian missiles.”

The unnamed diplomat said one of the bases is in the western part of the city of Herzliya, another is within Ben Gurion Airport, and other bases are inside the Israeli Air Force bases of Ovda and Nevatim. The diplomat said the value of the U.S. military armaments at these bases exceeds $1 billion.

“American military bases in the occupied territories are considered secret and most of them are underground,” the diplomat said. “These bases are known by codes ‘Base 51,’ which houses ammunition, ‘Base 53,’ which is located in an Israeli Air Force base, ‘Base 54′ is a hospital close to Tel Aviv used in emergency situations, and bases ’55′ and ’56′ are used as ammunition and armaments reserves,” he said. The diplomat said another base is in the West Bank, built by a German company to house American armaments. The Basij report said Israel provides security and military support for the estimated 150 American military supervisors at the bases.

As reported by the Washington Times last December, the Revolutionary Guards had warned that any U.S. involvement in an attack on Iran would result in a missile attack on all U.S. bases in the region and terrorist attacks on U.S. interests worldwide, including in America. However, the Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had earlier announced that should America stay out of any conflict with Iran, it will be safe. The Basij report, however, directly warns America that even should it not militarily support an attack by Israel, its military bases within the Jewish state will be targeted.
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As for Iran, don't you think that American and Western interference in its politics in 1953 might justify some of Iran's reactions?

How long are the iran defenders going to be milking that BS for brownie points? Can the US attack the UK for burning the White House down in 1812? Its been 60 years, its time to get over it.

But that doesn't address why iran is allowed to fire rockets, send suicide bombers, and threaten israel - a nation it does not even share borders with. What exactly did israel do to iran that entitles iran to conduct these obscenities?

As for your statement, lets take it a step further: if iran is allowed a bit of hostility against the US for what Ike did in '53, what is israel allowed to do to iran for all of the casualties and terrorism it has suffered because of iran?

If there is any validity to your statement, then at this point if israel was to use 50 nuclear weapons on iran - one might consider it justified, using your claim, of course.
Iran threatens to respond, yes respond IF Israel bombs their country if Israel or America bombs. Do you get it? Did I help you? No Israeli attack no response

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