Iran now has weaponized drones...thanks to billions from Obama.


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
The Iranian drone recently shot down by IDF just days ago is likely the first of many to be coming their way in days to come. Scud missiles from years ago were unguided and hit randomly. These new weapons deploy smart bombs.

Drones Strapped with Smart Bombs

February 11, 2018
Iran is flush with cash thanks to the billions they have received since Obama’s landmark nuclear deal. Experts say it immediately gave Iran about $33.6 billion in liquid assets. With some of this money, they have mass-produced weaponized drones with smart bombs strapped to them. The drones are capable of precision attacks, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The weapons will be distributed to the brutal Revolutionary Guards as they wage war throughout the Middle East.


The Mohajer 6 can trace, intercept and demolish the target, according to Iran. The weapons can destroy fixed and mobile targets, day or night, and even infiltrate installations and facilities. The weapon was unveiled on state-controlled media outlets.

They will likely be deployed to Syria where Iranians have attacked U.S. soldiers.

Only yesterday, Iran initiated their first military operation against Israel with a drone modeled after U.S. technology. It is not known if it was weaponized.

Obama’s Funding of Iran Much Worse Than $1.7 Billion in Cash & Gold
The $1.7 billion in cash and gold, secreted in the dark of night, on planes piloted by the Revolutionary Guard, was only one of the failures of the nuclear deal.

According to written testimony from a respected non-partisan expert on Iran on September 8, 2016, the brilliant, sane Barack Hussein Obama may have facilitated as much as $33.6 billion to Iran in sanctions relief in cash and gold.

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies and Roubini Global Economics estimated that as much as $33.6 billion in cash, gold, and other precious metals might have been immediately available to the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism.

The problem with cash and precious metals is “the physical cross-border transportation of currency … [is] one of the main methods used to move illicit funds, launder money and finance terrorism.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that a senior administration official admitted that “some” of that money was repatriated in cash. This official claimed, “We had to find all these strange ways of delivering the monthly allotment.”

What exactly were these “strange ways”?

The monthly allotment to Iran was $700 million a month.

We also recently found out that Obama appears to have let Hezbollah continue their drug dealing and money laundering operations in the U.S. unimpeded.

Iran is frenemies with Al Qaeda despite religious differences because the common enemy – the Western World – must be smashed. We are in the midst of a worldwide jihad and all Islamic terror groups are all the same people.
I'm not a fan of Obama's by any stretch but.....

Are we SURE Obama didn't have the support and direction of deeper pocketed individuals?
Are we SURE that our elected officials act alone....or are there "influences" they cannot "refuse" ?

Has Donald Trump done "everything" he promised? Why not? What changed (or changed him?)

Maybe we're blaming the team players, when we should be looking for the coach?
I'm not a fan of Obama's by any stretch but.....

Are we SURE Obama didn't have the support and direction of deeper pocketed individuals?
Are we SURE that our elected officials act alone....or are there "influences" they cannot "refuse" ?

Has Donald Trump done "everything" he promised? Why not? What changed (or changed him?)

Maybe we're blaming the team players, when we should be looking for the coach?
You may be correct in saying that Obama was controlled by George Soros or some member of the Rothschild Illuminati oligarchy, but I doubt Trump strives to do their bidding. Obama hated America from his youth. His husband, Michael Obama hated America until he was elected President. Both of them hate America today. Both of them love their ill gotten wealth

Donald Trump has been obstructed by liberals, RINOs and useful idiots of the left in his efforts to fulfill his campaign promises. Trump loves America and could not possibly care less what the asshole Soros or the Rothschild Illuminati want to happen. He has all the money a sane man could ever need.
The Iranian drone recently shot down by IDF just days ago is likely the first of many to be coming their way in days to come. Scud missiles from years ago were unguided and hit randomly. These new weapons deploy smart bombs.

Drones Strapped with Smart Bombs

February 11, 2018
Iran is flush with cash thanks to the billions they have received since Obama’s landmark nuclear deal. Experts say it immediately gave Iran about $33.6 billion in liquid assets. With some of this money, they have mass-produced weaponized drones with smart bombs strapped to them. The drones are capable of precision attacks, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The weapons will be distributed to the brutal Revolutionary Guards as they wage war throughout the Middle East.


The Mohajer 6 can trace, intercept and demolish the target, according to Iran. The weapons can destroy fixed and mobile targets, day or night, and even infiltrate installations and facilities. The weapon was unveiled on state-controlled media outlets.

They will likely be deployed to Syria where Iranians have attacked U.S. soldiers.

Only yesterday, Iran initiated their first military operation against Israel with a drone modeled after U.S. technology. It is not known if it was weaponized.

Obama’s Funding of Iran Much Worse Than $1.7 Billion in Cash & Gold
The $1.7 billion in cash and gold, secreted in the dark of night, on planes piloted by the Revolutionary Guard, was only one of the failures of the nuclear deal.

According to written testimony from a respected non-partisan expert on Iran on September 8, 2016, the brilliant, sane Barack Hussein Obama may have facilitated as much as $33.6 billion to Iran in sanctions relief in cash and gold.

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies and Roubini Global Economics estimated that as much as $33.6 billion in cash, gold, and other precious metals might have been immediately available to the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism.

The problem with cash and precious metals is “the physical cross-border transportation of currency … [is] one of the main methods used to move illicit funds, launder money and finance terrorism.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that a senior administration official admitted that “some” of that money was repatriated in cash. This official claimed, “We had to find all these strange ways of delivering the monthly allotment.”

What exactly were these “strange ways”?

The monthly allotment to Iran was $700 million a month.

We also recently found out that Obama appears to have let Hezbollah continue their drug dealing and money laundering operations in the U.S. unimpeded.

Iran is frenemies with Al Qaeda despite religious differences because the common enemy – the Western World – must be smashed. We are in the midst of a worldwide jihad and all Islamic terror groups are all the same people.
. Might be time for Israel to wage total war on it's enemy. No more diplomacy, as we see where that has led. It's time for war, and the Iranian government will have caused it.
The Iranian drone recently shot down by IDF just days ago is likely the first of many to be coming their way in days to come. Scud missiles from years ago were unguided and hit randomly. These new weapons deploy smart bombs.

Drones Strapped with Smart Bombs

February 11, 2018
Iran is flush with cash thanks to the billions they have received since Obama’s landmark nuclear deal. Experts say it immediately gave Iran about $33.6 billion in liquid assets. With some of this money, they have mass-produced weaponized drones with smart bombs strapped to them. The drones are capable of precision attacks, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The weapons will be distributed to the brutal Revolutionary Guards as they wage war throughout the Middle East.


The Mohajer 6 can trace, intercept and demolish the target, according to Iran. The weapons can destroy fixed and mobile targets, day or night, and even infiltrate installations and facilities. The weapon was unveiled on state-controlled media outlets.

They will likely be deployed to Syria where Iranians have attacked U.S. soldiers.

Only yesterday, Iran initiated their first military operation against Israel with a drone modeled after U.S. technology. It is not known if it was weaponized.

Obama’s Funding of Iran Much Worse Than $1.7 Billion in Cash & Gold
The $1.7 billion in cash and gold, secreted in the dark of night, on planes piloted by the Revolutionary Guard, was only one of the failures of the nuclear deal.

According to written testimony from a respected non-partisan expert on Iran on September 8, 2016, the brilliant, sane Barack Hussein Obama may have facilitated as much as $33.6 billion to Iran in sanctions relief in cash and gold.

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies and Roubini Global Economics estimated that as much as $33.6 billion in cash, gold, and other precious metals might have been immediately available to the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism.

The problem with cash and precious metals is “the physical cross-border transportation of currency … [is] one of the main methods used to move illicit funds, launder money and finance terrorism.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that a senior administration official admitted that “some” of that money was repatriated in cash. This official claimed, “We had to find all these strange ways of delivering the monthly allotment.”

What exactly were these “strange ways”?

The monthly allotment to Iran was $700 million a month.

We also recently found out that Obama appears to have let Hezbollah continue their drug dealing and money laundering operations in the U.S. unimpeded.

Iran is frenemies with Al Qaeda despite religious differences because the common enemy – the Western World – must be smashed. We are in the midst of a worldwide jihad and all Islamic terror groups are all the same people.
Bush should have not let things get so bad with Iran. What will trump do? Nothing? Exactly
The Great Obama gave Iran back its money as a condition of them abandoning their nuclear program
According to written testimony from a respected non-partisan expert on Iran on September 8, 2016, the brilliant, sane Barack Hussein Obama may have facilitated as much as $33.6 billion to Iran in sanctions relief in cash and gold.
Ffs. The money was Iran's, owed to it by the US and paid off at a discount. Where on earth do these crackpots come from?
And let them have a nuke.

Trump wants to buy $1 trillion in new nukes. If the world let’s that nut have nukes why not Iran?

Has iran said some crazy things in the past? Have you heard our president?
According to written testimony from a respected non-partisan expert on Iran on September 8, 2016, the brilliant, sane Barack Hussein Obama may have facilitated as much as $33.6 billion to Iran in sanctions relief in cash and gold.
Ffs. The money was Iran's, owed to it by the US and paid off at a discount. Where on earth do these crackpots come from?
-------------------------------------------- USA had the money in the USA pocket . Giving the 'iranians' any money was a traitorous move CNM .
The Great Obama gave Iran back its money as a condition of them abandoning their nuclear program
. The greatest excuse for it that never delivered any results. Iran is laughing at us, but Trump is going to stop all the laughing at this country, because stupid mistakes like giving Iran (an enemy of this country), their money back to use against Israel and us won't be made again.
According to written testimony from a respected non-partisan expert on Iran on September 8, 2016, the brilliant, sane Barack Hussein Obama may have facilitated as much as $33.6 billion to Iran in sanctions relief in cash and gold.
Ffs. The money was Iran's, owed to it by the US and paid off at a discount. Where on earth do these crackpots come from?
And let them have a nuke.

Trump wants to buy $1 trillion in new nukes. If the world let’s that nut have nukes why not Iran?

Has iran said some crazy things in the past? Have you heard our president?
------------------------------------------- I guess that the TRUMP says , no nukes that can hit the USA . We will see what happens i guess Sealy .
The Great Obama gave Iran back its money as a condition of them abandoning their nuclear program
. The greatest excuse for it that never delivered any results. Iran is laughing at us, but Trump is going to stop all the laughing at this country, because stupid mistakes like giving Iran (an enemy of this country), their money back to use against Israel and us won't be made again.
Iran is complying with the terms of the agreement

Even Trump has certified they are
According to written testimony from a respected non-partisan expert on Iran on September 8, 2016, the brilliant, sane Barack Hussein Obama may have facilitated as much as $33.6 billion to Iran in sanctions relief in cash and gold.
Ffs. The money was Iran's, owed to it by the US and paid off at a discount. Where on earth do these crackpots come from?
-------------------------------------------- USA had the money in the USA pocket . Giving the 'iranians' any money was a traitorous move CNM .
If not clapping for trump is traitorous so is this.

Iran contra? Let’s dig up Reagan and hang him
I'm not a fan of Obama's by any stretch but.....

Are we SURE Obama didn't have the support and direction of deeper pocketed individuals?
Are we SURE that our elected officials act alone....or are there "influences" they cannot "refuse" ?

Has Donald Trump done "everything" he promised? Why not? What changed (or changed him?)

Maybe we're blaming the team players, when we should be looking for the coach?

The president is the coach, as close to the top as you can go, the one that signed the deal, coach Obable

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The Great Obama gave Iran back its money as a condition of them abandoning their nuclear program
. The greatest excuse for it that never delivered any results. Iran is laughing at us, but Trump is going to stop all the laughing at this country, because stupid mistakes like giving Iran (an enemy of this country), their money back to use against Israel and us won't be made again.
Iran is complying with the terms of the agreement

Even Trump has certified they are
. Not if they are continually waging war against Israel and our troops in the field. There should have never been and agreement. Nothing but demands, and if those demands weren't met, then actions taken. Yes, Trump has to deal with the idiotic cards he has been dealt by the stacked deck of the Obama administration, but the Iranians will draw the death card if they keep it up.
According to written testimony from a respected non-partisan expert on Iran on September 8, 2016, the brilliant, sane Barack Hussein Obama may have facilitated as much as $33.6 billion to Iran in sanctions relief in cash and gold.
Ffs. The money was Iran's, owed to it by the US and paid off at a discount. Where on earth do these crackpots come from?
And let them have a nuke.

Trump wants to buy $1 trillion in new nukes. If the world let’s that nut have nukes why not Iran?

Has iran said some crazy things in the past? Have you heard our president?
------------------------------------------- I guess that the TRUMP says , no nukes that can hit the USA . We will see what happens i guess Sealy .
They shouldn’t try it. We have an agreement. If they reneg I wonder if we would do anything? Republicans would call Obama’s weak but I bet they won’t do anything either.

The only thing I would approve of is either us or Israel taking out their nukes. Not another invasion. No way
I'm not a fan of Obama's by any stretch but.....

Are we SURE Obama didn't have the support and direction of deeper pocketed individuals?
Are we SURE that our elected officials act alone....or are there "influences" they cannot "refuse" ?

Has Donald Trump done "everything" he promised? Why not? What changed (or changed him?)

Maybe we're blaming the team players, when we should be looking for the coach?
And if Obama’s was the coach who’s the teams owners? Don’t say we the people.
The Great Obama gave Iran back its money as a condition of them abandoning their nuclear program
. The greatest excuse for it that never delivered any results. Iran is laughing at us, but Trump is going to stop all the laughing at this country, because stupid mistakes like giving Iran (an enemy of this country), their money back to use against Israel and us won't be made again.
Iran is complying with the terms of the agreement

Even Trump has certified they are
. Not if they are continually waging war against Israel and our troops in the field. There should have never been and agreement. Nothing but demands, and if those demands weren't met, then actions taken. Yes, Trump has to deal with the idiotic cards he has been dealt by the stacked deck of the Obama administration, but the Iranians will draw the death card if they keep it up.
Israel is not at war

We imposed sanctions and froze their assets in response to Iran developing a nuclear program

Now that they have abandoned the nukes.........why shouldn't sanctions be lifted and their money returned?
The Iranian drone recently shot down by IDF just days ago is likely the first of many to be coming their way in days to come. Scud missiles from years ago were unguided and hit randomly. These new weapons deploy smart bombs.

Drones Strapped with Smart Bombs

February 11, 2018
Iran is flush with cash thanks to the billions they have received since Obama’s landmark nuclear deal. Experts say it immediately gave Iran about $33.6 billion in liquid assets. With some of this money, they have mass-produced weaponized drones with smart bombs strapped to them. The drones are capable of precision attacks, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The weapons will be distributed to the brutal Revolutionary Guards as they wage war throughout the Middle East.


The Mohajer 6 can trace, intercept and demolish the target, according to Iran. The weapons can destroy fixed and mobile targets, day or night, and even infiltrate installations and facilities. The weapon was unveiled on state-controlled media outlets.

They will likely be deployed to Syria where Iranians have attacked U.S. soldiers.

Only yesterday, Iran initiated their first military operation against Israel with a drone modeled after U.S. technology. It is not known if it was weaponized.

Obama’s Funding of Iran Much Worse Than $1.7 Billion in Cash & Gold
The $1.7 billion in cash and gold, secreted in the dark of night, on planes piloted by the Revolutionary Guard, was only one of the failures of the nuclear deal.

According to written testimony from a respected non-partisan expert on Iran on September 8, 2016, the brilliant, sane Barack Hussein Obama may have facilitated as much as $33.6 billion to Iran in sanctions relief in cash and gold.

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies and Roubini Global Economics estimated that as much as $33.6 billion in cash, gold, and other precious metals might have been immediately available to the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism.

The problem with cash and precious metals is “the physical cross-border transportation of currency … [is] one of the main methods used to move illicit funds, launder money and finance terrorism.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that a senior administration official admitted that “some” of that money was repatriated in cash. This official claimed, “We had to find all these strange ways of delivering the monthly allotment.”

What exactly were these “strange ways”?

The monthly allotment to Iran was $700 million a month.

We also recently found out that Obama appears to have let Hezbollah continue their drug dealing and money laundering operations in the U.S. unimpeded.

Iran is frenemies with Al Qaeda despite religious differences because the common enemy – the Western World – must be smashed. We are in the midst of a worldwide jihad and all Islamic terror groups are all the same people.
Iran exports oil, they don't need our cash to make weapons. Btw, the election is over, please move on.
The Great Obama gave Iran back its money as a condition of them abandoning their nuclear program
. The greatest excuse for it that never delivered any results. Iran is laughing at us, but Trump is going to stop all the laughing at this country, because stupid mistakes like giving Iran (an enemy of this country), their money back to use against Israel and us won't be made again.
Iran is complying with the terms of the agreement

Even Trump has certified they are
. Not if they are continually waging war against Israel and our troops in the field. There should have never been and agreement. Nothing but demands, and if those demands weren't met, then actions taken. Yes, Trump has to deal with the idiotic cards he has been dealt by the stacked deck of the Obama administration, but the Iranians will draw the death card if they keep it up.
Israel is not at war

We imposed sanctions and froze their assets in response to Iran developing a nuclear program

Now that they have abandoned the nukes.........why shouldn't sanctions be lifted and their money returned?
. If they are confirmed to have abandoned the nukes, then Israel can handle Iran, so off with the kids gloves Israel if Iran is engaging in military operations across your borders.

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