That Iran country they sure have a lot of money to spend on drones

This thread is actually about IRAN

I referred to the SCS in a reply to gipper - that IMO, after screwing up and devastating the Middle-East for 70 years, the USA can't simply just pull out.
However the USA hasn't managed to provoke a war against China - nor to destabilize or to devastate the SCS (despite continuously giving their best), therefore the USA can pull out any time.

As for Asia or the SCS:

China hasn't attacked nor incited any war in the past 44 years !!! - why don't you check out the USA?? and where your horrendous state debt derives from?? Resulting in a Trump, begging/demanding that the European NATO members pay up for US hegemonic military spending's.

No one - not a single country in the SCS nor in Asia, has asked the USA for military assistance nor support towards China - but the USA is desperately trying to build a military alliance against China. Because the USA doesn't have the $$ anymore to maintain it's hegemonic interests against China. BTW; India, Canada and Australia are NOT even SCS countries, and WTF is some e.g. German or British navy frigate cruising around in the SCS for??

Has China hindered any merchant vessel from passing through? No NEVER.

That China is expanding it's influence and military presence at it's immediate doorsteps, aka the SCS is understood. (why according to you shouldn't they be allowed to do so)?? That the USA has sabotaged every single diplomatic/economic proposal of China, e.g. the Philippines for a joint exploration of natural resources is also a fact.
Therefore until today the Philippines aren't able to exploit natural resources to their benefit - due to a lack of financial and technical means - but order some silly aircraft from the USA and get "sponsored" to beef up their "ridiculous" Armed Forces - that even with the "active" assistance of the USA for the past 70 years isn't able to finish off piracy, and some ragtag Moro rebels and Jihadist groups !!!

Because the USA is "unable" to militarily handle these rebel ragtags?? or because they factually need them to continue hindering the Philippine government from becoming stable, and thus again maybe refusing the US to maintain military bases in the Philippines ??

The only thing Asian or SCS countries want from the USA, is your $$ and your market - nothing else.
China is threatening to invade Taiwan

Only the US presence in the region prevents them from carrying out that threat

In addition china is illegally claiming ownership of the entire sea in order to steal resources from its rightful owners, specifically Vietnam and the Phippines

That has resulted in violent clashes at sea between china and its neighbors

Previously china invaded Tibet and has engaged in genocide there

So your image of the peaceful, cuddly Panda Bear does not fit reality
Where are the Forum Outcasts to defend their support of Ethnic Cleansing , murdering women and children and general terrorist behaviour ?
Have even these bigots dampened their enthusiasm for supporting a Fascist Israeli Government led by the Hitler impersonator Adolf Nutty Yahoo?
Are you a From the River to the Sea person?
Absolutely .
300 yards from the English Channel with lovely rivers flowing into it both east and west of me .
Reminds me of lovely Gaza by the sea until the vermin devastated it in their hunt for Oil and natural Gas
Although you dodged the question I think I got my answer

You want to see the Jewish state destroyed
China is threatening to invade Taiwan
They have NEVER done that - it's pure false and misleading propaganda, endlessly spread by the USA and it's Western smurfs.

China just like former West-Germany and today's South-Korea (and even Taiwan) have/had embedded the irrevocable goal of "reunification" in their Constitution.
It was only upon Taiwan's government, publicizing it's intentions to declare independence (continuously incited by the USA and it's Western smurfs) that Xi publicly stated; - in the event of Taiwan declaring independence, that China will not hesitate to use it's military to prevent such a move.

Xi never stated that he will use military force to enforce a reunification as such - that is pure twisted Western bull. And absolutely no one in China is interested to wage a war, aka to kill their own countrymen just to enforce a reunification that would only ensure absolute political power (Since Taiwan as such already belongs to China, and only a China is represented in and by the UN). However to prevent US military installations and troops on an independent Taiwan - you can bet your life, onto China never going to allow for that. (and that is why the USA and it's Western smurfs are trying so desperately to incite, exactly that scenario).

According to your mindset - it would be perfectly okay for China to guarantee the e.g. local Hawaiian, Texas or Puerto Rica government administrations to militarily assist them in case the USA would militarily intervene to suppress/hinder their independence aspirations.
Only the US presence in the region prevents them from carrying out that threat
There is no active nor imminent military threat from China - however the USA and it's Western smurfs are trying desperately to INCITE a military confrontation with China.
In addition china is illegally claiming ownership of the entire sea in order to steal resources from its rightful owners, specifically Vietnam and the Phippines
To resolve the matter of disputes in the SCS - the respective parties need to come up with their own solutions - that fits and benefits all sides.
The USA is not a SCS country and isn't even a signatory to UNCLOS - guess why?? Therefore the SCS dispute is none of their business. And as stated before, not a single SCS nor Asian country has offically asked/requested military help from the USA to oppose or to defend itsself against China - it is solely the USA that pushes to ingratiate and curry favor by itsself.
ASEAN wasn't founded nor is it under the command of the USA - unlike NATO.
That has resulted in violent clashes at sea between china and its neighbors
Yes - but solely or always only provoked by China?
You obviously are not acquainted with e.g. Taiwan's navy and Coast guard -"battling" it out with the other SCS countries. Nor e.g. with Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, South-Korea and Japan having constant goes at each other. Taiwan (12 dash line) even claims more of the SCS then China (9 dash line). Due to Mao having given disputed territory to Vietnam in the 60'ies. (Which Taiwan has not recognized!!).

What about the Iceland/Britain Cod war? and still disputed territory claims until today?? Does the PLAN or Chinese Coast Guard need to go there to e.g. help Iceland? Or help to settle territorial disputes and the right of free passage between Cuba and the USA?
Previously china invaded Tibet and has engaged in genocide there
There is no proof whatsoever about China having committed genocide in Tibet - total bull. China "freed" Tibetans from slavery and servitude - upheld by their religious and aristocratic classes for a thousand years. Tibet today is a hell of a rich and developed province. That China controls religious propaganda and opposes the Tibetan clergy in India from regaining their former slaves is true.

BTW - the reason for Mao to "integrate Tibet" was simply due to the British and CIA attempts to get India into occupying Tibet. if not for the latter Tibetans might still be free to slavery and servitude by their religious and aristocratic elites.
So your image of the peaceful, cuddly Panda Bear does not fit reality
This peaceful, cuddly Panda Bear hasn't attacked any country nor incited any wars in the past 44 years!! Because they abolished Communism and thus Communist hegemonic interests in 1980!! Again, instead of raising and forwarding incorrect arguments why don't you refer to what the USA has done since 1980?

As for "reality" why do you think that no one "liked" nor likes the respective US governments (not talking about common Americans). It's only the Western governments and their reigning smurfs that keep supporting US hegemonic interests, when they share the same hegemonic interests. E.g. Ukraine. Once the US interests however collide with those of these Western smurfs - "propagated harmony" is immediately replaced with sanctions, embargoes, trade tariffs and leveraging the UN towards each others favor. Right down to e.g. NATO members attacking Libya but the USA refusing military involvement.

If you got a personal problem with China (1.4 billion people) displacing the USA (350 million people) off their #1 Global Hegemonic military and economic position - then just say so. I might even agree with you.
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Hamas is responsible for all the arab deaths in Gaza by attacking Israel first
The Israel-Palestinian issues didn't start on Oct. 2023.

Hamas is indeed responsible for having caused around 700 civilians getting killed in Israel in October - and around 350 IDF personal.
However Israel aka solely the Zionists are responsibly for having caused/initiated the Palestinian issue, latest by 1948 - that so far has cost the lives of around 60,000 Palestinian civilians and displaced around 5 million Palestinians. As opposed to around 3000 Israeli civilians killed and none displaced.
They have NEVER done that - it's pure false and misleading propaganda, endlessly spread by the USA and it's Western smurfs.

China just like former West-Germany and today's South-Korea (and even Taiwan) have/had embedded the irrevocable goal of "reunification" in their Constitution.
It was only upon Taiwan's government, publicizing it's intentions to declare independence (continuously incited by the USA and it's Western smurfs) that Xi publicly stated; - in the event of Taiwan declaring independence, that China will not hesitate to use it's military to prevent such a move.

Xi never stated that he will use military force to enforce a reunification as such - that is pure twisted Western bull. And absolutely no one in China is interested to wage a war, aka to kill their own countrymen just to enforce a reunification that would only ensure absolute political power (Since Taiwan as such already belongs to China, and only a China is represented in and by the UN). However to prevent US military installations and troops on an independent Taiwan - you can bet your life, onto China never going to allow for that. (and that is why the USA and it's Western smurfs are trying so desperately to incite, exactly that scenario).

According to your mindset - it would be perfectly okay for China to guarantee the e.g. local Hawaiian, Texas or Puerto Rica government administrations to militarily assist them in case the USA would militarily intervene to suppress/hinder their independence aspirations.

There is no active nor imminent military threat from China - however the USA and it's Western smurfs are trying desperately to INCITE a military confrontation with China.

To resolve the matter of disputes in the SCS - the respective parties need to come up with their own solutions - that fits and benefits all sides.
The USA is not a SCS country and isn't even a signatory to UNCLOS - guess why?? Therefore the SCS dispute is none of their business. And as stated before, not a single SCS nor Asian country has offically asked/requested military help from the USA to oppose or to defend itsself against China - it is solely the USA that pushes to ingratiate and curry favor by itsself.
ASEAN wasn't founded nor is it under the command of the USA - unlike NATO.

Yes - but solely or always only provoked by China?
You obviously are not acquainted with e.g. Taiwan's navy and Coast guard -"battling" it out with the other SCS countries. Nor e.g. with Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, South-Korea and Japan having constant goes at each other. Taiwan (12 dash line) even claims more of the SCS then China (9 dash line). Due to Mao having given disputed territory to Vietnam in the 60'ies. (Which Taiwan has not recognized!!).

What about the Iceland/Britain Cod war? and still disputed territory claims until today?? Does the PLAN or Chinese Coast Guard need to go there to e.g. help Iceland? Or help to settle territorial disputes and the right of free passage between Cuba and the USA?

There is no proof whatsoever about China having committed genocide in Tibet - total bull. China "freed" Tibetans from slavery and servitude - upheld by their religious and aristocratic classes for a thousand years. Tibet today is a hell of a rich and developed province. That China controls religious propaganda and opposes the Tibetan clergy in India from regaining their former slaves is true.

BTW - the reason for Mao to "integrate Tibet" was simply due to the British and CIA attempts to get India into occupying Tibet. if not for the latter Tibetans might still be free to slavery and servitude by their religious and aristocratic elites.

This peaceful, cuddly Panda Bear hasn't attacked any country nor incited any wars in the past 44 years!! Because they abolished Communism and thus Communist hegemonic interests in 1980!! Again, instead of raising and forwarding incorrect arguments why don't you refer to what the USA has done since 1980?

As for "reality" why do you think that no one "liked" nor likes the respective US governments (not talking about common Americans). It's only the Western governments and their reigning smurfs that keep supporting US hegemonic interests, when they share the same hegemonic interests. E.g. Ukraine. Once the US interests however collide with those of these Western smurfs - "propagated harmony" is immediately replaced with sanctions, embargoes, trade tariffs and leveraging the UN towards each others favor. Right down to e.g. NATO members attacking Libya but the USA refusing military involvement.

If you got a personal problem with China (1.4 billion people) displacing the USA (350 million people) off their #1 Global Hegemonic military and economic position - then just say so. I might even agree with you.
Do you get paid by the word?

And are the checks in RMB or Rubles?

The coalition of free countries aligning against china proves that the propaganda you are giving us is just that - propaganda
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Hamas is responsible for all the arab deaths in Gaza by attacking Israel first
lol. Do you get this stupidity from Fox News?

I guess if it helps you ignore the massive death toll and sleep at night, good for you.
They have NEVER done that - it's pure false and misleading propaganda, endlessly spread by the USA and it's Western smurfs.

China just like former West-Germany and today's South-Korea (and even Taiwan) have/had embedded the irrevocable goal of "reunification" in their Constitution.
It was only upon Taiwan's government, publicizing it's intentions to declare independence (continuously incited by the USA and it's Western smurfs) that Xi publicly stated; - in the event of Taiwan declaring independence, that China will not hesitate to use it's military to prevent such a move.

Xi never stated that he will use military force to enforce a reunification as such - that is pure twisted Western bull. And absolutely no one in China is interested to wage a war, aka to kill their own countrymen just to enforce a reunification that would only ensure absolute political power (Since Taiwan as such already belongs to China, and only a China is represented in and by the UN). However to prevent US military installations and troops on an independent Taiwan - you can bet your life, onto China never going to allow for that. (and that is why the USA and it's Western smurfs are trying so desperately to incite, exactly that scenario).

According to your mindset - it would be perfectly okay for China to guarantee the e.g. local Hawaiian, Texas or Puerto Rica government administrations to militarily assist them in case the USA would militarily intervene to suppress/hinder their independence aspirations.

There is no active nor imminent military threat from China - however the USA and it's Western smurfs are trying desperately to INCITE a military confrontation with China.

To resolve the matter of disputes in the SCS - the respective parties need to come up with their own solutions - that fits and benefits all sides.
The USA is not a SCS country and isn't even a signatory to UNCLOS - guess why?? Therefore the SCS dispute is none of their business. And as stated before, not a single SCS nor Asian country has offically asked/requested military help from the USA to oppose or to defend itsself against China - it is solely the USA that pushes to ingratiate and curry favor by itsself.
ASEAN wasn't founded nor is it under the command of the USA - unlike NATO.

Yes - but solely or always only provoked by China?
You obviously are not acquainted with e.g. Taiwan's navy and Coast guard -"battling" it out with the other SCS countries. Nor e.g. with Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, South-Korea and Japan having constant goes at each other. Taiwan (12 dash line) even claims more of the SCS then China (9 dash line). Due to Mao having given disputed territory to Vietnam in the 60'ies. (Which Taiwan has not recognized!!).

What about the Iceland/Britain Cod war? and still disputed territory claims until today?? Does the PLAN or Chinese Coast Guard need to go there to e.g. help Iceland? Or help to settle territorial disputes and the right of free passage between Cuba and the USA?

There is no proof whatsoever about China having committed genocide in Tibet - total bull. China "freed" Tibetans from slavery and servitude - upheld by their religious and aristocratic classes for a thousand years. Tibet today is a hell of a rich and developed province. That China controls religious propaganda and opposes the Tibetan clergy in India from regaining their former slaves is true.

BTW - the reason for Mao to "integrate Tibet" was simply due to the British and CIA attempts to get India into occupying Tibet. if not for the latter Tibetans might still be free to slavery and servitude by their religious and aristocratic elites.

This peaceful, cuddly Panda Bear hasn't attacked any country nor incited any wars in the past 44 years!! Because they abolished Communism and thus Communist hegemonic interests in 1980!! Again, instead of raising and forwarding incorrect arguments why don't you refer to what the USA has done since 1980?

As for "reality" why do you think that no one "liked" nor likes the respective US governments (not talking about common Americans). It's only the Western governments and their reigning smurfs that keep supporting US hegemonic interests, when they share the same hegemonic interests. E.g. Ukraine. Once the US interests however collide with those of these Western smurfs - "propagated harmony" is immediately replaced with sanctions, embargoes, trade tariffs and leveraging the UN towards each others favor. Right down to e.g. NATO members attacking Libya but the USA refusing military involvement.

If you got a personal problem with China (1.4 billion people) displacing the USA (350 million people) off their #1 Global Hegemonic military and economic position - then just say so. I might even agree with you.
You’re trying to inform an ignoramus. It seldom works.
lol. Do you get this stupidity from Fox News?

I guess if it helps you ignore the massive death toll and sleep at night, good for you.
What do you expect when Hamas embeds itself within the civilian population?

Your plan leaves the terrorists free to attack Israel and the IDF unable to respond
What do you expect when Hamas embeds itself within the civilian population?

Your plan leaves the terrorists free to attack Israel and the IDF unable to respond
You idiot! You know nothing about Gaza. 2.5 million people crammed in a small area. Think!


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