Iowa approves same sex marriage

No you haven't, you only proved that you were using a mislabeled idea to justify hating the majority. The majority is the one that gave rights to blacks and freed the slaves, the majority gave the rights to women, and the majority released the Japanese from the internment camps set up by the minority. Tyranny is when a minority controls the majority through arbitrary laws, you cannot mix the two as they are polar opposites. You posted some wki-crapedia link like that makes it fact, then recoil when I pointed out how the link is all crap. You have been conned by your own con, and because of it are hurting your own argument more.

You're going to have to think again, dear. The Wikipedia link was posted for politically ignorant individuals such as yourself unfamiliar with political theory and philosophy...obviously not a course of action that even began to address that ignorance. Now, the blatantly obvious difference between majority rule on the aforementioned issues (which was not as clear-cut as you depict it, for that matter), and a majority ruling against legalization of gay marriage is that clear forms of authoritarian tyranny were prevented through the outlet of majority rule in those cases. In this case no establishment of authoritarian tyranny is prevented by a majority rule. What conceivable authoritarian tyranny is imposed on the majority through legalization of gay marriage? Certainly not one equivalent to the prohibition of gay marriage. So whilst the means of slavery, racism, etc. prevention happened to be majority rule, the nature of their prevention did not alter their initial tyranny. If the majority had opposed such liberation efforts, that would certainly not strip those forms of oppression of their tyranny.

The only flaw the opposition has is that they think the SC is being tyrannical, which would fit if it was completely true. This is because they are not seeing it from the courts side not because they are trying to make arbitrary rules dictating a majority. The courts are saying it's up to the majority to decide what contracts they will allow, and that the courts will enforce these contracts without prejudice. You missed the point and went off on some "anti-government", "anti-American" crap just to derail the thread and turn it into a debate about some fucked up conspiracy bullshit while insulting people who were participating on BOTH sides of the argument. That my friend is trolling, it is not debate, it isn't even discussion, it's trolling, plain and simple. Get over yourself you douchebag.

It occurs to really don't know jack shit about what you're talking about, do you? :cuckoo:

Just as with your ignorance and dismissal of empirical evidence when I expounded on the issue of Wal-Marts' effects on county-wide poverty and wages, some preconceived ideological notions of yours are floated out, and you then react hostilely to actual arguments made in opposition to them. We've addressed the nature of alleged "tyranny" of the minority...learn to distinguish between ends and means. Here is what you must answer: How is the legalization of gay marriage by a minority a more tyrannical imposition than its prohibition by a majority? What form of tyranny is imposed on the majority through the legalization of gay marriage that is equivalent to or greater than the form of tyranny imposed on the minority through its prohibition? Legalization of victimless "crimes" (and a derivative such as this one), are by their very nature a reduction of authoritarianism from their previous prohibition.

Another moron heard from. There is no Constitutional right to marriage. Go sit in the corner with agna. He needs someone to take care of the wounds KK is inflicting on his punk ass.

Guppy, are you always this delusional? :lol:

Good case, but then would it seriously make much of a difference compared to todays youth?

How intriguing...I'm curious to know what's being referred to here. Please provide we lowly rabble with specific details.
Good post, Luissa.

The three posters on this thread that have posted negative propaganda about gay people are in the minority, which was basically what I was trying to show by posting this thread to begin with. Most people don't obsess over what other people do in their bedrooms and more and more people can't see a reason why consenting adults shouldn't be allowed the same contractual benefits no matter what their gender.

It obviously drives Cesspool, Pubic and Rod crazy, but that's just a side benefit.

Sure voicing opinions and instances in life you have seen or experienced is propaganda. Driving me crazy, nah. I know some very nice gay people. I don't hang with them but then again I do not hang around with very many people on a continual basis.

I do believe if marraige is redefined and everyone gets to call whatever they want a family. Then anyone who has a family member living with them should reap all these benefits equally too. Why put any restrictions on any of it. Let us treat everyone as equals. We can start communes and when whoever is the bread winner is working or disabled can let all the family members tag SSI, work related medical insurance, etc... We could solve a portion of the national health care problem by treating everyone as a family unit with no restrictions.
Neither I, nor Cic have said that two people of the same gender that love each other are deviants...

In my case I love my Father... he's of the same gender... I love my Sons... each of the same gender as I... all return my love for them... Nothing twisted there...

I love my uncles... all of that lot are of the male persuasion... and they love me...

I have NUMEROUS other men that I love which are NOT blood kin... I'd lay down my life for any of them... as I am sure they would for me...

Where's the deviancy? I don't see it... maybe you'll show me the way home.

The abnormality is in the desire for sexual graitification from those of the same gender...

And frankly while I don't agree with that, I honestly don't give a damn... it's their asshole and if they're up for eternal anal bleeding, why on EARTH would I care?


Yet you demand social acceptance for your deviant and almost illegal behavior. I say we need to put all BDSM supporters on an island ... and nuke it. They are vile rapists, torturers, and nothing close to human ... BDSM practices are responsible for more deaths, disease, and psychological trauma than any other behavior, and that is proven fact, not circumstantial in any way.

... so ... care to grow a brain on this or continue to prove you are just covering up your vile behavior toward other people. Oh, and BDSM parents always have very violent and ill adjusted children, many turn out to be psychopaths.

I demand what for whuh?

ROFLMNAO... Look sis, I've never demanded anyone accept anything I do... or anything I say...

There's no record of me having ever required that the culture accomodate my kinks; I go along to get along; and where I'm being 'naughty'... I keep it to myself... I don't need you to accept my lifestyle... I don't seek you permission to marry who I want; I don't need to know that you accept me... PERIOD.

I am... and that's all you need to know.

I go about my life exercising my rights to the extent of my means without infringing on the means of others to exercise their rights... and I don't ask other people to change their life so that I can feel better about me...

And I require the same from others...

Marriage is a Union of TWO PEOPLE of the opposite Gender and that's not going to change because some losers are insecure in who they are and need to feel that they're the same as everyone else DESPITE THEIR STARK DISIMILARITIES...

And if you and the girls don't like that... I'm perfectly fine with your discontent.

Hey genius, thanks so much for the neg rep, I'll take that as a compliment coming from you! :thup:

Speaking of "limited intellect" -- Actually you DO seek permission to get married as you are required to obtain a license from the state in order for it to be legally recognized.

Excluding certain individuals who wish to seek that same license IS infringing on their rights. Just because you fantasize about gays needing your personal acceptance, it's not about your opinion, it's about LEGAL recognition.

When the law finally makes things right and those couples who ALREADY exists have fair legal recognition, they will be perfectly fine with YOUR discontent.
BDSM stands for Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, and Sadism and Masochism. And no, they aren't rapists or torturers, nor are they responsible for any significant number of deaths, diseases, or psychological trauma. As a matter of fact, some of the mentally healthiest and happiest people I know are members of this community.

The childrens grandparents had neighbors that were into that stuff.

LOL... OH! Now... uhg... NOT PLEASANT! SOMEONE NEEDS TO ERASE THAT FROM MY MIND~ PLEASE... NO more stories about leather clad , red butted grandparents... I know ya said neighbors... but... Uhh... no more...

This will take your mind off it.
No he is gay. Still is. My children were on his radar when he was about 12/13 years old.

Well, in all fairness to homosexuals, although they have a much higher percentage of child molesters than the heterosexual community does, .
this a myth made up by right wing wack jobs! Because they assume when they go after a boy they associate them with being homosexuals when in reality pedophile is a seperate sexual prefernce for one and they don't always go after the same sex if they do choose an adult partner.

Sorry, sweetie, but the only myth here is the one where pedophilia cancels out homosexuality. If you're sexually attracted to the same sex as yourself, you're a homosexual. If those same-sex people are underage, then you're a homosexual pedophile. Period. Deal with it. Saying that you can't be both homosexual and a pedophile is like saying you can't be both homosexual and into S/M. They aren't mutually exclusive.

"Adoption expert, Carrie Craft cites the Child Welfare Information Gateway (previously National Adoption Information Clearinghouse) as stating, "A child's risk of being molested by his or her relatives' heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." The study also found that of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. The American Psychological Association agrees, "Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children."
Gay Men and Child Molestation: Myth or Fact?

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Ooh, wow. You found a homosexual propaganda site to deny any possibility that homosexuals can be just as sick and perverted as anyone else on the planet. Good for you. Maybe now you can find a tinfoil hat website to "prove" to us that space aliens live among us. It'll have about the same weight and credibility. :cuckoo:
Most pedophiles are queers too. The queers want to have sexual relations with children because children are defenseless. Queers are sick, deviant, perverted, abominations.
What do you expect from a bunch of dumb as a brick pig farmers?

I'm not really sure seven highly educated, State Supreme Court judges count as a "bunch of dumb as a brick pig farmers."

But it's nice to know what you think of those who disagree with your archaic opinions. Now go watch Hee-Haw reruns while reading your New King James version of the "New" Testament and stfu.

W O W. Never thought THIS would happen... I agree with DavidS.

Except the 'stfu' part ...

I'm UBER GAYabout this ruling. Yeee fucking HAAAWWW...
Sorry, sweetie, but the only myth here is the one where pedophilia cancels out homosexuality. If you're sexually attracted to the same sex as yourself, you're a homosexual. If those same-sex people are underage, then you're a homosexual pedophile.

See how black-and-white her thinking is? It explains why she needs a Bible to cling to -- it's written in absolutes. Do this and this will happen. If you do A, B will happen.

What she doesn't realize is that there can be straight people who have homosexual tendencies and homosexual people who have heterosexual tendencies. It isn't so black-and-white. Oh and there are bi-sexuals, transgenders... I mean, you name it.

Life isn't so black and white - but the brain of a social conservative can't understand grey areas. They're just not intelligent enough - they can only understand A or B, C or D... nothing in between. It's rather sad.
Most pedophiles are queers too. The queers want to have sexual relations with children because children are defenseless. Queers are sick, deviant, perverted, abominations.

Is that your personal testimony?
Most pedophiles are queers too. The queers want to have sexual relations with children because children are defenseless. Queers are sick, deviant, perverted, abominations.

No, dumbass, most pedophiles are heterosexual because most PEOPLE are heterosexual. Don't they teach math up there?
This mental illness, and scurge called Homosexuality must be criminalized in America, as it is in many other
countries of the world. Homosexuals are sexual deviants, and are people who are often mentally deranged. These people should be incarcerated , as they also have a lot of incurrable diseases.
America must move to criminalize Homosexuality.
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Well, in all fairness to homosexuals, although they have a much higher percentage of child molesters than the heterosexual community does, .
this a myth made up by right wing wack jobs! Because they assume when they go after a boy they associate them with being homosexuals when in reality pedophile is a seperate sexual prefernce for one and they don't always go after the same sex if they do choose an adult partner.

Sorry, sweetie, but the only myth here is the one where pedophilia cancels out homosexuality. If you're sexually attracted to the same sex as yourself, you're a homosexual. If those same-sex people are underage, then you're a homosexual pedophile. Period. Deal with it. Saying that you can't be both homosexual and a pedophile is like saying you can't be both homosexual and into S/M. They aren't mutually exclusive.

"Adoption expert, Carrie Craft cites the Child Welfare Information Gateway (previously National Adoption Information Clearinghouse) as stating, "A child's risk of being molested by his or her relatives' heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." The study also found that of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. The American Psychological Association agrees, "Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children."
Gay Men and Child Molestation: Myth or Fact?

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Ooh, wow. You found a homosexual propaganda site to deny any possibility that homosexuals can be just as sick and perverted as anyone else on the planet. Good for you. Maybe now you can find a tinfoil hat website to "prove" to us that space aliens live among us. It'll have about the same weight and credibility. :cuckoo:
so by your logic since girls are molested more than boys that would be more heterosexuals molest children than homosexuals. Maybe you should have also seen who they sited for their facts. I also guess UC Davis is just one homosexual propaganda machine. And the only websites I could find stating homosexuals are more likely to molest children were either conservative blogs or religious sites.
Well, in all fairness to homosexuals, although they have a much higher percentage of child molesters than the heterosexual community does, .
this a myth made up by right wing wack jobs! Because they assume when they go after a boy they associate them with being homosexuals when in reality pedophile is a seperate sexual prefernce for one and they don't always go after the same sex if they do choose an adult partner.

Sorry, sweetie, but the only myth here is the one where pedophilia cancels out homosexuality. If you're sexually attracted to the same sex as yourself, you're a homosexual. If those same-sex people are underage, then you're a homosexual pedophile. Period. Deal with it. Saying that you can't be both homosexual and a pedophile is like saying you can't be both homosexual and into S/M. They aren't mutually exclusive.

"Adoption expert, Carrie Craft cites the Child Welfare Information Gateway (previously National Adoption Information Clearinghouse) as stating, "A child's risk of being molested by his or her relatives' heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." The study also found that of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. The American Psychological Association agrees, "Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children."
Gay Men and Child Molestation: Myth or Fact?

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Ooh, wow. You found a homosexual propaganda site to deny any possibility that homosexuals can be just as sick and perverted as anyone else on the planet. Good for you. Maybe now you can find a tinfoil hat website to "prove" to us that space aliens live among us. It'll have about the same weight and credibility. :cuckoo:
here is some more facts sweetie!

The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet. Studies conducted by the FBI have shown that pornography is extremely influential in the actions of sex offenders and serial murders. Further, statistics show that 90 percent of the predators who molest children have had some type of involvement with pornography. According to Charles Keating of Citizens for Decency Through Law, research reveals that 77% of child molesters of boys and 87% of child molesters of girls admitted imitating the sexual behavior they had seen in pornography they had watched. Roughly 33% of girls and 14% of boys are molested before the age of 18, according to the U.S. Justice Department

Child Molestation Statistics

1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 18. (96)
1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18. (96

Statistics, Prevalence and Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse

B. Gay Adults Do Not Present a Heightened Danger of Sexual Abuse.

One manifestation of prejudice has been the allegation that gay men pose a particular danger to children. However, all available research data and clinical experience indicates that gay men are not more likely than heterosexual men to sexually abuse children. A study of children seen for sexual abuse in a one-year period at a Denver children's hospital, for example, found that less than one percent of the identified adult offenders were gay or lesbian. Of the 219 abused girls, only one instance of abuse had been attributed to a lesbian. Of the 50 abused boys, only one instance of abuse had been attributed to a gay man. In contrast, 88 percent of the offenders had documented heterosexual relationships and most were heterosexual partners of a family member (77 percent of those who abused the girls and 74 percent of those who abused the boys).35/

One source of confusion in this area is that many men who sexually abuse boys are not themselves homosexual. Rather, they are attracted, entirely or predominately, to children. These men have never developed a mature sexual orientation, either heterosexual or homosexual.36/ One study of 175 adult males who had been convicted in Massachusetts for sexual assault of a child found that 47 percent were exclusively interested in children, 40 percent were regressed heterosexuals, and 13 percent were regressed bisexuals.37/ None had an exclusively homosexual orientation, and none of those who were bisexual were primarily attracted to men.38/

Assertions to the contrary by Family Research Council and others cannot be considered reliable. These amici seriously mischaracterize research39/ and rely on dubious sources.40/ Their presumption that homosexual men are pedophiles is contrary to the legitimate research in the field, just as any such presumption about heterosexual men would be.41/

PsycLAW: Boys Scouts of America v. Dale Amicus Brief

I guess also the APA has a homosexual agenda also!
If you're sexually attracted to the same sex as yourself, you're a homosexual. If those same-sex people are underage, then you're a homosexual pedophile. Period. Deal with it.

That's inaccurate. Homosexual "attraction" to the "underage" can also constitute nepiophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia, or mere homosexuality, for that matter.