Iodine you parental gov. took it out of everything & you wonder why your so ill


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Here are a few informative videos with talking point about IODINE why we need it how taking it out kept ppl sick for big pharma. It is amazing how many ppl fall sucker to a Gov. we are suppose to trust with our lives right.

Well the sooner peopel realize the Medical industry is out to keep you sick it makes them money.

A good doctor is obviously not about this..........

They took it out of salt 1967 do your research...

I did not just learn this today either it's been known to me for years and years......... it's getting the sheep to understand why in the FK you feel ill, tired, sick, have certain cancers etc.

This guy is a Doctor, Dr. Group

Really? The government has taken iodine out of our diet? Hate to tell the OP, but it's present in not only salt, but is also added to the grain that dairy cows eat, as well as is added to the milk. For other iodine rich foods, click on the link.

The OP is out of her mind (as usual), but what can you expect from someone who thinks that InfoWars is a credible source?

9 Healthy Foods That Are Rich in Iodine

The amount of iodine in milk and dairy differs greatly based on the iodine content in the cattle feed and the use of iodine-containing disinfectants during milking (13).

A comprehensive study measured the iodine content in 18 different brands of milk sold in the Boston area. It found that all 18 brands had at least 88 mcg in 1 cup (8 ounces) of milk. Some brands even contained up to 168 mcg in one cup (14).

Based on these results, 1 cup of milk can provide 59–112% of the recommended daily amount of iodine.

Yogurt is also a good dairy source of iodine. One cup of plain yogurt provides approximately half of the daily recommended amount (6).

The amount of iodine in cheese varies depending on the type.

Cottage cheese is one of the best sources of iodine. One cup of cottage cheese provides 65 mcg, while one ounce of cheddar cheese provides about 12 mcg (15).

Summary Although the exact amount of iodine in dairy products varies, milk, yogurt and cheese are major sources of it in the American diet.
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4. Iodized Salt

Currently, both iodized and uniodized salt are sold in the United States.

The addition of iodine in table salt began in the US in the early 1920s to help decrease the occurrence of goiters, or swelling of the thyroid gland (16).

There is approximately 71 mcg of iodine in 1/4 teaspoon of iodized salt, which is 47% of the daily recommended intake. However, salt also contains sodium (6, 17).

In the last few decades, iodine intake has decreased in the US. This is likely due to the push of major health organizations to restrict daily sodium intake to prevent or treat high blood pressure.

Nevertheless, salt only seems to raise blood pressure in salt-sensitive individuals, which is about 25% of the population (16, 18).

Summary Iodized and uniodized salt are commonly sold in grocery stores. Consuming 1/2 teaspoon of iodized salt per day provides enough iodine to prevent a deficiency.
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The Top 5 Reasons You Need Nascent Iodine 1. Iodine is an essential mineral that supports thyroid health, the immune system, the central nervous system, and metabolic well-being. 2. The body is able to absorb and utilize nascent iodine easier and better than other forms of iodine. 3. Nascent iodine supports healthy iodine levels. 4. Nascent iodine supports healthy hormone levels. 5. Nascent iodine improves insulin sensitivity and helps regulate blood sugar.

Some choose to INFORM themselves rather than rely solely on the Medical Gods who htink they know everything and they don't.
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My salt has iodine.

Iodine in Salt: Why Is It Added?
Most kitchen cupboards in the United States probably contain a box of iodized salt. Most salts sold in supermarkets display on the label, “This salt supplies iodine, a necessary nutrient.” But do you know why the iodine in salt is added?

Tiny amounts of several different iodine-containing salts are added to table salt since the common American diet provides very little. Iodized Salt can be damaging though.

Iodine in Salt: Why Is It Added?
I wonder if Blind Whore (Mind Wars) is shilling for Jones and his crappy products that he sells on his show? How much do you think she makes?

I'm guessing he pays her in conspiracy theories.
lack of Iodine has lowered the IQ of people..

Darling Mindwars I love you but do not push this shit on us

I get my iodine from my salt ok? supermarket salt ok???????????

give this a rest darling

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