Which side of center do you figure still doesn't get it?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Look what's happened the last five years, and wow was the Rittenhouse case rich. A guy has to wonder where's the secret?

A. Russia Gate: How'd that turn out considering their operation was a fabrication and projection too? Obama & Clinton people were behind it and they raped the system, including to circumvent our sitting president. Nixon's Watergate pales in comparison to what the left had done.

B. "Trump is RACIST". They triggered that one by misquoting Trump under Charlottesville Va. and to this day some people still believe it.

C. Kavanaugh: How about that one? Reliving Clarence Thomas was the only option they had, and they took it.

D. "Trump is a liar". Aint that rich, because look what we ended up with in Biden & Harris, there's not an original bone in their bodies.

E. First impeachment: Yeah sure, they needed a reason and any will do. Trump did less than Biden in Ukraine, but they ended up "electing" Biden anyway.

F. The repulsive man puts children "in cages" and walls are naughty. Wait, Obama and Biden put children "in cages" and Biden & Harris have contributed to the southern mess.

G. Trump is responsible for COVID. Aint that rich, because he didn't have the one year of experience Biden did, nor the vaccine, yet there have been more cases and deaths on Bidens watch or will be soon enough, especially with winter approaching. Who says they're rational?

H. Trump is reason for unrest and RACISM. How about those incidents the left provoked for riots because it's an election year because COVID might not be enough? I guess we're supposed to take on faith their fabricated stories and edited videos aimed to provoke this stuff are unintentional.

I. Exploitation of COVID. Interesting how Biden and Democrats lifted restrictions in MAY 2021 despite there were twice the cases than MAY 2020.

J. Biden rec'd 81 Million votes. Sure. Trump gets all the support while there's no enthusiasm for Biden, only so that Biden wins the most votes ever under unethical and abnormal electoral process.

K. Jan. 6th INSURECTION: I know a scam when I see one. WORST THING SINCE PEARL HARBOR (cough!).

L. Impeach Trump again. But why? Strictly TDS & appearances. They've already proved to fuck-off the system, so why not Democrats.

M. Rittenhouse. Oh man have they showed their ugly heads on this one, their entire story a fabrication aimed to fool and the left took the bait. If you didn't recognize the left before how can you miss it now? Lucky as fuck for that kid there were plenty of witnesses and especially video evidence. The next time could be someone without it, and their evil ways to hang someone for political aspirations might be successful. Watch your butts, these Democrats sell their souls for a novel and their short and long term intentions aren't anywhere decent.
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How about....

Trump is disliked because he tweets stuff hurting folk's feelings (aka criticizing the establishment).

Biden Tweets and stands to be sued and subdued for it. Good stuff. Or;

Trump fucked Stormy and said grab a puss.

Biden is a creep and creeps on children, badly.
I can't wait to see how big of balls Rittenhouse's attorney's have. They can sue all kinds of people such as Biden, AOC & many Democrats. Fuck take them all down would be a God's send. Add social media to it too. Fuck, add the networks too, can you imagine.

I see a beautiful blond in Rittenhouse's future :clap:
You would think all Americans would want a border wall to keep out people from shit hole countries. You would think they would support the Muslim ban to keep Americans safe. For some reason Democrats don't support these common sense actions. It's obvious which side of center doesn't get it.
You would think all Americans would want a border wall to keep out people from shit hole countries. You would think they would support the Muslim ban to keep Americans safe. For some reason Democrats don't support these common sense actions. It's obvious which side of center doesn't get it.
There was a border wall before Trump took office-duh...
Look what's happened the last five years, and wow was the Rittenhouse case rich. A guy has to wonder where's the secret?

A. Russia Gate: How'd that turn out considering their operation was a fabrication and projection too? Obama & Clinton people were behind it and they raped the system, including to circumvent our sitting president. Nixon's Watergate pales in comparison to what the left had done.

B. "Trump is RACIST". They triggered that one by misquoting Trump under Charlottesville Va. and to this day some people still believe it.

C. Kavanaugh: How about that one? Reliving Clarence Thomas was the only option they had, and they took it.

D. "Trump is a liar". Aint that rich, because look what we ended up with in Biden & Harris, there's not an original bone in their bodies.

E. First impeachment: Yeah sure, they needed a reason and any will do. Trump did less than Biden in Ukraine, but they ended up "electing" Biden anyway.

F. The repulsive man puts children "in cages" and walls are naughty. Wait, Obama and Biden put children "in cages" and Biden & Harris have contributed to the southern mess.

G. Trump is responsible for COVID. Aint that rich, because he didn't have the one year of experience Biden did, nor the vaccine, yet there have been more cases and deaths on Bidens watch or will be soon enough, especially with winter approaching. Who says they're rational?

H. Trump is reason for unrest and RACISM. How about those incidents the left provoked for riots because it's an election year because COVID might not be enough? I guess we're supposed to take on faith their fabricated stories and edited videos aimed to provoke this stuff are unintentional.

I. Exploitation of COVID. Interesting how Biden and Democrats lifted restrictions in MAY 2021 despite there were twice the cases than MAY 2020.

J. Biden rec'd 81 Million votes. Sure. Trump gets all the support while there's no enthusiasm for Biden, only so that Biden wins the most votes ever under unethical and abnormal electoral process.

K. Jan. 6th INSURECTION: I know a scam when I see one. WORST THING SINCE PEARL HARBOR (cough!).

L. Impeach Trump again. But why? Strictly TDS & appearances. They've already proved to fuck-off the system, so why not Democrats.

M. Rittenhouse. Oh man have they showed their ugly heads on this one, their entire story a fabrication aimed to fool and the left took the bait. If you didn't recognize the left before how can you miss it now? Lucky as fuck for that kid there were plenty of witnesses and especially video evidence. The next time could be someone without it, and their evil ways to hang someone for political aspirations might be successful. Watch your butts, these Democrats sell their souls for a novel and their short and long term intentions aren't anywhere decent.

Is there a political center still alive in America today? How can any American not cleanly choose a side. I mean on one side we've got mass child murder, kiddy pornographers and teachers who want to brainwash our kids to be gay or trans. On the other side we've got politicians masquerading as Christians and patriots while shoving their pockets full of taxpayers' gold. I mean . . . shit; what's not to decide?
Is there a political center still alive in America today? How can any American not cleanly choose a side. I mean on one side we've got mass child murder, kiddy pornographers and teachers who want to brainwash our kids to be gay or trans. On the other side we've got politicians masquerading as Christians and patriots while shoving their pockets full of taxpayers' gold. I mean . . . shit; what's not to decide?
You’ve just described the specific reasons why a third-party is needed and will come into fruition, although I’ve been saying that for over 10 years. Had Trump run on a third party ticket, he might’ve had a chance to win even without Republican backing and the ice would have broke. Likely, he needed the Republican ticket to win in 2016.

Biden’s handlers are losing by the day in all actions: making weekly false statements to keep their sheep in the dark when scientific facts have debunked their lies. I don’t know if I’m more shocked they keep repeating the same lies, or more shocked because anyone believes them at this point who is literate.
You’ve just described the specific reasons why a third-party is needed and will come into fruition, although I’ve been saying that for over 10 years. Had Trump run on a third party ticket, he might’ve had a chance to win even without Republican backing and the ice would have broke. Likely, he needed the Republican ticket to win in 2016.

Biden’s handlers are losing by the day in all actions: making weekly false statements to keep their sheep in the dark when scientific facts have debunked their lies. I don’t know if I’m more shocked they keep repeating the same lies, or more shocked because anyone believes them at this point who is literate.

It's not too late for Trump to do that.
You would think all Americans would want a border wall to keep out people from shit hole countries. You would think they would support the Muslim ban to keep Americans safe. For some reason Democrats don't support these common sense actions. It's obvious which side of center doesn't get it.

Especially in regards to securing the border.
Look what's happened the last five years, and wow was the Rittenhouse case rich. A guy has to wonder where's the secret?

A. Russia Gate: How'd that turn out considering their operation was a fabrication and projection too? Obama & Clinton people were behind it and they raped the system, including to circumvent our sitting president. Nixon's Watergate pales in comparison to what the left had done.

B. "Trump is RACIST". They triggered that one by misquoting Trump under Charlottesville Va. and to this day some people still believe it.

C. Kavanaugh: How about that one? Reliving Clarence Thomas was the only option they had, and they took it.

D. "Trump is a liar". Aint that rich, because look what we ended up with in Biden & Harris, there's not an original bone in their bodies.

E. First impeachment: Yeah sure, they needed a reason and any will do. Trump did less than Biden in Ukraine, but they ended up "electing" Biden anyway.

F. The repulsive man puts children "in cages" and walls are naughty. Wait, Obama and Biden put children "in cages" and Biden & Harris have contributed to the southern mess.

G. Trump is responsible for COVID. Aint that rich, because he didn't have the one year of experience Biden did, nor the vaccine, yet there have been more cases and deaths on Bidens watch or will be soon enough, especially with winter approaching. Who says they're rational?

H. Trump is reason for unrest and RACISM. How about those incidents the left provoked for riots because it's an election year because COVID might not be enough? I guess we're supposed to take on faith their fabricated stories and edited videos aimed to provoke this stuff are unintentional.

I. Exploitation of COVID. Interesting how Biden and Democrats lifted restrictions in MAY 2021 despite there were twice the cases than MAY 2020.

J. Biden rec'd 81 Million votes. Sure. Trump gets all the support while there's no enthusiasm for Biden, only so that Biden wins the most votes ever under unethical and abnormal electoral process.

K. Jan. 6th INSURECTION: I know a scam when I see one. WORST THING SINCE PEARL HARBOR (cough!).

L. Impeach Trump again. But why? Strictly TDS & appearances. They've already proved to fuck-off the system, so why not Democrats.

M. Rittenhouse. Oh man have they showed their ugly heads on this one, their entire story a fabrication aimed to fool and the left took the bait. If you didn't recognize the left before how can you miss it now? Lucky as fuck for that kid there were plenty of witnesses and especially video evidence. The next time could be someone without it, and their evil ways to hang someone for political aspirations might be successful. Watch your butts, these Democrats sell their souls for a novel and their short and long term intentions aren't anywhere decent.
Fact is, both sides don't get it. Both sides seem to think that whenever they win an election 50.1% to 49.9%, it gives them a mandate to cram their values down the 100%.
Fact is, both sides don't get it. Both sides seem to think that whenever they win an election 50.1% to 49.9%, it gives them a mandate to cram their values down the 100%.i

It's pretty obvious the system is rigged, or at least the media falsely reports the stats.There"s no natural explanation for such a tiny fraction of difference and such an even,.almost perfectly balanced divide. The obvious strategic advantage in that, is that all it takes to push the number one way or the other is merely a dainty whisk...with the media (oh, who owns the majority of that?) explaining and justifying how someone won with such a close race.

Someone is playing the game of keeping their friends close and their enemies closer...except in this case the "closeness" is the illusion of public approval. So the numbers are divided as closely as possible.

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