Introducing Open Source LENR


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Fusion Catalyst Working on Open Source LENR Research | E-Cat World

Q:One of the interesting things you mention on your site is the Open Catalyst project. Can you explain what that and what is involved in carrying out the testing (in terms of time, hardware, software, analysis, etc)?

A:We made a completely open design of a Nickel Hydrogen reactor which we think is a close replication of Rossi’s and can also easily be modified to add specific instrumentation to replicate other Ni-H experiments. Scientists interested can take all or part of our design and start building out from there. For the specific task of long time runs (many days) doing prepared recipes and logging as much information as possible, we started an open source software project. At this point our software is becoming really comprehensive and I believe it will also be very useful for other scientific equipment, outside the field of LENR.

The basic philosophy of the software is rather new and uncommon in laboratory setups. The idea is that a small and inexpensive, but internet connected, card-computer can do all the real time work (collecting data and controlling actuators). No human readable outputs or inputs are present at the setup and all control, evaluation and troubleshooting is done through a web-browser interface on a laptop (any internet connected computer) either right next to the setup or far away. More information on the open source software project, (called “Peer Pressure” after the reactor design) is available on Github: Several guys worldwide, are currently working on it.

When we obtain funding or a government grant for further research we want to replicated our own reactor to build an array of highly automated test calorimeter-reactors with which we can ‘scan’ across a large piece of parameter space of potentially working catalyst materials.

Well, a goup of high school kids in ITaly managed to pull it off, so why not open source dudes too?

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