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que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Will the admins please consider musing about putting some kind of whoa on negs for noobs? They have to have 50 posts to use the pm or post pics, links, etc. So...can you make it where they can't be rep'd or neg'd until they have AT LEAST 20 posts under their belt?

I think many that join get a bit freaked out being neg'd right off the bat after saying they found this place or heard about this place or were sent here and want to become regular members but wind up getting red marks. Why stay? And some of them may be able to donate funds...if they aren't boo'd out the door at a "hello" thread they started.

Just askin'.
You guys weren't obviously here for the last time they tried to change the neg system, it didn't end well.

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Yeah, I was here - but it would be fair for the newbies - if you want to encourage people to stick around, don't allow them to be negged.
Doc, then why did that noob turn all red with just 2 posts? Forgot his name...her name. Whatever.
Thanks for the explanation, though.
Will the admins please consider musing about putting some kind of whoa on negs for noobs? They have to have 50 posts to use the pm or post pics, links, etc. So...can you make it where they can't be rep'd or neg'd until they have AT LEAST 20 posts under their belt?

I think many that join get a bit freaked out being neg'd right off the bat after saying they found this place or heard about this place or were sent here and want to become regular members but wind up getting red marks. Why stay? And some of them may be able to donate funds...if they aren't boo'd out the door at a "hello" thread they started.

Just askin'.

The neg process is board wide some areas as has been pointed is neg rep prohibited. Nevertheless, there are many variables to consider the neg reps could have been given out for good reason, at which point policing the rep system would cause more harm than good.

I was neg repped when I first joined so I brought it to the attention of the board in the Flame Zone and I was neg repped again...:lol: and then pos repped. Gave me a good chance to know the membership and enjoy all aspects that USMB has to offer.
I was neg'd too a few years ago when I first joined..prior to the new USMB that it is now. Some thought I was a sock. But, I hung in there. Until..well..that is old stuff. Then I was gone for about 2 years, give or take, so new rules, new mods, etc and I was not aware of the changes until I posted awhile.
Mertex was neg'd when she first joined. I bumped her up as much as I could and she stuck around like you did Connery. :)

We all take our lumps but I just didn't get it why that noob was in the red so FAST. And noobs not knowing it's against the rules to neg them...they just left. :(
I was neg'd too a few years ago when I first joined..prior to the new USMB that it is now. Some thought I was a sock. But, I hung in there. Until..well..that is old stuff. Then I was gone for about 2 years, give or take, so new rules, new mods, etc and I was not aware of the changes until I posted awhile.
Mertex was neg'd when she first joined. I bumped her up as much as I could and she stuck around like you did Connery. :)

We all take our lumps but I just didn't get it why that noob was in the red so FAST. And noobs not knowing it's against the rules to neg them...they just left. :(

I got neg'd after about a day or so being of being on USMB. But that was from a lunatic and I already gotten rep'd a few times so...
I was neg'd too a few years ago when I first joined..prior to the new USMB that it is now. Some thought I was a sock. But, I hung in there. Until..well..that is old stuff. Then I was gone for about 2 years, give or take, so new rules, new mods, etc and I was not aware of the changes until I posted awhile.
Mertex was neg'd when she first joined. I bumped her up as much as I could and she stuck around like you did Connery. :)

We all take our lumps but I just didn't get it why that noob was in the red so FAST. And noobs not knowing it's against the rules to neg them...they just left. :(

I realize that. However, unless they have informed someone that is the reason for leaving it is speculation. Should you know of anyone that has happened to kindly have them contact Staff so the issue can be resolved.
Why neg a noob anyway? Seems like a bullying tactic to get rid of opposing opinions.

Boo on that.

This is why getting in front on a welcome thread like you and many others do creates a safe and fertile environment for discussion and questions from the new people...
Will the admins please consider musing about putting some kind of whoa on negs for noobs? They have to have 50 posts to use the pm or post pics, links, etc. So...can you make it where they can't be rep'd or neg'd until they have AT LEAST 20 posts under their belt?

I think many that join get a bit freaked out being neg'd right off the bat after saying they found this place or heard about this place or were sent here and want to become regular members but wind up getting red marks. Why stay? And some of them may be able to donate funds...if they aren't boo'd out the door at a "hello" thread they started.

Just askin'.
I got some pos rep when I joined here. Starting capital quasi :)
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