Interview with Richard Gage on the upcoming 9/11 Grand Jury .

eots really took the shills like todd parrot to school on bld 7 same as i did.LOL
WTC building 7

Dude, stop snorting the DU.
The revolution will not be televised.

How many generations of radioactive kids will we have because of that U238?
At the rate we're pushing armageddon we'll be lucky to make it to the 22nd century
to even begin finding out what the guinea pigs look like.
eots really took the shills like todd parrot to school on bld 7 same as i did.LOL
WTC building 7

Dude, stop snorting the DU.
The revolution will not be televised.

How many generations of radioactive kids will we have because of that U238?
At the rate we're pushing armageddon we'll be lucky to make it to the 22nd century
to even begin finding out what the guinea pigs look like.

At least our vets will be able to light their homes by whipping out their balls. Right?
eots really took the shills like todd parrot to school on bld 7 same as i did.LOL
WTC building 7

Dude, stop snorting the DU.
The revolution will not be televised.

How many generations of radioactive kids will we have because of that U238?
At the rate we're pushing armageddon we'll be lucky to make it to the 22nd century
to even begin finding out what the guinea pigs look like.
eots really took the shills like todd parrot to school on bld 7 same as i did.LOL
WTC building 7

Dude, stop snorting the DU.
The revolution will not be televised.

How many generations of radioactive kids will we have because of that U238?
At the rate we're pushing armageddon we'll be lucky to make it to the 22nd century
to even begin finding out what the guinea pigs look like.

At least our vets will be able to light their homes by whipping out their balls. Right?
The ones that haven't committed suicide yet....probably so.
You know Angelo its flabbergasting that you understand all this YET you are clueless and in the dark that the NFL is as corrupt as our government is and are clueless of how the playoffs and superbowls are scripted way in advance.:D:laughing0301:o_O now i could understand that line of thinking of someone who thinks our government serves the people and that the republicans are the party to vote for and the dems are corrupt or vise versa but YOU? im speechless.
I've never been a Democrat or a Republican, although I voted for Carter in 1980 and Ross Perot in 1992, and while I understand your analogy, all that NFL business is kids stuff compared to what happened on 9/11 .

McVeigh crashed a plane into a building?

McVeigh and Nichols were patsies in a long-planned black op....
The Murrah building was wired with explosives they know because the FBI bomb squad had to remove 2 that didn't detonate.

Carter was our last president who was halfway decent since JFK our last REAL president we had which is why we have had all these false false operations such as 9/11 the last several decades. yes you are correct the NFL business is kids stuff compared to 9/11 and all these other false flag operations its just you are the LAST person i would have expected to doubt me when i mention that to you about the NFL. that you would not consider i have done a lot of research into that and have all the facts to back it up.

I proved it on one of the threads back then,nobody could refute the evidence or would even address it,just insult me same as they always do when the sheep cant refute the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job and the towers were brought down by explostives. misterbeal has done lots of research on it as well and also same as me has the evidence about the NFL also.:2up:

The peanut farmer was a joke.
I believe he had good intentions but he sucked as president.

Yeah he for sure had good intentions.When he first got elected,according to his friend pat buchanan,he came out of a room with secret service agents wearing sunglasses and was crying and buchanan asked him what was wrong and carter said-they picked my cabinet for me,they told me WHO my cabinet was going to be. He had his own people all picked out to be in his cabinet but found out immediately that if we wanted to stay alive,he could not do that and had to let them pick his cabinet for him.

He wasnt a great president by any means but compared to all the others we have had SINCE him though,i Long for the days of carter.

Carter same as our last real president JFK,also tried to clean up the corruption of the CIA.He fired the evil George Bush and brought in Stansfield Turner who immediately cleaned house firing all covert operaters in the CIA.

Once Carter got out of office,Reagan of course fired Turner and brought in william casey to head the CIA and under Casey,the CIA of course got back to their evil corrupt ways again and back to covert operations.

The ONLY reason they did not assassinate carter same as they did JFK was they knew that carter was on his way out and their boy Reagan would get elected through some good old rigging.

Had carter somehow overcome the rigged election and been elected,i guarantee they would have assassinated him as well.

they never wanted to kill Reagan,they let him off with a warning shot after he decided to try and do things his own way in the beginning.If they wanted him dead,they would have made sure he died that day. Reagan policys after the warning shot given to him drastically changed for the worst after that.

It is disgusting how the sheep consider him one of the best presidents ever despite the fact that he created a debt worse than all presidents before him COMBINED and had the most corrupt administration ever at the time until clinton came along.

beam me up scotty,,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.:rolleyes:
What bothers me with Trump....and I have 100% respect for how he's taking on the 'witch hunt'....but how trustworthy is he ? And I don't agree with Cenk Uygur all the time, but I think he's right that Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Obama and Bush were bad liars but for Trump it comes naturally.

Do I trust him over Hillary ? In a heartbeat.

I had high hopes in the beginning that Trump was different than Bush and Obama since was not a career politician but look at his his actions,h in the two in a half years he has been president,he has shown NO INTEREST whatsoever in getting rid of the CIA and the fed and all these other evil three letter alphabet institutons.I dont expect him to either since he has deep ties to the some corrupt people including Kissinger as you well know.
What bothers me with Trump....and I have 100% respect for how he's taking on the 'witch hunt'....but how trustworthy is he ? And I don't agree with Cenk Uygur all the time, but I think he's right that Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Obama and Bush were bad liars but for Trump it comes naturally.

Do I trust him over Hillary ? In a heartbeat.

Oh yeah I will NEVER back down from what i said from day one that i dont care what trump does the rest of the administration given the choice between him and the witch,i will NEVER back down that he was the better choice of the two since we already knew what we would get with Hitlery.

I figured since Trump spilled the beans letting americans know that he knew the towers came down by explosives,that he might be sincere in his draining of the swamp but IF he was REALLY sincere,he would be doing eveything he could to help out in the lawsuit against the government in this case but he is doing NOTHING. he is just an actor playing the role all americans want him to be which is the savior but he is the same as bush and obama,not for us.
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The peanut farmer was a joke.
I believe he had good intentions but he sucked as president.
You can look no further than who was CIA Director under Gerald Ford ...George Herbert Walker Bush and after the Iran Contra set-up he was placed as VP under Reagan ( who never liked him) keep connecting the dots there Kissinger, Cheney and Rumsfeld foreign policy and the whole military industrial complex, intelligence community takeover of our government starts to make sense.

Carter was wise not to fuck with these people because he knew what happened to JFK less than 20 years earlier.



as i said,compared to the clowns we have had since him that have been FAR worse,I long for the days of carter.the last president who TRIED to get rid of the CIA. His best action he took AS president.:thup:
Why were they blown up?
Why no other mention of the 2 bombs bigger than the truck bomb inside the building?
Common sense for one thing...look at the aftermath and it's obvious that no fertilizer truck bomb did that shit. Wake up.

Oklahoma City, Mena, Clintons & 9/11 Exposed by Black Ops Contractor Cody Snodgres.

Two words....Texas City.
Texas City explosion of 1947 | industrial disaster, Texas City, Texas, United States [1947]

Proof of Bombs and Coverup

He notes that McVeigh was tried, convicted and executed in a remarkably short time; and Keating gives the credit to Merrick Garland (FBI). ( later Obama's SCOTUS nominee)

Out Of The Horror In Oklahoma City, Merrick Garland Forged The Way Forward

Oklahoma City bombing: 20 years later, key questions remain unanswered

as i said,compared to the clowns we have had since him that have been FAR worse,I long for the days of carter.the last president who TRIED to get rid of the CIA. His best action he took AS president.:thup:
He also installed solar panels on the White House roof,
which Reagan promptly had removed in 1981....the neocon party poopers had arrived.
as i said,compared to the clowns we have had since him that have been FAR worse,I long for the days of carter.the last president who TRIED to get rid of the CIA. His best action he took AS president.:thup:
He also installed solar panels on the White House roof,
which Reagan promptly had removed in 1981....the neocon party poopers had arrived.

yeah and dont forget his evil wife who was as evil as he was.Carter always respected the white house making the statetment that since many american poor familys did not have the luxarys that the rich had,that he thought it was inappropriate for him to have the white house decorated in expensive architecture.He had the white house looking like a typical american family. Nancy Reagan changed all that having the most expensive art and archtiecture in the world rearrange the white house at tax payers expense remember?

she was so self centered and selfish only caring about what SHE wanted.that all american paid the price for this expensive look..the CFR controlled medi lies all the time of course and says she got it through private donation,but we know better.LOL
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as i said,compared to the clowns we have had since him that have been FAR worse,I long for the days of carter.the last president who TRIED to get rid of the CIA. His best action he took AS president.:thup:
He also installed solar panels on the White House roof,
which Reagan promptly had removed in 1981....the neocon party poopers had arrived.

yeah and dont forget his evil wife who was as evil as he was.Carter always respected the white house making the statetment that since many american poor familys did not have the luxarys that the rich had,that he thought it was inappropriate for him to have the white house decorated in expensive architecture.He had the white house looking like a typical american family. Nancy Reagan changed all that having the most expensive art and archtiecture in the world rearrange the white house at tax payers expense remember?
The Reagans were who they were.
When he beat Bush in the primaries he became
a scapegoat for the shadow government ( New World Order), deep state they're calling it openly now. Reagan was drugged I believe but who knows ? The jelly beans I bet.
Go back and look at tapes of him in 1980 and then 1989 - they say it was Alzheimers but we'll never really know.
as i said,compared to the clowns we have had since him that have been FAR worse,I long for the days of carter.the last president who TRIED to get rid of the CIA. His best action he took AS president.:thup:
He also installed solar panels on the White House roof,
which Reagan promptly had removed in 1981....the neocon party poopers had arrived.

yeah and dont forget his evil wife who was as evil as he was.Carter always respected the white house making the statetment that since many american poor familys did not have the luxarys that the rich had,that he thought it was inappropriate for him to have the white house decorated in expensive architecture.He had the white house looking like a typical american family. Nancy Reagan changed all that having the most expensive art and archtiecture in the world rearrange the white house at tax payers expense remember?

she was so self centered and selfish only caring about what SHE wanted.that all american paid the price for this expensive look..the CFR controlled medi lies all the time of course and says she got it through private donation,but we know better.LOL

all this is documented in this excellent documented book on the reagans and their betrayel to the american people. this should be REQUIRED read this book in american history classes when they get to the reagan years but it isnt though since our corrupt schools are FUNDED by the governmemt.

The Man Who Sold the World
as i said,compared to the clowns we have had since him that have been FAR worse,I long for the days of carter.the last president who TRIED to get rid of the CIA. His best action he took AS president.:thup:
He also installed solar panels on the White House roof,
which Reagan promptly had removed in 1981....the neocon party poopers had arrived.

yeah and dont forget his evil wife who was as evil as he was.Carter always respected the white house making the statetment that since many american poor familys did not have the luxarys that the rich had,that he thought it was inappropriate for him to have the white house decorated in expensive architecture.He had the white house looking like a typical american family. Nancy Reagan changed all that having the most expensive art and archtiecture in the world rearrange the white house at tax payers expense remember?
The Reagans were who they were.
When he beat Bush in the primaries he became
a scapegoat for the shadow government ( New World Order), deep state they're calling it openly now. Reagan was drugged I believe but who knows ? The jelly beans I bet.
Go back and look at tapes of him in 1980 and then 1989 - they say it was Alzheimers but we'll never really know.

yeah there may be more than meets the eye on that because the deep state was not happy with him that he was not following their agenda in the beginning but since he was always evil in his days as governor,they let him off with a warning shot since he was STILL one of their own,they probably had him drugged up since Bush was the one REALLY running the country all those years at least in his second term since he was too incompetent by then more than likely doped up like crazy by that point.

yeah its funny how it is in the open now how they openly call themselves the deep state now not even trying to cover it up anymore.
yeah there may be more than meets the eye on that because the deep state was not happy with him that he was not following their agenda in the beginning but since he was always evil in his days as governor,they let him off with a warning shot since he was STILL one of their own,they probably had him drugged up since Bush was the one REALLY running the country all those years at least in his second term since he was too incompetent by then more than likely doped up like crazy by that point.

yeah its funny how it is in the open now how they openly call themselves the deep state now not even trying to cover it up anymore.
Just follow the money .
Carter was working on eliminating the national debt ( when he left office it was around $900 billion mostly still paying for the Vietnam war....) - we were loaning money like China is now, but by the end of 12 years of Reagan-Bush, we were $5 trillion in debt. Clinton they were totally blackmailing....CIA had tons of shit on him from his Ar governor days.
( in fact the Clintons were both CIA assets)
If you could read minds, what is Dick Cheney thinking about as he's staring at Carter from the 2nd row at Poppy's funeral ? I believe he knows that George HW Bush is in hell and that Carter knows he'll be in heaven soon when his time comes.


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