Interview with Richard Gage on the upcoming 9/11 Grand Jury .

i love how the shills like toddparrot,play dodgeball when they are backed up against the wall on bld 7 with nowhere to run,they always dismiss the evidence that it was NOT hit by a plane therefore that building should never have collapsed and not only that,how they dismiss that one construction worker doing a countdown of it being imploded saying 5 4 3 2 1 and THEN we hear the explosion. they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are,:abgg2q.jpg:
I hope they come and check out my crib.
See the surprises I have waiting, like my homemade Tesla-solar DIW .
Tell them about my girlfriend in Mena and some of her intriguing stories.

boy i SURE would like to hear that story of your girlfriend in Mena,did you make a public post of it that you can give a link to me on or do you only discuss it by pm with serious researchers as myself?

yeah i know a cop in my city here in kansas who he cant believe the denial of the sheep not wanting to accept the clinton chronicles as the truth.many think it was made up some republican to slander clinton but that could not be any further from the truth. Him being a cop and since he was seriously interested in it at the time it came out,he ent down to arkansas and meant all those arkansas cops and has seen all the documented evidence it is all true.

the sheep in america dismiss it same as they do 9/11 cause some sheep in america,incredibly think there is no different laws for politicians than there is for us.:abgg2q.jpg::haha:
Common sense for one thing...look at the aftermath and it's obvious that no fertilizer truck bomb did that shit.

How many tons of ANFO would it take?
Trying to bait people into saying stupid things ?
How tricky.

I'm trying to get you to stop saying stupid things.
Everything you've said on this thread has been stupid or lies.
Like denying that fucking Gulf War Syndrome is real you piece of worm shit.

that is why i put this shill on ignore years ago.that describes EVERY post he has EVER made.
Common sense for one thing...look at the aftermath and it's obvious that no fertilizer truck bomb did that shit.

How many tons of ANFO would it take?
Trying to bait people into saying stupid things ?
How tricky.

I'm trying to get you to stop saying stupid things.
Everything you've said on this thread has been stupid or lies.
Like denying that fucking Gulf War Syndrome is real you piece of worm shit.

that is why i put this shill on ignore years ago.that describes EVERY post he has EVER made.

Can you see the mic we planted in your coffee pot?
i love how the shills like toddparrot,play dodgeball when they are backed up against the wall on bld 7 with nowhere to run,they always dismiss the evidence that it was NOT hit by a plane therefore that building should never have collapsed and not only that,how they dismiss that one construction worker doing a countdown of it being imploded saying 5 4 3 2 1 and THEN we hear the explosion. they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are,:abgg2q.jpg:
I hope they come and check out my crib.
See the surprises I have waiting, like my homemade Tesla-solar DIW .
Tell them about my girlfriend in Mena and some of her intriguing stories.

boy i SURE would like to hear that story of your girlfriend in Mena,did you make a public post of it that you can give a link to me on or do you only discuss it by pm with serious researchers as myself?

yeah i know a cop in my city here in kansas who he cant believe the denial of the sheep not wanting to accept the clinton chronicles as the truth.many think it was made up some republican to slander clinton but that could not be any further from the truth. Him being a cop and since he was seriously interested in it at the time it came out,he ent down to arkansas and meant all those arkansas cops and has seen all the documented evidence it is all true.

the sheep in america dismiss it same as they do 9/11 cause some sheep in america,incredibly think there is no different laws for politicians than there is for us.:abgg2q.jpg::haha:
I could tell you, but then I have to flashy-thing you.
i love how the shills like toddparrot,play dodgeball when they are backed up against the wall on bld 7 with nowhere to run,they always dismiss the evidence that it was NOT hit by a plane therefore that building should never have collapsed and not only that,how they dismiss that one construction worker doing a countdown of it being imploded saying 5 4 3 2 1 and THEN we hear the explosion. they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are,:abgg2q.jpg:
I hope they come and check out my crib.
See the surprises I have waiting, like my homemade Tesla-solar DIW .
Tell them about my girlfriend in Mena and some of her intriguing stories.

boy i SURE would like to hear that story of your girlfriend in Mena,did you make a public post of it that you can give a link to me on or do you only discuss it by pm with serious researchers as myself?

yeah i know a cop in my city here in kansas who he cant believe the denial of the sheep not wanting to accept the clinton chronicles as the truth.many think it was made up some republican to slander clinton but that could not be any further from the truth. Him being a cop and since he was seriously interested in it at the time it came out,he ent down to arkansas and meant all those arkansas cops and has seen all the documented evidence it is all true.

the sheep in america dismiss it same as they do 9/11 cause some sheep in america,incredibly think there is no different laws for politicians than there is for us.:abgg2q.jpg::haha:
I could tell you, but then I have to flashy-thing you.

DUDE as i said just PM me the info if you cant talk about it on the forums.
DUDE as i said just PM me the info if you cant talk about it on the forums.
You think PMs are invisible to Big Brother ?
Or anything you whisper near a smart TV or phone ?
I can take you to a tribal chief who knows more than me, but in order to get to his cabin we have to raft about 18 miles down-river on peyote. It's not too rough most of the way, but don't let me forget to turn left at the second fork or we'll go off a 300 foot waterfall.
DUDE as i said just PM me the info if you cant talk about it on the forums.

There is something that relates to recent events......I can tell you without any doubt the Clintons have dirt on a bunch of people in their little safe-deposit boxes of secrets, and wouldn't be surprised if Clapper, Brennan and Comey are included on their list of potential blackmail targets and/or fall guys. And by the way the swamp is panicking, I'd say they got nothing on Barr and they are scared now.
DUDE as i said just PM me the info if you cant talk about it on the forums.
You think PMs are invisible to Big Brother ?
Or anything you whisper near a smart TV or phone ?
I can take you to a tribal chief who knows more than me, but in order to get to his cabin we have to raft about 18 miles down-river on peyote. It's not too rough most of the way, but don't let me forget to turn left at the second fork or we'll go off a 300 foot waterfall.

you know in the beginning,I had high hopes that trump was going to be our first real president since JFK to not be part of the establishment, but after you posted this video here,that gave me doubts that he was different than bush or obama

however i still gave him the benefit of the doubt he was different that maybe just because he sat with him,it was part of a game he was playing but after seeing this link,this cenched it for me he is no different than those two war criminals.he is just an actor playing a role that americans want him to be,the saviour.

these facts cannot be refuted or debunked,what a war criminal same as Bush and Obama.his ass kissing of Israeal PROVES that.

Trump’s crack team of money monsters is clearly not planning on acting in the interests of American workers — they will instead do what they know best: use the considerable power of the American state to break down as many regulatory constraints on global banking finance as possible, with a special view to privilege US banks and corporations.
How the Trump regime was manufactured by a war inside the Deep State
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On a clear day you could barely see the WTC itself, the Twin Towers, from the top of the Empire State Building ( near Trump Tower 4 miles uptown - I've been there many times....). But even with binoculars you would not be able to see people jumping out. He's totally lying . Why ?
Why were they blown up?
Why no other mention of the 2 bombs bigger than the truck bomb inside the building?
Common sense for one thing...look at the aftermath and it's obvious that no fertilizer truck bomb did that shit. Wake up.

Oklahoma City, Mena, Clintons & 9/11 Exposed by Black Ops Contractor Cody Snodgres.

Two words....Texas City.
Texas City explosion of 1947 | industrial disaster, Texas City, Texas, United States [1947]
You know Angelo its flabbergasting that you understand all this YET you are clueless and in the dark that the NFL is as corrupt as our government is and are clueless of how the playoffs and superbowls are scripted way in advance.:D:laughing0301:o_O now i could understand that line of thinking of someone who thinks our government serves the people and that the republicans are the party to vote for and the dems are corrupt or vise versa but YOU? im speechless.
I've never been a Democrat or a Republican, although I voted for Carter in 1980 and Ross Perot in 1992, and while I understand your analogy, all that NFL business is kids stuff compared to what happened on 9/11 .

McVeigh crashed a plane into a building?

McVeigh and Nichols were patsies in a long-planned black op....
The Murrah building was wired with explosives they know because the FBI bomb squad had to remove 2 that didn't detonate.

Carter was our last president who was halfway decent since JFK our last REAL president we had which is why we have had all these false false operations such as 9/11 the last several decades. yes you are correct the NFL business is kids stuff compared to 9/11 and all these other false flag operations its just you are the LAST person i would have expected to doubt me when i mention that to you about the NFL. that you would not consider i have done a lot of research into that and have all the facts to back it up.

I proved it on one of the threads back then,nobody could refute the evidence or would even address it,just insult me same as they always do when the sheep cant refute the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job and the towers were brought down by explostives. misterbeal has done lots of research on it as well and also same as me has the evidence about the NFL also.:2up:

The peanut farmer was a joke.
I believe he had good intentions but he sucked as president.
The peanut farmer was a joke.
I believe he had good intentions but he sucked as president.
You can look no further than who was CIA Director under Gerald Ford ...George Herbert Walker Bush and after the Iran Contra set-up he was placed as VP under Reagan ( who never liked him) keep connecting the dots there Kissinger, Cheney and Rumsfeld foreign policy and the whole military industrial complex, intelligence community takeover of our government starts to make sense.

Carter was wise not to fuck with these people because he knew what happened to JFK less than 20 years earlier.
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