One crucial factor that he ignores is the DESIRE to assimilate. There are millions of India-Indians, Asians, and Africans (as opposed to African-Americans) who have come to the U.S. because they wanted to assimilate, and essentially they wanted their children to become "Americans," and they have done so fantastically well.
It is the current belief among Liberals that "all cultures are of equal value" that discourages "us" from pushing immigrants to assimilate that holds them back. The tendency now is for immigrant groups to set up little enclaves of Mexicans, Somali's, Muslins (of whatever nationality or ethnicity), and so forth that makes them comfortable here initially, but ultimately works against their interests and the interests of the overall society.
Previous generations insisted that their kids speak English and get a good education, they started countless businesses, and within one short generation they were fully integrated.
The problem is not genetic, it is cultural, and our Liberal culture is at fault.
All cultures have equal standing, and something to offer America. I'd be damn careful about trying to say which culture is better, we may not do so well.