Interesting article on guns in Japan

How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.
What about crime in general?

Whether crime is committed with guns, knives, baseball bats, hammers, or screwdrivers is not really relevant.

Crime is still crime.

Would you rather face done a gun, or anyone of the items you listed? Me, I'd take my chances with the latter, the former gives one no chance.

If you have your own gun you have even better odds, especially considering most criminals will run away or surrender when faced with an armed civilian.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.

Many people who simply don't go looking for reality.

Some of the highest crime rates in the world are in pretty homogeneous populations.

The highest rate is Honduras. 90% mestizo. Go figure.
That is true, but clearly in Japan nearly all the people have the same religion and race.

Do you deny that differences in religion and race, often lead to violence?
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.

/---- Is it possible that Japan is not over run with a certain group of people who commit most of the crimes in the US? (think of the 4 Chicago thugs who kidnapped a mentally challenged white kid, beat him to a pulp while shouting F**** Whites? Is it possible that DemocRATS encourage this behavior? Is it possible that Japan teaches their children RESPECT for the law and society while our Teacher's Union tells kids they are owed a living and it's all Whitey's fault they are poor?
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.
Fuck face, you do realize guns do not kill people, people kill people. Firearms are the least of our worries in this country we just don't punish criminals worth a shit. I read your little article, I rather be dead than live in a country like that. No real freedoms, no soul to that country.
So you can take your little article and shove it up your fucking Ass and go live over there Jack weed.
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
All countries compared for Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate per million people

Japan simply has low crime. Has nothing to do with guns.

They still have crime, but at the rate of 4 per million population.

They are 7th lowest in the world.

Monaco and Palau are the lowest in the world with virtually no crime.

The top most violent 98 countries in the world already make guns illegal and it has not changed anything there.

The USA is 99th. We are about in the middle -- the median.

And most US crime is committed in states like Calif and NYS which already limit or prohibit guns.

So your thinking on this is a fallacy. No logic to it at all.

Most murders - Louisiana. They also lock the most people up. Apparently locking people up solves crime problems. Oh, you want fallacies, huh?
--------------------------------------------------------- and this talk about murders in the USA . People murder with guns , knives , pills , clubs , hammers and all kindsa implements . Guns though allow a five foot , 100 pound women to protect herself from a 260 pound violent thug FWierdo .

Guns allow a coward to shoot, kill and maim scores of people in a matter of minutes.
How does it feel going through life being a scared little bitch?
What about crime in general?

Whether crime is committed with guns, knives, baseball bats, hammers, or screwdrivers is not really relevant.

Crime is still crime.

Would you rather face done a gun, or anyone of the items you listed? Me, I'd take my chances with the latter, the former gives one no chance.

If you have your own gun you have even better odds, especially considering most criminals will run away or surrender when faced with an armed civilian.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.

Many people who simply don't go looking for reality.

Some of the highest crime rates in the world are in pretty homogeneous populations.

The highest rate is Honduras. 90% mestizo. Go figure.
That is true, but clearly in Japan nearly all the people have the same religion and race.

Do you deny that differences in religion and race, often lead to violence?

Yes, they can do. Often when others use such things to whip up such sentiment, rather than because it exists naturally.

I've been to Malaysia where race and religion co-exist quite peacefully side by side. You have Chinese, Indian and Malays, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus living side by side.

Then you have Rwanda, where you have Hutus and Tutsis, the same people but classified by the Belgians, who ended up killing each other because someone imposed something artificial on them.

Japan is generally all Japanese, they have a portion of foreigners in the country, like 2% and they have some people who have gained citizenship over time. That doesn't mean there aren't differences between the people.

Often what people call "indoctrination" is what keeps people together. It's happening in China. There's only one language in China, it's Chinese. Cantonese is merely a dialect of Chinese, as is Mandarin, and my joke is that English is also considered such a dialect. Forcing people to accept that they are Americans, that they are Japanese, that they are Chinese etc, is all part of this "indoctrination" which helps people feel the same.

In the US this has happened a lot, but obviously they haven't managed to transcend the race barrier, and it's not hard to see why. Slavery was followed by Segregation which was followed by a long period in some states where black people were treated unfairly. Even now black people feel different, and it's easy to see why. They have a higher poverty rate, a lower education achievement, then you have white supremacists all over the place, but more in the Deep South and in places like Idaho etc.

People want to have their own identity, others try and force identity to stop violence for petty reasons. Others try and use such divisions for their own goals. Making divisions is far easier than destroying them, and it's a lot easier to get people worked up over such divisions that they'll vote for you. Look at Trump, he did it. He put a wedge between people and it worked for him, the far righters love him.
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.

So, why are they all throwing themselves off rooftops and having sex with rubber loli dolls?

Why do you not live there?

A) They have a certain mentality for suicide. But then again people kill themselves all over. Certainly it's not the worst country for suicides. 17th according to the WHO.

List of countries by suicide rate - Wikipedia

18.5 suicides per 100,000.

The US is 12.1, so there's a difference, but nothing like the difference in murders.

Maybe I do live there. You don't know, do you?
Jack weed, just live in a rural area in the United States were violent crime is all but nonexistent. You live in a fucking bubble or something if you think taking everyone's guns way will help anything. Snowflakes like yourself don't know what reality is…
Would you rather face done a gun, or anyone of the items you listed? Me, I'd take my chances with the latter, the former gives one no chance.

If you have your own gun you have even better odds, especially considering most criminals will run away or surrender when faced with an armed civilian.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.

Many people who simply don't go looking for reality.

Some of the highest crime rates in the world are in pretty homogeneous populations.

The highest rate is Honduras. 90% mestizo. Go figure.
That is true, but clearly in Japan nearly all the people have the same religion and race.

Do you deny that differences in religion and race, often lead to violence?

Yes, they can do. Often when others use such things to whip up such sentiment, rather than because it exists naturally.

I've been to Malaysia where race and religion co-exist quite peacefully side by side. You have Chinese, Indian and Malays, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus living side by side.

Then you have Rwanda, where you have Hutus and Tutsis, the same people but classified by the Belgians, who ended up killing each other because someone imposed something artificial on them.

Japan is generally all Japanese, they have a portion of foreigners in the country, like 2% and they have some people who have gained citizenship over time. That doesn't mean there aren't differences between the people.

Often what people call "indoctrination" is what keeps people together. It's happening in China. There's only one language in China, it's Chinese. Cantonese is merely a dialect of Chinese, as is Mandarin, and my joke is that English is also considered such a dialect. Forcing people to accept that they are Americans, that they are Japanese, that they are Chinese etc, is all part of this "indoctrination" which helps people feel the same.

In the US this has happened a lot, but obviously they haven't managed to transcend the race barrier, and it's not hard to see why. Slavery was followed by Segregation which was followed by a long period in some states where black people were treated unfairly. Even now black people feel different, and it's easy to see why. They have a higher poverty rate, a lower education achievement, then you have white supremacists all over the place, but more in the Deep South and in places like Idaho etc.

People want to have their own identity, others try and force identity to stop violence for petty reasons. Others try and use such divisions for their own goals. Making divisions is far easier than destroying them, and it's a lot easier to get people worked up over such divisions that they'll vote for you. Look at Trump, he did it. He put a wedge between people and it worked for him, the far righters love him.
Violence is often caused by differences in race, religion, and culture. Hence, in Japan these differences do not exist. Hence, violence is lessened because of this. Yes? No?
Would you rather face done a gun, or anyone of the items you listed? Me, I'd take my chances with the latter, the former gives one no chance.

If you have your own gun you have even better odds, especially considering most criminals will run away or surrender when faced with an armed civilian.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.

Many people who simply don't go looking for reality.

Some of the highest crime rates in the world are in pretty homogeneous populations.

The highest rate is Honduras. 90% mestizo. Go figure.
That is true, but clearly in Japan nearly all the people have the same religion and race.

Do you deny that differences in religion and race, often lead to violence?

Yes, they can do. Often when others use such things to whip up such sentiment, rather than because it exists naturally.

I've been to Malaysia where race and religion co-exist quite peacefully side by side. You have Chinese, Indian and Malays, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus living side by side.

Then you have Rwanda, where you have Hutus and Tutsis, the same people but classified by the Belgians, who ended up killing each other because someone imposed something artificial on them.

Japan is generally all Japanese, they have a portion of foreigners in the country, like 2% and they have some people who have gained citizenship over time. That doesn't mean there aren't differences between the people.

Often what people call "indoctrination" is what keeps people together. It's happening in China. There's only one language in China, it's Chinese. Cantonese is merely a dialect of Chinese, as is Mandarin, and my joke is that English is also considered such a dialect. Forcing people to accept that they are Americans, that they are Japanese, that they are Chinese etc, is all part of this "indoctrination" which helps people feel the same.

In the US this has happened a lot, but obviously they haven't managed to transcend the race barrier, and it's not hard to see why. Slavery was followed by Segregation which was followed by a long period in some states where black people were treated unfairly. Even now black people feel different, and it's easy to see why. They have a higher poverty rate, a lower education achievement, then you have white supremacists all over the place, but more in the Deep South and in places like Idaho etc.

People want to have their own identity, others try and force identity to stop violence for petty reasons. Others try and use such divisions for their own goals. Making divisions is far easier than destroying them, and it's a lot easier to get people worked up over such divisions that they'll vote for you. Look at Trump, he did it. He put a wedge between people and it worked for him, the far righters love him.
Go ahead punch yourself in the face, Muslims will never and have never tolerated any other religion/faith if they control the country they live in. Snowflake
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.

/---- Is it possible that Japan is not over run with a certain group of people who commit most of the crimes in the US? (think of the 4 Chicago thugs who kidnapped a mentally challenged white kid, beat him to a pulp while shouting F**** Whites? Is it possible that DemocRATS encourage this behavior? Is it possible that Japan teaches their children RESPECT for the law and society while our Teacher's Union tells kids they are owed a living and it's all Whitey's fault they are poor?

So, you're blaming blacks then?

It's easy to blame black people. The problem is that your argument is that the most violent countries in the world aren't full of black people, they're in the Americas, like Honduras which is 90% mestizo, not just black, but a mixture of lots of things, including white and Native American.
Another problem is that there are African countries with less crime than the US.
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.

There is a lot more going on than the presence, or absence of guns regarding Japan. The differences are far more than who has a pistol, or rifle, and who doesn't. There are cultural differences that are almost beyond the imagining of people.

I watched a documentary about the Fukushima disaster. It was filmed after the disaster of course, and all the workers except the manager had their faces blurred. The reason according to the documentary was that the workers were ashamed that the accident had happened, and did not wish to have their faces shown to the world, or their neighbors.

We blur faces, but when there is a child involved, or some imaginary threat to the individual. A security reason, we don't want the terrorists to know that the guy talking is a special forces soldier or spy.

Also in the documentary, the refugees were eating government handout food. One man sighed and said that the food was always the same, and it would be nice to have some variety. Another set his chop sticks down and said he couldn't eat it, it was not good food. None of them rushed to the counter screaming or shouting. None of them were pounding on the table demanding better food. They took it, and ate it, or not.

For a vast majority of Japanese, conformity is not just a general rule that should be followed, it's practically a commandment. When they do go into a criminal lifestyle, the main group is their version of the Mob, the Yakuza. Failure is not accepted, and to beg forgiveness you sacrifice a finger.

But it's more than just the conformity social norm. It's the obedience norm. If a man gets fired, he doesn't want revenge for firing him. He is ashamed because he did not work hard enough, was not good enough, and failed. The fault is his, not the company, nor the world. In America, when you fire someone, there is a chance that the guy or girl will come back and want revenge. Because they are the ones who are special, they have been told so through their entire life.

There is a lot going on between the two societies, and I haven't even chipped away at the iceberg. To join Japan in the low murder rates, we would have to do a lot more that abandon guns. That's the same surface, and addresses nothing underneath that surface. Are you willing to bow and show respect to a Republican President? Are you willing to unquestionably accept him as the leader?

I am independent enough to believe that those in power above me are not always right. And I want the freedom to tell you that you are missing the point of pretty much everything in the comparison.
If you have your own gun you have even better odds, especially considering most criminals will run away or surrender when faced with an armed civilian.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.

Many people who simply don't go looking for reality.

Some of the highest crime rates in the world are in pretty homogeneous populations.

The highest rate is Honduras. 90% mestizo. Go figure.
That is true, but clearly in Japan nearly all the people have the same religion and race.

Do you deny that differences in religion and race, often lead to violence?

Yes, they can do. Often when others use such things to whip up such sentiment, rather than because it exists naturally.

I've been to Malaysia where race and religion co-exist quite peacefully side by side. You have Chinese, Indian and Malays, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus living side by side.

Then you have Rwanda, where you have Hutus and Tutsis, the same people but classified by the Belgians, who ended up killing each other because someone imposed something artificial on them.

Japan is generally all Japanese, they have a portion of foreigners in the country, like 2% and they have some people who have gained citizenship over time. That doesn't mean there aren't differences between the people.

Often what people call "indoctrination" is what keeps people together. It's happening in China. There's only one language in China, it's Chinese. Cantonese is merely a dialect of Chinese, as is Mandarin, and my joke is that English is also considered such a dialect. Forcing people to accept that they are Americans, that they are Japanese, that they are Chinese etc, is all part of this "indoctrination" which helps people feel the same.

In the US this has happened a lot, but obviously they haven't managed to transcend the race barrier, and it's not hard to see why. Slavery was followed by Segregation which was followed by a long period in some states where black people were treated unfairly. Even now black people feel different, and it's easy to see why. They have a higher poverty rate, a lower education achievement, then you have white supremacists all over the place, but more in the Deep South and in places like Idaho etc.

People want to have their own identity, others try and force identity to stop violence for petty reasons. Others try and use such divisions for their own goals. Making divisions is far easier than destroying them, and it's a lot easier to get people worked up over such divisions that they'll vote for you. Look at Trump, he did it. He put a wedge between people and it worked for him, the far righters love him.
Violence is often caused by differences in race, religion, and culture. Hence, in Japan these differences do not exist. Hence, violence is lessened because of this. Yes? No?

What you've said doesn't make sense.

Yes, violence is caused by different races and religions, ie, people from races cause violence. It's not about one race being more violent, or even that different races together cause violence, it's that people cause violence and they often use racial divides to do this.
It doesn't have to be a race or a religion though, however these are generally, in the modern world, the cause of this.

But in general it's POLITICIANS using divides that causes problems.

Now, do you try and stop this, or do you allow it to happen, and suffer the consequences of this?

The US can't just get rid of its black, Native American, Hispanic, White, Jewish etc populations. They're there. So do you "indoctrinate"? Well that happens, singing the national anthem before Football games, saying the pledge of allegiance, and many other things. But is it enough? Well it works to a certain extent.

What causes such divides is inequality. When people see inequality they feel the divide. It causes problems.

Do you try and solve these problems, or do you let people take advantage of such problems? People live in a society, they have to make such decisions.
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.

/---- Is it possible that Japan is not over run with a certain group of people who commit most of the crimes in the US? (think of the 4 Chicago thugs who kidnapped a mentally challenged white kid, beat him to a pulp while shouting F**** Whites? Is it possible that DemocRATS encourage this behavior? Is it possible that Japan teaches their children RESPECT for the law and society while our Teacher's Union tells kids they are owed a living and it's all Whitey's fault they are poor?

So, you're blaming blacks then?

It's easy to blame black people. The problem is that your argument is that the most violent countries in the world aren't full of black people, they're in the Americas, like Honduras which is 90% mestizo, not just black, but a mixture of lots of things, including white and Native American.
Another problem is that there are African countries with less crime than the US.
Living in rural America, crime violent crime is almost nonexistent. Just pick a place that's in the red, and crime will be the least of your worries. Fuck face

If you have your own gun you have even better odds, especially considering most criminals will run away or surrender when faced with an armed civilian.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.

Many people who simply don't go looking for reality.

Some of the highest crime rates in the world are in pretty homogeneous populations.

The highest rate is Honduras. 90% mestizo. Go figure.
That is true, but clearly in Japan nearly all the people have the same religion and race.

Do you deny that differences in religion and race, often lead to violence?

Yes, they can do. Often when others use such things to whip up such sentiment, rather than because it exists naturally.

I've been to Malaysia where race and religion co-exist quite peacefully side by side. You have Chinese, Indian and Malays, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus living side by side.

Then you have Rwanda, where you have Hutus and Tutsis, the same people but classified by the Belgians, who ended up killing each other because someone imposed something artificial on them.

Japan is generally all Japanese, they have a portion of foreigners in the country, like 2% and they have some people who have gained citizenship over time. That doesn't mean there aren't differences between the people.

Often what people call "indoctrination" is what keeps people together. It's happening in China. There's only one language in China, it's Chinese. Cantonese is merely a dialect of Chinese, as is Mandarin, and my joke is that English is also considered such a dialect. Forcing people to accept that they are Americans, that they are Japanese, that they are Chinese etc, is all part of this "indoctrination" which helps people feel the same.

In the US this has happened a lot, but obviously they haven't managed to transcend the race barrier, and it's not hard to see why. Slavery was followed by Segregation which was followed by a long period in some states where black people were treated unfairly. Even now black people feel different, and it's easy to see why. They have a higher poverty rate, a lower education achievement, then you have white supremacists all over the place, but more in the Deep South and in places like Idaho etc.

People want to have their own identity, others try and force identity to stop violence for petty reasons. Others try and use such divisions for their own goals. Making divisions is far easier than destroying them, and it's a lot easier to get people worked up over such divisions that they'll vote for you. Look at Trump, he did it. He put a wedge between people and it worked for him, the far righters love him.
Go ahead punch yourself in the face, Muslims will never and have never tolerated any other religion/faith if they control the country they live in. Snowflake
I don't think leftists know this about Muslims. Most on the Left know nothing of history or have distorted it to fit they crazy narrative.

They still bring up the Crusades to justify Islamic murder...when anyone who has studied the Crusades knows it was an effort by Christians to stop Muslims from murdering Christians. The Crusades would never have happened had Islam been peaceful.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.

Many people who simply don't go looking for reality.

Some of the highest crime rates in the world are in pretty homogeneous populations.

The highest rate is Honduras. 90% mestizo. Go figure.
That is true, but clearly in Japan nearly all the people have the same religion and race.

Do you deny that differences in religion and race, often lead to violence?

Yes, they can do. Often when others use such things to whip up such sentiment, rather than because it exists naturally.

I've been to Malaysia where race and religion co-exist quite peacefully side by side. You have Chinese, Indian and Malays, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus living side by side.

Then you have Rwanda, where you have Hutus and Tutsis, the same people but classified by the Belgians, who ended up killing each other because someone imposed something artificial on them.

Japan is generally all Japanese, they have a portion of foreigners in the country, like 2% and they have some people who have gained citizenship over time. That doesn't mean there aren't differences between the people.

Often what people call "indoctrination" is what keeps people together. It's happening in China. There's only one language in China, it's Chinese. Cantonese is merely a dialect of Chinese, as is Mandarin, and my joke is that English is also considered such a dialect. Forcing people to accept that they are Americans, that they are Japanese, that they are Chinese etc, is all part of this "indoctrination" which helps people feel the same.

In the US this has happened a lot, but obviously they haven't managed to transcend the race barrier, and it's not hard to see why. Slavery was followed by Segregation which was followed by a long period in some states where black people were treated unfairly. Even now black people feel different, and it's easy to see why. They have a higher poverty rate, a lower education achievement, then you have white supremacists all over the place, but more in the Deep South and in places like Idaho etc.

People want to have their own identity, others try and force identity to stop violence for petty reasons. Others try and use such divisions for their own goals. Making divisions is far easier than destroying them, and it's a lot easier to get people worked up over such divisions that they'll vote for you. Look at Trump, he did it. He put a wedge between people and it worked for him, the far righters love him.
Violence is often caused by differences in race, religion, and culture. Hence, in Japan these differences do not exist. Hence, violence is lessened because of this. Yes? No?

What you've said doesn't make sense.

Yes, violence is caused by different races and religions, ie, people from races cause violence. It's not about one race being more violent, or even that different races together cause violence, it's that people cause violence and they often use racial divides to do this.
It doesn't have to be a race or a religion though, however these are generally, in the modern world, the cause of this.

But in general it's POLITICIANS using divides that causes problems.

Now, do you try and stop this, or do you allow it to happen, and suffer the consequences of this?

The US can't just get rid of its black, Native American, Hispanic, White, Jewish etc populations. They're there. So do you "indoctrinate"? Well that happens, singing the national anthem before Football games, saying the pledge of allegiance, and many other things. But is it enough? Well it works to a certain extent.

What causes such divides is inequality. When people see inequality they feel the divide. It causes problems.

Do you try and solve these problems, or do you let people take advantage of such problems? People live in a society, they have to make such decisions.
You are not making sense. You agree with me, but you don't. WTF.
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.

There is a lot more going on than the presence, or absence of guns regarding Japan. The differences are far more than who has a pistol, or rifle, and who doesn't. There are cultural differences that are almost beyond the imagining of people.

I watched a documentary about the Fukushima disaster. It was filmed after the disaster of course, and all the workers except the manager had their faces blurred. The reason according to the documentary was that the workers were ashamed that the accident had happened, and did not wish to have their faces shown to the world, or their neighbors.

We blur faces, but when there is a child involved, or some imaginary threat to the individual. A security reason, we don't want the terrorists to know that the guy talking is a special forces soldier or spy.

Also in the documentary, the refugees were eating government handout food. One man sighed and said that the food was always the same, and it would be nice to have some variety. Another set his chop sticks down and said he couldn't eat it, it was not good food. None of them rushed to the counter screaming or shouting. None of them were pounding on the table demanding better food. They took it, and ate it, or not.

For a vast majority of Japanese, conformity is not just a general rule that should be followed, it's practically a commandment. When they do go into a criminal lifestyle, the main group is their version of the Mob, the Yakuza. Failure is not accepted, and to beg forgiveness you sacrifice a finger.

But it's more than just the conformity social norm. It's the obedience norm. If a man gets fired, he doesn't want revenge for firing him. He is ashamed because he did not work hard enough, was not good enough, and failed. The fault is his, not the company, nor the world. In America, when you fire someone, there is a chance that the guy or girl will come back and want revenge. Because they are the ones who are special, they have been told so through their entire life.

There is a lot going on between the two societies, and I haven't even chipped away at the iceberg. To join Japan in the low murder rates, we would have to do a lot more that abandon guns. That's the same surface, and addresses nothing underneath that surface. Are you willing to bow and show respect to a Republican President? Are you willing to unquestionably accept him as the leader?

I am independent enough to believe that those in power above me are not always right. And I want the freedom to tell you that you are missing the point of pretty much everything in the comparison.

Yes, of course there are differences, and massive differences. I've been to Japan and at times felt lost.

That doesn't mean that Japan's strict gun laws don't stop murders. It might mean that you have to be careful and understand the context of something.

However EVERY first world country has a lower murder rate than the US. People try and pass off all comparisons because they know they're onto a losing thing.
Many people who simply don't go looking for reality.

Some of the highest crime rates in the world are in pretty homogeneous populations.

The highest rate is Honduras. 90% mestizo. Go figure.
That is true, but clearly in Japan nearly all the people have the same religion and race.

Do you deny that differences in religion and race, often lead to violence?

Yes, they can do. Often when others use such things to whip up such sentiment, rather than because it exists naturally.

I've been to Malaysia where race and religion co-exist quite peacefully side by side. You have Chinese, Indian and Malays, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus living side by side.

Then you have Rwanda, where you have Hutus and Tutsis, the same people but classified by the Belgians, who ended up killing each other because someone imposed something artificial on them.

Japan is generally all Japanese, they have a portion of foreigners in the country, like 2% and they have some people who have gained citizenship over time. That doesn't mean there aren't differences between the people.

Often what people call "indoctrination" is what keeps people together. It's happening in China. There's only one language in China, it's Chinese. Cantonese is merely a dialect of Chinese, as is Mandarin, and my joke is that English is also considered such a dialect. Forcing people to accept that they are Americans, that they are Japanese, that they are Chinese etc, is all part of this "indoctrination" which helps people feel the same.

In the US this has happened a lot, but obviously they haven't managed to transcend the race barrier, and it's not hard to see why. Slavery was followed by Segregation which was followed by a long period in some states where black people were treated unfairly. Even now black people feel different, and it's easy to see why. They have a higher poverty rate, a lower education achievement, then you have white supremacists all over the place, but more in the Deep South and in places like Idaho etc.

People want to have their own identity, others try and force identity to stop violence for petty reasons. Others try and use such divisions for their own goals. Making divisions is far easier than destroying them, and it's a lot easier to get people worked up over such divisions that they'll vote for you. Look at Trump, he did it. He put a wedge between people and it worked for him, the far righters love him.
Violence is often caused by differences in race, religion, and culture. Hence, in Japan these differences do not exist. Hence, violence is lessened because of this. Yes? No?

What you've said doesn't make sense.

Yes, violence is caused by different races and religions, ie, people from races cause violence. It's not about one race being more violent, or even that different races together cause violence, it's that people cause violence and they often use racial divides to do this.
It doesn't have to be a race or a religion though, however these are generally, in the modern world, the cause of this.

But in general it's POLITICIANS using divides that causes problems.

Now, do you try and stop this, or do you allow it to happen, and suffer the consequences of this?

The US can't just get rid of its black, Native American, Hispanic, White, Jewish etc populations. They're there. So do you "indoctrinate"? Well that happens, singing the national anthem before Football games, saying the pledge of allegiance, and many other things. But is it enough? Well it works to a certain extent.

What causes such divides is inequality. When people see inequality they feel the divide. It causes problems.

Do you try and solve these problems, or do you let people take advantage of such problems? People live in a society, they have to make such decisions.
You are not making sense. You agree with me, but you don't. WTF.

I agree with you on certain facts. What I don't agree with you on is your analysis of those facts.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.

Many people who simply don't go looking for reality.

Some of the highest crime rates in the world are in pretty homogeneous populations.

The highest rate is Honduras. 90% mestizo. Go figure.
That is true, but clearly in Japan nearly all the people have the same religion and race.

Do you deny that differences in religion and race, often lead to violence?

Yes, they can do. Often when others use such things to whip up such sentiment, rather than because it exists naturally.

I've been to Malaysia where race and religion co-exist quite peacefully side by side. You have Chinese, Indian and Malays, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus living side by side.

Then you have Rwanda, where you have Hutus and Tutsis, the same people but classified by the Belgians, who ended up killing each other because someone imposed something artificial on them.

Japan is generally all Japanese, they have a portion of foreigners in the country, like 2% and they have some people who have gained citizenship over time. That doesn't mean there aren't differences between the people.

Often what people call "indoctrination" is what keeps people together. It's happening in China. There's only one language in China, it's Chinese. Cantonese is merely a dialect of Chinese, as is Mandarin, and my joke is that English is also considered such a dialect. Forcing people to accept that they are Americans, that they are Japanese, that they are Chinese etc, is all part of this "indoctrination" which helps people feel the same.

In the US this has happened a lot, but obviously they haven't managed to transcend the race barrier, and it's not hard to see why. Slavery was followed by Segregation which was followed by a long period in some states where black people were treated unfairly. Even now black people feel different, and it's easy to see why. They have a higher poverty rate, a lower education achievement, then you have white supremacists all over the place, but more in the Deep South and in places like Idaho etc.

People want to have their own identity, others try and force identity to stop violence for petty reasons. Others try and use such divisions for their own goals. Making divisions is far easier than destroying them, and it's a lot easier to get people worked up over such divisions that they'll vote for you. Look at Trump, he did it. He put a wedge between people and it worked for him, the far righters love him.
Go ahead punch yourself in the face, Muslims will never and have never tolerated any other religion/faith if they control the country they live in. Snowflake
I don't think leftists know this about Muslims. Most on the Left know nothing of history or have distorted it to fit they crazy narrative.

They still bring up the Crusades to justify Islamic murder...when anyone who has studied the Crusades knows it was an effort by Christians to stop Muslims from murdering Christians. The Crusades would never have happened had Islam been peaceful.
True, if a country is controlled by Muslims they literally kill all other faiths/religions they absolutely will not tolerate them … Fact
That is true, but clearly in Japan nearly all the people have the same religion and race.

Do you deny that differences in religion and race, often lead to violence?

Yes, they can do. Often when others use such things to whip up such sentiment, rather than because it exists naturally.

I've been to Malaysia where race and religion co-exist quite peacefully side by side. You have Chinese, Indian and Malays, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus living side by side.

Then you have Rwanda, where you have Hutus and Tutsis, the same people but classified by the Belgians, who ended up killing each other because someone imposed something artificial on them.

Japan is generally all Japanese, they have a portion of foreigners in the country, like 2% and they have some people who have gained citizenship over time. That doesn't mean there aren't differences between the people.

Often what people call "indoctrination" is what keeps people together. It's happening in China. There's only one language in China, it's Chinese. Cantonese is merely a dialect of Chinese, as is Mandarin, and my joke is that English is also considered such a dialect. Forcing people to accept that they are Americans, that they are Japanese, that they are Chinese etc, is all part of this "indoctrination" which helps people feel the same.

In the US this has happened a lot, but obviously they haven't managed to transcend the race barrier, and it's not hard to see why. Slavery was followed by Segregation which was followed by a long period in some states where black people were treated unfairly. Even now black people feel different, and it's easy to see why. They have a higher poverty rate, a lower education achievement, then you have white supremacists all over the place, but more in the Deep South and in places like Idaho etc.

People want to have their own identity, others try and force identity to stop violence for petty reasons. Others try and use such divisions for their own goals. Making divisions is far easier than destroying them, and it's a lot easier to get people worked up over such divisions that they'll vote for you. Look at Trump, he did it. He put a wedge between people and it worked for him, the far righters love him.
Violence is often caused by differences in race, religion, and culture. Hence, in Japan these differences do not exist. Hence, violence is lessened because of this. Yes? No?

What you've said doesn't make sense.

Yes, violence is caused by different races and religions, ie, people from races cause violence. It's not about one race being more violent, or even that different races together cause violence, it's that people cause violence and they often use racial divides to do this.
It doesn't have to be a race or a religion though, however these are generally, in the modern world, the cause of this.

But in general it's POLITICIANS using divides that causes problems.

Now, do you try and stop this, or do you allow it to happen, and suffer the consequences of this?

The US can't just get rid of its black, Native American, Hispanic, White, Jewish etc populations. They're there. So do you "indoctrinate"? Well that happens, singing the national anthem before Football games, saying the pledge of allegiance, and many other things. But is it enough? Well it works to a certain extent.

What causes such divides is inequality. When people see inequality they feel the divide. It causes problems.

Do you try and solve these problems, or do you let people take advantage of such problems? People live in a society, they have to make such decisions.
You are not making sense. You agree with me, but you don't. WTF.

I agree with you on certain facts. What I don't agree with you on is your analysis of those facts.

I merely stated the fact that often violence is caused by differences in race, religion, and culture. I made no analysis of it. You assumed I did, like lefties like to do.

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