Intelligent, Respectful Political Discourse, RIP

Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

Democrats would have burned down Buckley’s house after that.
When do you wager this first took place OP?
I don't really know for sure. It has certainly been a process over time. Each "side" of our political spectrum can reasonably point at the misdeeds of the other, while ignoring, avoiding, downplaying and dismissing their own misdeeds, of course.

Mr. my2¢ makes some good points, below.

Personally, I'm less interested in how it happened than in whether we'll be able to return to where we were. I'm less confident with each passing day, but I will remain hopeful.

My conclusion has been conservative talk radio and liberal late night comedians have transformed politics into a sporting event. Added to that in search of the mighty dollar network news departments which once prided themselves on actual journalism are now under the guide of those from the entertainment departments. CNN in my view became worthless when they brought in a guy whose claim to fame, I read, was bringing Friday morning mini-concerts to the Today Show.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

That was a great example.
What happened? Reality TV (which is hardly reality) the entertainment source of the unwashed masses. That is how you get a reality TV host with no experience in government other than manipulating it for personal benefit as a president.

It didn’t start with Trump....sorry. The majority of politicians in Washington are not qualified to be there and then they turn around and sell favors to get their even less qualified kids/spouses/assorted relatives jobs in government...It’s been going on for decades. Weed them out, if you are not willing you are part of the problem. Obama is an empty suit that was ( and still is ) propped up by Hollywood and the entertainment media for superficial BS and had no business being president .but lefties worship at his feet. Same with every single member of “ the squad”.

"Majority of politicians in Washington are not justified to be there...,sell favors to get their even less qualified kids/spouses/assorted relatives jobs in government " Yep. Sounds about right to me. We agree.
Obama an empty suit? Certainly not as filled out as far left supporters in Hollywood and media, portend. But to me he is not relevant now, just as Baby Bush and Jimmy (Mr Peanut) Carter. I am aware of the worship at feet, bit along with "the squad". That kind of thing only possible with a reality TV audience like mindset and values.
Trump did not start it? No, but he saw the advantage of manipulating a reality TV national audience for ratings not sound leadership coalitions across the electorate.

The left let’s the vocal minority on Twitter dictate everything from entertainment to politics ( has for years). Trump was elected as a direct result of politicians not growing a spine and pushing back on this same leftist extremism and BS.

The government allowing the riots and the lockdown to continue is basically politicians letting the public know EXACTLY who is in control. And they are trying to punish the masses for perceived slights and for daring to not conform.

It is more than a result of “ reality TV “. The left has let Marxists take over their party and the right has always refused to fight period.

Americans had better get their shit together. But I doubt they will.
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Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

What happened to us is TDS morons like you and your cronies. You don't do discussion. All you do is regurgitate talking points and insult your opponents. I've been pointing this out for 20 years.
Apparently you never saw the exchange where Gore Vidal called Buckley a "fascist crypto Nazi"
and Buckley called Vidal a "god damned queer" and threatened to punch him in the nose.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

That was a great example.
What happened? Reality TV (which is hardly reality) the entertainment source of the unwashed masses. That is how you get a reality TV host with no experience in government other than manipulating it for personal benefit as a president.

It didn’t start with Trump....sorry. The majority of politicians in Washington are not qualified to be there and then they turn around and sell favors to get their even less qualified kids/spouses/assorted relatives jobs in government...It’s been going on for decades. Weed them out, if you are not willing you are part of the problem. Obama is an empty suit that was ( and still is ) propped up by Hollywood and the entertainment media for superficial BS and had no business being president .but lefties worship at his feet. Same with every single member of “ the squad”.

"Majority of politicians in Washington are not justified to be there...,sell favors to get their even less qualified kids/spouses/assorted relatives jobs in government " Yep. Sounds about right to me. We agree.
Obama an empty suit? Certainly not as filled out as far left supporters in Hollywood and media, portend. But to me he is not relevant now, just as Baby Bush and Jimmy (Mr Peanut) Carter. I am aware of the worship at feet, bit along with "the squad". That kind of thing only possible with a reality TV audience like mindset and values.
Trump did not start it? No, but he saw the advantage of manipulating a reality TV national audience for ratings not sound leadership coalitions across the electorate.

The left let’s the vocal minority on Twitter dictate everything from entertainment to politics ( has for years). Trump was elected as a direct result of politicians not growing a spine and pushing back on this same leftist extremism and BS.

The government allowing the riots and the lockdown to continue is basically politicians letting the public know EXACTLY who is in control. And they are trying to punish the masses for perceived slights and for daring to not conform.

It is more than a result of “ reality TV “. The left has let Marxists take over their party and the right has always refused to fight period.

Americans had better get get their shit together. But I doubt they will.

If Bernie or Lizzy had won the nomination, I might agree with you, but no. Joe was chosen hands down. Big difference in most vocal (drawing the most attention) and most approved in order to build a national coalition.
the Lincoln Project's plan to unseat Trump: drive Trump out of office by driving him nuts

there's no place for civility anymore, my friends
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

That ended with abortion clinic bombers, abortion doctor murderers, gun nuts denying Sandy Hook, and marching around the streets brandishing their penis extensions, separation of church and state being violated, the Citizens United ruling, the War on Drugs being accepted as the norm, Freedom Fries served with illegal wars with no consequences, tax breaks for corporations and billionaires, while working people lose jobs, people denied health care to protect a for profit industry,

and that's just the short list.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.
Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.
So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

Thanks for reposting this famous video. It gives a tiny glimpse of why the quiet and always brilliant Noam Chomsky was so respected as an anti-imperialist. Here he speaks far less than the verbose and pontificating Buckley but, in my opinion, is devastatingly effective and always factually on point. Of course William Buckley ran this TV program for years and published a well-financed and influential national conservative magazine, while Chomsky remained disdained as a “leftwing” kook, his views and perspectives always frozen out of the mass media and national conversation.

Chomsky is a fan of Pol Pot.

His polical views are extremely derivative and hackneyed. All a person has to do is read Bin Laden's Letters to America and then read Chomsky on the same subject. All he does is regurgitate Bin Laden's talking points, but dresses them up with that hallmark lurid prose of his.

Chomsky makes some very intelligent and prescient observations...But then, as all leftists do, turns around and acts as doing more of what has clearly failed will somehow remedy the situation.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

That was a great example.
What happened? Reality TV (which is hardly reality) the entertainment source of the unwashed masses. That is how you get a reality TV host with no experience in government other than manipulating it for personal benefit as a president.

It didn’t start with Trump....sorry. The majority of politicians in Washington are not qualified to be there and then they turn around and sell favors to get their even less qualified kids/spouses/assorted relatives jobs in government...It’s been going on for decades. Weed them out, if you are not willing you are part of the problem. Obama is an empty suit that was ( and still is ) propped up by Hollywood and the entertainment media for superficial BS and had no business being president .but lefties worship at his feet. Same with every single member of “ the squad”.

"Majority of politicians in Washington are not justified to be there...,sell favors to get their even less qualified kids/spouses/assorted relatives jobs in government " Yep. Sounds about right to me. We agree.
Obama an empty suit? Certainly not as filled out as far left supporters in Hollywood and media, portend. But to me he is not relevant now, just as Baby Bush and Jimmy (Mr Peanut) Carter. I am aware of the worship at feet, bit along with "the squad". That kind of thing only possible with a reality TV audience like mindset and values.
Trump did not start it? No, but he saw the advantage of manipulating a reality TV national audience for ratings not sound leadership coalitions across the electorate.

The left let’s the vocal minority on Twitter dictate everything from entertainment to politics ( has for years). Trump was elected as a direct result of politicians not growing a spine and pushing back on this same leftist extremism and BS.

The government allowing the riots and the lockdown to continue is basically politicians letting the public know EXACTLY who is in control. And they are trying to punish the masses for perceived slights and for daring to not conform.

It is more than a result of “ reality TV “. The left has let Marxists take over their party and the right has always refused to fight period.

Americans had better get get their shit together. But I doubt they will.

If Bernie or Lizzy had won the nomination, I might agree with you, but no. Joe was chosen hands down. Big difference in most vocal (drawing the most attention) and most approved in order to build a national coalition.

Joe(if he is elected) will not serve as president. His candidacy is a joke. I know it, you know it , and both the major political parties know it.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

Thank You Professor 'Karen'
I watched WFJ for years before you were born.
What has happened is the education system has hatched out millions of budding Marxists and never taught them how to tie their fucking shoes. Sound familiar?
You ought to read the history of the Communist party around the world. These little illiterate pukes who are burning down America are in for a real treat.
After they are put in prison the inmates are going to look at their little white girl-like bums and have a fucking orgy.
I bet the LIB Marxist teachers never told them about that.
My conclusion has been conservative talk radio and liberal late night comedians have transformed politics into a sporting event. Added to that in search of the mighty dollar network news departments which once prided themselves on actual journalism are now under the guide of those from the entertainment departments. CNN in my view became worthless when they brought in a guy whose claim to fame, I read, was bringing Friday morning mini-concerts to the Today Show.
Conservative talk radio has never attempted to sell itself for anything other than what it is...The same can't be said for late night "comics", who haven't been worth a shit since Carson retired and Letterman lost his marbles after leaving NBC.

What has laughably tried to pass itself off as "news" has been nothing of the sort since the days of Cronkite and Huntley-Brinkley....The Sunday "news" programs - already only marginally watchable before Brinkley retired and Russsert died- have turned to total agitprop.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

What you're seeing today is a reflection of America as a whole. I would also argue that social media has made people more brazen in their flame throwing because they can insult and attack people from their home or cell phone in ways that had they been in person most would never dare.
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Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

That was a great example.
What happened? Reality TV (which is hardly reality) the entertainment source of the unwashed masses. That is how you get a reality TV host with no experience in government other than manipulating it for personal benefit as a president.

It didn’t start with Trump....sorry. The majority of politicians in Washington are not qualified to be there and then they turn around and sell favors to get their even less qualified kids/spouses/assorted relatives jobs in government...It’s been going on for decades. Weed them out, if you are not willing you are part of the problem. Obama is an empty suit that was ( and still is ) propped up by Hollywood and the entertainment media for superficial BS and had no business being president .but lefties worship at his feet. Same with every single member of “ the squad”.

"Majority of politicians in Washington are not justified to be there...,sell favors to get their even less qualified kids/spouses/assorted relatives jobs in government " Yep. Sounds about right to me. We agree.
Obama an empty suit? Certainly not as filled out as far left supporters in Hollywood and media, portend. But to me he is not relevant now, just as Baby Bush and Jimmy (Mr Peanut) Carter. I am aware of the worship at feet, bit along with "the squad". That kind of thing only possible with a reality TV audience like mindset and values.
Trump did not start it? No, but he saw the advantage of manipulating a reality TV national audience for ratings not sound leadership coalitions across the electorate.

The left let’s the vocal minority on Twitter dictate everything from entertainment to politics ( has for years). Trump was elected as a direct result of politicians not growing a spine and pushing back on this same leftist extremism and BS.

The government allowing the riots and the lockdown to continue is basically politicians letting the public know EXACTLY who is in control. And they are trying to punish the masses for perceived slights and for daring to not conform.

It is more than a result of “ reality TV “. The left has let Marxists take over their party and the right has always refused to fight period.

Americans had better get get their shit together. But I doubt they will.

If Bernie or Lizzy had won the nomination, I might agree with you, but no. Joe was chosen hands down. Big difference in most vocal (drawing the most attention) and most approved in order to build a national coalition.

Joe(if he is elected) will not serve as president. His candidacy is a joke. I know it, you know it , and both the major political parties know it.

I don't know it. Guess I didn't get the memo to my in-box. Never saw a LT or CPT even, that did not strive to put his or her stamp on a platoon or company. Do not think it different, even in larger more diverse organizations.
What you're saying today is reflection of America as a whole. I would also argue that social media has made people more brazen in their flame throwing because they can insult and attack people from their home or cell phone in ways that had they been in person most would never dare.
Antisocial media has also made the screeching angry freaks appear to be more numerous than they are, through exploitation of bot technology.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

Thank You Professor 'Karen'
I watched WFJ for years before you were born.
What has happened is the education system has hatched out millions of budding Marxists and never taught them how to tie their fucking shoes. Sound familiar?
You ought to read the history of the Communist party around the world. These little illiterate pukes who are burning down America are in for a real treat.
After they are put in prison the inmates are going to look at their little white girl-like bums and have a fucking orgy.
I bet the LIB Marxist teachers never told them about that.

Yeah, dittos Rush.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

What you're saying today is reflection of America as a whole. I would also argue that social media has made people more brazen in their flame throwing because they can insult and attack people from their home or cell phone in ways that had they been in person most would never dare.
Yeah, no doubt his is a reflection of our culture, and that sure as hell isn't a good sign.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

What you're saying today is reflection of America as a whole. I would also argue that social media has made people more brazen in their flame throwing because they can insult and attack people from their home or cell phone in ways that had they been in person most would never dare.
You never worked construction then..........LMAO
Didn't you see the disrespectful way the democrats tried to grill Barr? They were doing talking points and not letting him respond.
The gloves are off. Politics is now a contact sport. Wait until the senate drops the "filibuster" rule. Then its majority rules, period.

No no no only Republicans have to be respectful while Dems can be complete assholes. It's in the liberal rulebook.
Yikes, stumbled on to this discussion between two guys from opposite ends of the political spectrum, William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky.

Intelligent, respectful, stimulating, thoughtful disagreement.

So what happened to us? Aside from, "it's all the other tribe's fault"?

How many righties have been shouting down, charging stages with intent of assault, rioting, and/or cancelling a single leftist speaking anywhere?

Name one...I fucking defy you.

Oh c'mon professor!....Surely you can find one single example of the right acting like this, when people they disagree with are speaking!


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