Intel operation against Trump still going strong

Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander in chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
for those who hate trump and "don't care" - just fully understand your apathy for these techniques simply sets the stage for them to come back on the left.

we do not do this to our president PERIOD when it's for our own emotional gain. we are shredding the POTUS office because of our own temper tantrums and emotional validation.
It's really not an Intel Operation if it's Sabotage, Treason, Sedition, Leaking Classified and Privileged Intel, and Obstruction of Government Business for the Benefit of The Democrat Party.
What do you believe is "the government"? It is the people who are employed, and each of them takes the oath to support and defend the Constitution.

As did Trump. IMO Trump is the one attacking the government intentionally ignoring his oath to the Constitution.

Those who see his behavior and watched his bitterly hostile attacks on former presidents, former Sects. of State and current and former members of the FBI, CII, etc. (obvious to all but his ardent supporters) believe that he is the one who created those who put country before all else, at great personal risk, and believe no one is above the law and thus speak out.
So speculation is reason for impeachment once again?...Russia didn't work so now its the Ukraine?...good luck with that....

Yea, we didn't catch him red handed in the Russia thing sort of like we didn't catch OJ killing Ron and Nicole. But we did catch OJ in a hotel room with a gun and so he went to jail for it.

If OJ breaks the law again guess what? We will toss him in jail again. He will cry and say it's about Nicole and Ron and maybe that does play a role in what sentence we give him but bottom line is if OJ breaks the law again, we will toss his ass in jail.

Getting away with colluding with Russia doesn't give Trump a license to commit crime.

And, mother fuckers, you no longer get to use the Paul Ryan defense anymore

House Speaker Paul Ryan sought Thursday to explain President Donald Trump's asking then-FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, saying he was new at the job and did not understand protocols.

Pushed further by CNN, Ryan said, "I'm not saying it's an acceptable excuse. It's just my observation."

Did you happen to hear that Mueller said that no American colluded with Russia.
When people like you keep repeating lies - it just doesn't make you seem sane.
That is not whar he said. You are the one lying. He said he did not retrieve enough evidence to prove collusion that reached the level of a prosecutable conspiracy charge.

No mother fucker you are lying.

Is colluding a crime Mueller pursued? So what is the penalty for colluding? How many Russian did Mueller interview?
Intelligence agencies should double and triple surveillance of our erratic emotionally immature President. He is an imminent danger to America.
Surveillance on every flunky in his corrupt administration and dig out all the criminals and traitors.

Every piece of evidence implicates the prior admin. not the current one.
Are you at all curious about the dozen or so big Democratic Machine names that were in Ukraine during the run-up to the 2016 elections - or you don't care because they are Democrats and you are simply a member of their cult?
I refuse to be a sucker for Trump deflections.
Intelligence agencies should double and triple surveillance of our erratic emotionally immature President. He is an imminent danger to America.
Surveillance on every flunky in his corrupt administration and dig out all the criminals and traitors.

Every piece of evidence implicates the prior admin. not the current one.
Are you at all curious about the dozen or so big Democratic Machine names that were in Ukraine during the run-up to the 2016 elections - or you don't care because they are Democrats and you are simply a member of their cult?
I refuse to be a sucker for Trump deflections.

You'd rather suck Democratic ass
I get it.
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander in chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
for those who hate trump and "don't care" - just fully understand your apathy for these techniques simply sets the stage for them to come back on the left.

we do not do this to our president PERIOD when it's for our own emotional gain. we are shredding the POTUS office because of our own temper tantrums and emotional validation.
You assfucks need to learn that the intel agencies work for this country & not your fat assed orange buddy.

I certainly hope they would report anything Trump does that is not in the best interest of this country.
This crap needs to stop.

By that I need to stop threads like this which create conspiracy theories which become big lies and are echoed all over the Internet.

The link to the OP from the Hill, used to convince the easily led is nothing more than an opinion by one author, and repeated here by those who don't read links in detail.

The author of the OP either did make not of the following, or choose to not report it to create a firestorm.

Written below the heading "Intel operation against Trump still going strong" is this:

so i take it you don't like her opinion.

and - she has more credibility than you will ever personally know. your whining ass foot stomping 2 year old pity party is what needs to stop.

I looked her up. She's conservative and quit CBS because she felt marginalized by it's (her opinion) liberal bias.

The fact is you intended to mislead the reader, and attack the character of long time employees of the intelligent committees. Quit whining and grow the hell up, admit your dishonesty, it's the first step to obtaining credibility.
fuck off.

have a nice weekend.
LOL! You just got a well deserved USMB Bitch Slap from Wry Catcher!

i see you spent 5 years in the 6th grade with him.
Of course it's treason to tell on the potus when he violates his oath
then what is it to make up said violations?

First you need to remember that the impeachment was started because Trump refused to release the whistleblower complain as directed by law. Then trump released the summary of that call which hurt him & then the devastating report.

So where is the made up stuff?
Of course it's treason to tell on the potus when he violates his oath
then what is it to make up said violations?

First you need to remember that the impeachment was started because Trump refused to release the whistleblower complain as directed by law. Then trump released the summary of that call which hurt him & then the devastating report.

So where is the made up stuff?
I'm not fucking with Tree. If anyone is too blind to know that asking a for country to help you in an election, and using the fed govt to further that, violates the oath of office …. that's not my fucking fault. and shame on their partisan fuck faces.
Intelligence agencies should double and triple surveillance of our erratic emotionally immature President. He is an imminent danger to America.
Surveillance on every flunky in his corrupt administration and dig out all the criminals and traitors.

Every piece of evidence implicates the prior admin. not the current one.
Nonsense based on Trump deflection talking points.
And what are those?
Intelligence agencies should double and triple surveillance of our erratic emotionally immature President. He is an imminent danger to America.
Surveillance on every flunky in his corrupt administration and dig out all the criminals and traitors.

Every piece of evidence implicates the prior admin. not the current one.
Are you at all curious about the dozen or so big Democratic Machine names that were in Ukraine during the run-up to the 2016 elections - or you don't care because they are Democrats and you are simply a member of their cult?
I refuse to be a sucker for Trump deflections.
And exactly what are those, exactly?
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander in chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
for those who hate trump and "don't care" - just fully understand your apathy for these techniques simply sets the stage for them to come back on the left.

we do not do this to our president PERIOD when it's for our own emotional gain. we are shredding the POTUS office because of our own temper tantrums and emotional validation.
You assfucks need to learn that the intel agencies work for this country & not your fat assed orange buddy.

I certainly hope they would report anything Trump does that is not in the best interest of this country.
I used to believe that, but after seeing Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, and Strozk, I lost my faith in the FBI, CIA, and NSA. Maybe we should record and transcript ALL departments.
Mr Barr....where are you?.....what are you doing?....get off your ass and stop this...
Mr. Barr will shortly be testifying before committee investigating whether he too will be impeached.
so because he's not "goose stepping" with the FBI on the "trump must go" mantra, he needs to go?

is this what you really want from a country? when YOUR guy gets elected, use the gov itself to get rid of them?

that idea alone makes nixon look like a hero in comparison.

look what we're doing to our country along the way. it won't stop when a D gets back into office. it will be "hold my beer" and the decline will continue and ONLY THEN when many on the left CRY FOUL at the very processes they're using/justifying now.
THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT TRYING TO GET RID OF TRUMP. You are buying into crazy conspiracy theories there. Do not go down that very very flaky trail, my friend.
Mr Barr....where are you?.....what are you doing?....get off your ass and stop this...
Mr. Barr will shortly be testifying before committee investigating whether he too will be impeached.
so because he's not "goose stepping" with the FBI on the "trump must go" mantra, he needs to go?

is this what you really want from a country? when YOUR guy gets elected, use the gov itself to get rid of them?

that idea alone makes nixon look like a hero in comparison.

look what we're doing to our country along the way. it won't stop when a D gets back into office. it will be "hold my beer" and the decline will continue and ONLY THEN when many on the left CRY FOUL at the very processes they're using/justifying now.
THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT TRYING TO GET RID OF TRUMP. You are buying into crazy conspiracy theories there. Do not go down that very very flaky trail, my friend.
Of course the deep state wants to get rid of Trump
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander in chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
for those who hate trump and "don't care" - just fully understand your apathy for these techniques simply sets the stage for them to come back on the left.

we do not do this to our president PERIOD when it's for our own emotional gain. we are shredding the POTUS office because of our own temper tantrums and emotional validation.

Some feel the POTUS office was shredded when the Orange Virus was elected. End of story. Everything since then has been a pretty predictable outcome. You can't polish a turd.
Mr Barr....where are you?.....what are you doing?....get off your ass and stop this...
Mr. Barr will shortly be testifying before committee investigating whether he too will be impeached.
so because he's not "goose stepping" with the FBI on the "trump must go" mantra, he needs to go?

is this what you really want from a country? when YOUR guy gets elected, use the gov itself to get rid of them?

that idea alone makes nixon look like a hero in comparison.

look what we're doing to our country along the way. it won't stop when a D gets back into office. it will be "hold my beer" and the decline will continue and ONLY THEN when many on the left CRY FOUL at the very processes they're using/justifying now.
THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT TRYING TO GET RID OF TRUMP. You are buying into crazy conspiracy theories there. Do not go down that very very flaky trail, my friend.
The government is not-certain people IN government are...

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