"Innocent Sheep Herders"?

Why would you think this is about me and not those uber scarey guys in your OP? You're being silly, which is a symptom of being scared

Of course it's about you and the candyass fairy you voted into office because you thought he was "cool" and smiled right at ya... right, boy? His approval rating with the Troop is now 15% and getting worse. The fucks in the OP are scary....I'd shoot any one of them on sight...why take the chance on trying to capture them when your president just lets them go? Fuck that...fuck him...and fuck you.
None of these Gitmo detainee's had ever been charged with any crime.

Releasing them was the right thing to do. .... :cool:

Yes, that is supposed to be the American way of justice. You charge them, then you prosecute them, then, if they are found guilty, they get punished. Not grab people off the street, imprison and torture them for years, then maybe years later bring them up on some charge.
Yes, that is supposed to be the American way of justice. You charge them, then you prosecute them, then, if they are found guilty, they get punished. Not grab people off the street, imprison and torture them for years, then maybe years later bring them up on some charge.

Total horseshit...they have no rights, they wore no uniform, they were captured in battle not "off the street" and they were not "tortured" although you should be for being such a vile little lying fuck.
No, he wanted to imprison them here, but wimpy conservatives could sleep at night with the thought of bad men in their nation....

No, he and Holder wanted to bring them to NYC, give them taxpayer lawyers and all the legal protections they despise us for.....then release them when they claim they were "tortured". This president is as dangerous as they are to the American way of life.
You are so totally full of shit. Your bunch let Bin Laden go for seven years. President Obama stated he would serve justice on Bin Laden, and he did.
Me thinking the killing of bin Laden was just another Obama lie. I mean he hasn't told the truth yet.
Me thinking the killing of bin Laden was just another Obama lie. I mean he hasn't told the truth yet.

After trying to stop the mission, Barry just had to run to the cameras before any of the intel collected at bin-Laden's den could be gone over....OBL's pals all went to ground thanks to the punk in the WH.
None of these Gitmo detainee's had ever been charged with any crime.

Releasing them was the right thing to do. .... :cool:

Yes, that is supposed to be the American way of justice. You charge them, then you prosecute them, then, if they are found guilty, they get punished. Not grab people off the street, imprison and torture them for years, then maybe years later bring them up on some charge.
Only 3 were water boarded. With the release of all these terrorists by Obama. I hope your ready if they come back and do another 911. More blood on the hands of liberals.
Only 3 were water boarded. With the release of all these terrorists by Obama. I hope your ready if they come back and do another 911. More blood on the hands of liberals.

It's no use trying to reason with these leftist idiots...they truly believe they're smarter than we are, better people, kinder people, more "advanced"...when in fact they're the most naive, cowardly, easiest to manipulate and frighten this country has ever known....we've been fighting half our own population since the 1960's.
Only 3 were water boarded. With the release of all these terrorists by Obama. I hope your ready if they come back and do another 911. More blood on the hands of liberals.

It's no use trying to reason with these leftist idiots...they truly believe they're smarter than we are, better people, kinder people, more "advanced"...when in fact they're the most naive, cowardly, easiest to manipulate and frighten this country has ever known....we've been fighting half our own population since the 1960's.
When we do get attacked, they will blame Bush.
Yes, that is supposed to be the American way of justice. You charge them, then you prosecute them, then, if they are found guilty, they get punished. Not grab people off the street, imprison and torture them for years, then maybe years later bring them up on some charge.

Total horseshit...they have no rights, they wore no uniform, they were captured in battle not "off the street" and they were not "tortured" although you should be for being such a vile little lying fuck.
They are human beings and therefore entitled to basic human rights. The US is signatory on UN Convention against Torture and also on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I know you wingnuts love to torture and kill, but it isn't supposed to be part of American exceptionalism.
They are human beings and therefore entitled to basic human rights. The US is signatory on UN Convention against Torture and also on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I know you wingnuts love to torture and kill, but it isn't supposed to be part of American exceptionalism.

Nothing "human" about them...they're cavemen who murder and rape in the name of the pedophile they worship. And Geneva Conventions don't apply to them because they wear no uniform...as to the UN....fuck the UN....they had Iran chair their human rights council....we should tell them to get out and turn that building into a parking garage....New Yawkers would do a happy dance.

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