"Innocent Sheep Herders"?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Hussein's recent release of GITMO detainees....peaceful looking bunch of fellas eh?


Out of the hundreds sent there, these are the last of the al-Qaida/Taliban captives....those considered the most dangerous to us. Congress has repeatedly denied funding the release of these caveman.

Hussein doesn't care what Congress or you think....about anything. Hussein promised his leftist dirtbags he'd empty GITMO and that's what he's doing.

Hagel tried to stop him.....Hagel got fired. Who can stop this? Nobody.

Elections have consequences.
Be thankful for the small things. obumble wanted to bring them here an release them.
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Be thankful for the small things. obumble wanted to bring them here an release them.

Yep, as a political favor to Durbin who has a prison in upstate Illinois to fill with our tax dollars. Put these guys in general population with American black muslims and you'll have riots and possible escapes within a week.
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No, he wanted to imprison them here, but wimpy conservatives could sleep at night with the thought of bad men in their nation....

No, he and Holder wanted to bring them to NYC, give them taxpayer lawyers and all the legal protections they despise us for.....then release them when they claim they were "tortured". This president is as dangerous as they are to the American way of life.
No, he wanted to imprison them here, but wimpy conservatives could sleep at night with the thought of bad men in their nation....

No, he and Holder wanted to bring them to NYC, give them taxpayer lawyers and all the legal protections they despise us for.....then release them when they claim they were "tortured". This president is as dangerous as they are to the American way of life.
Which American way of life? yours or mine?
No, he wanted to imprison them here, but wimpy conservatives could sleep at night with the thought of bad men in their nation....

No, he and Holder wanted to bring them to NYC, give them taxpayer lawyers and all the legal protections they despise us for.....then release them when they claim they were "tortured". This president is as dangerous as they are to the American way of life.
You are so totally full of shit. Your bunch let Bin Laden go for seven years. President Obama stated he would serve justice on Bin Laden, and he did.
You are so totally full of shit. Your bunch let Bin Laden go for seven years. President Obama stated he would serve justice on Bin Laden, and he did.

:lol: Bush knew if he got bin-Laden you dirtbags would declare the WOT over and try to use the Pentagon budget for your various scams....so he let the hermit punk hide in a filthy castle. And now you've apologized to al-Qaida for supposedly "torturing" the freak who gave up the courier who led to bin-Laden....

BTW...it was Valerie Jarrett and Panetta who got him.....Barry tried to stop it.
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None of these Gitmo detainee's had ever been charged with any crime.

Releasing them was the right thing to do. .... :cool:

You dont understand Bull is scared so we should be caring more about making sure he dont shit himself by keeping people locked up for no reason
Did you all know we spend $2.6 million per detainee per year at gitmo?

9/11 cost us over $5T and 40,000 lives.....these are the bastards who did that.

Sounds like a good case for the death penalty. Charge them and do it. Otherwise this is no different than thinking that throwing billions of dollars and thousands of American lives at Iraq is the best thing to do. It's stubborness for stuborness' sake.
Its fear because Bull is scared

Scared of what....you? :lmao: If you'd ever served in any capacity and particularly in a combat threatre you'd probably have an issue with returning captives to the field...of course you're a bitch who talks shit but does nothing so how would you know?
Its fear because Bull is scared

Scared of what....you? :lmao: If you'd ever served in any capacity and particularly in a combat threatre you'd probably have an issue with returning captives to the field...of course you're a bitch who talks shit but does nothing so how would you know?

Why would you think this is about me and not those uber scarey guys in your OP? You're being silly, which is a symptom of being scared

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